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Serum protein transcobalamin II (TC-II) is responsible for transport of cobalamins into mammalian cells. A method of quantitative estimation of plasma membrane receptors of hemopoietic cells to TC-II cobalamin complex is suggested. Analysis of mouse leukemia L1210 cells includes the saturation of radiolabelled ligand-receptor complex with papain. The number of receptors and 57CoCNCbl content in one cell is determined by differentiated radioactivity count of solubilized protein complexes and of cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The data on lymphocyte subpopulations in blood smears are presented. They can be revealed by the double PAP-method and monoclonal antibodies ICO--1.02, 10, 11, 13, LT--1.8, 1B4, IPO--3, 4, 5, 10 and BL--TH4, DR 1, DR 4.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (McAb) LT1, LT2, LT4, LT6, LT7, LT8, LB21 and LDR to surface antigens of human lymphocytes have been obtained. Basing on the data concerning the distribution of McAb reactivity with cells from different organs and tissues, and with tumour cell lines, on experiments on the mutual blockage and comodulation of antigens, on two-colour immunofluorescence and determination of the molecular weight of the detected antigens a conclusion is made that the McAb obtained react with CD5, CD2, CD4, CD6, CD7, CD8, CD21 and HLA-DR antigens, respectively. McAb LT1 and Leu1, as well as LT2 and Leu5b in pairs blocked each other completely. The determinant recognized by McAb LT8 is more completely overlapped with the epitope, reacting with McAb OKT8. The McAb LT4 binding site is only partially overlapped with the McAb Leu3 site of recognition and practically is not bound to the epitope recognized by McAb OKT4.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of cell populations with peanut agglutinin receptors in reactive tonsilar tissue has been stated. It contains B lymphocytes (HLA-DR+, CD 10+, IPO-10+ cells), part of T-cells (CD 4+), but no CD 8+ lymphocytes. PNA+ CD 10+ cells are the normal analogues of centrocytic non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.  相似文献   

Mouse monoclonal antibodies ICO-1 to constant part of Ia-Like (Dr) antigens were produced. Hybridoma continuously produced IgG3 antibodies during 22 passages in vivo, more than 7 months in vitro. Antibodies specifically bound to 29.1 +/- 2.3% of peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy people recognized the antigen on B lymphocytes and 44.2 +/- 3.4% of monocytes. This antigen was absent on granulocytes and T lymphocytes. Using monoclonal antibodies ICO-1 antigenically positive cells were detected in 40 patients with B-CLL, in 12 of 35 patients (34.3%) with chronic granulocytic leukemia at the stage of blastic crisis, in 43 of 65 patients (66.1%) with ALL, in 14 of 38 patients (36.8%) with lymphosarcoma and in 17 of 30 patients with acute myelomonocytic leukemia. The antibodies responded to surface antigens in the reaction of indirect surface immunofluorescence, complement-dependent cytotoxic reaction and radioimmune tests.  相似文献   

ICO-1 Mab were obtained following BALB/c mouse immunization with 24-week human fetal thymocytes. Cloning for two times by the method of limited dilutions led to a hybridoma with a stable production of G3 isotype Mab. ICO-1 Mab have immunoprecipitated an antigen consisting of two polypeptide chains with molecular weight 29 and 34 kDal. The antigen expression was enhanced following PHA or alloantigen activation of blood mononuclear cells. ICO-1 Mab inhibited the alloantigenic response of blood mononuclear cells. Mab detected 29% of antigen-positive cells in the peripheral blood of healthy adults. When the reaction of ICO-1 Mab was compared with that of Mab against monomorphic Ia-like antigens OKLa, anti-Ia-BRL, BMA-021 and HLA-Dr on blood cells from healthy donors and patients with leukemia proved to be identical.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed for determining net surface charge densities in semiconductor surfaces that are passivated with materials such as glasses or silicone rubber for which it is difficult or impossible to make standardC-Vmeasurements. The method is based on measurements of the potential of floating field rings around reverse-biased planar diodes and theoretical calculations of this potential that include the effects of the surface-charge density. A feature of the technique is that the surface charge is determined under conditions of deep depletion and after all processing is completed. This is important if the surface-charge density is to be used to help predict field ring behavior or avalanche breakdown voltage. The experimental technique used is first to measure the floating field ring potential as a function of the applied reverse bias between the anode and cathode. The value of surface-charge density is obtained by comparing the measured field ring dependence with theory. Although the specific dependence of the field ring voltage on the surface charge is unique to the device under test, shifts in voltage by 70 V for a surface charge density of 1011cm-2are typical of 1000-V devices.  相似文献   

The expression of antigens on granulocyte-macrophagal colony-forming cells of patients with nonhematological diseases was studied. Treatment of bone marrow cells with murine monoclonal antibodies ICO-1 and ICO-11 led to statistically significant inhibition of the number of growing colonies. Monoclonal antibodies ICO-02, ICO-10, ICO-GM-1 and ICO-G-2 had no such effect.  相似文献   

The results obtained provide evidence concerning the nature of the Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells. The data based on application of new methods developed during last years such as different enzymo- and immunocytochemical techniques, monoclonal antibody and lectin application and molecular studies of gene rearrangement are presented.  相似文献   

Expression of erythroid antigens identifying with the use of monoclonal antibodies (mab) HAE3 and HAE9 was studied in 333 patients with different types of hemoblastoses. Frequency of erythroid variants based on the reaction with mab was 5.7%. In 2.4% of cases erythroid markers were the only indication on the nature of leukemia. In 2.7% of cases the types of leukemia were accounted for as "mixed" ones, i.e. erythrolymphoid and erythromyeloid variants. Only in 0.6% of cases erythroid variant was detected by the morphological criteria.  相似文献   

Four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) from series IGR to human peripheral blood neutrophilic granulocyte cell surface antigens were obtained by the conventional hybridoma technique. Specificity of MAbs AGR was determined to various leukemic cell lines and human peripheral blood cells. Overlapping in characteristics of antigens (molecular weight, localization, expression on induced leukemic cell line HL-60) to MAbs IGR-1 4C7, IGR-1 5B6 and IGR-2 IA6 suggests their identity. These, apparently, cannot be analogous to the well known granulocyte cell surface glycoproteins LFA-1, CR-3, p150, 95 or GP 130. The characteristics of MAbs IGR-1 and IGR-2 permit concluding that the antibodies should be useful in normal and leukemic myelomonocytic cell linear differentiation studies.  相似文献   

By proportional differentiating cumulative distribution functions of normal and log–normal distributions, spectroscopy characteristics were found. The characteristic parameters can be extracted from the spectroscopy peaks because these peaks are related to the characteristic parameters directly. On this basis, a new method for determining characteristic parameters of normal and log–normal distributions was developed.  相似文献   

Two methods are developed for synthesis of conjugated antigens to o-aminoazotoluene (o-AAT)-albumin: the enzymatic method--using horseradish peroxidase (HP) and the chemical one--diazomethod. A possible mechanism is suggested for the covalent binding of o-AAT to albumin which is catalyzed by HP. Antibodies to o-AAT are obtained by immunization of animals. An essential difference is established for antigenic o-AAT determinants in conjugates synthesized by the enzymatic and chemical methods.  相似文献   

The possibility to reveal the following types of neuroblastoma is described: with c-ALL-antigen; with Thy-1-antigen (ICO-10); with granulocytic antigen (ICO-G2); with B-cell antigen (IPO-10). Immunocompetent cells in the tumour may be studied with the use of monoclonal antibodies ICO-1, ICO-11, ICO-GM-1, OKT3, IPO-3.  相似文献   

Immunohistological localization of antigens revealed by 5 MoAbs to human lung adenocarcinoma cell line was studied by indirect immunoperoxidase technique. One of the MoAbs--A2F4--showed a relative specificity to epithelial tissues having a glandular differentiation. Except approximately 50% of normal cells of lungs and those of pulmonary tumours (mostly adenocarcinomas) they reacted with some other normal (stomach, oesophagus, breast) and tumoral (gastric, mammary and colonic) tissue cells. Other four MoAbs reacted with the much larger number of cells including some nonepithelial (granulocytes and histiocytes) ones.  相似文献   

Virions of vaccinia and orf viruses were examined by ultrahigh-resolution scanning electron microscopy using a non-coating method. Intracellular mature particles of vaccinia virus appeared to be covered with a net and ultrastructurally their surface consists of many fine ridges and globules, while the surfaces of orf virus mature particles recovered from infected cells consist of spirally running protrusions. The ridge-like structures of vaccinia virus were presumed to correspond to surface tubules shown by negative staining of this virus, while the spiral protrusions of orf virus were presumed to correspond to spiral threads having a criss-cross appearance by the same staining. Using scanning electron microscopy in which the samples were prepared by the conventional method, we observed: (i) many virions, i.e. one or two hundreds, or occasionally more reaching about one thousand particles, of the IHD strain of vaccinia virus, (ii) many or a moderate number of virions, i.e. about one hundred or fewer particles, of the 58 strain of cowpox virus and (iii) rather few virions, i.e. several tens or fewer particles, of the Iwate strain of orf virus on the free surface of each cell infected with these viruses. It must be noted that the number of virions detected considerably differed in respective cells examined. Virus budding was frequently observed at the cell surface of monolayer cells infected with vaccinia virus but it was never detected with cowpox or orf virus, indicating a difference in the mechanism of virus release between vaccinia and the other two viruses. When whole cells infected with vaccinia virus were examined by a combination of high-voltage and scanning electron microscopies, virions on the cell surface and those inside the cells were clearly differentiated. All virions on the cell surface had an envelope, and some of the envelopes had a slack and/or one or more bulges.  相似文献   

In order to control the electrical parameters of drift transistors, it was found necessary to control the impurity concentration gradient in the base. An extension of the space charge widening theory provides a method of calculating this gradient, the surface concentration, and the diffusion coefficient. By this method, the diffusion coefficient of arsenic into germanium at 725°C was found to be 3.1 × 10-12cm2/second and the initial surface concentration was of the order of 1020atoms/cm3. Universal graphs for design calculations and rapid reference are presented.  相似文献   

本文应用原子力显微镜对人胃癌SGC7901、人肝癌HepG2、人肺癌AFFC-A-1、人乳腺癌MCF.7.R和人肺腺癌A549等肿瘤细胞膜表面进行了超微结构的形态学观察和比较。并研究了Nm23-Hl/NDPK-A蛋白对人肺腺癌A549等细胞膜表面超微结构的影响。发现不同肿瘤细胞膜表面超微结构存在较大的差异,药物处理和对照组A549细胞膜的表面超微结构也存在较大差异,药物处理的A549细胞膜表面出现大量的疤痕状集聚物,而药物处理的其它几种肿瘤细胞膜表面未发现明显的变化。说明原子力显微镜具有发展为一种观察和鉴别某些细胞的有力工具的潜力,并有可能应用于病理学或药理学研究,但在这些研究中这种技术只能作为一种辅助手段。  相似文献   

Data concerning the nature and expression of erythroid cell surface antigens having protein nature are considered. The diagnostic value of these antigens and corresponding monoclonals in the study of human leukemias is discussed.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍贴片胶的特性 ,在各种工艺下的使用方法及使用中出现的不良与对策 ,并简要分析了贴片胶的未来发展趋势  相似文献   

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