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提出了一种基于宽频带天线设计吸波层的方法.根据接收天线与吸波结构工作原理的相似性,选取了一种磁电偶极子宽频带天线为原始模型,以吸波层的吸波原理为理论依据,对宽频带接收天线进行改进,并运用HFSS软件对其几何参数进行仿真与优化,得到了一种厚度薄且吸波频段宽的吸波层.加工与测试结果表明:6×6单元吸波层10 dB吸波带宽为1.54~3.31 GHz,相对带宽为73%,其厚度低于工作频段中心频点自由波长的1/9.由于所设计的吸波层结构具有对称性,它可以工作在双极化条件下. 相似文献
为推进中短波数字广播的应用,促进广播平台和手机、平板电脑等移动智能终端平台的有机结合,根据各种类型天线在移动通信设备中的应用情况,通过对智能天线在软件无线电中应用的分析,探讨了把中短波接收天线应用到移动智能终端内的可能性和必要性,为中短波移动通信的发展提供了一种新的研究思路。 相似文献
本文主要是对信噪比、无用信号、噪声的基本概念进行阐述,在广播电视混信干扰的干扰频率、混信干扰两各方面解析中短波广播接收信号的干扰因素,并在此之上,提出中短波广播接收障碍改善的措施,希望本文的叙述,可以给相关领域提供些许的借鉴. 相似文献
本文以中短波广播为主,在接收方面分析了存在的部分障碍,对于造成中短波广播接收无用信号与外部噪声对信号接收带来的影响以及可能改善的措施进行了分析,供同行借鉴参考. 相似文献
随着短波宽带技术和器件性能的发展,新一代短波宽带接收机逐步替代传统窄带接收机成为主流,但面临着接收强干扰信号、概率大幅增加从而影响通信效果的问题.在宽带接收信道设计上,可以从优化射频链路设计、选用高性能射频器件以及增加高性能预选滤波器等方面提升系统的抗干扰能力.基于系统工作环境中的噪声和干扰信号强度,经过计算分析,验证... 相似文献
基于环天线-偶极子模型,本文提出一种宽带全向圆极化天线.天线包含四对围绕圆柱放置的倾斜振子和一个宽带馈电网络.每对振子包含一个主辐射振子和一个用以增加带宽的寄生振子.馈电网络包括四个宽带巴伦和一个阻抗匹配电路.实验结果表明,该天线15-dB回波损耗带宽和3-dB轴比带宽分别为31%(1.68-2.31GHz)和30%(1.7-2.3GHz),水平面不圆度小于1dB. 相似文献
本文用物理光学法对FZP反射器的聚焦场、聚焦效率及编轴扫描特性等进行初步分析,并由此提出一种使用FZP天线实现多颗卫生信号同时接收的技术方案。原理性样机实际接收结果证实了其可行性。 相似文献
It is shown that cascaded loop antenna (CLA) technology can be used to improve the quality of reception of HF broadcasts in two ways. The first is interference reduction by means of the stable null response, which is equally effective with either sky wave or ground waves. This requires one receiver and one CLA. Addition of a second CLA and receiver makes possible reception with binaural diversity. Using this method, broadcasts can be made clearer even when receivers of low cost and modest performance are used 相似文献
设计了一种S波段紧凑型双圆极化有源接收天线,该有源接收天线将微带贴片天线与90°混合电桥、低噪声放大器集成设计,既实现了有源天线的整体小型化又提高了各器件间的连接效率;并通过背馈玻璃绝缘子和一种半差分的方式馈电,在改善微带贴片天线方向图对称性的同时,简化了传统差分式馈电的复杂结构.仿真和实测结果表明,该有源接收天线在2.2~2.3 GHz内端口驻波比小于1.47,噪声系数小于0.73 dB,主瓣内轴比小于2.4 dB,G/T值大于-13.9 dB/K,与已有公开文献的有源接收单元天线相比,在保持结构紧凑的同时,其G/T值有较大幅度提升. 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is design of a wide band single layer reflectarray antenna using a new broadband cell. The proposed cell consists of two parts. The first part is a circular patch and the second one is a ring with some additional stubs, which are attached to the patch and ring in a symmetrical form. The circular patch and ring elements are designed at frequencies of 20 GHz and 15 GHz respectively. In order to increase the reflectarray antenna bandwidth, at first the dimensions of the patch, ring and stubs are optimized to attain uniform phase response in the frequency range from 11 GHz to 20 GHz. Then an air layer is considered under the dielectric substrate. The reflectarray antenna is designed based on this optimized wideband unit cell. A wideband horn antenna is also designed as a feed antenna for the proposed reflectarray structure. The reflectarray antenna with horn are simulated. The 1 dB gain-bandwidth of 4.66 GHz is obtained (27.4% fractional bandwidth) in the frequency band of 14.72 GHz to19.38 GHz. Finally, the reflectarray antenna is fabricated and tested. It can be seen that there is a good agreement between simulation and measurement results. 相似文献
The current distribution on a receiving dipole antenna is dependent on its feed-point load impedance. Calculations based on the modified King-Middleton approximation have been made of the distribution for antenna half lengths of 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, and0.3 lambda . Representative values of the antenna load impedance, resistive, capacitive, and inductive, are used to show their effects on the antenna current distribution. 相似文献
The purpose of a paraboloidal receiving antenna is to concentrate an incoming electromagnetic field in the region of the geometrical focus, so that the strength of the field there is increased by the reflector focusing action. It is shown how, starting with two reflector grids symmetrically located in an eight-element grid paraboloid, this increase of the field along the axis is achieved, as the number of grid elements is increased to fill the paraboloid. 相似文献