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In many automated systems such as manufacturing systems and process plants, a fieldbus is a very important component for the exchange of various and sometimes crucial information. Some of the information has a tendency to rapidly lose its value as time elapses after its creation. Such information or data is called real-time data that includes sensor values and control commands. In order to deliver these data in time, the fieldbus network should be tailored to have short delay with respect to the individual time limit of various data. Fine-tuning the network for a given traffic requires knowledge on the relationship between protocol parameters such as timer values and performance measure such as network delay. This paper presents a mathematical performance model to calculate communication delays of the Profibus FMS network when the timer value and the traffic characteristics are given. The results of this model are compared to those from experiments to assess the model's validity.  相似文献   

Jun Kiniwa 《Information Sciences》2006,176(18):2603-2623
This paper presents a new method for request-based self-stabilizing token passing. A token is passed via a dynamic BFS (breadth-first search) tree rooted at a requesting process. When one of the tree edges reaches a process that has a token, the process is aware of the occurrence of a request. Then the token is passed towards the root. Even if multiple tokens stay at distinct roots, it can be shown that they will be merged into a single token. Furthermore, each request-rooted tree continues to grow until the request is serviced. As a result, the tree with a request that has long been neglected grows larger and larger, which makes it easier for the requesting process to get a token. Such advantages can be achieved by using bounded memory. We also evaluate the stabilization time and the efficiency of servicing k requests, called k-covering time, of our method.  相似文献   

为了提高无线传感器网络的吞吐量,降低时延,本文设计了一种多信道MAC协议——MCHMAC。它采用调度和竞争访问机制相结的混合方式来传输信息,通过动态调整节点的活跃与睡眠状态的时长来节省能量。MCHMAC使用信道状态估计算法对信道进行评估,利用信道调度表来为节点调度状态最优的信道。仿真实验结果证明,本协议提高了吞吐量,降低了网络时延。  相似文献   

The Navy is a large user of real-time systems. A modern surface ship is deployed with hundreds of computers which are required for the ship to perform its mission. The Navy is moving away from using niche market components to meet its real-time computing needs and towards distributed processing using Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) computing components. The use of commercial real-time computing components requires careful evaluation to determine if they can meet the real-time requirements. This paper focuses on evaluating the communication resources for use aboard a Navy ship. Presented are: (1) Key performance metrics for assessing the communication capabilities of computers for use aboard Navy ships; (2) An assessment of existing methods for determining these metrics; (3) A methodology for collecting data to evaluate a particular component's performance related to these; (4) Examples of applying the methodology; and (5) Examples of quantitative analysis using the metrics.  相似文献   

肖楠  梁俊  赵尚弘  张基伟 《电子技术应用》2012,38(2):109-112,116
针对PRMA-HS协议中系统阻塞概率较大的问题,引入微时隙概念,提出了具有冲突减弱功能的MPRMA-HS协议,通过对可用时隙的再划分,增加系统竞争时隙数量,以降低系统拥塞。建立了协议模型,利用平衡点分析法对协议的接入阻塞概率、系统丢包率和吞吐率进行了理论推导。通过计算机仿真给出了协议的性能曲线,并与PRMA-HS进行了对比。结果表明,MPRMA-HS协议所能支持的最大用户终端数比PRMA-HS协议提高11.9%,而接入阻塞概率和丢包率均小于PRMA-HS协议。  相似文献   

A new Data Link Layer protocol, named the Twin-Bus-Controller (TBC) protocol, is proposed for a fibre optic network with unidirectional bus topology. The TBC protocol operates on a contention-based, time-division multiplexing scheme, and is managed by two centralized bus controllers. These controllers, which also function as network managers cooperate with each other to control and coordinate the activities on the twin bus. The IBC protocol has the capability to perform at a very high network utilization, and uses simple hardware at all stations except the two bus controllers. This arrangement provides a relatively inexpensive means to accommodate a large number of stations. Heterogeneous data consisting of real-time sensor and control signals, voice and video data, and non-real-time data such as those due to accounting and administration, can be simultaneously handled by the TBC protocol. The TBC protocol maintains global queues for all different types of data, and each class of data has a bounded delay. Furthermore, any new type of data can be added easily to the network without shutting it down or affecting those stations that are unrelated to the new data. A finite-state-machine model has been used to describe the TBC protocol. Performance of the TBC protocol has been evaluated by statistical analysis as well as via simulation for multiple classes of data traffic. Performance of the TBC protocol has been compared with that of Buzznet and Fasnet. The TBC protocol can be directly applied to diverse computer communication systems, e.g. office, manufacturing, and banking environments.  相似文献   

基于UDP协议穿透NAT设备的对等网络模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对对等网络系统中处于局域网内节点很难与局域网外节点建立连接与通信的问题,研究设计了一种基于UDP协议穿透NAT设备的模型,并基于设计的模型进行了节点穿越常用NAT设备的仿真实验.仿真结果表明,常用NAT设备参数配置若符合一定的规范,对等网络中节点基于UDP协议采用打洞技术就容易实现对NATs设备的穿透.  相似文献   

该文介绍了在企业网环境下,基于SNMP设计并开发网络设备性能分析系统的方法。该系统主要针对交换机Dlink5016和3Com3300的接口性能及其系统性能进行数据的采集,处理和分析。系统采用VC^ 实现。  相似文献   

基于UDP的传输协议性能比较与分析*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在介绍协议基本原理的基础上,通过实验,对几种典型的基于UDP的传输协议的吞吐率、公平性、后向兼容性、传输效率等性能指标作出了比较全面的评价,并实验分析了各种参数对传输性能的影响。最后总结实验结果,提出了本领域开放性的问题及有待进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Distributed hard real-time systems are characterized by communication messages associated with timing constraints, typically in the form of deadlines. A message should be received at the destination before its deadline expires. Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) appears to be one of the most common communication network access schemes that can be used in distributed hard real-time systems. In this paper, we propose a new real-time network access protocol which is based on the CSMA/CD scheme. The protocol classifies the messages into two classes as ‘critical’ and ‘noncritical’ messages. The messages close to their deadlines are considered to be critical. A critical message is given the right to access the network by preempting a noncritical message in transmission. Extensive simulation experiments have been conducted to evaluate the performance of the protocol. It is shown that the protocol can provide considerable improvement over the virtual time CSMA/CD protocol proposed for hard real-time communication by Zhao et al.1.  相似文献   

为解决无线Mesh网络节点高效、安全入网认证的问题,提出了一种新的基于标识认证的无线Mesh网络接入认证协议.该协议针对无线Mesh网络的特点,将标识认证体制引入到无线Mesh节点接入认证当中,并在标识认证的基础上一次性完成了入网节点的双向身份认证、网络认证和空口密钥的建立3个步骤.简化了认证的流程,减少了认证的时延,达到了分布式认证的效果,为大规模的节点接入提供了一种新的认证方案.通过BAN逻辑形式化方法证明了协议的安全性,通过效率分析说明了协议的高效性.  相似文献   

Synchronous message-passing communication, or rendezvous, occurring between software tasks can have a significant effect on system performance. The rendezvous style of communication is coming into wider use in programming languages and operating systems for parallel and distributed environments. Understanding the performance implications of this style of inter-task communication is becoming a matter of practical importance. The dual nature of a task which acts both like a customer as well as a server, makes the performance analysis of rendezvous-based multitasking systems quite different from the analysis of the other queueing systems with known results. This research focuses on rendezvous-based systems in which the execution behavior of the software has a nondeterministic component of a very general nature which may for example be the manifestation of a data dependent behavior. Based on a model called the Stochastic Rendezvous Network the computation of bounds on task throughputs for multitasking systems characterized by rendezvous style communication is presented. Although the behavior of tasks is called stochastic, it is very general and the results are valid for general distributions of computation times and the number of messages generated by tasks. The inter-relationship among task throughputs, however, makes it difficult to extract the bounds in closed analytic form. The notion of a feasible throughput region which encloses the set of feasible tasks throughputs and captures the inter-relationship among the behavior of tasks is introduced. Variations of this basic bounding approach that are useful in the context of different types of multitasking systems are considered in the article. For example, a novel technique based on interval arithmetic is proposed for the computation of numerical values for the bounds. The applicability of the bounds and their tightness are analyzed through case studies. Issues such as the inter-relationship between the software architecture and system performance, and the effect of processor contention on the performance bounds are discussed.  相似文献   

为增强移动终端可信网络接入认证与评估协议的可用性,降低网络通信负载及终端计算负载,提出一种轻量级的身份认证与平台鉴别评估协议。协议基于接入双方在首次接入时共享的认证密钥以及对方的可信平台配置信息,在不需要可信第三方参与的情况下,完成快速的身份认证与鉴别评估。协议减少了网络数据交换次数以及接入双方的计算工作量,在保证接入认证与评估所需的安全属性的同时,还增强了平台配置信息的机密性以及抵抗重放攻击的能力。安全性和性能分析表明,所提协议适合无线网络通信环境下的移动终端可信网络接入。  相似文献   

In many wireless sensor network applications, nodes are mobile, while many protocols proposed for these networks assume a static network. Thus, it is important to evaluate if a traditional protocol designed for a static network can tolerate different levels of mobility. This paper provides an analytic model to investigate the effect of mobility on a well-known cluster-based protocol, LEACH. The model evaluates data loss after construction of the clusters due to node mobility, which can be used to estimate a proper update interval to balance the energy and data loss ratio. Thus, the results can help the network designer to adjust the topology update interval given a value of acceptable data loss threshold. A practical approach to increase the mobility tolerance of the protocol is applying a buffer zone to the transmission ranges of the nodes. The model is extended in order to consider the effect of buffer zone. To validate the analytic evaluations, extensive simulations are conducted and correctness of the evaluations is tightly verified.  相似文献   

赵祥模  许宏科  施惟颖 《计算机工程》2005,31(22):207-209,212
针对现有汽车安全性能计算机测控系统存在的不足,研制了一种基于局域网(LAN)控制的汽车安全性能自动测控系统。论文对该系统的结构、工作原理、控制流程及软、硬件设计关键技术进行了论述。应用情况表明,该系统与传统的系统相比,具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

In this paper a multiple access protocol is proposed for a system consisting of many high-speed bursty traffic stations interconnected via an optical passive star coupler. Each station has access over a range of wavelengths. Time is divided intp fixed-sized slots. A station must reserve a wavelength first, then transmits the data on that wavelength. New stations can join the system anytime without any system reconfiguration. Broadcast and multicast traffic can also be easily supported. The performance of both the infinite and finite population cases has been modeled and analyzed. Numerical results show that low delay and high throughput (larger than the electronic speed of a single station) can be achieved. The analysis also shows that the best performance is obtained when the capacities of the reservation channels and the data channels are balanced.  相似文献   

MANET能量与其他网络性能平衡路由协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种网络性能平衡估价函数,该函数考虑了节点通信过程中的通信信息,包括节点已成功传送的数据包数、掉包数、已发送的控制包数、路由发起次数、路由总跳数以及节点的剩余能量。基于该函数,设计了一种基于能量和其他网络性能参数平衡的路由协议——BEOP,该协议通过在网络中选择平衡估价函数值小于给定阈值的节点作为路由节点,从而得到一条网络性能较优的传输路径。仿真结果表明,该协议能够很好地平衡网络性能,与DSR、MBCR协议相比,BEOP协议在网络平均时延、平均吞吐量、控制开销、丢包率、包成功发送率及网络生存时间等性能上都有较好的改善。  相似文献   

朱军  翟葵 《微机发展》2003,13(4):79-80
建立了星形拓扑结构的LAN排队模型,符合冲突避免网络访问协议。该模型基于单服务员、一定缓冲容量的排队系统,并对一个六节点的网络进行了性能评价。基于该排队模型集线器可运用智能更好地管理网络,提高网络性能指标。  相似文献   

随着对TNC应用和研究的不断深入,其架构自身的安全性问题也逐渐成为人们所关注的焦点。在分析了TNC架构存在局限性的基础上,提出了一种新的基于TNC规范的网络接入认证协议,在服务器端和客户端安全协商会话密钥的前提下实现了通信双方的双向身份认证和双向平台认证,在提高认证效率的同时使得整个认证过程更为安全可靠。最后,对协议进行了安全性分析,并给出了协议的安全性验证过程,分析结果表明该接入认证协议能够达到预期的安全目标。  相似文献   

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