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Wang P  Boss ES  Roesler C 《Applied optics》2005,44(19):4074-4085
We present a method to quantify the uncertainties in the in-water constituent absorption and backscattering coefficients obtained from an inversion of remotely sensed reflectance (rrs). We first find a set of positive inversion solutions within a given uncertainty range around the values of the inverted rrs. The uncertainties of the solutions are then computed based on the statistics of these solutions. We demonstrate the uncertainty calculation algorithm using a specific semianalytic inversion model applied to both a field and a simulated data set. When the associated uncertainties are taken into account, the inverted parameters are generally within the uncertainties of the measured (or simulated) parameters, highlighting the success of the inversion and the method to obtain uncertainties. The specific inversion we use, however, fails to retrieve two spectral parameters within a usable range. The method presented is general and can be applied to all existing semianalytical inversion algorithms.  相似文献   

We examine the problem of uniqueness in the relationship between the remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) and the inherent optical properties (IOPs) of ocean water. The results point to the fact that diffuse reflectance of plane irradiance from ocean water is inherently ambiguous. Furthermore, in the 400 < lambda < 750 nm region of the spectrum, Rrs(lambda) also suffers from ambiguity caused by the similarity in wavelength dependence of the coefficients of absorption by particulate matter and of absorption by colored dissolved organic matter. The absorption coefficients have overlapping exponential responses, which lead to the fact that more than one combination of IOPs can produce nearly the same Rrs spectrum. This ambiguity in absorption parameters demands that we identify the regions of the Rrs spectrum where we can isolate the effects that are due only to scattering by particulates and to absorption by pure water. The results indicate that the spectral shape of the absorption coefficient of phytoplankton, a(ph)(lambda), cannot be derived from a multiparameter fit to Rrs(lambda). However, the magnitude and the spectral dependence of the absorption coefficient can be estimated from the difference between the measured Rrs(lambda) and the best fit to Rrs(lambda) in terms of IOPs that exclude a(ph)(lambda).  相似文献   

Retrieving the inherent optical properties of water from remote sensing multispectral reflectance measurements is difficult due to both the complex nature of the forward modeling and the inherent nonlinearity of the inverse problem. In such cases, neural network (NN) techniques have a long history in inverting complex nonlinear systems. The process we adopt utilizes two NNs in parallel. The first NN is used to relate the remote sensing reflectance at available MODIS-visible wavelengths (except the 678 nm fluorescence channel) to the absorption and backscatter coefficients at 442 nm (peak of chlorophyll absorption). The second NN separates algal and nonalgal absorption components, outputting the ratio of algal-to-nonalgal absorption. The resulting synthetically trained algorithm is tested using both the NASA Bio-Optical Marine Algorithm Data Set (NOMAD), as well as our own field datasets from the Chesapeake Bay and Long Island Sound, New York. Very good agreement is obtained, with R2 values of 93.75%, 90.67%, and 86.43% for the total, algal, and nonalgal absorption, respectively, for the NOMAD. For our field data, which cover absorbing waters up to about 6 m?1, R2 is 91.87% for the total measured absorption.  相似文献   

Spectral measurements of remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) and absorption coefficients carried out in three European estuaries (Gironde and Loire in France, Tamar in the UK) are presented and analyzed. Typical Rrs and absorption spectra are compared with typical values measured in coastal waters. The respective contributions of the water constituents, i.e., suspended sediments, colored dissolved organic matter, and phytoplankton (characterized by chlorophyll-a), are determined. The Rrs spectra are then reproduced with an optical model from the measured absorption coefficients and fitted backscattering coefficients. From Rrs ratios, empirical quantification relationships are established, reproduced, and explained from theoretical calculations. These quantification relationships were established from numerous field measurements and a reflectance model integrating the mean values of the water constituents' inherent optical properties. The model's sensitivity to the biogeochemical constituents and to their nature and composition is assessed.  相似文献   

Leymarie E  Doxaran D  Babin M 《Applied optics》2010,49(28):5415-5436
Monte Carlo simulations are used to explain and quantify the errors in inherent optical properties (IOPs) (absorption and attenuation coefficients) measured using the WET Labs AC-9 submarine spectrophotometer, and to assess correction algorithms. Simulated samples with a wide range of IOPs encountered in natural waters are examined. The relative errors on the measured absorption coefficient are in general lower than 25%, but reach up to 100% in highly scattering waters. Relative errors on attenuation and scattering coefficients are more stable, with an underestimation mainly driven by the volume scattering function. The errors in attenuation and scattering spectral shapes are small.  相似文献   

An algorithm is described and evaluated for determining the absorption and backscattering coefficients a(z) and bb(z) from measurements of the nadir-viewing radiance Lu(z) and downward irradiance Ed(z). The method, derived from radiative transfer theory, is similar to a previously proposed one for Eu(z) and Ed(z)and both methods are demonstrated with numerical simulations and field data. Numerical simulations and a sensitivity analysis show that good estimates of a(z) and bb(z) can be obtained if the assumed scattering phase function is approximately correct. In an experiment in Long Island Sound, estimates of a(z) derived with these methods agreed well with those obtained from an in situ reflecting tube instrument.  相似文献   

Stramski D  Bricaud A  Morel A 《Applied optics》2001,40(18):2929-2945
We describe an approach to modeling the ocean's inherent optical properties (IOPs) that permits extensive analyses of IOPs as the detailed composition of suspended particulate matter is varied in a controlled manner. Example simulations of the IOP model, which includes 18 planktonic components covering a size range from submicrometer viruses and heterotrophic bacteria to microplanktonic species of 30-mum cell diameter, are discussed. Input data to the model include the spectral optical cross sections on a per particle basis and the particle-number concentration for each individual component. This approach represents a significant departure from traditional IOP and bio-optical models in which the composition of seawater is described in terms of a few components only or chlorophyll concentration alone. The simulations illustrate how the separation and understanding of the effects of various types of particle present within a water body can be achieved. In an example simulation representing an oligotrophic water body with a chlorophyll a concentration of 0.18 mg m(-3), the planktonic microorganisms altogether are the dominant particulate component in the process of light absorption, but their relative contribution to light scattering is smaller than that of nonliving particles. A series of simulations of water bodies with the same chlorophyll a concentration but dominated by different phytoplankton species shows that composition of the planktonic community is an important source of optical variability in the ocean.  相似文献   

Smyth TJ  Moore GF  Hirata T  Aiken J 《Applied optics》2006,45(31):8116-8131
A semianalytical approach to the problem of determining inherent optical properties from satellite and in situ ocean color data is presented. The model uses empirically derived spectral slopes between neighboring wavebands in combination with radiative transfer modeling to determine the spectral absorption (alpha) and backscatter (b(b)); these values are then further decomposed into absorption due to phytoplankton, detrital, and colored dissolved organic matter components. When compared with over 400 in situ data points the model makes good retrievals of the total absorption and backscatter across the entire spectrum, with regression slopes close to unity, little or no bias, high percentage of variance explained, and low rms errors.  相似文献   

We have systematically processed one year of sunphotometer measurements (recorded at five AERONET/PHOTONS sites in Africa) in order to assess mineral dust optical properties with the use of a new polarimetry-based algorithm. We consider the Cimel CE318 polarized sunphotometer version to obtain single-scattering albedo, scattering phase matrix elements F(11) and F(12) for dust aerosols selected with Angstr?m exponents ranging from -0.05 to 0.25. Retrieved F(11) and F(12) differ significantly from those of spherical particles. The degree of linear polarization -F(12)/F(11) for single scattering of atmospheric total column dust aerosols in the case of unpolarized incident light is systematically retrieved for the first time to our knowledge from sunphotometer measurements and shows consistency with previous laboratory characterizations of nonspherical particles.  相似文献   

A method is evaluated for estimating the absorption coefficient a and the backscattering coefficient b(b) from measurements of the upward and downward irradiances E(u)(z) and E(d)(z). With this method, the reflectance ratio R(z) and the downward diffuse attenuation coefficient K(d)(z) obtained from E(u)(z) and E(d)(z) are used to estimate the inherent optical properties R(infinity) and K(infinity) that are the asymptotic values of R(z) and K(d)(z), respectively. For an assumed scattering phase function beta , there are unique correlations between the values of R(infinity) and K(infinity) and those of a and b(b) that can be derived from the radiative transfer equation. Good estimates of a and the Gordon parameter G = b(b)/(a + b(b)) can be obtained from R(infinity) and K(infinity) if the true scattering phase function is not greatly different from the assumed function. The method works best in deep, homogeneous waters, but can be applied to some cases of stratified waters. To improve performance in shallow waters where bottom effects are important, the deep- and shallow-measurement reflectance models also are developed.  相似文献   

The absorption coefficient of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) at 355 nm has been retrieved from airborne laser-induced and water Raman-normalized CDOM fluorescence. Four combined airborne and ship field experiments have demonstrated that (1) the airborne CDOM fluorescence-to--water Raman ratio is linearly related to concurrent quinine-sulfate-standardized CDOM shipboard fluorescence measurements over a wide range of water masses (coastal to blue water); (2) the vicarious calibration of the airborne fluorosensor in units traceable to a fluorescence standard can be established and then maintained over an extended time period by tungsten lamp calibration; (3) the vicariously calibrated airborne CDOM fluorescence-to-water Raman ratio can be directly applied to previously developed shipboard fluorescence-to-absorption algorithms to retrieve CDOM absorption; and (4) the retrieval is not significantly affected by long-path multiple scattering, differences in attenuation at the excitation and emission wavelengths, or measurement in the 180° backscatter configuration. Airborne CDOM absorption measurements will find immediate application to (a) forward and inverse modeling of oceanic water-leaving radiance and (b) validation of satellite-retrieved products such as CDOM absorption.  相似文献   

Lake Victoria, Africa's largest freshwater lake, suffers greatly from negative changes in biomass of species of fish and also from severe eutrophication. The continuing deterioration of Lake Victoria's ecological functions has great long-term consequences for the ecosystem benefits it provides to the countries bordering its shores. However, knowledge about temporal and spatial variations of optical properties and how they relate to lake constituents is important for a number of reasons such as remote sensing, modeling of underwater light fields, and long-term monitoring of lake waters. Based on statistical analysis of data from optical measurements taken during half a year of weekly cruises in Murchison Bay, Lake Victoria, we present a three-component model for the absorption and a two-component model for the scattering of light in the UV and the visible regions of the solar spectrum along with tests of their ranges of validity. The three-component input to the model for absorption is the chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), total suspended materials concentrations, and yellow substance absorption, while the two-component input to the model for scattering is the Chl-a concentration and total suspended materials.  相似文献   

Nickel oxide thin films were prepared using chemical bath deposition and reactive magnetron dc-sputtering. Through the chemical route, Ni(OH)2 films were deposited with a nano-porous structure providing large specific surface area. Subsequent annealing at 300 °C transformed the films into NiO. These films showed high absorption in the visible range and low crystallinity due to Ni vacancies. Annealing at higher temperatures removes Ni vacancies improving transmittance and crystallinity. Sputtered films were obtained in Ar + O2 and Ar + H2 + O2 atmospheres at different flux ratios. During deposition in the former atmosphere, substrate temperature was 300 °C producing dense polycrystalline films with excellent optical properties. In the hydrogen containing atmosphere, the substrate was at room temperature and polycrystalline films with a dark-yellowish color and expanded lattice were obtained.  相似文献   

The characteristics of a few experimental near-field optical microscopes, located in different laboratories, have been compared on the basis of their ability to image a well-defined submicrometer test object.  相似文献   

Hoge FE 《Applied optics》2005,44(34):7483-7486
It is suggested that an economical airborne lidar having a single laser can retrieve the three principal inherent optical properties of the ocean. Only three time-resolved backscattering receiver channels are required: (i) elastic (on-wavelength), (ii) inelastic (water Raman), and (iii) inelastic [chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) fluorescence channel to remove the CDOM fluorescence interference from the Raman channel].  相似文献   

Airborne measurements of laser backscatter from the ocean surface   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Lyon PE  Hoge FE  Wright CW  Swift RN  Yungel JK 《Applied optics》2004,43(31):5886-5892
In the upper layer of the global ocean, 2082 in situ chlorophyll biomass values (Chl) are retrieved by concurrent satellite-derived inherent optical properties (IOP). It is found that (1) the phytoplankton absorption coefficient IOP alone does not provide satisfactory (Chl) retrieval; (2) the chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption coefficient IOP must also be used to obtain satisfactory retrieval through (Chl) alpha a ph + pa CDOM where p is a constant and a ph and aCDOM are, respectively, the phytoplankton and CDOM absorption coefficients; (3) the IOP-based (Chl) retrieval performance is comparable to standard satellite reflectance ratio retrievals (that have CDOM absorption intrinsically embedded within them); (4) inclusion of the total backscattering coefficient IOP does not contribute significantly to (Chl) retrieval; and (5) the new IOP-based algorithm may provide the possibility for future research to establish the actual role of extracellular CDOM from all sources in the intracellular production of chlorophyll biomass.  相似文献   

Lee Z  Carder KL  Arnone RA 《Applied optics》2002,41(27):5755-5772
For open ocean and coastal waters, a multiband quasi-analytical algorithm is developed to retrieve absorption and backscattering coefficients, as well as absorption coefficients of phytoplankton pigments and gelbstoff. This algorithm is based on remote-sensing reflectance models derived from the radiative transfer equation, and values of total absorption and backscattering coefficients are analytically calculated from values of remote-sensing reflectance. In the calculation of total absorption coefficient, no spectral models for pigment and gelbstoff absorption coefficients are used. Actually those absorption coefficients are spectrally decomposed from the derived total absorption coefficient in a separate calculation. The algorithm is easy to understand and simple to implement. It can be applied to data from past and current satellite sensors, as well as to data from hyperspectral sensors. There are only limited empirical relationships involved in the algorithm, and they are for less important properties, which implies that the concept and details of the algorithm could be applied to many data for oceanic observations. The algorithm is applied to simulated data and field data, both non-case1, to test its performance, and the results are quite promising. More independent tests with field-measured data are desired to validate and improve this algorithm.  相似文献   

Takamura T  Sasano Y  Hayasaka T 《Applied optics》1994,33(30):7132-7140
Tropospheric aerosols have been observed for the period from November 1990 to April 1992 with a lidar, a sun photometer, and an optical particle counter. Variations of aerosol optical thickness derived from the lidar and the sun photometer data and measurements are presented. The simultaneous measurements of these instruments also allowed us to estimate the extinction-to-backscatter ratio (S(1)), which ranged from 20 to 70. Comparison of optical thicknesses derived from both instruments clearly shows the effect of Mt. Pinatubo's eruption and the temporal variation of optical thickness in the stratosphere over 12 km. The possible range of the complex refractive index for the columnar mean aerosols can be deduced from the probable range of S(1) derived by the use of an S(1) diagram as a function of complex refractive index (m). The imaginary part of m can be estimated provided that the real part of m is known.  相似文献   

Loisel H  Stramski D 《Applied optics》2000,39(18):3001-3011
By means of radiative transfer simulations we developed a model for estimating the absorption a, the scattering b, and the backscattering b(b) coefficients in the upper ocean from irradiance reflectance just beneath the sea surface, R(0-), and the average attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance, 1, between the surface and the first attenuation depth. The model accounts for Raman scattering by water, and it does not require any assumption about the spectral shapes of a, b, and b(b). The best estimations are obtained for a and b(b) in the blue and green spectral regions, where errors of a few percent to <10% are expected over a broad range of chlorophyll concentration in water. The model is useful for satellite ocean color applications because the model input, R(0-) and 1, can be retrieved from remote sensing and the model output, a and b(b), is the major determinant of remote-sensing reflectance.  相似文献   

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