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This paper focuses on medium term policy options in the economic context of natural resource depletion. In particular, a novel approach for analyzing the impact of the permanent income hypothesis (PIH) with a dynamic recursive computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is employed. The model is benchmarked in an oil producing country with declining production, namely Cameroon. The results show that the PIH renders public finances less vulnerable during the post-oil transition. However, adopting the PIH is not associated with substantial improvements in growth and household welfare in Cameroon. Therefore, the PIH cannot be the only basis for better management of oil revenues in the country.  相似文献   

Michael Beenstock 《Energy》1977,2(3):249-256
The oil reserves of the UK may be regarded as an asset whose rate of return will depend on future oil price movements and cost developments. The profits on depleted oil may be invested in assets above the ground. An optimal depletion policy is one which maximizes the rate of return on oil both as an asset below the ground and as an asset above the ground. On the assumptions made, it is shown that such a policy implies a rapid depletion profile.  相似文献   

The UK Government has decided to remove the British Gas Corporation's buying rights for natural gas on the UK Continental Shelf. Here P. Lehmann and N. Shaw look at the possible consequences. They suggest that, in the case of the natural resources market forces will not necessarily result in optimal solutions for society as a whole. Thus, the proposed change is likely to result in over-rapid depletion of natural gas reserves, with consequences for the rest of the economy and other energy industries. It will do little to improve the available information about the amount of unused gas reserves in UK waters. It will increase still further the dominant role of the major oil companies in the energy market and will leave more of the economic rent from North Sea gas with the producing companies  相似文献   

1传统油环的泄漏原因   为保持气缸滑动面上有适当的油膜,油环起了主导的作用,而气环起了辅助的作用.在吸气和爆发冲程时,活塞和环向下运动,飞溅于缸壁上的润滑油首先被油环刮下,但在传统油环的开口处顺沿缸壁却留下了一条带状的机油液流.之后再经过第二道气环和第一道气环的刮油和布油作用而发生泄漏,其中会有以下的三种情况.……  相似文献   

Global oil depletion: A review of the evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the polarised and contentious debate over future oil supply a growing number of commentators are forecasting a near term peak and subsequent decline in production. But although liquid fuels form the foundation of modern industrial economies, the growing debate on ‘peak oil’ has relatively little influence on energy and climate policy. With this in mind, the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) has conducted an independent, thorough and systematic review of the evidence, with the aim of establishing the current state of knowledge, identifying key uncertainties and improving consensus. The study focuses upon the physical depletion of conventional oil in the period to 2030 and includes an in-depth literature review, analysis of industry databases and a detailed comparison of global supply forecasts. This Communication summarises the main findings of the UKERC study. A key conclusion is that a peak of conventional oil production before 2030 appears likely and there is a significant risk of a peak before 2020.  相似文献   

Major modifications to the US Federal taxation laws effectively remove oil and gas depletion allowances for large companies. The likely consequence is discouragement of US domestic exploration, reduced domestic supplies and higher prices. A greater section of US output will be provided by the smaller independent companies. Consumption of oil and gas is likely to fall, resulting in a greater degree of national self-sufficiency in these products. Most Americans will gain as taxpayers what they lose as consumers of higher priced oil and gas; the only long-term losers will be owners of land on which oil and gas is found.  相似文献   

A scientific debate is in progress about the intersection of climate change with the new field of fossil fuels depletion geology. Here, new projections of atmospheric CO2 concentration and global-mean temperature change are presented, should fossil fuels be exploited at a rate limited by geological availability only. The present work starts from the projections of fossil energy use, as obtained from ten independent sources. From such projections an upper bound, a lower bound and an ensemble mean profile for fossil CO2 emissions until 2200 are derived. Using the coupled gas–cycle/climate model MAGICC, the corresponding climatic projections out to 2200 are obtained. We find that CO2 concentration might increase up to about 480 ppm (445–540 ppm), while the global-mean temperature increase w.r.t. 2000 might reach 1.2 °C (0.9–1.6 °C). However, future improvements of fossil fuels recovery and discoveries of new resources might lead to higher emissions; hence our climatic projections are likely to be underestimated. In the absence of actions of emissions reduction, a level of dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system might be already experienced toward the middle of the 21st century, despite the constraints imposed by the exhaustion of fossil fuels.  相似文献   

论海相生油与陆相生油   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪二三十年代,世界上发现的石油资源绝大部分都在海相地层中,勘探实践所提供的客观事实,使西方许多地质家形成了只有海相才能生油的概念。1941年,潘钟祥先生首次提出"中国陆相生油"。长期以来,海相生油与陆相生油一直存在争论。中国的石油地质家经过几十年的勘探,不仅在诸多的中新生代陆相沉积盆地发现了丰富的石油,而且还找到了大庆、胜利等亿吨级的大油田。实践证明,中国学者坚持的海相能生油陆相也能生油的认识是正确的。海相烃源岩和陆相烃源岩都是在半咸水、咸水沉积环境中形成的,大陆架、大陆坡是海相烃源岩发育的理想环境,而内陆咸化湖盆中的深水凹陷(或洼陷)则是陆相烃源岩发育的最好环境。同时,海相烃源岩和陆相烃源岩中有机物质的主要来源均为半咸水、咸水水体环境中发育的浮游藻类。因此,海相生油与陆相生油并没有本质的区别,都是烃源岩生油理论的一个组成部分,不存在独立的海相生油理论或独立的陆相生油理论。二者唯一的区别,就是陆相烃源岩的Ⅰ型干酪根比海相烃源岩的Ⅱ型干酪根品质更好,生油能力更强。  相似文献   

Material balance calculations, often referred to as “zero-dimensional” or “lumped element” reservoir evaluations, have been used extensively in petroleum and geothermal engineering. This paper presents a Havlena and Odeh-type (J. Petrol. Technol. Aug. 1963) material balance depletion model for two-phase reservoirs incorporating adsorption phenomena. A straight line, formed between groups of thermodynamic and adsorption properties of water and the cumulative production history, provides the initial fluid-in-place and the size of the vapor-dominated “steam cap”. Adsorption phenomena were found by Economides and Miller (Paper SPE 12740, California regional meeting, Soc. Petrol. Engrs, 1984) to be the controlling mechanism in the depletion of vapor-dominated geothermal reservoirs. A material balance for vapor-dominated geothermal reservoirs, demonstrating the importance of adsorption phenomena, is also presented. A straight line provides the initial fluid-in-place.  相似文献   

基于原油理化特性对原油发动机运行的影响进行分析,提出原油发动机改造的技术路线。对闪蒸原油开展理化特性分析,得出酸值、含水量和倾点是影响闪蒸原油使用的关键点。搭建某中速船用柴油机燃油喷射系统和工作过程计算模型,对比分析在柴油和闪蒸原油模式下燃油喷射特性和发动机工作过程的差异。计算结果表明:当发动机切换为原油模式运行后,在100%负荷工况下最高燃烧压力较柴油模式升高1 MPa,各工况油耗较柴油模式上升5~6 g/(kW·h),NOx排放较柴油模式上升明显,各工况支管排温较柴油模式上升约20 ℃,涡前排温上升约30 ℃。经试验验证,3台发电机组燃用原油后,运行状态良好,满足使用要求。  相似文献   

从化石能源为主向可再生能源为主过渡,是我国能源发展战略的一项重要任务,其中,燃料油将是可再生能源服务的重要对象之一。生物质裂解油以秸秆等农林废弃物为原料,其特质适于替代燃料油。国际上生物质裂解油已经迈入产业化发展的门槛,我国亦具有广阔的市场前景。当前应该抓住国际技术发展的机遇,推动该技术的研发、示范和产业化。  相似文献   

双低菜籽油制备生物柴油的工艺探索   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验研究双低菜籽油在催化剂NaOH的作用下与乙醇发生转脂化反应生成菜籽油乙脂(生物柴油)。实验结果表明:该转脂化反应的最佳操作条件为:NaOH用量为菜籽油量的0.8%;油醇摩尔比为1:4.5;搅拌时间为2h;反应温度为20~30℃;水的含量必须控制在油重的0.1%以下。  相似文献   

受世界石油需求增加,原油库存减少与欧佩克(石油输出国组织)限产保价、美元贬值、产油国政局紧张和国际投机资本等多方面因素的影响,目前世界油价不断走高。受此影响,我国原油月平均进口价格也持续走高,4月份每吨价格已突破250美元。值得一提的是,原油进口以中东地区为主要供应地区,自亚太地区进口比重有所上升,表明多元化进口战略得到初步实施。高油价可能对我国经济产生重大影响,为此把握国际原油市场的价格变化趋势和规律,改进贸易方式,开放期货市场,加大油气勘探投入,建立储备,提倡节约,这些措施对保障我国国民经济快速健康稳定协调发展具有不可估量的现实意义。  相似文献   

赵文芳 《中外能源》2007,12(3):102-105
海上石油设施是海洋环境污染的重要危险源。叙述了防止溢油事故发生、降低溢油危害可采取的技术和管理措施,包括提高海洋石油设施的安全技术水平;建立安全管理体系,加强管理和维护;完善溢油应急计划和组织系统;溢油轨迹监控和溢油处理等。  相似文献   

Oil and security     
《Energy Policy》1975,3(1):86-87

世界油页岩综述   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
世界油页岩资源很丰富,其探明储量换算成页岩油,远大于世界原油的探明储量。美国油页岩储量居世界首位,其次则为俄罗斯、扎伊尔、巴西、加拿大、约旦、澳大利亚和中国。油页岩干馏制取页岩油始于19世纪上半叶的西欧国家,而后由于廉价原油的开采而衰落,又由于世界石油危机而兴起;如今中国、爱沙尼亚和巴西拥有页岩油的工业生产(中国有抚顺式炉、爱沙尼亚有Galoter和Kiviter炉、巴西有Petrosix炉)。此外,爱沙尼亚、德国、中国和以色列则拥有油页岩燃烧产蒸汽发电的工业装置。当前,由于世界原油价格上涨,页岩油的生产在不少国家己有利可图,中国、爱沙尼亚等国家正扩建、新建页岩油工厂,美国也有对其丰富的油页岩资源进行加工利用的意向。  相似文献   

王波  高峰  向卫华  张宇 《内燃机》2011,(2):57-59
机油消耗率是衡量柴油机经济性的一个重要指标,分析了影响发动机机油消耗的两个主要因素,给出了造成内燃机车换油量的影响因素,并结合实践提出了降低内燃机车机油换油量的部分具体措施,从而大大降低了内燃机车机油的消耗。  相似文献   

There seems to be a tendency to determine the rate of oil extraction independently of the decisions to invest the proceeds of the resource. This paper sets out a general framework whereby the two policy variables can be analysed jointly. The methodology proposed is one of optimal control theory combined with a long-run macroeconomic model. The model presented here is structured with special reference to the UK economy but it can be applied, with the necessary modifications to any industrialized economy, with flexible exchange rate.  相似文献   

朱瑜  张朋波  王雪 《汽轮机技术》2012,54(4):306-308
介绍了转子系统油膜涡动及油膜振荡的产生机理和故障特征。对转子实验台升速过程的振动信号进行了分析,揭示了转子系统油膜涡动和油膜振荡的发生过程。对典型油膜涡动和油膜振荡信号进行了时频分析,揭示出油膜涡动和油膜振荡的故障特征。  相似文献   

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