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马龙  李国忠 《砖瓦》2014,(1):20-22
以赤泥、粉煤灰、水泥为主要原料,掺加一定量的激发剂和发泡剂,制备了赤泥轻质免烧砖。研究了发泡剂掺量对赤泥轻质免烧砖性能的影响。利用扫描电子显微镜对赤泥轻质免烧砖破坏断口进行了微观形貌分析。结果表明,当发泡剂掺量为10ml时,制得的试样性能较好,其密度、抗折强度、抗压强度分别为423kg/m3.049MPa和1.87MPa。  相似文献   

The moisture storage capacity of two different types of building materials – autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) and burnt clay brick was determined from the water vapour sorption isotherms. The pore structure parameters were determined by means of nitrogen adsorption/desorption tests and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). It has been found that the compatibility of the pore structure results achieved by nitrogen sorption and MIP was good in case of bricks but was weak in case of AAC materials. The comparison of water and nitrogen sorption results showed that for all tested materials, the adsorption storage capacity determined from nitrogen sorption agreed satisfactorily with the moisture storage capacity stated from water vapour sorption for the range of relative pressures higher than 0.3. Based on the results, the method of evaluation or verification of water vapour adsorption curve using the nitrogen sorption results was suggested.  相似文献   

烧结温度对赤泥烧结砖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺深阳  蒋述兴 《砖瓦》2007,(9):35-36
利用平果铝业赤泥和广西本地的非田粘土,制备出达到国家烧结砖标准的赤泥烧结砖,并研究了烧结温度与赤泥烧结砖性能的关系和烧结温度对烧结砖物相的影响,得出赤泥烧结砖的烧结温度以1100℃-1150℃为宜,其最佳烧结温度为1150℃的结论。  相似文献   

研究了用C20混凝土浇筑的暖砖墙体,对6个受压试件进行了试验研究,分析了受压试件的破坏特征、抗压强度、弹性模量及泊松比等指标.结合《砌体结构设计规范》(GB 50003—2011)以及相关文献中的公式,提出了暖砖墙体抗压力学性能指标的建议计算公式,计算值与试验结果符合得较好.  相似文献   

许光辉  马小娥 《砖瓦》2007,(6):50-51
利用中州铝厂废渣赤泥和电厂的粉煤灰,加入其他混合材料和外加剂,采用合理的配比生产免烧砖,通过对其抗压强度、抗折强度、吸水率以及硬度的测定和研究,该免烧砖符合非烧结砖标准JC/T422-1991(1996)中15级的要求,赤泥、粉煤灰用于制砖既有利于降低建材生产成本,又利用废弃物有利于环保。  相似文献   

利用赤泥制备了抗压强度达到国家烧结砖标准中MU30级要求的烧结砖,并研究了粘土掺量对赤泥烧结砖性能的影响。研究表明粘土的掺入能改善坯料的可塑性,增大烧结砖的收缩,扩大烧结砖的烧结温度范围,提高烧结砖的抗压强度。  相似文献   

采用煤渣、废瓷粒等工业废渣为骨料,以石灰石、白云石、长石、高岭土、石英和瓷石粉的混合料为高温粘结剂制备陶瓷透水砖,研究工艺参数对透水砖性能的影响。结果表明,随着煤渣用量的增加或成型压力的降低,透水砖的透水性能提高而机械强度降低。通过DTA-TG分析确定了在800℃保温4 h的优化烧成制度,有效避免了黑心和变形缺陷的产生。FE-SEM显微照片表明,合理的煤渣颗粒级配能使煤渣粗颗粒间形成孔径为0.5~1.5 mm的大气孔,而煤渣颗粒本身由于其中可燃物燃烧形成了孔径为数十个微米的微孔,这种特殊的结构赋予透水砖强度高、透水好的性能。  相似文献   

Taner Kavas   《Building and Environment》2006,41(12):1779-1783
The study was directed towards determining the usability of clay and fine wastes (CW and FW) of boron from the concentrator plant in Kirka (Turkey) as a fluxing agent in production of red mud (RM) brick. Both laboratory studies on the characterization of materials and industrial-scale tests for production of bricks were carried out. CW and FW, which have similar chemical composition but include different types and amounts of oxides, were added in amounts of 5, 10 and 15 wt% to RM, which consists of high amounts of Fe2O3, Al2O3, SiO2 and alkalies. Six different sets of samples have been produced and fired at 700, 800 and 900 °C. Dry shrinkage of green body, bending and compressive strength, firing shrinkage, water absorption, frost resistance and harmful magnesia and lime tests on heat-treated bodies have been performed. The mineralogical and mechanical tests showed that usability of boron wastes as a fluxing agent in the production of RM bricks was possible. In addition, the samples obtained by adding 15 wt% CW and FW to RM showed the best mechanical characteristic.  相似文献   

1、陶瓷墙砖的特点陶瓷墙砖是家庭装修中必不可少的墙体装饰材料,陶瓷墙砖的吸水率低,抗腐蚀、抗老化能力强。特别是其特殊的耐潮湿、耐擦洗、耐候性,是其他材料无法取代的。其价格低廉,色彩丰富,是家庭装修中厨房、卫生间、阳台墙面理想的装修材料。 2、陶瓷墙砖的种类及规格用于墙面装修的装饰砖,可以分为两类。第一类是釉面砖,这种砖的表面涂有一层彩色的釉面,经加  相似文献   

再生混凝土多孔砖用再生骨料基本性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
再生混凝土多孔砖与再生混凝土相比有混凝土强度要求低、再生骨料利用率高、生产成本低等优点,非常适合再生混凝土技术的推广应用.粒径0-10mm再生骨料基本性能的试验研究是再生混凝土多孔砖性能研究的基础和关键.再生骨料中细骨料比例取85%,90%.95%3个水平,再生骨料中碎砖含量取0.25%.50%,75%,100% 5个水平,用全组合的方式在试验室中配制出3个系列共15种再生骨料.按照GB/T 14684-2001及GB/T 14685-2001对这15种再生骨料的级配、表观密度、吸水率、压碎指标进行实验.试验结果表明,粒径0-10 mm再生骨料随着骨料中碎砖含量的增多,再生骨料的表观密度、吸水率、压碎指标增大;压碎指标与吸水率、压碎指标与表观密度呈正比.这个性质与目前再生粗骨料的规律不同,说明混凝土砖用0-10 mm再生骨料的性质不同于再生粗骨料.  相似文献   

In general, the ornamental stone industries have as by-product a fine rock powder that might be suitable to be used in civil engineering construction purposes. Therefore, this work intends to discuss some technical aspects concerning the use of this material, which derives from sawing operation of marble blocks, in the ceramic raw material (clayey matrix). The study has been carried out using clayey soils from the municipal district of Campos in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where more than 130 ceramic industries are settled, which are potential consumers of such a waste. Characterization laboratory tests were carried out on samples that were conformed in a laboratory extruder, simulating, thus, the actual industrial process. These samples were molded with different marble powder contents, fired at temperature varying from 750 to 950 °C and had theirs mechanical properties evaluated. This range of temperature was considered representative because most of ceramic industries in this region of Brazil make use of Hoffman kiln type, where temperatures above 900 °C, is difficult to be obtained. The results depict the possibility of using this by-product in the paste composition of ceramic bricks for the use in civil engineering construction industry, without impairment of their mechanical properties. In several cases, some of these properties have been improved.  相似文献   

辊道窑入窑及旁路贮坯系统是瓷砖生产线上贮坯的一种新型系统,具有投资小,占地少,坯损低,节省电耗等优点.适应于瓷砖生产线贮坯系统的技术改造,本文介绍此项专利技术的基本构成和系统特点.  相似文献   

Some properties of asphalt mastic containing recycled red brick powder (RBP) were investigated in this paper. RBP was used as filler in asphalt mastic. The investigated mastic consisted of asphalt and filler at a mass ratio of 1:1. Penetration, softening point and high-temperature viscosity were tested. Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) was used to conduct frequency sweep test of asphalt mastic. The introduction of RBP resulted in reduced penetration, increased softening point, apparent activation energy, complex shear modulus in the low frequency area and high-temperature viscosity. It indicates that RBP may have some positive effect on high-temperature properties but some negative effect on low-temperature properties of asphalt mastic. It is also believed that the average compacting temperature of asphalt mixture containing RBP is 6.5 °C higher than that containing limestone mineral filler (LMF).  相似文献   

雷勇敏 《砖瓦》2011,(3):20-24
1前言由西安墙体材料研究设计院承担,起草《中华人民共和国国家标准——烧结砖瓦工厂设计规范(报批稿)》专题的工作。按照西安墙体材料研究设计院总体计划和具体要求,分工确定成立了"烧结砖瓦工厂设计规范专题项目/砖瓦生产技术分析研究",为此展开了调研工作。  相似文献   

贺深阳  蒋述兴 《砖瓦》2007,(8):9-11
赤泥是一种不溶性废渣,污染环境、占用农田。利用赤泥和粘土混合制砖符合国家保护粘土资源的政策。通过实验研究粘土掺量对赤泥烧结砖的成型、干燥和烧结工艺的影响,证明赤泥粘土砖能够达到烧结砖的国家标准,可工业化生产。  相似文献   

阐述了红粘土的形成过程和基本工程性质,通过实际采样分析,说明了红粘土的微观结构对其工程性质的影响,为红粘土土体的改良提供参考依据.  相似文献   

徐厚林 《砖瓦世界》2010,(11):30-31
<正>目前有些烧结砖生产企业和投资者在生产工艺选择问题上产生一些盲点。对生产工艺流程的理解,尤其是对选择工艺流程的原则以及影响工艺流程选择的因素、它们彼此之间关系起何种变化、相互之间起什么作用并不完全了解。就这些问题,笔者谈一下个人的浅薄看法,供投资生产者参考。  相似文献   

郝润霞  王鹏 《山西建筑》2007,33(24):74-75
通过对某三层砌体结构招待所的抗震验算以及抗震构造要求等的复核,并对原有建筑物的基础、墙体进行现场检测,通过基础加固方案的比选,采用双面加钢筋混凝土套的方法扩大原毛石基础底面积,并实施加层改造,实践证明该法是可行的。  相似文献   

刘宇辉 《砖瓦》2006,(7):25-26
利用煤矸石、页岩等硬质低塑型材料生产烧结新型墙体材料的技术在我国已经非常成熟,在全国特别是在产煤区利用煤矸石、页岩等原料生产烧结多孔砖、空心砖的生产线已经得到了广泛建设。煤矸石制砖既解决了煤矸石长期存放侵占土地、浪费资源、污染水源和空气、破坏生态平衡的问题,又节约能源、保护耕地、环境和自然资源、改善建筑功能、促进建筑和建材工业的技术进步.生产的产品本身就是一种环保和利废产品。但是一些生产企业却忽视了原材料破碎过程中产生的工业性粉尘、设备运转产生的噪音和隧道窑焙烧过程中产生的烟气等对环境造成的二次污染。为此本文着重谈谈制砖生产线的主要污染源及其治理措施。  相似文献   

我国是世界上建筑陶瓷最大的生产基地和出口国家,我国陶瓷砖质量的优劣将对国际建筑陶瓷行业产生举足轻重的影响。另一方面,我国也是世界上建筑陶瓷最大的消费地域。在我国,不仅在城市百姓居室和大型建筑物的内外饰面,而且在广大农村普  相似文献   

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