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Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) is an interfacial enzyme that acts on lipid substrates on the surface of high density lipoproteins (HDL). Based on observations with other interfacial lipases, we propose that LCAT contains a surface region of 25 amino acids linked by a disulfide bond (C50-C74) that is involved in the binding of LCAT to lipoproteins. Using LCAT cDNA, we have deleted most of this region (delta 53-71) and expressed the mutant enzyme (LCAT delta 53-71) in COS-1 cells. The deletion mutant is expressed and secreted at levels similar to wildtype LCAT, suggesting that the deleted region is located on the surface of the enzyme and is not required for folding. The enzymatic activity of the mutant was tested using two interfacial substrates, reconstituted HDL (rHDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL), as well as a water soluble substrate, p-nitrophenyl butyrate (PNPB). There was no reaction with rHDL and LDL, but 30% of the activity with PNPB was retained. This suggests that the deleted region plays a role in interfacial binding, while the active site core is not disrupted. We thus conclude that this region (C50-C74) forms part of the interfacial binding domain of LCAT.  相似文献   

Prolyl 4-hydroxylase (EC catalyzes the hydroxylation of -X-Pro-Gly- sequences and plays a central role in the synthesis of all collagens. The [alpha(I)]2beta2 type I enzyme is effectively inhibited by poly(L-proline), whereas the [alpha(II)]2beta2 type II enzyme is not. We report here that the poly(L-proline) and (Pro-Pro-Gly)10 peptide substrate-binding domain of prolyl 4-hydroxylase is distinct from the catalytic domain and consists of approximately 100 amino acids. Peptides of 10-19 kDa beginning around residue 140 in the 517 residue alpha(I) subunit remained bound to poly(L-proline) agarose after limited proteolysis of the human type I enzyme tetramer. A recombinant polypeptide corresponding to the alpha(I) subunit residues 138-244 and expressed in Escherichia coli was soluble, became effectively bound to poly(L-proline) agarose and could be eluted with (Pro-Pro-Gly)10. This polypeptide is distinct from the SH3 and WW domains, and from profilin, and thus represents a new type of proline-rich peptide-binding module. Studies with enzyme tetramers containing mutated alpha subunits demonstrated that the presence of a glutamate and a glutamine in the alpha(II) subunit in the positions corresponding to Ile182 and Tyr233 in the alpha(I) subunit explains most of the lack of poly(L-proline) binding of the type II prolyl 4-hydroxylase. Keywords: collagen/dioxygenases/peptide-binding domain/ proline-rich/prolyl hydroxylase  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by recruitment of leukocytes from the vasculature into inflamed synovial tissue (ST) and synovial fluid (SF), which depends, in part, upon the continued maintenance of chemotactic stimuli. RANTES is a potent chemoattractant for leukocytes including monocytes and CD45RO+ memory T lymphocytes. The aim of this study was to determine the production, the source, and the function of antigenic RANTES in arthritis. We detected antigenic RANTES in SFs from RA and OA patients (100 +/- 22.7 and 72 +/- 30.7 pg/ml, respectively). CM from RA ST fibroblasts stimulated with interleukin-1beta or tumor necrosis factor-alpha contained significantly more antigenic RANTES than unstimulated CM (452 +/- 181.6 and 581 +/- 200.2 pg/ml, respectively, versus 12 +/- 4.4 pg/ml, P < 0.05). PHA-stimulated RA SF mononuclear cells secreted 5- to 15-fold more antigenic RANTES than did nonstimulated mononuclear cells, while LPS induced secretion up to 4-fold. We immunolocalized antigenic RANTES to sublining macrophages (28 +/- 3.7 and 8 +/- 2.0% immunopositive cells), perivascular macrophages (56 +/- 6.9 and 19 +/- 3.4%), and synovial lining cells (37 +/- 5.8 and 60 +/- 10.4%) in RA and OA tissue, respectively. Anti-RANTES neutralized 20.2 +/- 1.3% of the RA SF chemotactic activity for normal peripheral blood monocytes (P < 0.05). These results demonstrate antigenic RANTES in RA and OA ST and SF and identify RANTES as a chemoattractant for monocytes in the RA joint.  相似文献   

Pyocin typing may be unstable under certain circumstances. In the early seventies, it was shown that the IncP-2 plasmids pMG1 and pMG2 interfered with the pyocin type of some Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Up to now, details of the influence of these plasmids on the pyocins are unknown. In this study, the effect of these plasmids on the R, F, and S pyocins, respectively, was examined. In distinct strains, S pyocin activity was detected in the presence of these plasmids, whereas R and F pyocin activities could not be observed. So the effect of the IncP-2 plasmids pMG1 and pMG2 may be limited to the R and/or F pyocins.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic face of the Golgi contains a variety of proteins with coiled-coil domains. We identified one such protein in a yeast two-hybrid screen, using as bait the peripheral Golgi phosphatidylinositol(4,5)P2 5-phosphatase OCRL1 that is implicated in a human disease, the oculocerebrorenal syndrome. The approximately 2.8-kilobase mRNA is ubiquitously expressed and abundant in testis; it encodes a 731-amino acid protein with a predicted mass of 83 kDa. Antibodies against the sequence detect a novel approximately 84-kDa Golgi protein we termed golgin-84. Golgin-84 is an integral membrane protein with a single transmembrane domain close to its C terminus. In vitro, the protein inserts post-translationally into microsomal membranes with an N-cytoplasmic and C-lumen orientation. Cross-linking indicates that golgin-84 forms dimers, consistent with the prediction of an approximately 400-residue dimerizing coiled-coil domain in its N terminus. The dimerization potential is supported by a data base search that showed that the N-terminal 497 residues of golgin-84 contain a coiled-coil domain that when fused to the RET tyrosine kinase domain had the ability to activate it, forming the RET-II oncogene. Data base searching also indicates golgin-84 is similar in structure and sequence to giantin, a membrane protein that tethers coatamer complex I vesicles to the Golgi.  相似文献   

A specific labeling by radioactive N-ethylmaleimide of a protein involved in phosphate transport was obtained by protecting one of the two-SH-groups of the transport system with low concentrations of mersalyl. Subsequently, the other free-SH groups were blocked with excess N-ethylmaleimide. Removal of mersalyl by cysteine and subsequent inbucation with labeled N-ethylmaleimide results in a "specific" binding of N-ethylmaleimide to one-SH group functionally involved in phosphate transport. The isolated inner membrane fraction of the labeled mitochondria was subjected to dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. The followin results were obtained. 1. The difference of the radioactivity pattern on the dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel of inner membrane proteins, labeled with N-[14C]ethylmaleimide in the absence and with N-[3H-A1-ethylmaleimide in the presence of mersalyl during preincubation of mitochondria, shows only one main labeled peak. The same labeled peak is obtained from the difference of labeling after preincubation with a constant low concentration of mersalyl at 32 degrees C and at 0 degrees C. 2. The position of the labeled peak on the dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel corresponds to a protein of molecular weight of 26500 +/- 800. 3. The amount of one of the two-SH groups, involved in phosphate transport, was estimated to be 30 nmol per g of mitochondrial protein.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the possibility to use antigen-antibody recognition for detection of monocyte chemotaxis in the 48-well microchamber assay. The described method is based on recognition of cell-specific antigenic determinants present on the migrated monocytes. After conventional 48-well chemotaxis, the migrated cells were incubated with an antibody against the monocyte surface marker CD14 (3C10 hybridoma). Subsequent incubation with enzyme-coupled antibodies and their substrate allowed the antigen and hence the migrated cells carrying this antigen, to be detected and measured in a microplate reader. Our results show that chemotaxis of normal blood monocytes towards the monocyte chemoattractants FMLP and MCP-1 could be detected with the anti-CD14 antibody 3C10 in combination with a horse-radish peroxidase coupled antibody, and that the optical density is a measure for cell number per well (positive correlation, r = 0.95). Incubation of monocytes with the applied chemoattractants FMLP and MCP-1 did not change the CD14 expression as was determined by FACScan analysis. Therefore we conclude that it is possible to use antibodies directed against antigenic determinants like CD14 to detect blood monocyte migration in a more objective way compared to subjective counting of cells on a filter. Eventually, this method can be valuable, especially for chemokine research since chemokines exert their effects on specific target cell populations. By varying the detection antibody, other cell populations besides monocytes may be quantified.  相似文献   

As a molecular motor, dynein must coordinate ATP hydrolysis with conformational changes that lead to processive interactions with a microtubule and generate force. To understand how these processes occur, we have begun to map functional domains of a dynein heavy chain from Dictyostelium. The carboxyl-terminal 10-kilobase region of the heavy chain encodes a 380-kDa polypeptide that approximates the globular head domain. Attempts to further truncate this region fail to produce polypeptides that either bind microtubules or UV-vanadate cleave, indicating that the entire 10-kilobase fragment is necessary to produce a properly folded functional dynein head. We have further identified a region just downstream from the fourth P-loop that appears to constitute at least part of the microtubule-binding domain (amino acids 3182-3818). When deleted, the resulting head domain polypeptide no longer binds microtubules; when the excised region is expressed in vitro, it cosediments with added tubulin polymer. This microtubule-binding domain falls within an area of the molecule predicted to form extended alpha-helices. At least four discrete sites appear to coordinate activities required to bind the tubulin polymer, indicating that the interaction of dynein with microtubules is complex.  相似文献   

In vitro studies were conducted to identify the hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP) forms involved in the oxidative metabolism of [14C]ABT-761 and its N-dehydroxylated metabolite, [14C]ABT-438, by human liver microsomes. The two compounds were metabolized by parallel pathways, to form the corresponding methylene bridge hydroxy metabolites. There was no evidence of sulfoxidation and/or ring hydroxylation. Over the ABT-761 and ABT-438 concentration ranges studied (1-300 microM), the rate of NADPH-dependent hydroxylation was linear with respect to substrate concentration ([S]) and did not conform to saturable Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Under these conditions ([S] < KM), the intrinsic clearance (Vmax/KM) of ABT-438 was 10-fold higher than that of ABT-761 (1.7 +/- 0.8 vs. 0.17 +/- 0.06 microl/min/mg, mean +/- SD, N = 3 livers). The hydroxylation of both compounds was shown to be highly correlated (r = 0.83, p < 0.01, N = 11 different human livers) with CYP3A-selective erythromycin N-demethylase activity, and the correlation between ABT-761 hydroxylation and tolbutamide hydroxylase (CYP2C9-selective) activity (r = 0.63, p < 0.05, N = 10) was also statistically significant. Ketoconazole (2.0 microM), a CYP3A-selective inhibitor, inhibited the hydroxylation of both compounds by 53-67%, and sulfaphenazole (CYP2C9-selective) decreased activity by 10-20%. By comparison, alpha-naphthoflavone, a known activator of CYP3A, stimulated the hydroxylation of ABT-761 (8-fold) and ABT-438 (4-fold). In addition, the abundance-normalized rates of cDNA-expressed CYP-dependent metabolism indicated that hydroxylation was largely mediated (66-86%) by CYP3A(4). Therefore, it is concluded that the hydroxylation of ABT-761 and ABT-438 (相似文献   

Peptide messengers are crucial for the execution of male copulatory processes in the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. In this study, we report the purification of a novel peptide from the penis complex of L. stagnalis. This peptide enhances the contraction frequency and contraction amplitude of the vas deferens. Amino acid sequencing and mass spectrometry indicate that the primary structure is GLTPNMNSLFF-NH2. We propose that this amide peptide modulates the transfer rate of semen in the vas deferens.  相似文献   

The Mu A protein is a 75 kDa transposase organized into three structural domains. By severing the C-terminal region (domain III) from the remainder of the protein, we unmasked a novel non-specific DNA binding and nuclease activity in this region. Deletion analysis localized both activities to a 26 amino acid stretch (aa 575-600) which remarkably remained active in DNA binding and cleavage. The two activities were shown to be tightly linked by site-directed mutagenesis. To study the importance of these activities in the transposition process, an intact mutant transposase lacking the DNA binding and nuclease activity of domain III was constructed and purified. The mutant transposase was indistinguishable from wild-type Mu A in binding affinity for both the Mu ends and the enhancer, and in strand transfer activity when the cleavage step was bypassed. In contrast, the mutant transposase displayed defects in both synapsis and donor cleavage. Our results strongly suggest that the 26 amino acid region in domain III carries catalytic residues required for donor DNA cleavage by Mu A protein. Furthermore, our data suggest that an active site for donor cleavage activity in the Mu tetramer is assembled from domain II (metal ion binding) in one A monomer and domain III (DNA cleavage) in a separate A monomer. This proposal for active site assembly is in agreement with the recently proposed domain sharing model by Yang et al. (Yang, J.Y., Kim, K., Jayaram, M. and Harshey, R.M. [1995] EMBO J., 14, 2374-2384).  相似文献   

The distribution and ultrastructure of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-positive cells were investigated in human dental pulp, employing immunohistochemistry using an anti-human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR-monoclonal antibody. HLA-DR-immunopositive cells, appearing spindle-like or dendritic in profile, were densely distributed throughout the dental pulp. Under the electron microscope, these cells exhibited various sizes of vesicles containing clear or opaque contents, multivesicular bodies and characteristic fine tubulovesicular structures in their cytoplasm. Some reactive cells possessed coated pits and vesicles including electron-dense materials, indicating an active endocytosis. At the periphery of the pulp tissue, the HLA-DR-immunopositive cells were predominantly situated in the subodontoblastic layer, with some located in the odontoblast layer and/or predentin and extending their cytoplasmic processes into the dentinal tubules. Cell processes of these cells occasionally made contact with several odontoblast processes in the same way as the nerve fibers in the predentin. These cells never contained the typical phagosomes frequently observed in the HLA-DR-immunoreactive macrophages in the subodontoblastic layer and the pulp core. The results suggest that the HLA-DR-immunopositive cells in the odontoblast layer and/or predentin have some regulatory function on the odontoblasts under physiological conditions, in addition to their involvement in the initial defense reaction after tooth injury.  相似文献   

Adhesion of monocytes to the endothelium in lesion-prone areas is one of the earliest events in fatty streak formation leading to atherogenesis. The molecular basis of increased monocyte adhesion is not fully characterized. We have identified a novel vascular monocyte adhesion-associated protein, VMAP-1, that plays a role in adhesion of monocytes to activated endothelium. Originally selected for its ability to block binding of a mouse monocyte-like cell line (WEHI78/24) to cytokine- or LPS-stimulated cultured mouse endothelial cells in vitro, antiVMAP-1 mAb LM151 cross-reacts with rabbit endothelium and blocks binding of human monocytes to cultured rabbit aortic endothelial cells stimulated with minimally modified low density lipoprotein, thought to be a physiologically relevant atherogenic stimulus. Most importantly, LM151 prevents adhesion of normal monocytes and monocytoid cells to intact aortic endothelium from cholesterol-fed rabbits in an ex vivo assay. VMAP-1 is a 50-kD protein. Immunohistology of vessels reveals focal constitutive expression in aorta and other large vessels. VMAP-1 is thus a novel vascular adhesion-associated protein that appears to play a critical role in monocyte adhesion to aortic endothelial cells in atherogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

Integrin alphaIIb beta3 requires its cytoplasmic tails to participate in tumor cell adhesion, spreading, and migration. Using 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends, we have amplified two alphaIIb cDNAs from human leukemia, prostate adenocarcinoma, and melanoma cells. One of these is the predicted wild-type alphaIIb cDNA, and the other is a novel truncated alphaIIb variant. This variant is unique in that it lacks the transmembrane and cytoplasmic portions of the alphaIIb light chain. The truncated alphaIIb integrin protein is expressed by human leukemia, prostate adenocarcinoma, and melanoma cells but not by platelets or normal prostate epithelial or normal breast epithelial cells. Tumor cells secrete this protein and deposit it on the extracellular matrix. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a naturally occurring variant of an alpha integrin that lacks the transmembrane and cytoplasmic tail.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 transactivator protein Tat is essential for viral gene expression and replication. Tat is taken up by cells and transactivates the HIV-LTR promoter in the cell nucleus. The present studies show that cells adhere to both synthetic and recombinant Tat, and, using synthetic peptides, we localize the binding site to a region spanning amino acid residues 49-57 (peptide Tat49-57). Tat49-57 also inhibited cell attachment to solid phase full-length Tat peptide and to recombinant Tat protein. Using Tat peptide affinity chromatography, we identified a 90-kDa cell surface protein that binds to Tat. The 90-kDa protein could be eluted from the Tat column using the Tat49-57 peptide. A 90-kDa cell surface Tat binding protein was also identified by coprecipitation with Tat after incubation with radiolabeled cell membrane preparations. Co-precipitation of the 90-kDa protein was inhibited by competition with a Tat49-65 peptide, but not with Tat55-86. Our findings suggest that cellular attachment to Tat is mediated through a 90-kDa cell surface protein that binds to a Tat domain between amino acids 49 and 57.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of positron emission tomography (PET) with administration of 2-deoxy-2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) relative to that of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and/or computed tomography (CT) in recurrent head and neck cancers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve adult patients (mean age, 63 years) with previously treated head and neck cancers and clinical suspicion of recurrence underwent FDG PET and MR imaging and/or CT. All images were blindly and independently interpreted without histopathologic findings (obtained within 1 week of imaging). The level of confidence in image interpretation was graded by using a five-point rating system (0 = definitely no recurrence to 4 = definite recurrence). RESULTS: Recurrence was confirmed in eight patients. With a rating of 4 as a positive finding, FDG PET yielded a sensitivity and specificity of 88% (seven of eight) and 100% (four of four), respectively; MR imaging and/or CT, 25% (two of eight) and 75% (three of four), respectively. Receiver-operating characteristic analysis showed significantly better diagnostic accuracy with FDG PET than with MR imaging and/or CT (area under curve = 0.96 vs 0.55, P < .03). CONCLUSION: These data indicate that PET metabolic imaging, as compared with anatomic methods, has improved diagnostic accuracy for recurrent head and neck cancer.  相似文献   

The adherence of Bordetella pertussis to ciliated cells and macrophages is critical to colonization and infection of the respiratory tract. Adherence to both types of cells involves the recognition of eukaryotic carbohydrates by the bacterial adhesin filamentous hemagglutinin (Fha). The carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) of Fha is considered an important antigen for subcomponent vaccines to maximize the generation of antiadherence antibodies capable of protecting against colonization. For identification of the CRD of Fha, a bank of eight monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that mapped to four contiguous regions were tested for their ability to block Fha binding to lactosylceramide or to block bacterial binding to ciliated cells. Only MAb 12.5A9, which maps to amino acid residues 1141 to 1279, blocked both Fha binding to lactosylceramide and bacterial binding to ciliated cells. An 18-kDa polypeptide corresponding to this region was expressed in Escherichia coli. Cell lysates containing this protein bound to lactosylceramide in a manner identical to that of native Fha. Mutant strains of B. pertussis that contained an in-frame deletion of the coding sequence for this region produced a truncated Fha that showed negligible cross-reactivity with MAb 12.5A9. In an adherence assay, these mutant strains failed to bind efficiently to either ciliated cells or macrophages. The numbers of adherent bacteria for these strains were reduced to the number obtained with a nonadherent strain. We conclude that the region defined by residues 1141 to 1279 of Fha constitutes a CRD critical for bacterial adherence and represents a potential candidate for a subcomponent vaccine.  相似文献   

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