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研制了兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)二极磁铁电源,提出了一种基于晶闸管相控整流技术和IGBT脉宽调制(PWM)变换技术的同步加速器二极磁铁电源的设计方案,分析、仿真了其工作原理,并设计、生产了1套完整的电源样机。经现场试验、长期运行及测试,电流稳定度±5×10-5/8h,跟踪精度±2×10-4,电流纹波1×10-5。该方案满足HIRFL-CSR二极磁铁对电源技术指标的要求。  相似文献   

This paper describes mainly technological achievment of superconducting magnet for fusion power for the latest 10 years in Japan. The magnet development had been devoted to tokamak Fusion Experimental Reactor (FER). The major results obtained up to now are as follows.

In toroidal coil program, 12 T field generation, which is requested in a reactor toroidal coil, was realized with 6 kA multifilamentary Nb3Sn conductor in 1 m bore. For scaling-up of toroidal coil, half size coils of FER, LCT coils were tested up to 9 T.

In poloidal coil program, Demo Poloidal Coil project is now under way and coil testing will be started in spring of 1989. The stored energy of this coil is around 40 MJ.

In cryogenic technology program, fabrication and operation of large helium refrigerator technology were well established. A supercritical helium pump of 500 g/s was tested for forced flow coil.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that the use of superconducting magnets in next-step fusion experiments is driven only by the reactor relevance of low circulating power in a fusion plant. However, there is a broad range of fusion magnet applications in which the use of superconducting magnets in near-term experiments will reduce the capital cost of an experiment, along with further reductions in the operating cost. This claim extends to Proof-of-Principle and Proof-of-Performance experiments for Steady-State and Spherical Tori, Compact Stellarators, Spheromaks, and Heavy Ion Fusion Drivers.  相似文献   

The achievement of magnetic field plays a crucial part in the design of CYCIAE-100 cyclotron, which is assumed to satisfy various beam dynamics requirements. In the compact cyclotron, magnet deformation caused by gravity, electromagnetic force and atmospheric pressure, impacts the distribution of the field on the middle plane and the space nearby. If the deformation caused by gravity and electromagnetic force is small enough, the field change can be compensated in the field mapping and shimming phase. Otherwise,  相似文献   

A prototype superconducting-helix accelerator is described and design considerations are discussed. The results obtained during 120 hours of beam acceleration are given. These include a wealth of practical engineering experience, the demonstration of stable operation with external phase control, and measurements of various kinds of accelerator-physics data.  相似文献   

The mission of Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) project is to develop an advanced steady-state superconducting tokamak for establishing a scientific and technological basis for an attractive fusion reactor. Because one of the KSTAR mission is to achieve a steady-state operation, the use of superconducting coils is an obvious choice for the magnet system. The KSTAR superconducting magnet system consists of 16 Toroidal Field (TF) coils and 14 Poloidal Field (PF) coils. Internally-cooled Cable-In-Conduit Conductors (CICC) are put into use in both the TF and PF coil systems. The TF coil system provides a field of 3.5 T at the plasma center and the PF coil system is able to provide a flux swing of 17 V-sec. The major achievement in KSTAR magnet-system development includes the development of CICC,the development of a full-size TF model coil, the development of a coil system for background magnetic-field generation , the construction of a large-scale superconducting magnet and CICC test facility. TF and PF coils are in the stage of fabrication to pave the way for the scheduled completion of KSTAR by the end of 2006.  相似文献   

The superconducting dipoles developed as part of the UNK project have reached a magnetic field 6 T at a rate of up to 0.8 T/sec. Experimental data are presented on the conditioning, rate dependences, and dynamic losses for magnets with two types of superconducting cable (zebra and oxide). Possible ways to decrease the heat release in a dipole operating in rapid-cycling magnetic fields are examined. The results of an analysis of heat release and temperature conditions are presented for a dipole with a winding made of improved current-carrying components.  相似文献   

正The superconducting coil system of CYCIAE-230 superconducting proton cyclotron consists of two coil windings,cryostat,GM coolers,and the liquid helium condenser,along with multiple thermometers,pressure gauges,liquid level gauges,load cells,a vacuum pump,apower supply and quench protection equipments.  相似文献   

介绍了聚变堆用Nb3Sn超导磁体管内电缆导体(CICC)的结构型式和参数,以及超导磁体的运行工况,采用一维数学模型Gandalf对超临界氦迫流冷却回路进行压降计算,从理论上确定了较为合理的液氦质量流率。  相似文献   

线圈终端盒(CTB)是国际热核聚变实验堆超导磁体系统的重要组成部分,其内部组件的漏热常常是整个磁体系统的主要漏热源之一,在很大程度上决定着低温系统的液氦消耗量。本文从降低热负荷的角度对CTB内部冷屏、超导电流传输线、电流引线、阀及冷却管路、外部盒体的设计进行了详细阐述,为最终结构的确定提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

<正>Magnet system is a key part of the plasma experiment device.The magnetic field could lead charged particles moving as the curve force line.In order to fulfill the requirement of focusing,at the same time,electrons would have gyration along the magnetic field line,which would lengthen the path and increase the collision rate with other charged particles.  相似文献   

ITER magnet gravity support (GS) has been redesigned as a structure of pre- assembled multi-flexible plates instead of the original welded structure. In the past several years, engineering tests of the new structure have been proposed. A prototype engineering test plat- form is being developed. In order to apply the loads/load combinations onto the test mock-up, seven hydraulic bolt tensioners in three directions have been applied to simulate various loads (forces and moments), through which the deformation of bolts, flexible plates and clamp blocks, the stress distribution in the flexible plates, the friction between the contact surface, etc. can be monitored/tested. The measurement and control system includes seven sets of synchronization controller, a 16-channel strain gauge, 25 sets of displacement sensors, etc. Principles of EDC220 digital controller and development of multi-channel control software are also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The structure of a dipole magnet with an iron yoke, where the winding is made of a Bi-2223 high-temperature superconductor, has been developed and the magnet has been built at the Institute of High-Energy Physics. The magnet has also been tested. A magnetic field 0.9 T has been attained in the aperture at temperature 65 K and 1.9 T at 4.2 K. The special features of the magnet structure are described and the results of testing of the magnet in a submerged cryostat at different temperatures are presented.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to predict AC loss of Cable in Conduit Conductor (CICC) which is of importance in the design of conductors. The consideration for the conductor’s design and main parameters for the magnets are introduced. In order to attain a good accuracy in the calculation of AC losses, the field distribution within superconducting outsert should be considered. Calculation of the AC losses, including hysteresis losses and coupling losses, is conducted. An emphasis is put on the hysteresis loss during the ramp up of the current to the operational current (15.3 kA) and the coupling loss of the conductor in a power-down condition for insert. The results are obtained to be 74.9kJ and 950J for 40 T hybrid magnets, respectively. Based on the calculation, a brief analysis of losses effect on the conductor design and the operation of magnet is given for the purpose that the capacity of the cryogenertor can be evaluated and the stability regime can be improved in our future work on the hybrid magnets.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionHT-7Usuperconductingtokamakisanationalsci-entificresearchprojectofChina.ThislargefusionexperimentaldevicewillbebuiltinthelnstituteofPlasmaPhyslcsofChineseAcademyofSciences.ThemissionofHT-7Uistodevelopthescientificba-sisforacontinuouslyoperatingtokamakfusionreac-tor,achievingasteadystateandanextremelylongpuIseoperatlonwlthhigh-betadouble-null,aswellassingle-nullplasmasatfllllcllrrent.HT-7Uisafullsuperconductingtokamakdevlce.ltstoroidalfieldsystemisoneoftheimportantpartsofthe…  相似文献   

超导四极(SCQ)磁体是北京正负电子对撞机重大改造工程(BEPCⅡ)的关键设备之一。本文对SCQ磁体恒温器进行稳定运行状态下传热和流动计算。计算得到了磁体在低温下的热负荷以及磁体恒温器内各组成部分的温度分布,并在此基础上,提出减小SCQ磁体热负荷的方法。比较计算了SCQ磁体采用超临界和过冷液氦两种冷却方式对磁体稳定运行的影响。  相似文献   

A wide-bore 5 T NbTi superconducting magnet, for magnetic separator, with an operational current of 106 A is designed and fabricated. This magnet with a Ф60 mm roomtemperature bore is installed in a vacuum cryostat and immersed in liquid helium. A two-stage 4 K Gifford-McMahon (GM) cryocooler is used to maintain the cooling shield at 70 K and the condenser at 4 K in order to achieve the zero vaporization loss of liquid helium. The cooling power of the GM cryocooler is 1.5 W. In this paper, the design, heat leakage, stress analysis, quench protection characteristics and preliminary test results are presented.  相似文献   

A separated K-meson complex is being designed at the Institute of High-Energy Physics. One of the main components is an rf separator consisting of two superconducting niobium resonators. A newly developed cryogenic-vacuum stand for testing resonators is described. The results of cryogenic–vacuum tests of the system for cryogenic support of the resonators at 1.8–4.2 K are presented.  相似文献   

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