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1 窑头、窑尾除尘器方案 随着新标准的出台,人们对新型干法水泥熟料生产线水泥窑尾使用电收尘器还是袋收尘器更加关注.鉴于过去一些水泥厂窑尾电收尘器排放浓度(标准状况)大都超过50 mg/m3,一些人的印象中,窑尾使用电收尘器达不到新标准的排放要求.实际上,电收尘器在设计、制造、安装、使用得当的情况下,完全能满足新标准的要求.如合肥水泥研究设计院应用在国投海南水泥有限公司2 500t/d新型干法水泥熟料生产线窑尾、窑头电收尘器的出口排放浓度(标准状况)分别为42.5 mg/m3,26.6 mg/m3;  相似文献   

1水泥窑含尘烟气的净化新型干法窑含尘烟气是由一级旋风预热器排出的,含尘烟气的特点是:烟气量大、烟气温度较高、粉尘浓度高(一般为40~80g/Nm3,个别超过100g/Nm3);粉尘颗粒细(粒径<10μm者占90%~97%,<2~3μm者占50%);粉尘比电阻高(达1010Ω/cm)。过去国内外回转窑窑尾不论其规模大小,一般均采用电收尘器。而美国早在20世纪70年代中叶就有1/3的水泥回转窑窑尾采用袋式收尘器,到80年代末已有90%采用袋式收尘器。近年来,部分国家(如韩国等)把一些老化的水泥回转窑窑尾电收尘器改为袋式收尘器(有的保留电收尘器外壳进行内部改造,有的直接用…  相似文献   

<正>我公司2 500t/d生产线的窑尾废气处理采用双风机工艺系统,电收尘器的处理方式,除尘效率较低,排放浓度达不到GB4915-2013《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》30mg/m3的要求。2014年6月份开始对该除尘系统实施技术改造,取得了良好的节能减排效果。1制约电改袋的特殊工况窑尾电收尘器的改造存在着较多的制约条件,因其特殊的配套生料立磨、双风机废气工艺系统,入窑尾收尘烟气湿度大、温度低,改为袋收尘,容易糊袋,增加系  相似文献   

<正>10余年来,从事水泥厂国际EPC项目的感受是,国外业主对收尘设备的性能考核及环保要求越来越严。以窑尾大型袋式收尘器的验收标准为例,除尘效率要求从最早的99.5%提升至99.9%,有的业主则要求达到99.99%。要求收尘后出口气体的含尘浓度从30mg/m3逐渐提升至10mg/m3。如此"高标准、严要求"使得电收尘器"望尘莫及",也因其结构、收尘原理的固有缺陷,即使通过增加能耗和投资成本也很难达到这个要求。因此在环保要求  相似文献   

<正>1项目实施背景电收尘器曾经是水泥生产线窑头、窑尾的主要收尘设备,我国不同时期的设计排放标准从150mg/m3(标)~50mg/m3(标)不等。根据《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB4915-2013),粉尘排放浓度应30mg/m3(标),现有电收尘器已不能达到新的排放标准。电收尘器在使用过程中,由于生料磨开、停工艺操作的转换会导致粉尘比电阻变化,从而造成排放浓度变化较大。另外,由于电收尘器的通过式收尘特点,当某  相似文献   

针对水泥窑尾在增设SP炉后,电收尘器效率降低、粉尘排放增高的现象,用实例证明了通过电收尘MEC三位一体化改造,使现役电收尘器能够满足甚至优于当前≤50mg/Nm3的环保标准,为水泥企业达标排放提供了有效和经济的途径。  相似文献   

淮北矿业相山水泥公司250t/d熟料生产线2004年6月投产,窑尾设计安装一座卧式电收尘,处理烟气量≤480000m3/h、气体露点≥47℃、电场风速为0.78m/s,并在废气出口烟囱上安装了一套DLTP-4000的在线监测器,要求收尘器能捕捉到细度在0.1μm以下的灰尘,并且要求入收尘器粉尘浓度≤80g/Nm3,出收尘器浓度≤80mg/Nm3,入收尘器烟气温度在120~150℃范围内,以便粉尘的比电阻值能控制在104~1011Ω·cm范围,使之获得较高的收尘效率,其烟气温度与粉尘比电阻的关系.  相似文献   

张雯 《水泥技术》1997,(4):46-48
DevelopmentandOperationofLurgiTypeElectrostaticPrecipitator1鲁奇型窑尾电收尘器的特点德国鲁奇公司具有世界领先的电收尘器技术,鲁奇型窑尾电收尘器是根据我国与德国鲁奇公司签订的水泥工业用电收尘器许可证合同,由天津水泥工业设计研究院设计的新型窑尾电收尘器。此项技术能满足各种工况下的窑尾收尘需要。近年来,已有几十台鲁奇型窑尾电收尘器在全国一些水泥厂回转窑上应用,收尘效果好,是大、中型水泥厂目前窑尾收尘设备中的首选产品。鲁奇型电收尘器在设计时采用了鲁奇公司专门的计算机设计软件,对电收尘器进行本体设计和…  相似文献   

预热器窑窑尾废气的处理系统既可采用电收尘器也可采用纤维袋收尘器。正确地选择收尘设备可使企业降低生产成本,对企业具有重要意义。1 费用比较 以印度某5500t/d预热器窑窑尾废气处理系统为例,原有的电收尘器在最初设计时基于较低的窑产量和较高的粉尘浓度,无法满足目前的生产,最后确定在原有的电收尘器旁增建一新的收尘器(与原收尘器并联)以处理窑尾的全部废气,使其最佳的粉尘排放浓度不大于15mg/Nm~3。选择  相似文献   

2000年8月我公司对Φ2.4m×18m矿渣烘干机所用10m2CDWH型电收尘器进行了技术改造。由于精心设计和施工,改造于同年10月圆满完成,收尘效率提高,排尘浓度远优于国家标准,节省费用约50%。采用的几项新技术有的现已用在立窑电收尘器的设计中,并准备在窑尾电收尘器中推广应用。  相似文献   

介绍了400kt/a硫酸系统铅电除雾器的结构设计,电场性能的保证,安全措施及逻辑控制。电除雾器设计气速达1.2m/s。投入运行后,电除雾器出口酸雾含量不大于0.0049g/m^3,可见设计是成功的。  相似文献   

简要地叙述了原煤及粉煤灰的特性, 介绍改造后的电除尘器的主要技术参数, 强调了在改造方案中采用钢性结构、宽间距、分小区供电等一系列措施。更新后的高压静电除尘器, 经市环保局监测验收, 除尘效率由75.1 % 提高到98.93 % , 每年可减少向大气排放烟尘5.96 kt、节约用电350 MW·h 、可多发电720 MW·h , 取得了较好的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

介绍160kt/a硫酸系统的S4L40型电除尘器的结构、运行和改进情况。通过严格控制炉气进口含尘量、防止超温运行、加强日常维护等措施,电除尘器运行15年不大修。当系统生产能力达200kt/a时,电除尘器出口含尘量仍小于300mg/m^3,完全能够满足系统稀酸洗净化工艺的需要。  相似文献   

基于计算流体力学,采用ANSYS软件的FLUENT模块,应用DPM离散相模型模拟了烟气和粉尘特性对静电除尘器除尘效率的影响规律,设计正交模拟优化模拟条件,并与生产现场情况对比. 结果表明,静电除尘器除尘效率随烟气流速增加而降低,随烟气湿度和粉尘真密度增加而增加,随烟气含尘浓度和粉尘粒径增加先增加后降低. 根据此规律,通过设计L16(45)正交模拟,得出烟气和粉尘特性对静电除尘器除尘效率的影响程度为粉尘粒径?烟气流速?粉尘真密度?烟气含尘浓度?烟气湿度;放电电极电压35 kV条件下,使静电除尘器处于最优状态的条件为烟气流速0.5 m/s、粉尘粒径40 ?m、烟气含尘浓度40 g/m3、烟气湿度25%、粉尘真密度4000 kg/m3,此工况下除尘率达99.9%.  相似文献   

Conclusions By reducing the gas velocity to 0.5–0.7 m/sec and thus increasing the time spent by the gas in the electrostatic precipitator to 14–20 sec, despite the formation of intense reverse corona we can obtain 99% purification of gas in the electrostatic precipitator, given optimum agitation of the precipitation electrodes and optimum electric supply, and provided that the kiln is firing a mixture containing not more than 50% caustic dust.Changing the kiln to firing of only dust trapped in the gas purification apparatus reduces the degree of purification in the electrostatic precipitator to 97–98%.By using rational electrode agitation we can reduce the dust entrainment by a factor of 3.4 in comparison with the existing operational conditions.If the electrostatic precipitator is supplied from an AUF-400 unit, the optimum type of voltage regulation is extremal. Units of the ATF type should be used at about 100 sparks per minute.With these regimes of operation of the kiln and the rational regime of operation of the electrostatic precipitators, the total degree of purification of the gas in the dust trapping system is 99.5–99.9%.Translated from Ogneupory, No. 7, pp. 23–28, July, 1980.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyze the removal characteristics and distribution of indoor air pollutants by a room air cleaner. A pollutant removal effect according to room volume and measurement point was evaluated in an indoor room. A series of filtration efficiency tests were performed on only the electrostatic precipitator of the room air cleaner. The measurements of filter efficiency and pressure drop across the electrostatic precipitator were made using an ASHRAE 52.1-1992 filter test system and an opacity meter to measure the particle concentration upstream and downstream of the test filter. Also the performance of the air cleaner in the room was evaluated by examining tobacco smoke particle concentration. The size distribution of the tobacco smoke particles was 1.27 μm in mass median diameter and a geometric standard deviation of 1.313 μm. The efficiency of the electrostatic filter was measured as 78.6% with dust particles of 1.96 μm in mass median diameter and 1.5m/s face velocity. The tobacco smoke particle concentration as a function of time decayed exponentially. The contaminant removal effect was increased when increasing the effective clean air exchange rate (ηQ/V), which is 0.0780 min?1 for 51 m3 room and 0.0235 min?1 for 149 m3 room. This study clearly shows that a room air cleaner with an electrostatic precipitator is effective in removing tobacco smoke particles. The removal characteristics and distribution of indoor air pollutants in other rooms is predicted based on empirical modeling.  相似文献   

用草酸电化学合成尿囊素的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20 ℃、电流密度600 A/m2 条件下,以铅板作电极,在无隔膜槽中电解草酸饱和溶液制得乙醛酸,产率52% ,电流效率75% 。乙醛酸、尿素、盐酸物质的量比为1∶3-5∶0-3,80 ℃下,乙醛酸与尿素反应2 h 可制得尿囊素,产率为54-0 % 。  相似文献   

Aerosol collection efficiency was studied for electrostatically charged fibrous filters (3M Filtrete?, BMF-20F). In this study, collection efficiencies at moderate filter face velocities (0.5–2.5 m/s) representative of some high volume sampling applications was characterized. Experimental data and analytical theories of filter performance are less common in this flow regime since the viscous flow field assumption may not be representative of actual flow through the filter mat. Additionally, electrostatic fiber charge density is difficult to quantify, and measurements of aerosol collection efficiency are often used to calculate this fundamental parameter. The purpose of this study was to assess the relative influence of diffusion, inertial impaction, interception, and electrostatic filtration on overall filter performance. The effects of fiber charge density were quantified by comparing efficiency data for charged and uncharged filter media, where an isopropanol bath was used to eliminate electrostatic charge. The effects of particle charge were also quantified by test aerosols brought into the equilibrium Boltzmann charge distribution, and then using an electrostatic precipitator to separate out only those test particles with a charge of zero. Electrostatically charged filter media had collection efficiencies as high as 70–85% at 30 nm. Filter performance was reduced significantly (40–50% collection efficiency) when the electrostatic filtration component was eliminated. Experiments performed with zero charged NaCl particles showed that a significant increase in filter performance is attributable to an induction effect, where electrostatic fiber charge polarizes aerosol particles without charge. As filter face velocity increased the electrostatic filtration efficiency decreased since aerosol particles had less time to drift toward electrostatically charged fibers. Finally, experimental data at 0.5 m/s were compared to theoretical predictions and good agreement was found for both electrostatic and nonelectrostatic effects.

© 2013 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

介绍 4 0 0 kt/ a硫酸系统电除雾器总体结构及工艺设计参数 ,投入运行后 ,除雾效率低 ,介绍对存在问题的分析及解决过程 ,并介绍 2点成功经验  相似文献   

New insights and applications in the electrostatic precipitation of dusts and mists. The introduction deals with the basic design, the mode of operation, and the fields of application of dry and wet type electrostatic precipitators. A few important parameters which influence the migration velocity are discussed. Contrary to what the classical theory states, greater passage widths lead to higher migration velocities of the particles and thus to a higher specific efficiency. The methods for conditioning flue gases of power stations are considered, as are the experimental results obtained in an industrial-scale SO3 conditioning plant. A new field of application is seen in the steel industry through the use of a dry type electrostatic precipitator of special design. New plastic precipitator developments for the chemical industry are discussed, and the articles closes with an account of the efforts invested in developing hot gas precipitators for higher temperatures and pressures in connection with the introduction of new power station concepts.  相似文献   

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