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根据《中国科协科普发展规划(2016-2020年)》规划预测,未来我国科技馆数量将超过400座,影院数量将超过300座,其中穹幕影院建设需求量很大。由于国内外对穹幕影院技术的系统研究不足,科普场馆在穹幕影院设备选型中缺乏指导和参考,导致设备使用不充分、观影效果差、维修维护成本高、售后服务跟不上等诸多问题。本文拟通过调查分析对穹幕影院技术发展趋势进行研究,推动相关领域的理论研究,为科普场馆进行影院建设和设备升级改造提供有益的参考和依据,促进我国科普电影事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

近些年,我国科普场馆中的特效影院建设如火如荼。特效影院的建设成本少则几百万元,多则几千万元,每年运营经费也要几十万元。如此大的建设、运营投入,科普传播效果是否尽如人意?国内较少有人关注,相关研究极其缺乏。本文从传播学角度,通过问卷调查和访谈的方式对影响电影传播的传播主体、传播技巧、传播对象等各要素进行调查、分析,了解科普特种电影传播对观众的认知、态度和行为等方面的影响,进而提出意见和建议,为提升我国科普电影的传播效果提供参考,推动科普事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

近年来,我国迎来了科技馆建设的热潮,科技馆已经成为我国科普教育的重要舞台,但是科技馆在科普教育中存在着以下问题:展品缺乏刨意,且不重视展品的教育:展品的更新率低:科技馆的可持续投资较少。因此若想提升科技馆的科普教育效果必须做到:科技馆的建设要与自身定位和本地特色相适应:各级政府要加大对科技馆的财政投入。教育内容要紧扣社会热点做到与时俱进,且选择灵活的教育方式。  相似文献   

伴随我国科技馆(包括近年新建的博物馆及各类专业场馆)的不断兴建和发展,特效影院即特种电影影院大有与日俱增、不断发展之趋势.为此,笔者根据多年的研究和工作实践,对特效影院系统设备的配置谈些粗浅认识,以期和同行共同探讨:  相似文献   

科技馆向社会展示了工程技术科学以及自然科学等内容,有对社会进行科普教育的功能。它担任着向公众宣传科学思想、普及科学知识以及宣传科技成果的任务,从而培养公众的科技兴趣,提高国民科技素养。同时科技馆也能够体现一个国家的文化、科技以及社会发展形象,是科技、经济和综合国力的一个显著标志。这些年来,我国在科技馆建设发展等方面有了一定的改善,但是在运行方面还是有一些限制和问题存在。其中科技展示不能形象向参观者诠释科技内涵, 而且有些科技比较枯燥,很难引起参观者的兴趣。针对这些问题,可以通过采用特效影院的方式来进行改善。  相似文献   

正10月24—26日,受中国自然科学博物馆协会科普场馆特效影院专业委员会和中国电影科学技术研究所委托,《现代电影技术》编辑部承办了科普场馆特效影院专业委员会2018年度特效影院管理人员培训班。培训班在中国科学技术馆举办,来自全国科技馆、博物馆、天文馆等30家科普场馆的48名管理人员参加了培训。  相似文献   

一、对我国科普影院现状的思考我国科普影院主要有穹幕影院、太空影院、巨幕影院、动感影院、4D影院等几种形式。由于科普影院在经济上高投入、微收益甚至负收益及公益性特点,其运营主要由各科普场馆承担,是一种孤立、封闭的运作模式,各影院之间的影片资源、人才资源、零配件资  相似文献   

随着国内经济高速发展,人民生活水平不断提高,对科技文化的需求也在快速增加,科技馆建设的热潮正在全国兴起,优秀的科技馆也越来越多。为充分发挥科普教育基地的功能,一方面需要与时俱进的科技展品做硬件基础,另一方面也需要优秀的科技馆讲解员向大众传播科技知识。本文主要就如何提升科技馆讲解员讲解服务水平谈一些个人初见,与各位同仁进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文从科技馆的具体含义及功能阐述了科技馆是公众接受科普教育的基地,是面向社会普及科学知识、传播科学思想和科学方法的重要窗口。其功能主要是展示科学技术的发展水平,激发公众对科学的兴趣,提高公众的科学素质。随着科学技术的快速发展,我国现有的科技馆大多存在一些问题。  相似文献   

现阶段我国科普教育的形式多样,其中特效电影以内容有趣、视觉酷炫和知识丰富等特点成为观众比较喜欢的新兴科普教育形式,为观众带来耳目一新的科普体验。对于青少年儿童来说,特效电影这种寓教于乐的知识传播方式也更具有吸引力。本文以《元素大冒险》系列4D动画影片为例,浅谈特效影院在科普教育中的应用研究。  相似文献   

Leon M.   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):397
The ominous projections of global climate change loom as a unique menace to the survival of civilization. Collective action will require the citizens of both technological and emerging nations to collaborate in order to bring about drastic modifications of lifestyle. This raises the issue of what high-school graduates should know about science. With science literacy becoming an ever-increasing component of education in this 21st century, a rigorous education in mathematics, science, and technology can, with modest variations, serve vocational or liberal arts students just as well as future scientists and engineers. However, the comments in this article on how to teach science successfully imply sweeping changes in curriculum, in teaching styles, and in the recruitment, training, and professional development of teachers.  相似文献   

Jian   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):235
It was not until the latter part of the 19th century that the people of China acknowledged the importance of science and technology. The revolution in 1911, ensuing civil wars, and the war against the Japanese invasion took up another half century. Thus, a serious move to develop science and technological enterprises did not start until the founding of the People's Republic of China—200 years later than Europe and North America. The author argues that, although there has been notable progress during the past 30 years, it will take another 50 years to forge a prosperous society that enjoys the benefits of science and technology. As part of its efforts to develop its innovation capabilities, China today spares no effort to develop a science educational system that will ensure that future generations can make useful contributions to the world's science and technology resources.  相似文献   

R.A.   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):299
Over the centuries, India's scientific and technological position among developed and developing countries has shifted. Several centuries ago, it was characterized by scientific thought, capabilities, and techniques more advanced than many countries. However, when the scientific and industrial revolutions took place in the West, India was in a stagnant period. This paper looks at knowledge production in different countries vis-à-vis their economic strength, and then positions India within this landscape.Science and technology in India rest on four pillars: (1) techno-nationalism, (2) inclusive growth, (3) techno-globalism, and (4) global leadership. Each of these pillars is discussed in some detail, followed by concluding recommendations for steps India should take if it wishes to assume a leadership role among the world's developed nations.  相似文献   

This Issues and Opinions Essay provides insights on developments and challenges related to responsible governance in the field of science and technology (S&T) across Europe, China and India. The Essay presents an overview of policy debates and some key public policy documents in these three geopolitical areas, exploring how responsibility is viewed and outlined in the policy domain. Considerations on the range of processes and actors affecting the relationship between science and society in China and India are also presented. Finally, the Essay introduces ‘responsiveness’ as a possible area for comparative research work on responsibility in S&T and relevant policy collaboration amongst the three regions.  相似文献   

Neal   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):248
The US has emerged as the world leader in science and technology research and development in the 60 years following World War II. This status is due, in part, to a successful public–private partnership in research and higher education fostered after the war, and to the fiercely competitive and innovative nature of US industry. This paper provides some background to the complexities of US federal funding of research and development, as well as a brief history of US science and technology policy following World War II. The paper describes how research is managed and funded in the US; outlines how the US federal government interacts with universities and private industry; remarks on the nature of international cooperation; and comments on the future direction of US science and technology policy, including growing challenges to its position of leadership.  相似文献   

Rodney W.   《Technology in Society》2007,29(4):369-377
Around the world every year, nations urgently need assistance to cope with natural disasters, refugees, famines. Such chronic urgencies for “foreign aid” tend to drive out actions aimed at achieving crucial goals for long-term economic development. Just as these pressures affect all donors of foreign assistance, they undermine the capacity- building essential in all developing countries. The program of the US Agency for Development (AID) is a prime example of the distortions that result. Past priorities in foreign assistance on enhancing science and technology, and on nurturing human capital, now rate much less attention. Yet progress in S&T is central for economic growth, and historical trends show that the path to innovation demands multiple incentives rewarding autonomy, diversity, and experiment within the private sector. Further, development must be bolstered—over decades—by patiently reinforcing and building the educational and technological institutions of the recipient of “aid.” Accordingly, this article proposes that AID appoint an S&T Adviser and establish a $50 million R&D effort. And it is also imperative to restore an emphasis on human capital throughout AID's strategy. To do this well means conducting rigorous evaluations of results and responding thoughtfully to the priorities seen by the recipients of aid.  相似文献   

Adam   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):423
Perhaps no three countries have benefited from the globalization of science and technology (S&T) more than India, China, and the United States. All three have leveraged the growing internationalization of innovation to offset weaknesses in their own national innovation systems. Still, globalization raises critical questions of autonomy, security, and equality, and in turn the political struggle over these three issues shapes the pace and scope of the globalization of S&T. Significant deterioration on any one of these criterion could lead to substantially less support among policy makers and the public for the globally networked system of innovation that appears to be emerging.  相似文献   

Vannevar Bush's Science: The Endless Frontier (1945) continues to serve as the default statement of United States science policy and has been republished with an extended defense by Rush Holt, a research physicist, former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and recent executive of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Holt recognizes some challenges in Bush's conception of the science-democracy relationship but then makes his own case for a revised understanding of the relationship between science and the American regime. An unquestioned assumption of both Bush and Holt is that science benefits democracy, that democracy is even dependent on science. For Bush the dependency is strictly material, for Holt it is also procedural. Holt's particular appeal is to the value of science as providing evidence based knowledge that can increase rationality in democratic politics. This appeal is made, however, without acknowledging counter-evidence about the ways science can be socially destabilizing.  相似文献   

Mu  Qu 《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):319
In “The Outline of the Medium and Long-term National Plan for Science and Technology Development (2006–2020)” (OMLP)), the Chinese government outlined an ambitious goal to become an innovation-driven country by 2020. However, there are many barriers that restrain the development of the national innovation capacity of enterprises. This paper reviews the capacity for science and technology (S&T) and innovation in China, including the factors that influence capacity building, the supporting policies for implementing the OMLP, and the promotion of capacity building for S&T and innovation in China. The paper concludes with recommendations for promoting further development of S&T and innovation in China.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of science and technology policies in China, India, and the United States shows striking similarities and sharp contrasts. These differences reveal much about the current problems and likely prospects in each country. This review distills the contributions of 15 distinguished leaders in science and technology who assess national goals and international ambitions. The review covers five themes: education, defense and space, R&D performers, science and technology in the economy, and governmental policies and funding. Other issues include: economic freedom, global competitiveness, energy and the environment, and population and demographic trends. Brief historical highlights provide context for understanding past trends in the present socioeconomic setting.  相似文献   

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