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A scalable parallel algorithm has been designed to perform multimillion-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, in which first principles-based reactive force fields (ReaxFF) describe chemical reactions. Environment-dependent bond orders associated with atomic pairs and their derivatives are reused extensively with the aid of linked-list cells to minimize the computation associated with atomic n-tuple interactions (n?4 explicitly and ?6 due to chain-rule differentiation). These n-tuple computations are made modular, so that they can be reconfigured effectively with a multiple time-step integrator to further reduce the computation time. Atomic charges are updated dynamically with an electronegativity equalization method, by iteratively minimizing the electrostatic energy with the charge-neutrality constraint. The ReaxFF-MD simulation algorithm has been implemented on parallel computers based on a spatial decomposition scheme combined with distributed n-tuple data structures. The measured parallel efficiency of the parallel ReaxFF-MD algorithm is 0.998 on 131,072 IBM BlueGene/L processors for a 1.01 billion-atom RDX system.  相似文献   

The efficiency and scalability of traditional parallel force-decomposition (FD) algorithms are not good because of high communication cost which is introduced when skew-symmetric character of force matrix is applied. This paper proposed a new parallel algorithm called UTFBD (Under Triangle Force Block Decomposition), which is based on a new efficient force matrix decomposition strategy. This strategy decomposes only the under triangle force matrix and greatly reduces parallel communication cost, e.g., the communication cost of UTFBD algorithm is only one third of Taylor's FD algorithm. UTFBD algorithm is implemented on Cluster system and applied to solve a physical nucleation problem with 500,000 particles. Numerical results are analyzed and compared among three algorithms, namely, FRI, Taylor's FD and UTFBD. The efficiency of UTFBD on 105 processors is 41.3%, and the efficiencies of FRI and Taylor's FD on 100 processors are 4.3 and 35.2%, respectively. In another words, the efficiency of UTFBD on about 100 processors is 37.0 and 6.1% higher than that of FRI and Taylor's FD, respectively. Results show that UTFBD can increase the efficiency of parallel MD (Molecular Dynamics) simulation to a higher degree and has a better scalability.  相似文献   

A scalable parallel algorithm has been designed to study long-time dynamics of many-atom systems based on the nudged elastic band method, which performs mutually constrained molecular dynamics simulations for a sequence of atomic configurations (or states) to obtain a minimum energy path between initial and final local minimum-energy states. A directionally heated nudged elastic band method is introduced to search for thermally activated events without the knowledge of final states, which is then applied to an ensemble of bands in a path ensemble method for long-time simulation in the framework of the transition state theory. The resulting molecular kinetics (MK) simulation method is parallelized with a space-time-ensemble parallel nudged elastic band (STEP-NEB) algorithm, which employs spatial decomposition within each state, while temporal parallelism across the states within each band and band-ensemble parallelism are implemented using a hierarchy of communicator constructs in the Message Passing Interface library. The STEP-NEB algorithm exhibits good scalability with respect to spatial, temporal and ensemble decompositions on massively parallel computers. The MK simulation method is used to study low strain-rate deformation of amorphous silica.  相似文献   

A domain decomposition algorithm for molecular dynamics simulation of atomic and molecular systems with arbitrary shape and non-periodic boundary conditions is described. The molecular dynamics program uses cell multipole method for efficient calculation of long range electrostatic interactions and a multiple time step method to facilitate bigger time steps. The system is enclosed in a cube and the cube is divided into a hierarchy of cells. The deepest level cells are assigned to processors such that each processor has contiguous cells and static load balancing is achieved by redistributing the cells so that each processor has approximately same number of atoms. The resulting domains have irregular shape and may have more than 26 neighbors. Atoms constituting bond angles and torsion angles may straddle more than two processors. An efficient strategy is devised for initial assignment and subsequent reassignment of such multiple-atom potentials to processors. At each step, computation is overlapped with communication greatly reducing the effect of communication overhead on parallel performance. The algorithm is tested on a spherical cluster of water molecules, a hexasaccharide and an enzyme both solvated by a spherical cluster of water molecules. In each case a spherical boundary containing oxygen atoms with only repulsive interactions is used to prevent evaporation of water molecules. The algorithm shows excellent parallel efficiency even for small number of cells/atoms per processor.  相似文献   

In order to model complex heterogeneous biophysical macrostructures with non-trivial charge distributions such as globular proteins in water, it is important to evaluate the long range forces present in these systems accurately and efficiently. The Smooth Particle Mesh Ewald summation technique (SPME) is commonly used to determine the long range part of electrostatic energy in large scale molecular simulations. While the SPME technique does not give rise to a performance bottleneck on a single processor, current implementations of SPME on massively parallel, supercomputers become problematic at large processor numbers, limiting the time and length scales that can be reached. Here, a synergistic investigation involving method improvement, parallel programming and novel architectures is employed to address this difficulty. A relatively simple modification of the SPME technique is described which gives rise to both improved accuracy and efficiency on both massively parallel and scalar computing platforms. Our fine grained parallel implementation of the modified SPME method for the novel QCDOC supercomputer with its 6D-torus architecture is then given. Numerical tests of algorithm performance on up to 1024 processors of the QCDOC machine at BNL are presented for two systems of interest, a β-hairpin solvated in explicit water, a system which consists of 1142 water molecules and a 20 residue protein for a total of 3579 atoms, and the HIV-1 protease solvated in explicit water, a system which consists of 9331 water molecules and a 198 residue protein for a total of 29508 atoms.  相似文献   

A scalable and portable Fortran code is developed to calculate Coulomb interaction potentials of charged particles on parallel computers, based on the fast multipole method. The code has a unique feature to calculate microscopic stress tensors due to the Coulomb interactions, which is useful in constant-pressure simulations and local stress analyses. The code is applicable to various boundary conditions, including periodic boundary conditions in two and three dimensions, corresponding to slab and bulk systems, respectively. Numerical accuracy of the code is tested through comparison of its results with those obtained by the Ewald summation method and by direct calculations. Scalability tests show the parallel efficiency of 0.98 for 512 million charged particles on 512 IBM SP3 processors. The timing results on IBM SP3 are also compared with those on IBM SP4.  相似文献   

A simple general method for performing Metropolis Monte Carlo condensed matter simulations on parallel processors is examined. The method is based on the cyclic generation of temporary discrete domains within the system, which are separated by distances greater than the inter-particle interaction range. Particle configurations within each domain are then sampled independently by an assigned processor, whilst particles outside these domains are held fixed. Results for a simulated Lennard-Jones fluid confirm that the method rigorously satisfies the detailed balance condition, and that the efficiency of configurational sampling scales almost linearly with the number of processors. Furthermore, the number of iterations performed on a given processor can be essentially arbitrary, with very low levels of inter-process communication. Provided the CPU time per step is not state-dependent, the method can then be used to perform large calculations as unsupervised background tasks on heterogeneous networks.  相似文献   

针对经典分子动力学和PIC方法等粒子类模拟方法具有粒子动态移动、粒子计算局部性好等共性,首先,提出了粒子量数据片对象.该对象是单网格片上的一团粒子,其中网格片是包含多个网格单元的矩形区域.然后,设计了并行算法,包括对象之间的粒子迁移和数据交换以及动态负载平衡.最后,在JASMIN框架上具体实现,进而开发了并行经典分子动力学程序和并行PIC程序.在64个处理器上实测表明,并行PIC程序模拟包含3百万个网格、2千万个粒子的复杂物理模型时,获得了80%的并行效率.  相似文献   

We present an efficient parallel algorithm for statistical Molecular Dynamics simulations of ion tracks in solids. The method is based on the Rare Event Enhanced Domain following Molecular Dynamics (REED-MD) algorithm, which has been successfully applied to studies of, e.g., ion implantation into crystalline semiconductor wafers. We discuss the strategies for parallelizing the method, and we settle on a host-client type polling scheme in which a multiple of asynchronous processors are continuously fed to the host, which, in turn, distributes the resulting feed-back information to the clients. This real-time feed-back consists of, e.g., cumulative damage information or statistics updates necessary for the cloning in the rare event algorithm. We finally demonstrate the algorithm for radiation effects in a nuclear oxide fuel, and we show the balanced parallel approach with high parallel efficiency in multiple processor configurations.  相似文献   

Particle-in-cell simulations often suffer from load-imbalance on parallel machines due to the competing requirements of the field-solve and particle-push computations. We propose a new algorithm that balances the two computations independently. The grid for the field-solve computation is statically partitioned. The particles within a processor's sub-domain(s) are dynamically balanced by migrating spatially-compact groups of particles from heavily loaded processors to lightly loaded ones as needed. The algorithm has been implemented in the quicksilver electromagnetic particle-in-cell code. We provide details of the implementation and present performance results for quicksilver running models with up to a billion grid cells and particles on thousands of processors of a large distributed-memory parallel machine.  相似文献   

Modern high energy physics experiments have to process terabytes of input data produced in particle collisions. The core of many data reconstruction algorithms in high energy physics is the Kalman filter. Therefore, the speed of Kalman filter based algorithms is of crucial importance in on-line data processing. This is especially true for the combinatorial track finding stage where the Kalman filter based track fit is used very intensively. Therefore, developing fast reconstruction algorithms, which use maximum available power of processors, is important, in particular for the initial selection of events which carry signals of interesting physics.One of such powerful feature supported by almost all up-to-date PC processors is a SIMD instruction set, which allows packing several data items in one register and to operate on all of them, thus achieving more operations per clock cycle. The novel Cell processor extends the parallelization further by combining a general-purpose PowerPC processor core with eight streamlined coprocessing elements which greatly accelerate vector processing applications.In the investigation described here, after a significant memory optimization and a comprehensive numerical analysis, the Kalman filter based track fitting algorithm of the CBM experiment has been vectorized using inline operator overloading. Thus the algorithm continues to be flexible with respect to any CPU family used for data reconstruction.Because of all these changes the SIMDized Kalman filter based track fitting algorithm takes 1 μs per track that is 10000 times faster than the initial version. Porting the algorithm to a Cell Blade computer gives another factor of 10 of the speedup.Finally, we compare performance of the tracking algorithm running on three different CPU architectures: Intel Xeon, AMD Opteron and Cell Broadband Engine.  相似文献   

We describe portable software to simulate universal quantum computers on massive parallel computers. We illustrate the use of the simulation software by running various quantum algorithms on different computer architectures, such as a IBM BlueGene/L, a IBM Regatta p690+, a Hitachi SR11000/J1, a Cray X1E, a SGI Altix 3700 and clusters of PCs running Windows XP. We study the performance of the software by simulating quantum computers containing up to 36 qubits, using up to 4096 processors and up to 1 TB of memory. Our results demonstrate that the simulator exhibits nearly ideal scaling as a function of the number of processors and suggest that the simulation software described in this paper may also serve as benchmark for testing high-end parallel computers.  相似文献   

基于PVM的线性方程组的一种网上并行迭代算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对基于PVM的桌面PC机联网而成的网络并行计算环境中,处理机的运算速度较快,而处理机间的通信相对较慢的实际情况,提出了求解线性方程组的一种分组Guass-Seidel并行迭代算法,该算法将线性方程组的增广矩阵按行分块储存在各处理机,每台处理机分别对各自的块采用Guass-Seidel迭代法进行迭代计算,其处理机间的通信较少,实现容易。并用1~24台桌面PC机联成的局域网,在PVM 3.4 on Windows2000,VC 6.0并行计算平台上编程对该算法进行了数值试验,试验结果表明,该算法较传统的Jacobi并行迭代算法和传统的Guass—Seidel并行迭代算法更优越。  相似文献   

State-of-the-art molecular dynamics (MD) simulations generate massive datasets involving billion-vertex chemical bond networks, which makes data mining based on graph algorithms such as K-ring analysis a challenge. This paper proposes an algorithm to improve the efficiency of ring analysis of large graphs, exploiting properties of K-rings and spatial correlations of vertices in the graph. The algorithm uses dual-tree expansion (DTE) and spatial hash-function tagging (SHAFT) to optimize computation and memory access. Numerical tests show nearly perfect linear scaling of the algorithm. Also a parallel implementation of the DTE + SHAFT algorithm achieves high scalability. The algorithm has been successfully employed to analyze large MD simulations involving up to 500 million atoms.  相似文献   

We describe the algorithms for NVT and NPT-ensemble simulations developed within the parallel molecular dynamics program GBMOLDD. This program uses the domain decomposition algorithm and is targeted at large-scale simulations of molecular systems (particularly polymers and liquid crystals) composed of both spherically-symmetric and nonspherical sites. The nonspherical sites can be described either by a Gay-Berne potential or by soft repulsive spherocylinders. The molecules can be of arbitrary topology and the intramolecular forces are described via standard force fields. We tested the stability of both leap-frog and velocity-Verlet integrators on two “real-life” systems—a nematic liquid crystal phase of 1944 one-site Gay-Berne molecules and on 512 flexible liquid-crystalline dimers. In both cases the algorithm demonstrates good stability over the typical simulation times required for new phase formation and/or molecular relaxation processes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a high-performance parallel three-dimensional fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm on clusters of PCs. The three-dimensional FFT algorithm can be altered into a block three-dimensional FFT algorithm to reduce the number of cache misses. We show that the block three-dimensional FFT algorithm improves performance by utilizing the cache memory effectively. We use the block three-dimensional FFT algorithm to implement the parallel three-dimensional FFT algorithm. We succeeded in obtaining performance of over 1.3 GFLOPS on an 8-node dual Pentium III 1 GHz PC SMP cluster.  相似文献   

针对基于PVM的由桌面PC机联网而成的网络并行计算环境中,处理机的运算速度较快而处理机间的通信相对较慢的实际情况,给出了一种局域网求解三角形方程组的并行算法,该算法将三角形方程组的系数矩阵及右端项按行分块,然后将分块的系数矩阵及右端项按卷帘方式存储在各处理机,通过循环传送已求出的解的部分分量以减少处理机间的通信开销,实现较容易。并在1-4台桌面PC机联成的局域网,PVM 3.4 on Windows2000,VC 6.0并行计算平台上编程对该算法进行了数值试验,试验结果表明该算法是有效的。  相似文献   

A fundamental issue affecting the performance of a parallel application running on a heterogeneous computing system is the assignment of tasks to the processors in the system. The task assignment problem for more than three processors is known to be NP-hard, and therefore satisfactory suboptimal solutions obtainable in an acceptable amount of time are generally sought. This paper proposes a simple and effective iterative greedy algorithm to deal with the problem with goal of minimizing the total sum of execution and communication costs. The main idea in this algorithm is to improve the quality of the assignment in an iterative manner using results from previous iterations. The algorithm first uses a constructive heuristic to find an initial assignment and iteratively improves it in a greedy way. Through simulations over a wide range of parameters, we have demonstrated the effectiveness of our algorithm by comparing it with recent competing task assignment algorithms in the literature.  相似文献   

A parallel implementation of an algorithm for solving the one-dimensional, Fourier transformed Vlasov-Poisson system of equations is documented, together with the code structure, file formats and settings to run the code. The properties of the Fourier transformed Vlasov-Poisson system is discussed in connection with the numerical solution of the system. The Fourier method in velocity space is used to treat numerical problems arising due the filamentation of the solution in velocity space. Outflow boundary conditions in the Fourier transformed velocity space removes the highest oscillations in velocity space. A fourth-order compact Padé scheme is used to calculate derivatives in the Fourier transformed velocity space, and spatial derivatives are calculated with a pseudo-spectral method. The parallel algorithms used are described in more detail, in particular the parallel solver of the tri-diagonal systems occurring in the Padé scheme.

Program summary

Title of program:vlasovCatalogue identifier:ADVQProgram summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADVQProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. IrelandOperating system under which the program has been tested: Sun Solaris; HP-UX; Read Hat LinuxProgramming language used: FORTRAN 90 with Message Passing Interface (MPI)Computers: Sun Ultra Sparc; HP 9000/785; HP IPF (Itanium Processor Family) ia64 Cluster; PCs clusterNumber of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.:3737Number of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.:18 772Distribution format: tar.gzNature of physical problem: Kinetic simulations of collisionless electron-ion plasmas.Method of solution: A Fourier method in velocity space, a pseudo-spectral method in space and a fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme in time.Memory required to execute with typical data: Uses typically of the order 105-106 double precision numbers.Restriction on the complexity of the problem: The program uses periodic boundary conditions in space.Typical running time: Depends strongly on the problem size, typically few hours if only electron dynamics is considered and longer if both ion and electron dynamics is important.Unusual features of the program: No  相似文献   

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