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In this study, mix proportion parameters of expanded polystyrene (EPS) lightweight aggregate concrete are analyzed by using Taguchi’s approach. The density, compressive strength and stress-strain behavior were tested. The optimal mixture of EPS lightweight aggregate concrete was selected among experiments under consideration to manufacture the lightweight hollow bricks. The results show that EPS dosage has the most significant effect on compressive strength of EPS lightweight aggregate concrete, then water and cement ratio, while the content of cement and sand ratio play a comparatively less important part. The relationship between density and compressive strength of EPS lightweight aggregate concrete is proposed as fc = 2.43 × γ2.997 × 10−9. The legitimacy of the use of EPS lightweight bricks made by EPS lightweight aggregate concrete is confirmed.  相似文献   

The use of paper-mill residuals in concrete formulations was investigated as an alternative to landfill disposal. The mechanical and durability properties of concrete containing paper-mill residuals collected from a wastewater treatment-plant were evaluated. Class F fly ash was used as a replacement for Portland cement (PC) when incorporated into concrete mixtures containing paper-mill residuals and the resulting products were compared to normal concrete. Compressive, splitting tensile, flexural strength and drying shrinkage tests were carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties for up to 90 days. Rapid chloride-permeability tests and initial surface-absorption tests were carried out at 28 days to determine the durability properties. Concrete containing paper-mill residuals showed improvement in the durability test results when PC was replaced with class F fly ash.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was carried out to evaluate the mechanical and durability properties of high performance concretes containing supplementary cementitious materials in both binary and ternary systems. The mechanical properties were assessed from the compressive strength, whilst the durability characteristics were investigated in terms of chloride diffusion, electrical resistivity, air permeability and water absorption. The test variables included the type and the amount of supplementary cementitious materials (silica fume, fly ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slag). Portland cement was replaced with fly ash up to 40%, silica fume up to 15% and GGBS up to a level of 70%.The results confirmed that silica fume performs better than other supplementary cementitious materials for the strength development and bulk resistivity. The ternary mixes containing ground granulated blast-furnace slag/fly ash and silica fume performed the best amongst all the mixes to resist the chloride diffusion. The mix containing fly ash showed favourable permeation results. All the ternary combinations can be considered to have resulted in high performance concretes with excellent durability properties.  相似文献   

This paper presents the fresh properties of structural self-compacted lightweight concrete (SCLC) containing expanded polystyrene (EPS) assessed by means of slump flow, T50, V-funnel and L-box tests. Fifteen mixes including different water/binder (W/B) ratios, nano-SiO2 contents and EPS percentages (10%, 15%, 22.5% and 30% by volume) were designed. The change in slump flow by hauling time was also evaluated and was predicted with multiple regression equations.The results indicate that mixtures with density higher than 1900 kg/m3 (up to 22.5% EPS) generally satisfy the self-compactibility criteria of SCLC containing EPS. The nano-SiO2 addition has some negative effects on the fresh self-compacted concrete (SCC), but this is to be less for EPS mixtures. While, the slump flow of SCLC containing EPS decreased up to 6% by reducing the given W/B ratio, T50 and V-funnel times increased in the ranges of 23–29% and 18–48%, respectively. EPS inclusion in SCC shows an increase in the slump flow retention up to 17%. Additionally, by using nonlinear multiple regression, the slump flow with hauling time can be accurately predicted.  相似文献   

聚苯乙烯泡沫(简称EPS)是一种闭孔、轻质保温材料,在施工正确和做好防水的情况下,具有节能、良好的长期R值、耐水性以及尺寸稳定性,可用于所有的商业屋面系统,包括叠层屋面、改性沥青以及压顶的,机械固定的和全粘的屋面等。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new kind of material for use in highway embankments in the soft soil of the Yangzi River delta. The experimental study was carried out first to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed material, using different mixtures of river sand, cement and expanded polystyrene beads. This was confirmed by numerical modeling which indicated both its suitability as regards strength and a reduced settlement compared with the general lime stabilized soil embankments. The environmental advantage is that it utilized river sand which has to be removed to retain the profile of the river bed.  相似文献   

废旧聚苯乙烯泡沫混凝土试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对不同配合比的废旧聚苯乙烯泡沫混凝土(以下简称EPS混凝土)立方体块的试验研究,研制出了现浇板的一种新型填充材料--EPS混凝土型块.试验结果表明,该EPS混凝土型块成型效果好、自重轻、价格低廉、保温、隔热,将其填充在现浇板中不仅固定方法简便,而且可以大大减轻板的自重,是一种理想的填充材料.  相似文献   

将废聚苯乙烯泡沫制成乳液,用包衣机将其包膜在膨胀珍珠岩表面,形成一层柔性的聚合物膜,达到膨胀珍珠岩闭孔的效果,可有效地改善膨胀珍珠岩的吸水性,提高膨胀珍珠岩的强度,解决了闭孔膨胀珍珠岩在运输途中易破碎的问题。  相似文献   

The paper presented herein was carried out to investigate the permeability characteristics of self-compacting rubberized concretes with and without fly ash. At a water–cementitious material (w/cm) ratio of 0.35, the self-compacting concretes (SCCs) were produced by replacing the fine aggregate with four designated crump rubber contents of 0%, 5%, 15%, and 25% by fine aggregate volume. Moreover, the SCCs with fly ash were produced by partial substitution of cement with fly ash at varying amounts of 20% to 60%. Totally, 16 concrete mixtures were cast and tested for permeability related properties such as chloride ion permeability, water sorptivity, and water absorption. The tests were conducted at 28 and 90 days after casting. Tests results revealed that using the crumb rubber aggravated all of the measured properties of self-compacting rubberized concretes (SCRCs) without fly ash. However, with the combined use of the crump rubber and fly ash, the concretes had better resistance to the chloride ion permeability, water sorptivity, and water absorption.  相似文献   

The present study examines the applicability of polymer mortar panels using a methyl methacrylate (MMA) solution of waste expanded polystyrene (EPS) to develop effective recycling processes for the EPS, referring to the strength properties of a polymer-impregnated mortar panel with almost the same performance as commercial products. An MMA solution of EPS is prepared by dissolving EPS in MMA, and unreinforced and steel fiber-reinforced polymer mortars are mixed using the EPS-MMA-based solution as a liquid resin or binder. Polymer mortar panels (PMPs) using the EPS-MMA-based polymer mortars without and with steel fiber and crimped wire cloth reinforcements and steel fiber-reinforced polymer-impregnated mortar panel (PIMP) are prepared on trial, and tested for flexural behavior under four-point loading. The EPS-MMA-based PMPs are more ductile than the PIMP, and have a high load-bearing capacity. Consequently, they can replace PIMP in practical applications.  相似文献   

研究了密度、陈化时间、温度、试样尺寸对EPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统中EPS板形变的影响。结果表明:大密度的EPS板尺寸稳定性优于低密度的EPS板;随着温度的升高,EPS板形变逐渐增大,当温度到80~85℃时,达到敏感温度点,产生不可逆的收缩形变明显加剧;EPS板形变性能的尺寸效应明显,随着试样尺寸的增大,形变率降低,但其形变量反而增加;陈化时间对EPS板的形变影响较大,随着陈化期的延长,EPS板的形变逐渐趋于稳定。  相似文献   

BLF胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料专用胶粉的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍BLF胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料专用胶粉的应用以及专用胶粉配制的保温浆料性能,分析了影响胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料性能的主要因素.使用专用胶粉配制保温浆料可节省材料成本15%左右.  相似文献   

既有建筑绿色化改造中使用较多的保温材料是EPS板,对外墙保温改造使用EPS板产生的环境效益给出量化结果具有重要意义。采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,结合实际调研,从EPS生产、销售运输、既有建筑使用EPS、回收运输、回收生产、回收得到PS颗粒等6个方面,用Ebalance软件对EPS板全寿命周期能源消耗及环境排放进行计算。结果表明,在全寿命周期中,1 kg EPS板可减少酸化潜值0.331 kg SO2当量、减少不可再生资源消耗55.0 kg Coal-R当量、减少能源消耗27.7 kgce当量、减少富营养化潜值0.0218 kg PO43-当量、减少全球变暖潜值61.6 kg CO2当量,既有建筑应进行外墙保温改造。  相似文献   

橡胶混凝土性能的初步研究   总被引:33,自引:6,他引:33  
将不同比例的橡胶粉或橡胶颗粒分别代替水泥和砂,制作了C50橡胶混凝土,分析了加压成型对其抗压和抗折性能的影响,并对橡胶混凝土的抗冻和抗渗等性能做了初步研究。研究证明,橡胶混凝土力学性能较基准混凝土有所下降,但采用加压成型工艺可有效改善其下降幅度;橡胶粉(颗粒)掺量在10%以下时,可明显改善混凝土的抗冻和抗渗性能。  相似文献   

本文通过对两种不同配方体系聚苯颗粒保温砂浆胶粉料研究的介绍和分析.指出聚苯颗粒保温砂浆胶粉料配方优化的重要性。试验研究表明,有机聚合物可再分散乳胶粉的优选搭配,可使聚苯颗粒保温砂浆达到最佳性价比;硅烷聚乙烯醇复合憎水剂会增加保温砂浆的收缩。  相似文献   

A new type of environment friendly polymer-modified waterproof mortar (PMWM) was developed through adding ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)/vinyl acetate–vinyl ester of versatic acid (Va–VeoVa) mixture (re-dispersible emulsion powder), mine tailings, quartz sand and additives to the eco-cement, which was prepared by grinding the mixture of steel slag, blast-furnace slag, fly ash and activator. The optimal material proportioning of PMWM was obtained based on the Orthogonal experiment: re-dispersible emulsion powder, 11 wt.%; cement–sand ratio, 1:3.5 (tailings/quartz sand = 1:3); EVA/Va–VeoVa ratio, 1:1; water reducing agent (based on the cement weight), 1.5 wt.%. The product conforms to JC/T 984-2005 (China professional standard: Polymer–cement waterproof mortar). Some factors influencing the characteristics of the mortar were discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper an investigation of mechanical behaviour and elastic properties of recycled-aggregate concretes is presented. These concretes were prepared by alternatively using two different (coarse and finer coarse) recycled-aggregate fractions both made of recycled concrete coming from a recycling plant in which rubble from demolition is collected and suitably treated. Several concrete mixtures were prepared by using only virgin aggregates (as reference), 30% finer coarse recycled aggregate replacing fine gravel and 30% coarse recycled aggregate replacing gravel. Five different water to cement ratios were adopted as: 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55 and 0.60. Concrete workability was in the slump range of 190–200 mm. Compression tests were carried out after 28 days of wet curing. In addition, concrete elastic modulus and drying shrinkage were evaluated. Results obtained showed that structural concrete up to C32/40 strength class can be manufactured by replacing 30% virgin aggregate with recycled-concrete aggregate. Moreover, a correlation between elastic modulus and compressive strength of recycled-aggregate concrete was found and compared to those reported in the literature. Finally, on the basis of drying shrinkage results, particularly if finer coarse recycled-concrete aggregate is added to the mixture, lower strains could be detected especially for earlier curing time.  相似文献   

膨胀玻化微珠保温砂浆克服了膨胀珍珠岩砂浆吸水率大、易粉化、在搅拌中体积收缩率大而易造成产品后期强度低和空鼓开裂等现象;弥补了EPS(XPS)保温板防火性能差、高温产生有害气体和抗老化性低等不足.其隔热性能优于胶粉聚苯颗粒保温砂浆,材质稳定,耐高温性能好,能弥补聚苯颗粒有机材料易燃、防水性能差等缺陷.介绍膨胀玻化微珠无机保温砂浆系统的特点、施工流程及其施工要点,简述了常见技术问题及解决方案.  相似文献   

对养护龄期分别为12h,24h和36h的聚苯乙烯(EPS)混凝土进行静态抗压强度试验,研究了聚苯乙烯(EPS)混凝土的早期抗压强度,并与养护龄期为28d的EPS混凝土抗压强度进行比较。结果表明,EPS混凝土抗压强度随养护龄期的增长而增加,早期抗压强度增幅较大。通过对EPS混凝土应力—应变全曲线进行分析、计算,得到相应的力学性能指标。结果表明,EPS混凝土应力—应变全曲线具有相似的几何特征,其受压破坏过程是渐变的,显示出较好的变形性性能,其韧性随着养护龄期和抗压强度的增加而增加。  相似文献   

介绍在大量试验的基础上研制出的一种新型干粉抹面聚苯板粘结剂。该产品大量应用于EPS和XPS外墙外保温工程.技术性能优异,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

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