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The proximate composition and the water soluble vitamin and elemental composition of Red Delicious apples purchased from six marketing locations at marketing times near maximum and minimum product availability was determined. Ascorbic acid, niacin, vitamin B6, thiamin, folacin, Ca and Na were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in apples purchased in May (minimum availability) compared to those purchased in November (maximum availability). Values for ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, folacin, Ca and Fe were lower and Mg and Na were higher than tabulated values. The proximate composition and mean values for other micronutrients approximated those in Handbook 8.  相似文献   

利用自制的高压静电场保鲜实验台产生的-50kV/m和-100kV/m高压静电场处理红元帅苹果,在贮藏过程中测定了果实呼吸强度、乙烯释放量、果肉硬度和可溶性固形物含量等指标,并在贮藏结束时,对果实品质进行感官评定.实验结果表明高压静电场处理将果实呼吸跃变推迟8d,乙烯释放高峰推迟4d,对保持果实可溶性固形物含量和果实硬度具有显著作用.感官评定结果表明高压静电场处理贮藏24d的红元帅苹果,新鲜程度、硬度、甜味等主要感官指标比对照好.  相似文献   

The texture of potato chips was evaluated using a novel method. Four kinds of potato chips with different thicknesses and crispness were fractured by a probe and the corresponding acoustic vibrations were detected by a piezoelectric sensor. The vibration signals were filtered into 19 frequency bands. The texture index (TI) was calculated for each band, using data from three selected parts of the time-domain signals: the anterior part from the probe contact point to a major fracture, the major fracture part, and the full texture signals. The TI was the lowest for the anterior part at all bands. The TI of the major fracture part was the highest in all frequency bands except for 100–140 Hz. The new analysis method revealed that the TI above 1600 Hz reflected the crispness of potato chips.  相似文献   

以红地球葡萄为试材,通过葡萄园秸秆覆盖、地膜覆盖、生草覆盖和清耕4种处理,研究土壤不同保护性措施对红地球葡萄品质的影响。结果表明:秸秆、地膜和生草覆盖均能显著提高红地球葡萄的果实品质,其中以地膜覆盖处理效果最好,果粒重达到12.24g,较清耕提高22.40%;穗重998.23g,较清耕提高20.79%;可溶性固形物含量较清耕提高12.30%,达到13.88%;有机酸含量为0.36%,较清耕降低50.68%。秸秆覆盖和生草覆盖也能显著改进葡萄品质,秸秆覆盖效果较好。  相似文献   

红地球葡萄在我区表现果实颜色深红偏紫红,日灼严重,为了提高果实商品性,必须采用套袋技术,本试验以筛选最佳套袋时期和材质为内容,进行了初步探索,供生产者参考.  相似文献   

An optimal caseinate-acetylated monoglyceride edible coating consisting of 1.5% Alanate-310 (a calcium caseinate) and 1.5% Myvacet-5-07 (an acetylated monoglyceride) produced a reduction (75%) in moisture loss from celery (Apium graveolens) sticks. Similar edible coatings on apple (Malus domestica) fruits produced higher water vapor resistance. However, since apples have a natural high resistance to water vapor, edible coatings did not decrease water loss from whole fruit. Edible coatings did not modify respiration or ethylene production by apples or celery sticks. Quality of minimally processed fruits and vegetables that are susceptible to water loss could be improved with edible coatings, but quality of commodities with high water vapor resistance would not.  相似文献   

Elderberry concentrate is widely used for food colouring. Its production includes several processing steps, which influence pigment composition, thus affecting the quality of final product. In this study, qualitative and quantitative changes in anthocyanin components were followed during the production of elderberry juice concentrate using Haschberg and Samocco varieties. Juice concentration resulted in more than five‐fold concentration increase in anthocyanins; however, clarification, filtration and evaporation steps caused slight but continuous decrease in anthocyanins relative to the dry matter of the product. Pectolytic enzymatic treatment was found to be one of the most critical processing steps that affects anthocyanin yield during production, and this effect on yield can be variety‐dependent. Additionally, two condensed dimeric anthocyanin species generated after heat treatment are reported for the first time to be present in elderberry juice concentrate. Our results suggest that cyanidin‐based anthocyanin conjugates with more complex saccharide moieties are more robust during production.  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂对红地球葡萄果实品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本实验以5年生红地球葡萄为试材,研究GA3和6-BA对果实品质的影响.结果表明:外源GA3和6-BA处理能有效地促进果实生长发育,提高产量.其中,50 mg/kg GA3处理的效果较显著,平均单粒质量达到11.29g,较对照提高19.3%,产量1407.52 kg/667m2,较对照提高15.9%;50mg/kg GA3+20mg/kg 6-BA组合处理,平均单粒质量达到11.21g,较对照提高18.5%,产量1396.88kg/667m2,较对照提高15.1%.外源GA3和6-BA对果实含酸量和Vc含量影响不明显,但降低了果实可溶性固形物含量的积累和果实硬度.棚架栽培可适当提高坐果部位,避免果实着色过深.  相似文献   

环剥对红地球葡萄果实发育和枝条生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了环剥处理对红地球葡萄果实发育及枝条生长的影响。结果表明:结果枝果穗下节间环剥处理不改变红地球葡萄果实发育的动态规律,只改变其峰值高低;环剥可促进果实生长发育,果实鲜重、纵横径、可溶性固形物含量均显著增加;环剥还有抑制副梢生长,促进新梢老熟和增加老熟节数的作用。  相似文献   

1-MCP处理对采后红椒质构性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨1-甲基环丙烯(1-methylcyclopropene,1-MCP)对采后红椒质地的影响,以“洛椒118”淮安红椒为材料,采用质构仪质地多面分析方法、压缩测试结合相关性分析法和主成分分析法对红椒质地特性进行分析。结果表明:不同剂量1-MCP处理均能较好地延缓采后红椒按压力的下降,其中0.5、1.0 mL/L 1-MCP处理的作用更明显;另外,1-MCP处理可较好地保持红椒硬度、黏着性、咀嚼性、回复性等质构性能,结合主成分分析的结果,1.0 mL/L 1-MCP处理对红椒的保鲜效果较佳。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nutrim was added at 10%, 20%, and 30% to Hard Red Winter wheat flour to increase soluble fiber content of fresh noodles to a minimum of 0.75 g/noodle serving (one noodle serving is 42 g or 40 g db (dry basis). The effect of Nutrim on the dough characteristics and noodles quality was tackled. The presence of Nutrim increased the final water absorption and dough tolerance as measured by Farinograph whereas the dough stability was decreased. The DSC (Deferential scanning Calorimetry) data showed that Nutrim increased the onset or peak temperatures while the ΔH was reduced by 25%. The resilience of Nutrim-enriched noodles was not significantly affected. The chewiness and hardness were reduced by Nutrim added at 20% and 30%, while cohesiveness was significantly increased by all 3 Nutrim levels. RVA (Rapid Visco Amylograph) profile showed higher peak viscosity in the presence of Nutrim. The 20% and 30% Nutrimlevels increased the soluble fiber of the final product from 1.13% to 1.67% and 2.47%. The yellow color of noodles became darker with higher Nutrim amounts added. The addition of Nutrim produced dough with a more compact image with less space between the starch granules as measured by scanning electron microscopy when compared with the control. The rheological testing showed that the presence of Nutrim decreased flour suspension elastic properties.  相似文献   

Changes in the concentrations of the individual sugars of the walls and locular contents of tomato fruit during ripening have been studied. The major sugars were glucose and fructose together with much smaller amounts of sucrose and myoinositol. During the initial stages of development the fruit contained approximately twice as much glucose as fructose, but with approaching maturity and the onset of ripening the glucose/fructose ratio declined to less than unity. On a per fruit basis the distribution of the major sugars between the walls and locular contents was about 3 : 1 at the green stage, falling to 2 : 1 as the fruit ripened. Total reducing sugars (% fresh weight or per fruit) increased markedly between the mature green and green-yellow stages with a tendency to decrease with subsequent ripening. These changes were predominantly influenced by changes in fructose content, with glucose changing little. The concentrations of sucrose and myoinositol, both less than 0.05% fresh weight, declined with ripening. The green areas of the outer walls of “blotchy” fruit contained much less glucose and fructose than did the walls of normal mature green fruit, while the red areas contained amounts similar to those encountered in normally ripened red fruit.  相似文献   

豆沙质地特性的感官评定与仪器分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用质构仪对豆沙进行穿孔、剪切、全质构分析(TPA)以研究其质地特性。分析各质构参数之间的相关性,探索豆沙感官评价和仪器测定参数之间的关系,得出了感官评定指标以仪器测定参数为变量的多元线性回归模型。结果表明:除TPA测试的弹性、凝聚性外,质构仪测试的其他指标如硬度、黏着性、剪切力等均与感官指标有很好的相关性。除感官凝聚性外,穿孔、剪切、全质构分析3种质地测试方法结合使用可以对其余各感官指标进行预测,且各预测模型都有很高的显著性。  相似文献   

为了改善红豆小麦面条的质构品质,本文将30 g红豆粉和70 g小麦粉混合并分别添加1 U脂肪酶、4 U葡萄糖氧化酶、3 U谷氨酰胺转氨酶、3 U木聚糖酶测定其面团的流变性质和面条的质构性质。结果表明,添加脂肪酶、葡萄糖氧化酶、谷氨酰胺转氨酶均使红豆小麦面条的硬度增加,其增大幅度依次为3588、4183、6190 g,咀嚼度依次增加了1311、1527、2673。添加木聚糖酶降低红豆小麦面条的硬度,降低幅度为97.67 g,咀嚼度减小了134.48。综上,脂肪酶、葡萄糖氧化酶、氨酰胺转氨酶均可提升红豆小麦面条的质构品质。其中,氨酰胺转氨酶应用效果最为显著。  相似文献   

对玉米、芸豆和糙米三种单一原料高压方便粥采用质构曲线解析法进行质地分析,分析结果显示高压处理能缓解粥存储过程中的回生程度,主要表现在降低粥的硬度及胶着度,这种作用在存储初期并不明显,但随货架期的延长,压力处理样与未压力处理样在这两个指标上有明显区别。经过长时间放置后,300MPa处理5min样的各项质地指标最为接近新鲜米粥。  相似文献   

Abnormal softening in canned apricots from the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area of N.S.W. was shown to occur following the growth of Rhizopus stolonifer on the fresh fruit. The softening developed irrespective of the maturity of the apricots or the orchard from which they were obtained. The softening process took place slowly during storage of the canned apricots at 20 °C and the optimum period for study of the disorder occurred 6 months after processing. The macerating factor (probably a pectolytic enzyme) was generated early in the growth of the mould on the fruit and sufficient was present 16 h after its inoculation to cause post-processing softening; at this stage the disease was not apparent on the exterior of the fresh fruit which could easily pass factory inspection prior to canning. Mould growth was arrested by dipping the fruit in dichloran and this measure was partially successful in controlling softening.  相似文献   

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