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BOT模式开发公租房的税费优惠激励强度探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
民间资本不愿意投资公租房项目的主要原因是项目投资回报率低。因此,为了在公租房中以BOT模式引入民间资本参与投资建设,就必须要建立相应的投资激励机制。考虑到税费优惠是最常用的投资激励手段之一,本文在建立公租房项目收益函数的基础上,以算例量化分析税费优惠的激励强度。  相似文献   

公租房是我国保障性住房的主体,设计激励政策方案,吸引社会资金投资公租房建设与运营是值得探讨的问题.首先总结公租房政策激励措施,建立公租房建设运营财务分析模型,并进行公租房激励政策方案的设计,然后以模拟案例为例,分析单项政策及政策组合对项目财务评价效果的影响,设计可能的政策组合方案并进行不确定性因素的敏感性分析,最后提出相应的应用建议.  相似文献   

一、可投资公租房建设的社会资本 社会资本分为政府社会资本和民间社会资本,是指镶嵌于公租房社会结构、社会关系、社会网络中的以带来利润回报为目的的社会资金、社会资源投资,可以创造新价值,有减少交易费用和降低交易成本优势的资源.公租房建设中中央政府投资是必不可少的,地方政府的配套资金和地方债筹资也已经为公租房的建设资金缺口贡献了很大部分力量.  相似文献   

我国现有民间资本投资文化产业的规模小,民间资本对文化产业的推动力不足。民间资本投资文化产业有重要意义,能够激发竞争性文化产业项目开发,提高民间资本投资效率。促进民间资本投资文化产业的政策路径,主要包括政府合理引导投资方向、向民间资本提供金融政策支持等。  相似文献   

建设公租房的大量资金从何处获得,一直是困扰各地方政府的难题,而目前大量的住房公积金结余却被存在银行里,没有得到有效的利用。引入共有产权公租房模式,探讨了住房公积金参与公租房建设的运营模式,分析了共有产权公租房的建设、分配以及相关的管理政策等。通过案例研究和经济分析的方法,对住房公积金参与公租房建设的3种盈利模式进行了投资收益分析,论证了共有产权公租房引入模型的合理性,并针对共有产权公租房运营过程中存在的政策、管理、分配等方面问题,提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

公租房是当前保障性住房工程的核心,而如何吸引社会资本进入公租房项目又是目前推进公租房工作的最大挑战,尤其是如果希望社会资本长期持有和运营公租房项目。公租房融资发展难的症结在于投资成本太高,尤其大城市中发展公租房的土地成本过高,这需要从对公租房土地出让价格的合理定价入手。公租房发展当务之急是提高公租房的出租率,需要从  相似文献   

住房和城乡建设部副部长齐骥在接受媒体采访时指出:要鼓励企业投资公租房建设,谁投资准持有公租房产权。  相似文献   

2012年6月18日,国家能源局发布《关于鼓励和引导民间资本进一步扩大能源领域投资的实施意见》,意见指出要拓宽民间资本投资范围,其中包括以下6方面内容:一是鼓励民间资本参与能源项目建设和运营。列入国家能源规划的项目,除法律法规明确禁止的以外,均向民间资本开放,鼓励符合条件的民营企业以多种形式参与国家重点能源项目建设和运  相似文献   

为了合理分配公租房PPP 项目的收益,充分调动民间资金参与公租房项目的合作意愿,选取公租房PPP 项目中公共部门、私人部门以及项目特许经营单位3 个核心部门为收益分配对象,综合考虑合作意愿、风险分担、投资比例及努力程度对公租房PPP 项目收益分配的影响,采用层次分析法法确定合作意愿因子、风险分担因子,构建基于合作意愿、风险分担、投资比例及努力程度等因素修正Shapley 值的公租房PPP 项目收益分配模型,使用该模型得到的公租房PPP 项目的收益分配结果更加合理,使项目参与各方满意,充分调动参与各方的积极性。  相似文献   

由于公路项目建设需要大量的投资,需要引入民间资本来补充政府财政资金的不足。根据利用民间资本的程度,把利用民间资本的投资策略分为民间投资策略和混合投资策略两种;又根据公路是否收费,把运营策略分为免费使用和有偿使用两种策略;又根据项目的起始状态,把公路项目分为已建公路和新建公路。进而,从政府的角度分析不同项目的利用民间资本的开发策略和招标策略,为政府利用民间资本的决策提供参考。  相似文献   

In economic studies of the private rental sector of the housing market, and in political debates on housing policy, it is often assumed that private landlords are basically guided by rational economic motives. In this paper, which is based on a Danish study of housing rehabilitation activity among private landlords under rent control, it is shown that different groups of landlords exist who have many other motives for buying and maintaining rental property than those assumed in economic theory. It is concluded that private landlords do not behave as economic, rational and efficient actors as is often assumed, and that an understanding of these structures of landlordism is essential to an assessment of the role of private landlords in housing supply, and to an elaboration of public programmes for supporting housing rehabilitation in the private rental sector.  相似文献   

为了推进民营企业加入到公租房建设中,以实现政府和企业双赢的目标,通过引入PPP 模式,就企业与政府合作采用PPP 模式进行公租房项目建设时,如何保证项目在运行过程中的净现金流量这一问题进行探究分析。通过案例研究的方法分析PPP 模式的可行性,并与目前企业参与公租房项目时常用的代建制进行对比,探讨在PPP 模式下的公租房项目的资金运作方式及其关键问题,为推动公租房建设提供建议。  相似文献   

孙建 《住宅科技》2014,(5):38-40
当前我国正大力发展公共租赁住房,公租房的特点决定了其在建设过程中资金投入大、投资回收期长,因而合理的控制成本对于公共租赁房的建设具有重要的作用.文章以上海市首批市筹公租房馨逸公寓为案例,在分析公租房成本构成的基础上,归纳了公租房成本控制的原则,并从投资、建设、运营全过程提出了公租房成本控制的方法,以期为本市后续公租房开发和运营中的成本控制提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Recent governments in Britain have sought to attract financial institutions into private rental housing in order to increase the scale, professionalism and reputation of the sector and thereby to 'modernise' private landlordism. In 1996, in order to provide an attractive vehicle for the financial institutions to invest in the sector, the government introduced legislation permitting the establishment of housing investment trusts. These residential property companies have a reduced tax liability compared with normal property companies. However, no housing investment trusts have so far been established and none seem likely to be set up. This paper reports on qualitative interviews with financial institutions to examine why housing investment trusts have proved to be a policy failure. It is argued that the rules governing such trusts did not reflect the normal operations of a property company and that the existing structure of housing provision in the private rented sector was itself an obstacle to the modernisation of private landlordism.  相似文献   

在对公共租赁住房制度进行概述的基础上,提出公共租赁住房初期、中期、成熟期的投资建设模式及与之相应的运营管理模式,对公共租赁住房布局进行分析,并提出完善杭州市公共租赁住房制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

The post-1989 objectives of the Slovak housing policy have resulted in the large-scale privatisation of state rental flats and the reduction in new rental housing. State-subsidised social rental housing programmes have been unable to meet the social demand for affordable rental dwellings. Socially marginalised groups, in particular Roma people, have been hit the most by the post-1989 changes and the lack of official social housing construction. Project Building Hope is an alternative integrated housing approach, offering Roma people better life conditions by integrating housing issues with other policies related to social empowerment. In order to implement the innovative project, a broad coalition between public and private sector actors is established, which is able to change the perception of Roma in the community and influence local policy-making processes.  相似文献   

The introduction of a series of tax reforms by the Hawke government midway through the 1980s generated widespread disagreement about their liable impact upon the production, availability and cost of rental accommodation in Australia. In this paper we examine the validity of the claims made for and against the tax reforms (ie the ‘quarantining’ of negative gearing, the imposition of a capital gains tax, and provision for a 4 per cent depreciation allowance on new rental housing) by setting them against trends in the private housing sector, and other housing and investment markets.

Although the real estate industry was prepared to attribute the adjustments occurring within the private rental sector almost entirely to the changes in taxation policy, we present evidence of other ‘exogenous’ effects that helped amplify the trends and ‘panic’ the Hawke government into an ill‐considered reversal in September 1987 (viz, the reinstatement of full negative gearing on residential rental property). We conclude that this indirect approach to the provision of private rental accommodation via taxation policy is too indiscriminate to achieve national housing goals.  相似文献   

This paper examines selected aspects of housing policy and its influence on private rental housing in Hong Kong. Its ambitions are modest, in part because so little research has been conducted on the sector, as a consequence of the small size of the sector as well as the concentration of socio-political, economic and policy analyses on the other major housing sectors, namely public renting and home ownership. It is argued that a fundamental function of private renting, to provide a functional substitute and counter-balance to distortions in the market for private home ownership, has been systematically undermined in Hong Kong. In spite of its historical importance in meeting Hong Kong people's housing needs, the sector's decline has been steep and it can now be fairly described as a marginalised tenure, despite incomplete structural adjustment post- Asian Financial Crisis. It is suggested that a fundamental reason for the decline of the private rental sector has been the impact of government policy, which undermined the private rental sector and thus an important element of the market mechanism in housing provision. The government's ideology of home ownership has also functioned to transfer lower middle-income families into the owner occupied sector. Although the Hong Kong government has not been as overtly hostile to this sector as governments have been elsewhere, it nevertheless also seems to envisage no real role for the private rental sector in a housing delivery system molded by policy preference for home ownership, rather than fostering viable economic competition by also facilitating an efficient private rental sector.  相似文献   

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