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符号学认为,标志是信息传达的载体。利用符号学中“能指”、“所指”的概念及相关构成规律.对汉字字形、笔画、形态语言和形象元素进行文字的创意构思。设计,研究汉字信息传达的视觉文化内涵与可能的表现途径和方法,能够充分发挥汉字特有的“形简”“意美”“结构丰富”的特点。传达情感、美感、寓意等信息,从而可以更好的吸引受众的眼球,使标志作品的思想得到广泛的传播。  相似文献   

在海报设计中,文字起着信息传递视觉化作用,是传递信息的重要载体。它以独特意味的"形"作为媒介传递信息,人们凭借对文字"形"的理解而转化为"义",完成信息内涵的传达与接收。不仅要学会"造字",更要懂得如何"用字"。一个优秀的设计师会恰如其分地"用字"准确而有效地传递信息。因此,在电影海报设计中,字体的设计是设计师必须认真研究和把握的问题。  相似文献   

在现代设计领域中。文字扮演着自己更丰富的角色,表现形式多种多样,应用也越来越广泛。然而。事实上,很多祖先留给我们的经典文字正被粗制滥造的再设计。首先。作为设计师。要了解汉字发展史、领悟汉字渊源。这对于从事汉字字体设计工作来说意义重大。另外.随着人类文明的进步与电子技术的发展,字体设计领域受到很大的冲击.也带来了一些负面影响。最后。艺术内涵才是广告字体设计的灵魂。  相似文献   

金国勇 《网友世界》2013,(22):36-37
随着社会的不断发展,在字体的设计上已有了新的要求,利用文字的视觉传达功能,在二维空间中寻找与创造更为丰富多彩的视觉语言形式。对字体的设计其实就是字体语言化、字体图形化的过程,将文字与语言、图像相结合,以提高文字的视觉传达功能,为人们构建新的文化思想与信息沟通提供新的平台,本文主要分析字体设计的视觉传达及创新。  相似文献   

在设计上,尤其是平面设计和排版里,文字的设计,运用和排列是视觉传达的重要组成部分,运用中文字体和运用英文字体所产生的效果有明显的不同。当然首先要说明一下的是,任何一种语言和文字在其本质上都是平等的,没有贵贱之分,这里所讨论的只是把文字看作设计中的一种元素运用于平面设计和排版之中,从而在视觉上给人产生的不同感受。对于大多数搞设计的人员来说,在总体上,中文字体的排版效果比英文字体来得逊色一点。因为在设计排版中,字体并非仅仅是作为传达文本意义的符号而存在,字体也同时参与到视觉传达与视觉享受的过程中去了。在平面设计中作为基本概念的"点、线、面"三要素,在字体的运用和排版上同样存在。单个的汉字和由字母组成的单个英文单词,作为单独的点元素来说,已经有太大的差别;当他们分别组成了一行文字构成了线元素之后,差别进一步扩大;而当一行行的文字组成了整排的文章形成了面元素之后,在人们视觉中产生的差别就可想而知了。在对中英文字体做了比较和分析,了解了两者的差别和特点之后,作为中国设计师,就要想办法从多种角度出发,运用多种办法来尽可能的提高中文字体在平面设计中的观赏性。  相似文献   

在信息化、数字化并存的今天,人们时刻浸泡在形形色色的信息之中,难免会出现审美疲劳。于是,人们对信息传递的方式有了更高的审美要求。跨越地域、文化界限的"图形"成了人们传递信息的首选媒介。文字本身所具有的象形特征、情感与趣味表现上的优势,成了设计师眼中的新宠儿。通过丰富的想象力和情感概念,灵活的重组字形,使文字充分的展示新的使命、形象和生命力,这似乎标志着人类的文字已开始走向新的符号阶段。  相似文献   

方正多字体激光打印机。它搭配了拥有一百多种汉字字体,全都是方正中国文字字体设计与研究中心的设计师精心设计,这在其它品牌打印机上是没有  相似文献   

文字的出现使人类进入文明社会,它见证了人类的发展历程,使得各种重要信息得以保存,为后世留下了可考的依据。文字促进着文化发展,思想交流,丰富了人类的精神世界,让人类方便了生活。从甲骨文、金文到大篆、小篆再到隶书、楷书,这些符号的演变成就了中华文明的璀璨成果——汉字。文章将着重对汉字进行字体设计研究,从汉字的视觉传达角度探讨字体设计的原则及在书籍封面设计中的运用。  相似文献   

在文化传承与发展以及当下的信息化时代中,文字始终是信息传递过程中的重要载体。在视觉传达设计中,灵活运用字体设计能够进一步提高视觉传达的效果,在呈现完美艺术性的同时实现信息的传递与交流。因此,字体设计在视觉传达艺术设计中具有十分重要的应用意义,通过巧妙的文字设计,能够第一时间引起人的注意,在引起注意力的同时实现信息的传递,达到信息传播的预期目标。基于此,本文针对字体设计的内涵进行了分析,探讨了字体设计在视觉传达艺术设计中应当遵循的原则,并结合实际探讨了字体设计在视觉传达艺术中的应用。  相似文献   

每天对着电脑焦头烂额地赶PROPOSAL,是否有一刻你觉得屏幕上的文字在天旋地转?即便如此,或许你也不会用一分钟的时间来思考—下这些文字所表达的情感。当然,我不是在说文字的内容,而是字体。每种字体都它独一无二的性格,今天,iWo邀请了三位字体设计师来与你“窃窃私语”,探讨他们心里的“字体情”。  相似文献   

Classical mobile phone keypads which consist of 12 buttons are commonly used to write short text messages through two common methods, the multi-tap and the predictive text entry. For the Arabic language mobile keypads, all Arabic letters are distributed over the 8 buttons of the keypad where three or more letters share the same button. In this paper, a new text entry environment is proposed. The environment includes two proposed improved approaches for Arabic language messages to make the multi-tap text entry method faster and easier. The first approach is based on the idea of remapping the distribution of Arabic letters on the keypad according to the frequency of letters. In the second approach, a bi-Gram based method is used to predict the next letter to be typed automatically. The proposed approaches are evaluated using a corpus of 1514 real Arabic text messages. Several experiments were conducted to evaluate the proposed text entry environment. The results of the experiments have showed that using the proposed remapped keypad is faster and consumes less effort in comparison to the classical keypad.  相似文献   

Causal order states that for any process the order in which it is delivered messages cannot violate the happened-before relation of the corresponding sendings. Such a communication abstraction has been defined for reliable distributed systems in which data of application messages have unlimited time validity. In this paper we extend the notion of causal order to cope with unreliable communication networks in which messages have real-time delivery constraints. In particular, we assume that messages have a limited time validity, , after which their data can no longer be used by the application, and that some of them can be lost by the communication network. This new abstraction, called -causal order, requires to deliver as many messages as possible within their validity time in such a way that these deliveries respect causal order. Two efficient implementations are proposed in the case of one-to-one and broadcast communication. Examples of distributed multimedia real-time applications, in which scheduling messages deliveries respecting -causal order is a crucial point for the quality of the service, are given.  相似文献   

Richard L. Sites 《Software》1979,9(7):571-574
In some compilers, long identifiers are truncated, or lower case letters are converted to upper case. Such respellings can make two distinct identifiers appear identical, and under unfavourable circumstances no warning or error messages will be generated. The use of different respelling algorithms in different compilers is a hindrance to transporting software, and is a source of latent bugs. This short note suggests avoiding the problem by generating warning messages when a potentially ambiguous spelling is used in a declaration. The technique involves hashing the character and case-shift bits that would otherwise be thrown away. A program that compiles without warning messages can be safely transported.  相似文献   

随着经济与文化水平的迅猛提升,我国与世界的交流合作正在向全方位、立体化的态势发展。汉字作为中华民族文化的载体也在社会发展过程中不断创新与完善。设计者如何在原有字体的基础上发挥自身的才智及潜能去总结各种形式法则和变化规律,创造独具特色的视觉传达风格,丰富和增强字体形式的表现力及影响力成为我们不得不思考的问题。  相似文献   

The Atomic Broadcast algorithm described in this paper can deliver messages in two communication steps, even if multiple processes broadcast at the same time. It tags all broadcast messages with the local real time, and delivers all messages in the order of these timestamps. Both positive and negative statements are used: “m broadcast at time 51” vs. “no messages broadcast between times 31 and 51”. To prevent crashed processes from blocking the system, the -elected leader broadcasts negative statements on behalf of the processes it suspects () to have crashed. A new cheap Generic Broadcast algorithm is used to ensure consistency between conflicting statements. It requires only a majority of correct processes (n > 2f) and, in failure-free runs, delivers all non-conflicting messages in two steps. The main algorithm satisfies several new lower bounds, which are proved in this paper.  相似文献   

As collections of archived digital documents continue to grow the maintenance of an archive, and the quality of reproduction from the archived format, become important long‐term considerations. In particular, Adobe's portable document format (PDF) is now an important ‘final form’ standard for archiving and distributing electronic versions of technical documents. It is important that all embedded images in the PDF, and any fonts used for text rendering, should at the very minimum be easily readable on screen. Unfortunately, because PDF is based on PostScript technology, it allows the embedding of bitmap fonts in Adobe Type 3 format as well as higher‐quality outline fonts in TrueType or Adobe Type 1 formats. Bitmap fonts do not generally perform well when they are scaled and rendered on low‐resolution devices such as workstation screens. The work described here investigates how a plug‐in to Adobe Acrobat enables bitmap fonts to be substituted by corresponding outline fonts using a checksum matching technique against a canonical set of bitmap fonts, as originally distributed. The target documents for our initial investigations are those PDF files produced by LATEX systems when set up in a default (bitmap font) configuration. For all bitmap fonts where recognition exceeds a certain confidence threshold replacement fonts in Adobe Type 1 (outline) format can be substituted with consequent improvements in file size, screen display quality and rendering speed. The accuracy of font recognition is discussed together with the prospects of extending these methods to bitmap‐font PDF files from sources other than LATEX. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concerns over effects of ‘textisms’ on literacy have been reinforced by research identifying processing costs associated with reading textisms. But to what extent do such studies reflect actual textism use? This study examined the textual characteristics of 936 text messages in English (13391 words). Message length, nonstandard spelling, sender and message characteristics and word frequency were analyzed. The data showed that 25% of word content used nonstandard spelling, the most frequently occurring category involving omission of capital letters. Types of nonstandard spelling varied only slightly depending on the purpose of the text message, while the overall proportion of nonstandard spelling did not differ significantly. Less than 0.2% of content was ‘semantically unrecoverable.’ Implications for experimental studies of textisms are discussed.  相似文献   

The Hagelin M-209 portable encryption device was used by the U.S. Army in World War II and the Korean War, as well as by other armies and in embassy settings. In this article, a fully automated, computerized known-plaintext attack is presented. It is based on hillclimbing and a novel fitness function: the aggregate displacement error. Performance evaluation shows that this attack is able to recover key settings for messages as short as 50 characters. To validate these results, several publicly available challenge messages were solved with this method, including a message with only 40 letters.  相似文献   

With the widespread growth and adoption of new technologies, online platforms such as social network sites (SNSs) have become a channel for health information. Online groups have been set up for communication and interaction, among which many are for people with chronic illnesses, including people with HIV/AIDS (PHA). In the study of online communication behavior, the Social Information Processing Theory (SIPT) predicted people will develop deeper interpersonal relationships in online groups over time (Walther, 1996). However, the author argued that CMC content should be examined more closely to get a dynamic picture of how people interaction and how groups develop over time. Thus this paper attempted to refine SIPT by enriching the framework with detailed components, and used directed content analysis to categorize messages posted on the PHA Support Group on Sina Weibo, a China-based microblog. The results showed that the percentage of socio-emotional messages saw an increase of almost 1/3 over time, taking over informational messages as the major content in all online postings. Medical related informational messages surpassed non-medical related informational messages as time went by. Intimacy relationship messages saw drastic increase in the two time periods. This study refined SIPT by providing increased granularity of its categorization scheme to examine group communication more closely.  相似文献   

High Performance RDMA-Based MPI Implementation over InfiniBand   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although InfiniBand Architecture is relatively new in the high performance computing area, it offers many features which help us to improve the performance of communication subsystems. One of these features is Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) operations. In this paper, we propose a new design of MPI over InfiniBand which brings the benefit of RDMA to not only large messages, but also small and control messages. We also achieve better scalability by exploiting application communication pattern and combining send/receive operations with RDMA operations. Our RDMA-based MPI implementation achieves a latency of 6.8 sec for small messages and a peak bandwidth of 871 million bytes/sec. Performance evaluation shows that for small messages, our RDMA-based design can reduce the latency by 24%, increase the bandwidth by over 104%, and reduce the host overhead by up to 22% compared with the original design. For large data transfers, we improve performance by reducing the time for transferring control messages. We have also shown that our new design is beneficial to MPI collective communication and NAS Parallel Benchmarks.  相似文献   

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