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葡萄与葡萄酒中总酚测定方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酚类物质是葡萄酒的骨架成分,也是葡萄酒保健功能的主要作用物质,所以准确测定酚类物质总量对评判葡萄酒的保健功能和判断葡萄酒品质有重要的意义。文章综述高锰酸钾法、福林酚法、普鲁士蓝法、香草醛—盐酸(硫酸)法、高效液相色谱法、蛋白质沉淀法在酚类物质测定中的应用情况,并分析其优缺点,为筛选和优化葡萄与葡萄酒总酚测定方法的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

葡萄酒酚类物质研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酚类物质作为葡萄酒的“骨架成分”,在葡萄酒中起着重要作用,不仅影响葡萄酒的颜色、滋味和口味等,还具有抗氧化作用。概述了葡萄酒中主要的酚类物质及其作用研究进展。  相似文献   

一、葡萄酒的营养葡萄酒是葡萄发酵所得,它的营养成分绝大部分来源于葡萄,除酒精外,葡萄酒还含有糖、有机酸、蛋白质、氨基酸、矿质元素、维生素、酚类、芳香成分,这些物质除了赋予葡萄酒以丰富多样的香气,口味特性之外,还提供全面、均衡的营养。 1、产生热量:葡萄酒中的酒精、糖可以提供给人体热量,一升12度葡萄酒的热值为700卡,1度糖在体内完全氧化可产生37.56大卡的热量。葡萄酒的单糖可直接为人体吸  相似文献   

张欣珂  赵旭  成池芳  齐梦瑶  石英 《食品科学》2019,40(15):255-268
葡萄酒以其复杂的风味受到广大消费者的青睐。酚类物质是葡萄酒中重要的组成部分,影响其感官品质。同时酚类物质也被认为是葡萄酒保健功能的来源。葡萄酒中的酚类物质复杂多样,主要包括了类黄酮类物质和非类黄酮类物质,其中类黄酮类物质包括花色苷及其衍生物、黄烷醇类和黄酮醇类。非类黄酮类物质包括羟基苯甲酸、羟基肉桂酸和芪类物质。本文对上述葡萄酒中的酚类物质进行了系统综述,包括其种类、结构与性质,同时对这些物质的主要检测方法以及研究进展进行了总结,以期为相关研究者提供学术参考,为葡萄酒行业从业者提供一定的指导。  相似文献   

葡萄酒以其复杂的风味受到广大消费者的青睐。酚类物质是葡萄酒中重要的组成部分,影响其感官品质。同时酚类物质也被认为是葡萄酒保健功能的来源。葡萄酒中的酚类物质复杂多样,主要包括了类黄酮类物质和非类黄酮类物质,其中类黄酮类物质包括花色苷及其衍生物、黄烷醇类和黄酮醇类。非类黄酮类物质包括羟基苯甲酸、羟基肉桂酸和芪类物质。本文对上述葡萄酒中的酚类物质进行了系统综述,包括其种类、结构与性质,同时对这些物质的主要检测方法以及研究进展进行了总结,以期为相关研究者提供学术参考,为葡萄酒行业从业者提供一定的指导。  相似文献   

赵旭  张欣珂  陈新军  张珊珊  何非 《食品科学》2019,40(17):284-294
近年来,我国葡萄酒消费量持续快速增长,葡萄酒正逐渐成为倍受青睐的酒精饮料之一。究其原因,葡萄酒独特的风味固然重要,而葡萄酒(尤其是红葡萄酒)喜人的颜色和丰富的生物活性功能同样吸引了大量的消费者。不同于绝大部分酒精饮料,葡萄酒中富含酚类物质,不仅赋予其醇厚的口感和艳丽的色泽,也会对饮用者的身体健康起到十分积极的功效。本文介绍了葡萄酒中主要酚类物质的生物活性,并对红葡萄酒颜色保持起到重要作用的辅色效应(包括辅色效应的研究历史、作用类型及其影响因素等)进行概述,以期为我国葡萄酒产业的持续健康发展提供一定的理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

葡萄酒品质很大程度上取决于葡萄原料的质量。为探究酿酒葡萄果实冷冻前处理对葡萄酒品质指标,尤其酚类物质含量的影响,以红色酿酒葡萄品种‘黑比诺’为试验材料,对原料进行常温处理和﹣24℃冷冻处理,在酒精发酵结束后检测葡萄酒的常规理化指标和酚类物质含量。结果表明,原料冷冻处理对‘黑比诺’葡萄果肉中的糖和酸等溶出物影响很小,对源自果皮的成分有显著影响,可提高‘黑比诺’葡萄酒中的干浸出物、单宁、总花色苷、总酚、单体酚和简单花色苷含量,从而显著提升葡萄酒质量。因此,原料冷冻处理可以作为提高葡萄酒品质的前处理措施,推荐用于小规模精品葡萄酒的生产。  相似文献   

1 前言饮用红葡萄酒有益于健康的报道不断增加,这一方面是由于适量饮用酒精;更重要的是由于红葡萄酒中含有丰富的酚类物质。经国内外专家大量研究表明,酚类物质中的白藜芦醇及其葡萄糖甙具有很强的药理活性,这些药理活性包括:阻止LDL氧化、抗血小板凝聚、抑制肿瘤等作用。作为衡量红葡萄酒质量好坏的成分指标之一,如何将其准确测定就显的十分重要。至今国内外已建立了HPLC、GC/MS等多种测定白藜芦醇及其甙的方法,总结这些方法发现存在诸如样品处理方法复杂、分析所用时间较长、应用了复杂的梯度洗脱等影响分析精确度和准确度的…  相似文献   

美国《科学日报》刊登布法罗大学的一份研究报告,饮用葡萄酒对肺部健康大有益处,其主要功劳应该归功于白葡萄酒而不是红葡萄酒。布法罗大学在提交给美国胸科学会会议上的报告称,长期或终生饮用葡萄酒,肺部功能可以得到明显的改善。白葡萄酒之所以对肺部功能产生积极的影响,其原因就在于葡萄酒中的营养物质,葡萄酒中的黄酮类和酚类等抗氧化物可有效清除肺部的有害物质。美国科学家为此做了全面的资料收集,并从包括膳食习惯在内的生活习惯、身体状况进行了测量,分析了葡萄酒饮用与肺部之间的关系,结果表明:终生饮用葡萄酒与每秒肺活…  相似文献   

酶制剂在葡萄酒酿造中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葡萄酒的健康和营养价值主要在于其含有来自葡萄原料的大量多酚物质.在葡萄酒生产过程使用果胶酶可提高葡萄酒中的多酚物质和其他对健康有益的物质成分;使用尿素酶和溶茵酶可降低葡萄酒中氨基甲酸乙酯(可能致癌的物质)和生物胺(引起过敏)的含量.讨论了果胶酶、尿素酶、溶菌酶等作为高科技生物酶工具,在葡萄酒酿造中对提升葡萄酒的营养品质和卫生健康的营养保健价值.  相似文献   

葡萄酒成分分析与质量研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
通过对19种葡萄酒的主要成分及其感官质量的分析评价,结果显示:葡萄酒中除含有糖、酒、酸、单宁、多酚外,还含有丰富的氨基酸、维生素C、矿物质及多种微量香味成分,其含量及感官质量因酒种及来源的不同而有所差异。在分析的基础上探讨了影响葡萄酒质量的主要因素,提出了提高国产葡萄酒质量的技术工艺措施;并建议加强对葡萄酒香味成分的分析研究,建立新的葡萄酒质量评价体系。  相似文献   

This review presents a global view of the current situation of the scientific knowledge about aspects of wine with possible repercussions (positive or negative) on consumer health and wine safety. The presence in wine of some potential harmful compounds such as phytosanitary products, trace metal compounds, sulfites, and some toxics of microbial origin, such as ochratoxin A, ethyl carbamate, and biogenic amines, is discussed. The different strategies and alternative methodologies that are being carried out to reduce or to avoid the presence of these substances in wines are also discussed. In recent years much work has focused on establishing the scientific explanations for the positive biological effects of some wine compounds. In this review, we also examine the latest knowledge regarding wine and health, focusing on two types of compounds that have been related to the positive effects of moderate wine consumption, such as phenolic compounds and bioactive peptides.  相似文献   

以热带水果嘉宝果为原料制作嘉宝果浸泡酒,研究不同浸渍时间对嘉宝果浸泡酒的活性成分含量及抗氧化活性的影响,并对不同浸渍时间浸泡酒的挥发性成分进行分析,明确其特征风味物质。结果表明,浸泡酒中的酚类物质含量随浸渍时间延长而增加,浸泡3个月时嘉宝果浸泡酒的酚类物质含量已达到峰值,其总酚、总黄酮和原花青素含量分别为1581.11 mg GAE/L、352.20 mg CE/L和140.96 mg EPE/L,与浸泡6个月的含量无显著性差异。浸泡酒的抗氧化活性与酚类物质含量变化趋势一致,浸泡3个月的嘉宝果浸泡酒的ABTS、DPPH和FRAP抗氧化能力最强,含量分别为697.02 mmol TE/L,428.97μmol TE/L和19.97 mmol Fe2+/L。嘉宝果浸泡酒挥发性成分中主要鉴定出醇类、烃类、酯类和醛酮类等4类。苯乙醇、1-己醇、癸酸乙酯和辛酸乙酯等香气成分是嘉宝果浸泡酒的重要风味物质。综上所述,确定嘉宝果浸泡酒的最佳浸渍时间为3个月,此时浸泡酒的活性物质含量、抗氧化活性和风味物质种类均达到最好水平。  相似文献   

The relation between alcohol consumption and mortality is a J-shaped curve in most of the many studies published on this topic. The Copenhagen Prospective Population Studies demonstrated in the year 2000 that wine intake may have a beneficial effect on all cause mortality that is additive to that of alcohol. Wine contains various poliphenolic substances which may be beneficial for health and in particular flavonols (such as myricetin and quercetin), catechin and epicatechin, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, various phenolic acids and the stilbene resveratrol. In particular, resveratrol seems to play a positive effect on longevity because it increases the expression level of Sirt1, besides its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. Moderate wine drinking is part of the Mediterranean diet, together with abundant and variable plant foods, high consumption of cereals, olive oil as the main (added) fat and a low intake of (red) meat. This healthy diet pattern involves a “Mediterranean way of drinking,” that is a regular, moderate wine consumption mainly with food (up to two glasses a day for men and one glass for women). Moderate wine drinking increases longevity, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and does not appreciably influence the overall risk of cancer.  相似文献   

Owing to a globally increased interest in the relationship between nutrition and health, the development of new functional food products is gaining more importance. The aim of this research was to evaluate the quality and acceptability of a wine produced with increased amounts of grape seeds and stems as a functional beverage. Sensory properties of the wines produced were evaluated and the market potential of this product was estimated through a survey carried out among wine consumers in Novi Sad, Serbia. It was shown that addition of enhanced amounts of grape seeds in the pomace had a greater influence on the phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity towards DPPH and hydroxyl radicals than supplementation with stems. Flavan‐3‐ols and their monomers [(+)‐catechin and (?)‐epicatechin], as predominant phenolic compounds extracted from grape seeds, showed a high positive correlation with antioxidant activity (r ≥ 0.950). Based on the best relationship between phenolic composition and sensory acceptability, the addition of 80 g seeds per kilogram of pomace has been suggested as the most acceptable quantity. The survey showed the necessity for promoting the health‐beneficial effects of catechins through various channels, despite the high percentage of respondents (68%) who were willing to pay up to two times more for this functionally enhanced wine. The major obstacle to the official acceptance of this wine as a functional beverage in Serbia is the insufficiently examined question of the effect of moderate alcohol intake on health. Copyright © 2014 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

该研究利用丹参和赤砂糖为主要原料进行发酵生产丹参保健酒,以丹参保健酒中的总黄酮与总酚酸含量作为评价指标,通过单因素试验和正交试验对丹参添加量、酵母接种量、发酵初糖度、发酵温度及发酵pH值进行优化。结果表明,丹参保健酒最优工艺条件为:丹参添加量10%、酵母接种量0.015%、发酵液初总糖275 g/L、发酵温度28 ℃、发酵液pH值4。在此优化条件下,丹参保健酒酒精度为12.6%vol,总黄酮含量为506 mg/L、总酚酸含量为354 mg/L。  相似文献   

胡承  应鸿  胡永松  钟杰 《酿酒科技》2005,(7):106-108
中国传统白酒主要由水、乙醇及呈香呈味物质构成,其中呈香呈味物质按含量分为色谱骨架成分、协调成分和复杂成分,与洋酒比较:高级醇类含量低,芳香族化合物含量低,乙酸乙酯及乳酸乙酯含量高,酸、醛的总含量高。酒精伤肝是肯定的,过量饮用白酒伤肝也是无可厚非的,笼统地说饮用白酒伤肝值得深入研究和商榷。倡导科学、文明、适量饮酒有益健康。将白酒研究与商业宣传和炒作区分对待,避免学术研究商业化。  相似文献   

Abstract: Functional foods may be regarded as foods that have nutritional value, but in particular, they also have beneficial effects on one or more body functions. Thus, functional foods may improve health and/or reduce the risk of developing certain diseases when taken in amounts that can be consumed in a normal diet. Based on nearly 2 decades of research since the term “French paradox” was first coined in 1992, wine would appear to fit this definition. Yet there seems to be reluctance to consider wine as a functional food. In this review, we present an overview of the accumulated evidence for the health benefits of wine—and its key phenolic components such as resveratrol, quercetin, catechin—and show that these alone are not enough to firmly establish wine as a functional food. What is required is to create clearly defined products based on wine that are targeted to consumers’ needs and expectations when it comes to purchasing functional foods. Moreover, the crucial question of alcohol and health also needs to be addressed by the functional food industry. Suggestions are presented for working through this issue, but in many regards, wine is like any other food—it should be consumed sensibly and in amounts that are beneficial to health. Overindulgence of any kind does not promote good health.  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展和消费者健康意识的增强,酒精度低的发酵果酒越来越受欢迎。该文介绍了发酵果酒的加工历史、健康功效、分类、对加工原料的要求、种类和产业规模,综述了果酒发酵工艺及其特点、发酵过程中功能性物质的变化,分析了发酵前/后处理关键技术对果酒品质的影响,探讨了国内发酵果酒产业现存问题,展望了果酒产业的发展前景,以期为发酵果酒的生产提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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