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量值定义世界、精准改变未来。计量是认识世界、改造世界的工具,是国家核心竞争力的重要标志。在5G时代的背景下,计量发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文旨在从企业、计量检测机构、计量监管者三个角度,论述大数据对于计量检测和监督的深刻影响。  相似文献   

4G时代的智能终端技术全面促进了传统PC互联网同移动网络的深度融合,而在5G时代,移动边缘计算技术将会推动云计算平台同移动网络的融合,这将减少移动业务交付的端到端时延,发掘无线网络的内在能力,从而提升用户体验,给电信运营商的运作模式带来全新变革,并建立新型的产业链及网络生态圈。该文首先分析了移动边缘计算产生的原因以及5G网络与移动边缘计算的关系,然后从用户维度分析了移动边缘计算的四大应用场景,最后说明移动边缘计算的社会价值。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,我国移动通信进入了4G时代,通信速度更快,能享受到更多的服务,象在线视频、登录网页,让信息流动更加快捷。但是4G移动通信网络还没有使用多久,便已经出现了关于建设5G移动通信网络的计划。该文主要讨论在5G技术下,移动通信网络建设时要对应出现那些应变措施,希望能为5G移动通信网络建设提供参考。  相似文献   

本文简要概述5G通信特征,重点研究运用此类技术支撑物联网的有效运转,分别从网络场景规划、业务特征设置以及联合模拟设计.依托于高效稳定的5G技术,提高物联网的运行效率,保持数据传输的效率.  相似文献   

苏燕  张璐 《包装工程》2022,43(8):363-369
目的 5G赋能融媒体发展,以新颖的科技手段、有力的技术保障,使媒体展现形式更加多样化,并不断拓宽了融媒体发展的边界。方法 通过分析5G时代的发展状况,了解媒体融合趋势下品牌传播的巨变及融媒体营销的覆盖边界,探索融媒体时代品牌传播的新形式,以及5G+融媒体加持下品牌传播的新趋势,通过VR、AR、大数据、网红经济等形式进一步加强品牌传播。结论 5G融媒体时代将实现各种内容、功能、渠道的媒体全面融合,各品牌营销模式、宣传方式将发生变革,品牌传播将进入与融媒体共舞的时代。  相似文献   

工业4.0语境下,技术的迭代正在赋能电影新业态的演进.电影发行放映的产业规模与市场效率之间的矛盾是桎梏其发展的症结所在,疫情加速了流媒体对影院观众的争夺,电影发行放映模式亟待创新.论文通过资料收集、行业访谈、实地调研等研究方法,探讨大数据、5G、人工智能等高新技术在电影发行放映行业的应用前景.技术变革正在赋能电影宣发模...  相似文献   

近些年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,我国的电信业进入了高速发展期。尤其是智能手机的应用使得数据通信的增长趋势迅猛,在不远的将来数据通信业务将取代语音通信成为电信运营商的新的增长点。现今移动通信网络已经建成并应用到了第四代通信网络即4G通信,为了适应增长越来越快的移动数据通信的需求,新一代的5G通信网络正在紧锣密鼓的研发中。本文将在分析5G移动通信网络特点及技术要点的基础上对5G移动通信网络未来的发展趋势进行分析阐述。  相似文献   

该文以热管技术为研究对象,对其在5G领域的应用前景进行分析。通过对热管技术原理进行阐述,从小微型热管技术、5G技术散热需求、热管技术开发、当前行业发展状态这4个方面入手,详细分析热管技术在5G领域中的发展前景,在拓展技术空间的同时,为加快推进5G技术的发展提供热管用材的研究方向。  相似文献   

随着5G技术的逐步成熟将带动移动互联网、物联网等关联领域裂变式发展。该文在简要介绍智能制造内涵、进程、发展必要性的基础上,"智"造要素向"智"造能力发展,最终构成智能制造系统,指出我国智能制造业所面临的挑战以及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

目前,5G移动通信技术正在不断地探索中,其作为新一代的移动通信系统受到了大家的重视。本文在对实际情况进行考查的基础上,对5G移动通信做了简单的概述,并且对总体的趋势做了进一步的分析,通过对5G移动通信若干关键技术进行探析,以此帮助人们了解5G移动通信的发展,推动其在我国的推进进程,使其更早地投入使用,为人类的通信提供便利。  相似文献   

The article introduces Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) and Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC), known as hybrid waveform (NOMA-FBMC), as two of the most deserving contenders for fifth-generation (5G) network. High spectrum access and clampdown of spectrum outflow are unique characteristics of hybrid NOMA-FBMC. We compare the spectral efficiency of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), FBMC, NOMA, and NOMA-FBMC. It is seen that the hybrid waveform outperforms the existing waveforms. Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) is regarded as a significant issue in multicarrier waveforms. The combination of Selective Mapping-Partial Transmit Sequence (SLM-PTS) is an effective way to minimize large peak power inclination. The SLM, PTS, and SLM-PTS procedures are applied to the NOMA-FBMC waveform. This hybrid structure is applied to the existing waveforms. Further, the correlated factors like Bit Error Rate (BER) and Computational Overhead (CO) are studied and computed for these waveforms. The outcome of the work reveals that the NOMA-FBMC waveform coupled with the SLM-PTS algorithm offers superior performance as compared to the prevailing systems.  相似文献   

Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is a strong contender multicarrier waveform technique for the fifth generation (5G) communication system. The high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is a serious concern in designing the NOMA waveform. However, the arrangement of NOMA is different from the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. Thus, traditional reduction methods cannot be applied to NOMA. A partial transmission sequence (PTS) is commonly utilized to minimize the PAPR of the transmitting NOMA symbol. The choice phase aspect in the PTS is the only non-linear optimization obstacle that creates a huge computational complication due to the respective non-carrying sub-blocks in the unitary NOMA symbol. In this study, an efficient phase factor is proposed by presenting a novel bacterial foraging optimization algorithm (BFOA) for PTS (BFOA-PTS). The PAPR minimization is accomplished in a two-stage process. In the initial stage, PTS is applied to the NOMA signal, resulting in the partition of the NOMA signal into an act of sub-blocks. In the second stage, the best phase factor is generated using BFOA. The performance of the proposed BFOA-PTS is thoroughly investigated and compared to the traditional PTS. The simulation outcomes reveal that the BFOA-PTS efficiently optimizes the PAPR performance with inconsequential complexity. The proposed method can significantly offer a gain of 4.1 dB and low complexity compared with the traditional OFDM.  相似文献   

Simultaneous use of heterogeneous radio access technologies to increase the performance of real-time, reliability and capacity is an inherent feature of satellite-5G integrated network (Sat5G). However, there is still a lack of theoretical characterization of whether the network can satisfy the end-to-end transmission performance for latencysensitive service. To this end, we build a tandem model considering the connection relationship between the various components in Sat5G network architecture, and give an end-to-end latency calculation function based on this model. By introducing stochastic network calculus, we derive the relationship between the end-to-end latency bound and the violation probability considering the traffic characteristics of multimedia. Numerical results demonstrate the impact of different burst states and different service rates on this relationship, which means the higher the burst of arrival traffic and the higher the average rate of arrival traffic, the greater the probability of end-to-end latency violation. The results will provide valuable guidelines for the traffic control and cache management in Sat5G network.  相似文献   

New requirements in communication technologies make it imperative to rehash conventional features such as reconfigurable antennas to adapt with the future adaptability advancements. This paper presents a comprehensive review of reconfigurable antennas, specifically in terms of radiation patterns for adaptation in the upcoming Fifth Generation (5G) New Radio frequency bands. They represent the key of antenna technology for materializing a high rate transmission, increased spectral and energy efficiency, reduced interference, and improved the beam steering and beam shaping, thereby land a great promise for planar antennas to boost the mid-band 5G. This review begins with an overview of the underlying principals in reconfiguring radiation patterns, followed by the presentations of the implemented innovative antenna topologies to suit particular advanced features. The various adaptation techniques of radiation pattern reconfigurable planar antennas and the understanding of its antenna design approaches has been investigated for its radiation pattern enhancement. A variety of design configurations have also been critically studied for their compatibilities to be operated in the mid-band communication systems. The review provides new insights on pattern reconfigurable antenna where such antennas are categorized as beam steering antenna and beam shaping antennas where the operation modes and purposes are clearly investigated. The review also revealed that for mid-band 5G communication, the commonly used electronic switching such as PIN diodes have sufficient isolation loss to provide the required beam performance.  相似文献   

随着中国5G商用大幕正式拉开,5G已成为数字经济转型的关键基础设施,并逐渐向社会各领域扩散与渗透。5G产业链非常广泛,包含零部件、主设备、运营商和下游应用。真空技术作为一门与应用科学紧密结合的现代基础科学,在5G产业链中有着广泛的应用。从5G基站中材料和器件的制备过程、承接网中光通信器件的真空检漏到5G手机、VR/AR设备、无人驾驶汽车中核心零部件的制备等,真空技术都参与其中并广泛应用。  相似文献   

谭小凤 《包装工程》2024,45(2):480-490
目的 5G时代下的审美观念、内容创造、传播渠道、体验方式等方面都影响着民族非遗传承与推广。通过构建京族非遗传承人虚拟形象,结合5G技术特点,探索非遗传承数字化、年轻化的路径与策略。方法 应用交叉学科的数字人文视角,将5G技术与文化三层次理论结合,提取京族非遗的文化基因,打造京族非遗传承人的虚拟形象和推广方案,跨越非遗传承时空限制,实现京族非遗的创新传播、体验、发展。通过调查受众群,分析方案的推广效果,从而优化设计思路。结论 5G时代为非遗传承传播提供了更好的技术环境,通过对京族非遗传承人虚拟形象开发、设计与推广的研究,构建京族非遗虚实结合的传播体系,结合“虚拟在场”体验等手段链接非遗与年轻群体,提升年轻群体对京族非遗数字传承的参与度,高速、广幅地推广京族文化。  相似文献   

随着5G等高频信号快速推广和应用,信号上升边沿极速变陡,对汽车控制器的信号完整性造成极大的威胁.针对5G等高频信号对汽车控制器传输线辐射问题,该文对传输线算法模型进行分析,提出一种边界有限元算法模型,该模型能够对汽车控制器的传输线进行边界界定以此进行理论算法曲线分析;针对汽车控制器传输线互连结构造成的辐射问题,提出一种...  相似文献   

邹志娟  陈思洁 《包装工程》2023,44(16):479-486
目的 针对家庭服务机器人的多功能、多智能、重交互等迭代需求,探究5G与AI技术在家庭服务机器人的多功能联动、智能交互的设计。方法 以家庭服务机器人的交互设计为研究对象,使用5G技术,协同智能语音、智能感知、计算机视觉等AI核心技术,对居家养老机器人的多智能体现及交互设计进行研究。结果 在5G与AI技术融合下,完成了以“智慧养老”为核心的居家养老机器人设计,输出了居家养老机器人的智能交互造型、交互方式及界面设计表达。结论 将5G互联和AI技术相结合,不仅为家庭服务机器人的功能、智能提供了新模式,而且增加了用户与家庭服务机器人的互动体验。  相似文献   

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