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就CIP清洗装置的设备组成,清洗、杀菌剂的要求和种类进行了介绍。实例了啤酒厂各生产环节的CIP清洗方案。  相似文献   

啤酒厂进行CIP清洗时以爱常既要求过程能有效清洗罐体表面污垢,保证清洁卫生,又要求尽可能节省CIP清洗的时间。目前啤酒厂乙倾向于采用一种新型CIP清洗技术:单相酸性清洗。客中在有CO2背压条件下先进行单相酸洗,随后采用酸性消毒剂杀菌的清洗技术不仅节约了清洗时间、用水量和CO2,而且提高了啤酒质量。  相似文献   

本文将就CIP清洗装置在啤酒生产设备、容器及管路清洗作以简要说明 ,以供业内人士参考。CIP(CleaningInPlace)清洗装置是机械循环清洗法 ,在被清洗的设备、容器及管路和洗涤液储罐间有循回导管形成闭路循环 ,进行完整彻底地清洗。CIP清洗装置可应用于糖化、发酵过滤及包装三个工序 ,可在以上三个工序各设一个CIP清洗站 ,进行日常清洗和定期清洗 ,运用物理和化学方法对生产线的设备、容器、管路中残留液体等滋生细菌的物质进行可靠的清除 ,使设备、管道满足清洁、无菌的条件 ,以备再次生产使用。根据不同设备与管…  相似文献   

<正> 符合经济效益的清洗系统是所有啤酒厂要达到的目标之一,因为清洗能影响产品质量、品牌保护和生产成本。有关清洗的化学专业知识CIP设计、机械和水压因素对CIP效果的影响,均为实现这一目标的关键。  相似文献   

杨卫东  陈雨亭 《酿酒》2002,29(4):92-93
0 前言为了提高包装车间设备运动效率 ,降低能源消耗 ,节约生产成本 ,包装线实行连续生产运行 6 0h ,是较好的途径。随之而来 ,对灌酒机刷洗的工艺要求将更加严格 ,下面介绍我们对灌酒机清洗技术的改进方案 ,共同行参考。1 清洗的目的灌酒机在连续生产运行 6 0h后 ,酒缸内壁、酒阀等处很容易出现微生物滋生 ,因此 ,酒缸及酒阀需要及时清洗消毒灭菌 ,以保证清洁达标的灌装环境 ,避免啤酒灌装时发生二次污染。2 清洗的标准一般灌酒机CIP清洗系统的配置 ,只对灌酒机进行正清洗 ,存在清洗死角 ,经对正清洗后的酒缸残水测定 :细菌总数 <1…  相似文献   

比较改良前后的废碱暴冲加碱循环清洗工艺,改良后的工艺确保了发酵罐的清洗效果,改善了微生物状况、节约生产成本。  相似文献   

王振 《酿酒科技》2008,(1):68-71
影响CIP技术清洗效果的因素主要有:①污染物和被清洗体表面的吸附力大小;②被清洗体表面的粗糙程度;③清洗剂的浓度;④清洗时间;⑤清洗温度;⑥清洗剂的冲洗强度.冷清洗比热清洗具有耗能低、对发酵罐的腐蚀性小、节约水量和时间,对发酵罐壁的影响小.大型发酵罐适宜冷清洗,可减轻碱与CO2反应造成管道堵塞,减少对罐体的腐蚀,减轻大罐的变形,经济成本低.(孙悟)  相似文献   

周彩明 《啤酒科技》2010,(5):57-58,60
CIP清洗系统在啤酒行业已广泛使用,成为生产中不可缺少的配置。作者结合自己的经验对CIP做个简洁介绍,供同仁参考。  相似文献   

CIP(原位清洗)系统,在啤酒生产中指采用合适的清洗剂和清毒剂对生产设备(如发酵罐、热交换器、泵、阀门、管道等)的内表面和其它相关容器内表面等无须进行拆卸和安装就能进行周期清洗和消毒的系统。该文对啤酒生产各个环节中CIP系统的应用进行了详细说明,并将其与其它清洗方法作了比较。提出CIP程序中清洗剂和清洗器的选择至关重要,每个企业应根据自身条件制定符合生产实际的CIP程序。  相似文献   

在利用工业控制计算机监控原地清洗设备的基础上,研制开发了新一代可编程控制器(PLC)和触摸屏构成的原地清洗控制系统。并介绍其控制原理及应用。  相似文献   

现代啤酒厂的酿造用水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 啤酒酿造啤酒用水一般取源于深井水、地表水或经预处理的自来水,但这些原水可能存在污染而不能即时投入生产,所以啤酒生产商必须对原水进行预处理。本文将探讨如何采取有效的水处理措施,以改善酿造用水的水质,使之符合酿造工艺的要求。 啤酒厂所需用水 啤酒厂用水主要包括:糖化车间用水、过滤用水、包装用水和其他工艺用水。不同工序要求不同的水质,例如,糖化用水主要着重于水中的离子组分和  相似文献   

Quality control procedures were monitored in a number of Czech breweries. All Gram positive bacterial contaminants found in the beer were collected and isolated. The occurrence of this contamination was recorded. Gram positive bacteria obtained from the breweries were isolated and identified by API 50 CHL. This method is generally used as a comparative method for identification of lactic acid bacteria. Pasteurised beer was inoculated with all identified bacteria in the absence of oxygen. Haze formation was checked over three months. The results show that different beer spoilage was observed on inoculating beer with isolates identified as identical.  相似文献   

Ten biogenic amines in Spanish beers were studied using HPLC. Agmatine, tyramine and putrescine were the prevailing amines, while histamine,-phenylethylamine, tryptamine, cadaverine, spermine and spermidine were detected at relatively low levels (in general <2 mg/l). On the basis of the wide range of levels observed for tyramine (from 1.90 to 31.55 mg/l), the consumption of beer requires restriction in patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitor drugs. Biogenic amine levels in beers of the same type from the same company and from different companies were monitored every month over 1 year. Agmatine and putrescine levels showed minimal fluctuations in beers from the same company as well as from different breweries. Raw materials and brewing conditions would not affect the levels of those amines. However, tyramine levels were subject to wide fluctuations in beers produced by particular breweries irrespective of whether they were produced by the same company. Relatively high levels of tyramine were specific to some breweries.  相似文献   

Cleaning-in-place (CIP) is the most commonly used cleaning and sanitation system for processing lines, equipment, and storage facilities such as milk silos in the global dairy processing industry. CIP employs thermal treatments and nonbiodegradable chemicals (acids and alkalis), requiring appropriate neutralization before disposal, resulting in sustainability challenges. In addition, biofilms are a major source of contamination and spoilage in dairy industries, and it is believed that current chemical CIP protocols do not entirely destroy biofilms. Use of enzymes as effective agents for CIP and as a more sustainable alternative to chemicals and thermal treatments is gaining interest. Enzymes offer several advantages when used for CIP, such as reduced water usage (less rinsing), lower operating temperatures resulting in energy savings, shorter cleaning times, and lower costs for wastewater treatment. Additionally, they are typically derived from natural sources, are easy to neutralize, and do not produce hazardous waste products. However, even with such advantages, enzymes for CIP within the dairy processing industry remain focused mainly on membrane cleaning. Greater adoption of enzyme-based CIP for cheese industries is projected pending a greater knowledge relating to cost, control of the process (inactivation kinetics), reusability of enzyme solutions, and the potential for residual activity, including possible effects on the subsequent product batches. Such studies are essential for the cheese industry to move toward more energy-efficient and sustainable cleaning solutions.  相似文献   

闫桂甫  宋淑红 《饮料工业》2011,14(10):38-40
啤酒灌装过程中产生的废水具有高温度、高碱度、高有机度的特点,是啤酒生产中重要的污染源。通过设计、建立闭路回收循环系统对废水进行回收补碱,重复循环用于洗瓶,既减少了片碱的使用量,又减轻了对环境的污染,为啤酒企业探索出处理废水的新措施。  相似文献   

Rahnella aquatilis, a potential contaminant in lager beer breweries.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The species Rahnella aquatilis has been isolated mostly from water, soil, and, in a few cases, from human clinical specimens; little is known about its ecological role. The application of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of soluble proteins, DNA-DNA hybridizations and API 20 E systems has shown that Rahnella aquatilis might also be encountered as a contaminant in lager beer breweries.  相似文献   

CIP装置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾宁一 《饮料工业》2003,6(5):39-47
针对啤酒、饮料等行业在CIP装置和清洗工艺上认识不足,作者收集了有关资料,并结合清洗技术方面的实践经验。撰文对CIP装置有关的内容给予了叙述并举例计算。尤其说明了流动洗涤剂清洗管道和缸所需要的流速、流量.还强调了罐内自清洗的意义。提出CIP要按照制定的清洗工艺来进行。另外也涉及到了CIP装置在其它领域中的应用。  相似文献   

饮料生产中的CIP   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对我国一些饲料生产企业和生产CIP装置的企业对CIP过程存在的识区撰文说明。文章以CIP工作原理为出发点,对CIP做了定义,提出CIP在饮料生产中的重要性。对影响CIP效果的主要因素:机械力,温度,清洗剂和清洗时间等做了详细讨论,提出在清洗过程中对水和清洗剂的要求,文中着重介绍了CIP装置。  相似文献   

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