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Osmotic dehydration experiments of Granny Smith apple were carried out in order to model the operation by using a nonlinear irreversible thermodynamic approach. Samples were immersed into 65% (w/w) sucrose aqueous solution at 30 °C during 180, 360, 480, 720, 1463, 1577, 1722, 3375, 4320, 7200, 8540, 10,270 min. Some physical-chemical parameters were measured in fresh, treated and reposed (24 h at 30 °C) samples. The results allow identifying three differentiated steps in the osmotic operation process. At the beginning of the treatment, the cells were turgid and the wall-membrane system stored high level of mechanical energy. In this step, the highest velocity of shrinkage occurred. In the second step, the main driving force was diffusional, with important concentration profiles in the tissue; in this step, the deformation of the tissue reached the maximum shrinkage level of approximately 60%. It produces an important structural change in the tissue removing the concentration profiles and changing the mechanism driving forces. Last step shows internal relaxation of the tissue, increasing the mechanical transport behaviours.  相似文献   

An artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed for the prediction of water loss (WL) and solid gain (SG) in osmotic dehydration of apple cylinders using a wide variety of data from the literature to make it more general. This model mathematically correlates six processing variables (temperature and concentration of osmotic solution, immersion time, surface area, solution to fruit mass ratio and agitation level) with WL and SG. The optimal ANN consisted of one hidden layer with four neurons. This model was able to predict WL and SG in a wide range of processing variables with a mean square error of 13.9 and 4.4, and regression coefficient of 0.96 and 0.89, respectively, in testing step. This ANN model performs better when compared to linear multi-variable regression. The wide range of processing variables considered for the formulation of this model, and its easy implementation in a spreadsheet using a set of equations, make it very useful and practical for process design and control.  相似文献   

Mass transfer of kaffir lime peel during osmotic dehydration was investigated in this paper. Processing factors were solute concentrations, process temperatures, and immersion time. The results showed that increasing solute concentration and process temperature resulted in a higher reduction in moisture contents of kaffir lime peel and increase in water loss and solid gain rates. Analysis of variance showed significant effects (P < 0.05) of all processing factors except process temperatures for water loss. Multilayer feedforward neural network (MFNN) was proposed to predict percentages of water loss and solid gain of kaffir lime peel during osmotic dehydration based on three processing factors as inputs. The best network with the lowest average mean squared error (MSE) of 0.0066 and the highest average regression coefficient (r2) of 0.9725 from normalized training and validating data sets was composed of one hidden layer with five hidden neurons and used Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm as a training algorithm. A simulation test showed good generalization of the successfully trained MFNN model with the average MSE of 6.5813 and 5.9340, and average r2 of 0.9745 and 0.9632, respectively, for water loss and solid gain. Compared with multiple linear regression models, MFNN was found to be more suitable for predicting water loss and solid gain during the OD process of kaffir lime peel.  相似文献   

N.K Rastogi 《LWT》2004,37(1):43-47
Osmotic dehydration kinetics of pineapple cubes (15×15×15 mm3) was studied over a range of concentration (40-70°B) and temperature (30-50°C) of osmotic solution. The effective diffusion coefficients for water and solute diffusion were determined, considering pineapple as cubical configuration, assuming osmotic dehydration to be governed by Fickian diffusion. The effective diffusion coefficients for water as well as solute were empirically correlated with concentration and temperature of osmotic solution. A high degree of correlation was observed between predicted and experimental values of the effective diffusion coefficients of water (R2=0.99) as well as solute (R2=0.96).  相似文献   

Comaposada J  Arnau J  Gou P 《Meat science》2007,77(4):643-648
The effect of KCl on sorption isotherms was determined on salted minced meat (with 0%, 30% and 100% molar substitution of NaCl by KCl) at 5 °C and 25 °C and meat from a 3 mm thick slice from the surface of dry-cured hams (with 0% and 35% molar substitution of NaCl by KCl) held at 70–75%, 75–80% and 80–85% air relative humidity during the resting period.

The sorption isotherms were determined gravimetrically by exposing the meat samples to several atmospheres of known relative humidity controlled by different saturated salts according to the COST90 method. The sorption equipment consisted of a chamber containing 11 containers, covering the water activity (aw) range from 0.112 to 0.946 at 25 °C. The hermetically closed sorption containers filled with KCl and minced meat samples were irradiated at 3 kGrey (gamma irradiation 60Co). The water content at equilibrium was higher in minced meat with NaCl than in minced meat with KCl (100% molar substitution of NaCl by KCl) at 5 °C within the range of 0.4313 and 0.7565 aw. However, when substitution was 30% in minced meat and 35% in hams the isotherms were similar to isotherm without substitution.  相似文献   

In order to elaborate dehydration and osmotic equilibrium characteristics of cherry tomatoes and to analyse the applicability of Peleg model in prediction of equilibrium moisture content and the methodology of Crank’s solution to Fick’s diffusion law in calculation of effective diffusivity, cherry tomatoes were osmotically treated in ternary solution (water, sucrose and NaCl) with or without ultrasound at 30 °C. Results indicated that, a time cumulative effect of ultrasound occurred about 30 min for water loss (WL), while for sugar gain it happened after 45 min, which made the dehydration efficiency index best at the ultrasonic power of 150 W for 40 min. As a function of salt content, the equilibrium WL followed well the first order exponential decay model, and the equilibrium salt content followed well the second order polynomial. A great relative error (29.13%) between the practical determination and the predicted value indicated that Peleg model was not suitable for prediction of equilibrium moisture content. A great truncation error (865%) occurred when moisture effective diffusivity (6.66 × 10?9 m2 s?1) was calculated with Crank’s solution to Fick’s diffusion law by letting n = 1 as compared to that (0.77 × 10?9 m2 s?1) by letting n = 100.  相似文献   

A study on rehydration of isolated apple cells is presented. Isolated cells previously dehydrated in 35% and 25% sucrose solutions were rehydrated in 5% sucrose under the microscope with the aim of analyzing the phenomena that take place during rehydration. Cells response to rehydration was found to be more heterogeneous than their response to hypertonic treatments. Cells showed different degrees of delay in their response, which was related to differences in the formation and preservation of membrane-to-wall connections. Results confirmed that rehydration success is based on the preservation of the structures along both, dehydration and rehydration treatments. During swelling, Hechtian strands are reincorporated to the protoplast as far as they are formed and preserved during dehydration and rehydration; their absence or shortage leading to a loss of rehydration capacity or even membrane lysis. Different stages have been identified during rehydration, mass transfer being coupled with deformation–relaxation phenomena once the protoplast reaches the cell wall. Phenomenological coefficients for water transfer indicated that rehydration kinetics is faster than water transfer during dehydration.  相似文献   

Osmotic dehydration of carrot cubes in ternary solution of water, sucrose and sodium chloride at different solution concentrations, temperatures and process durations were analysed for water loss and solute gain during osmotic dehydration. The osmotically pre-treated carrot cubes were further dehydrated in a cabinet dryer at 65 °C and were then rehydrated in water at ambient temperature of water for 10–12 h and were analysed for rehydration ratio, shrinkage and overall acceptability after rehydration. The process was optimised for maximum water loss, rehydration ratio and overall acceptability of the rehydrated product, and for minimum solute gain and shrinkage of rehydrated product by response surface methodology. The optimum conditions of various process parameters are 50°B+10% w/v aqueous sodium chloride concentration, 46.5 °C solution temperature and 180 min process duration.  相似文献   

Osmotic dehydration experiments of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa cv Hayward) were carried out in order to apply a nonlinear irreversible thermodynamic model. Samples were immersed into 65% (w/w) sucrose aqueous solution at 30 °C during 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 250, 320, 400, 720, 1440 min. Some physical-chemical parameters were measured in fresh, treated and reposed (24 h at 30 °C) samples. It was possible to apply the enthalpy-entropy compensation coupled to a nonlinear thermodynamic model, obtaining the apparent bulk modulus and explaining the elastic answer of the tissue throughout the osmotic process. The osmotic dehydration also produces losses in the native compounds of kiwifruit such as citric acid and Calcium and Potassium.  相似文献   

Quality of frozen cucumber can significantly be improved by means of osmotic dehydration as a pre-freezing treatment. The objective of this work was to study the effect of osmotic pre-treatment with alternative osmotic solutes – oligofructose and a high DE maltodextrin – on the quality and functional properties of frozen cucumber tissue. Colour, texture and sensory characteristics of pre-treated and conventionally frozen samples were comparatively measured at 3 months time, during storage at four different temperatures, − 5, − 8, − 12, − 15 °C. Colour change was kinetically studied, and its temperature dependence was modelled by the Arrhenius equation. Dehydrofrozen samples exhibited significantly improved stability, with the rates of colour change being reduced up to 36.7% for osmotically pre-treated cucumbers, compared to the untreated samples. The results indicate that osmodehydrofrozen compared to conventionally frozen sliced cucumbers show improved firmness for prolonged storage period. Sensory evaluation also showed good organoleptic quality in osmodehydrofrozen cucumber slices.

Industrial relevance

The poor quality of frozen cucumber can significantly be improved by means of the cryoprotection accomplished by a pre-freezing osmotic dehydration step. Osmotic dehydration at mild temperatures can preserve product texture, and enhance flavour and other sensory properties (colour). In this paper, the effect of osmotic pre-treatment on the quality and shelf life of frozen cucumber tissue was investigated. The aim was to develop a method of processing cucumber that maintains palatable product while optimizing quality at the beginning and during frozen storage.  相似文献   

Osmotic dehydration of banana (Musa sapientum, shum.) was optimized with respect to temperature (25-55 °C), salt (0-10 g/100 g) and sucrose (30-60 g/100 g) concentrations through response surface methodology. The solution of Fick’s law for unsteady-state mass transfer in a cylindrical configuration was used to calculate the effective diffusivities of water, sucrose and NaCl. Analyses were conducted in triplicate for moisture, sugar and salt contents. Peleg’s model was used to predict the equilibrium condition, which was shown to be appropriate for water loss and solute uptake. For the above conditions of osmotic dehydration, the effective diffusivity of water was found to be in the range of 5.19-6.47 × 10−10 m2 s−1, the sucrose effective diffusivity between 4.27-6.01 × 10−10 m2 s−1 and that of NaCl between 4.32-5.42 × 10−10 m2 s−1. The working conditions that simultaneously optimize these 3 variables were the temperature of 25 °C with a solution composed of 30 g/100 g of sucrose and 10 g/100 g of sodium chloride. This condition provided values of 4.80 × 10−10 m2 s−1 for effective diffusivity of water, of 3.21 × 10−10 m2 s−1 for effective diffusivity of sucrose and 4.49 × 10−10 m2 s−1 for effective diffusivity of sodium chloride.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper (Floury, J., Camier, B. Rousseau, F., Lopez, C., Tissier, J. P., & Famelart, M. H. (2009) Reducing salt level in food: Part 1. controlled manufacture of model cheese systems and their structure-texture relationships. LWT – Food Science and Technology 49(10), 1611–1620), a model cheese matrix presenting different textural properties was developed in order to further study the factors implied in the salt release in mouth during food chewing. The present work consists in physical and modelling approaches to better understand the mass transfer phenomena occurring in the product during its consumption in the mouth. Concentration profiles of several ionic species were measured during the release of salt from the different model matrices into artificial saliva. Apparent diffusion coefficients of the sodium chloride were determined by fitting the experimental data to the second Fick's law. Apparent diffusion coefficients were included between 2.81 and 3.43 × 10−10 m2 s−1 at 15 °C and 75% HR. D-value decreased strongly when the dry matter content decreased. Microstructure of the matrices with the lower protein concentration was coarser and fluffier, facilitating the diffusion of the solutes. The D-value increased with the pH at renneting, probably because of the chemical changes of the structure of the casein micelles and significant differences in textural characteristics of cheeses. The diffusion coefficient also significantly decreased with the initial salt concentration, due to the tightening of the matrix microstructure.  相似文献   

Tania Rougier  Catherine Bonazzi 《LWT》2007,40(10):1798-1807
Water mobility and availability are predominant factors in controlling organoleptic and biological quality in food. To characterize and quantify the role of protein macromolecular mesh, sodium chloride and fat on the water retention in the high humidity range, sorption isotherms were measured at 20 °C. A specific method was used which provides rapid equilibrium and many experimental points in comparison with the standard saturated salt solution method. Experiments were carried out on gelatin gels to which either sodium chloride (0-45% w/w on an anhydrous gelatin basis) or vegetal hydrogenated fat (0-50% w/w on total sample mass) was added. Desorption isotherms of 40 points each were measured for each sample for aw values in a range from 0.60 to 0.99. Results precisely show the specific behavior of water in a protein-sodium chloride mix for aw values between 0.65 and 0.75. Water activity was then predicted from sample composition. Good agreement with measurements was obtained (1) assuming no incidence of lipids on water-holding capacity and (2) adapting a Ross-type model considering crystallization and introducing an interaction factor related to sodium chloride content.  相似文献   

During osmotic dehydration, a removal of water from foodstuffs is achieved with a decrease in the water activity of the food sample. This dehydration process involves the utilization of highly concentrated solutions with one or several solutes that increase considerably the viscosity of the liquid phase. This property is fundamental in the studies of mass and momentum transfer processes. Glycerol and sodium chloride are studied as systems employed in this type of process due to the advantages for the final dehydrated product. Kinematic viscosities of binary and ternary aqueous solutions of these solutes were measured at various concentrations (from 0 to up 5.0 mol kg–1) and temperatures (from 20 up to 50 °C). Water activities for each indicated solution at 25 °C are also reported. Experimental data for both physical properties were simultaneously correlated with concentration and temperature for binary and ternary solutions with a suitable accuracy. Additionally, relationships between kinematic viscosities and water activities were established.  相似文献   

从渗透脱水的影响因素、渗透脱水对热带亚热带果蔬的影响以及渗透脱水传质动力学三个方面综述了果蔬渗透脱水的研究进展,其中重点介绍了渗透脱水的影响因素,同时对果蔬渗透脱水技术的局限性及其应用前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Osmotic treatment was explored as a method to infuse curcuminoids in coconut slices. The rate of mass transfer of moisture, solid and curcuminoids with or without application of ultrasound were studied over a range of concentration of osmotic solutions (0-50%). The diffusion coefficient of curcuminoids was 1.64 × 10−10 m2/s, when water was used in place of osmotic solute which was further enhanced by the application of ultrasound to 1.87 × 10−10 m2/s. Increase in the concentration of osmotic solution beyond 25% resulted in reversal in the direction of moisture and solid mass transfer. Ultrasound treatment resulted in higher moisture and solid mass transfer due to the breaking of cell structure as revealed by microstructure examination. HPLC analysis revealed that all the curcuminoids (curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin) were infused into the coconut matrix. The present study concluded that osmotic dehydration is a feasible technology for impregnation of functional ingredients into foods without altering its matrix.  相似文献   

The effect of brine temperature (20, 30, 40 and 50 °C) on the osmotic drying behaviour of shark slabs (10 × 5 × 1 cm) in saturated (100°) brine was investigated. The parameters investigated were weight reduction, water loss, salt gain and water activity. Salt uptake and moisture data were analysed using various mathematical solutions based on Fick's Law of Diffusion and the effective diffusion coefficients were predicted after considering the process variables. The expressions presented by Azuara et al. (1992) , based on the model presented by Crank (1975) , were successfully used to predict the equilibrium point and to calculate diffusion coefficients at not only the initial stages of dehydration, but also at different times during the osmotic process.  相似文献   

Fish sauce is a popular Asian food ingredient having specific flavor that gives pleasure to the senses of taste. However, fish sauce contains high-salt content, which is nowadays not desirable by health-conscious consumers. Recently, it has been shown that electrodialysis succeeds in reducing the salt content of fish sauce without affecting its important characteristics over a specific range of residual salt content. In this study the effect of electrodialysis pretreatment prior to spray drying to produce low-salt fish sauce powder, which is a more shelf-stable and convenient product compared with liquid fish sauce, was investigated. Product recovery, morphology and selected physicochemical properties, i.e., moisture content, water activity, hygroscopicity, as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the fish sauce powder were determined. The ED-treated-fish sauces of various salt contents (in the range of approximately 2–25% w/w) were spray dried at inlet drying air temperatures of 120–180 °C. It was found that the feed salt concentration and inlet air temperature had significant effects on all observed variables. This is due to the fact that the feed salt concentration strongly affected water removal from the ED-treated-fish sauce during spray drying, leading to significant alterations of the ED-treated-fish sauce powder properties.  相似文献   

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