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We recently demonstrated that granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is an autocrine growth factor for human osteoblastic (hOB) cells. Since GM-CSF is a member of the heparin-binding factor family, we examined the interactions between GM-CSF and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) present in the osteoblast microenvironment. Using a bioassay in which the mitogenic activity of recombinant human (rh) GM-CSF was measured after incubation in the presence of an hOB cell layer or extracellular matrix (ECM) produced by these cells, we showed that rhGM-CSF binds to GAG components present in the ECM and that the bound rhGM-CSF retains its ability to stimulate hOB cell proliferation. Heparan sulfate compounds on the hOB cell surface were also found to sequester GM-CSF. Moreover, treatment with sodium chlorate, an inhibitor of GAG sulfation, suppressed the mitogenic activity of rhGM-CSF on hOB cells. This inhibitory effect was rescued by a low dose of heparin. Heparin was also found to promote the effect of rhGM-CSF on hOB cell proliferation, allowing nonmitogenic high doses of rhGM-CSF to stimulate hOB cell growth. Western blot analysis showed that undersulfation of cellular GAGs by chlorate inhibited the increased tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins involved in GM-CSF signaling in cloned immortalized hOB cells. The data demonstrate that GM-CSF binds to proteoglycans on the hOB cell surface and in ECM produced by these cells and that the bound GM-CSF is biologically active. Furthermore, this study shows that cellular proteoglycans play an essential role in GM-CSF signaling and biological activity in hOBs.  相似文献   

C766T, a polymorphism in exon 3 of the gene for the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP), was found to be associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). We developed a PCR-restriction enzyme-based assay to analyze this allele in 234 AD patients and 103 controls. We confirmed that the LRP C766T polymorphism was in disequilibrium with AD--the C/C genotype was present in 76% of AD patients and 60% of controls (p < 0.01); however, the LRP polymorphism did not influence age at onset of AD.  相似文献   

Sphingolipid activator proteins SAP-A, -B, -C and -D (also called saposins) are generated by proteolytic processing from a 73 kDa precursor and function as obligatory activators of lysosomal enzymes involved in glycosphingolipid metabolism. Although the SAP precursor can be recognized by the mannose-6-phosphate (M-6-P) receptor and shuttled directly from the secretory pathway to the lysosome, a substantial fraction of newly synthesized precursor is secreted from the cell where it may participate in sphingolipid transport and signaling events. Re-uptake of the secreted precursor is mediated by high-affinity cell surface receptors that are apparently distinct from the M-6-P receptor. We found that the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP), a multifunctional endocytic receptor that is expressed on most cells, can mediate cellular uptake and lysosomal delivery of SAP precursor. Additional in vivo experiments in mice revealed that the mannose receptor system on macrophages also participates in precursor internalization. We conclude that SAP precursor gains entry into cells by at least three independent receptor mechanisms including the M-6-P receptor, the mannose receptor and LRP.  相似文献   

A >23-kb gene that encodes a large integral membrane protein with a predicted structure similar to that of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-related protein (LRP) of mammals has been isolated and sequenced from the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The 4753-amino acid predicted C. elegans product shares a nearly identical number and arrangement of amino acid sequence motifs with human LRP, and several exons of the C. elegans LRP gene correspond to exons of related parts of the human LDL receptor gene. The existence of an apparent homolog of LRP in C. elegans offers the possibility of genetic analysis of the in vivo roles of LRP and of the relationship between protein structure and function in a simple model organism.  相似文献   

The multiligand receptor, low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP), is implicated in processes such as atherosclerosis and fibrinolysis through its mediation of the catabolism of lipoproteins, proteases, and protease inhibitor complexes. The hepatoma cell line Hep G2 expresses LRP and has been used widely to investigate the catabolism of LRP ligands including tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA). However, the mechanism and degree by which tPA interacts with Hep G2 has been reported with some inconsistencies which may reflect variation in their level of LRP expression. To address this possibility we characterized, antigenically and functionally, LRP expression in high and low passage Hep G2 cells both from the parental line (ATCC sourced) and a cloned subline, a16. The LRP contribution to 125I-tPA binding varied from 65% for high passage a16 cells, to 20% for low passage parent cells as quantified by inhibition in the presence of 39-kD receptor associated protein (RAP) which prevents binding of all known LRP ligands. The same trend in LRP expression among Hep G2 sublines was further evident in their ability to degrade 125I-tPA and survive Pseudomonas exotoxin A challenge. These results imply wide variability in basal LRP expression among Hep G2 lines dependent on cell lineage and long-term culture conditions.  相似文献   

In response to fibroblast growth factor (FGF), FGF receptor-1 (FGFR-1) (flg) becomes tyrosine phosphorylated and associates with phospholipase C gamma (PLC gamma) and a 90 kDa protein. We report here that in cells transformed by v-Src, FGFR-1 becomes phosphorylated on tyrosine; however, neither PLC gamma nor p90 was found to be associated with tyrosine-phosphorylated FGFR-1. Instead, there was a strong constitutive association of FGFR-1 with the adaptor proteins Shc and Grb2 and the Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos. Association with Shc and Grb2 and Sos was not observed in response to FGF. Suramin did not prevent either tyrosine phosphorylation or Shc/Grb2/Sos association, indicating a non-autocrine mechanism. Thus, in cells transformed by v-Src, tyrosine phosphorylation of FGFR-1 results not in the expected association with PLC gamma and p90, but rather in the recruitment of the Ras activating Shc/Grb2/Sos complex. These data suggest a mechanism for Ras activation by v-Src involving phosphorylation of novel tyrosine(s) on FGFR-1.  相似文献   

The low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) is a large endocytic receptor that binds multiple ligands and is highly expressed in neurons. Several LRP ligands, including apolipoprotein E/lipoproteins and amyloid precursor protein, have been shown to participate either in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis or pathology. However, factors that regulate LRP expression in neurons are unknown. In the current study, we analyzed the effects of nerve growth factor (NGF) treatment on LRP expression, distribution, and function within neurons in two neuronal cell lines. Our results show that NGF induces a rapid increase of cell surface LRP expression in a central nervous system-derived neuronal cell line, GT1-1 Trk, which was seen within 10 min and reached a maximum at about 1 h of NGF treatment. This increase of cell surface LRP expression is concomitant with an increase in the endocytic activity of LRP as measured via ligand uptake and degradation assays. We also found that the cytoplasmic tail of LRP is phosphorylated and that NGF rapidly increases the amount of phosphorylation. Furthermore, we detected a significant increase of LRP expression at the messenger RNA level following 24 h of NGF treatment. Both rapid and long term induction of LRP expression were also detected in peripheral nervous system-derived PC12 cells following NGF treatment. Taken together, our results demonstrate that NGF regulates LRP expression in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

The polymorphic K variant of the butyrylcholinesterase ( BCHE-K ) gene recently has been demonstrated to have an elevated frequency in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients carrying the epsilon4 allele of the apolipoprotein (APO E) gene when compared with a control population. We therefore genotyped a large series of pathologically confirmed AD patients and controls to confirm this association. We found no change in the frequency of this genetic variant, either in the AD group as a whole or in early- or late-onset patients when compared with age-matched controls. Stratification of these groups with reference to the APO E epsilon4 allele also showed no difference between AD and control groups. To determine if a biological effect were present, we also looked at senile plaque and neurofibrillary tangle densities in the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital cortices in AD patients either carrying or not carrying a copy of the K variant. We found no difference in plaque or tangle load between these two groups in either the total, late-onset or early-onset AD subjects. Stratification of the total AD group in terms of APO E epsilon4 allele possession, and further comparison of plaque and tangle load between carriers and non-carriers of BCHE-K still failed to disclose a relationship between BCHE-K and AD. We conclude that in the population studied here there is no association between BCHE-K and AD, or that if such a relationship exists it is precluded by another, as yet unknown factor.  相似文献   

A novel member of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene family has been identified and characterized. This gene, termed LDL receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6), encodes a transmembrane protein which has 71% identity and is structurally similar to the protein encoded by LRP5, a proposed candidate gene for type 1 diabetes located on human chromosome 11q13. LRP6 maps to human chromosome 12p11-p13. Mouse Lrp6 encodes a protein that has 98% identity to human LRP6 and maps to chromosome 6. Unlike other members of the LDLR family, LRP6 and LRP5 display a unique pattern of four epidermal growth factor (EGF) and three LDLR repeats in the extracellular domain. The cytoplasmic domain of LRP6 is not similar to other members of the LDLR family, while comparison with LRP5 reveals proline-rich motifs that may mediate protein-protein interactions. Thus, it is likely that LRP6 and LRP5 comprise a new class of the LDLR family.  相似文献   

Like other serpin-enzyme complexes (SECs), proteinase-complexed C1 inhibitor (C1-INH) is rapidly cleared from the circulation and thought to be a neutrophil chemoattractant, suggesting that complex formation causes structural rearrangements exposing a domain which is recognized by specific cell surface receptors. However, the cellular receptor(s) responsible for the catabolism and potential mediation of chemotaxis by C1-INH-protease complexes remained obscure. To determine whether the SEC receptor mediates the binding and potential chemotaxis of C1-INH.Cs, we performed binding assays with HepG2 cells, neutrophils, and monocytes, and the results show that C1-INH.Cs neither bind to these cells nor cause a chemotactic response of neutrophils and monocytes. Furthermore, C1-INH.Cs, the COOH-terminal C1 inhibitor peptide, or the tetrameric C1-INH.Cs.Cr. C1-INH complex were found to be significantly less effective in competing with the SEC receptor ligand 125I-peptide 105Y for the binding to HepG2 cells than unlabeled 105Y, indicating that the SEC receptor does not sufficiently recognize C1-INH-protease complexes. The asialoglycoprotein receptor was also ruled out to be responsible for the removal of the heavily glycosylated C1-INH.Cs complex, since asialoorosomucoid did not compete for the clearance of C1-INH. 125I-Cs and asialoglycoprotein receptor knockout mice showed no alterations in the C1-INH.125I-Cs clearance rate. We found that C1-INH.125I-Cs complexes were efficiently degraded by normal murine fibroblasts expressing the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) and cellular degradation was significantly reduced by chloroquine and the receptor-associated protein, which is a potent inhibitor of the binding of all known ligands to LRP. Moreover, receptor-associated protein inhibited the in vivo clearance of C1-INH.125I-Cs and murine fibroblasts genetically deficient for LRP did not degrade C1-INH.125I-Cs. Our results demonstrate that C1-INH. Cs complexes do not stimulate neutrophil or monocytic chemotaxis but are removed by LRP, further underscoring its role as a serpin-enzyme complex clearance receptor.  相似文献   

The low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) is a cysteine-rich, multifunctional receptor that binds and endocytoses a diverse array of ligands. Recent studies have shown that a 39-kDa receptor-associated protein (RAP) facilitates the proper folding and subsequent trafficking of LRP within the early secretory pathway. In the current study, we have examined the potential role of Ca2+ and its relationship to RAP during LRP folding. We found that depletion of Ca2+ following either ionomycin or thapsigargin treatment significantly disrupts the folding process of LRP. The misfolded LRP molecules migrate as high molecular weight aggregates under nonreducing SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, suggesting the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds. This misfolding is reversible because misfolded LRP can be re-folded into functional receptor molecules upon Ca2+ restoration. Using an LRP minireceptor representing the fourth ligand binding domain of LRP, we also observed significant variation in the conformation of monomeric receptor upon Ca2+ depletion. The role of Ca2+ in LRP folding is independent from that of RAP because RAP remains bound to LRP and its minireceptor following Ca2+ depletion. Furthermore, Ca2+ depletion-induced LRP misfolding occurs in RAP-deficient cells. Taken together, these results clearly demonstrate that Ca2+ and RAP independently participate in LRP folding.  相似文献   

Cisplatin-based chemotherapy is highly effective in non-seminomatous testicular cancer. Patients with advanced disease receive two to four cycles of polychemotherapy. Residual retroperitoneal masses after chemotherapy are suspected to contain active tumour tissue as well as mature teratoma. Therefore, a delayed retroperitoneal lymph node dissection remains necessary. A total of 123 patients with advanced non-seminomatous germ cell cancer underwent retroperitoneal surgery after two different regimes of cisplatin-based chemotherapy. The first group (n = 55) received a sequential alternating chemotherapy with Adriamycin/cisplatin and bleomycin/vinblastine (8.5 +/- 5 cycles, 1979-1985), the second group (n = 60) got a standard PEB scheme (cisplatinum /etoposide/bleomycin; 5.7 +/- 2.1 cycles, 1985-1991). Eight patients got other cisplatin-based combinations. All patients received adjunctive retroperitoneal surgery. After a mean follow-up period of 72 months, the patients treated with the sequential alternating scheme showed a survival rate of 50% (27/54, 1 patient lost to follow-up). After the PEB scheme a survival rate of 79% (46/58, 2 patients lost to follow-up) was found. 86% of the patients with retroperitoneal necrosis after retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND; n = 58) survived with no evidence of disease, as well as 82% of the patients with adult teratoma (n = 18). Only 47% of the patients with residual active carcinoma after RPLND (n = 47) survived within a follow-up period of (median) 72 months, despite further chemotherapy after RPLND. Residual tumor burden and type of histology after RPLND can partially predict the clinical outcome. A necrotic specimen in RPLND could not be predicted by any means, so that surgical removal of a residual retroperitoneal mass after chemotherapy remains necessary. Standard PEB chemotherapy is superior to sequential alternating chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Receptor-recognized forms of alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2M*) bind to two classes of cellular receptors, a high affinity site comprising approximately 1500 sites/cell and a lower affinity site comprising about 60,000 sites/cell. The latter class has been identified as the so-called low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP). Ligation of receptors distinct from LRP activates cell signaling pathways. Strong circumstantial evidence suggests that the high affinity binding sites are responsible for cell signaling induced by alpha2M*. Using sodium hypochlorite, a powerful oxidant produced by the H2O2-myeloperoxidase-Cl- system, we now demonstrate that binding to the high affinity sites correlates directly with activation of the signaling cascade. Oxidation of alpha2M* using 200 microM hypochlorite completely abolishes its binding to LRP without affecting its ability to activate the macrophage signaling cascade. Scatchard analysis shows binding to a single class of high affinity sites (Kd - 71 +/- 12 pM). Surprisingly, oxidation of native alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) with 125 microM hypochlorite results in the exposure of its receptor-binding site to LRP, but the ligand is unable to induce cell signaling. Scatchard analysis shows binding to a single class of lower affinity sites (Kd - 0.7 +/- 0.15 nM). Oxidation of a cloned and expressed carboxyl-terminal 20-kDa fragment of alpha2M (RBF), which is capable of binding to both LRP and the signaling receptor, results in no significant change in its binding Kd, supporting our earlier finding that the oxidation-sensitive site is predominantly outside of RBF. Attempts to understand the mechanism responsible for the selective exposure of LRP-binding sites in oxidized native alpha2M suggest that partial protein unfolding may be the most likely mechanism. These studies provide strong evidence that the high affinity sites (Kd - 71 pM) are the alpha2M* signaling receptor.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of rabbit and human cDNAs revealed a new low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)-related protein (LRP) designated as LRP5. Human LRP5 cDNA encodes a 1, 616-amino acid type I membrane-like protein with three ligand binding repeats in its extracellular region. LDLR-deficient cells transduced by recombinant adenovirus containing human LRP5 exhibited increased binding of apolipoprotein E (apoE)-enriched beta-migrating very low density lipoprotein. Northern blotting and in situ hybridization revealed a high level of LRP5 expression in hepatocytes and the adrenal gland cortex. In LDLR-deficient Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits, LRP5 mRNA was increased in the liver and accumulated in cholesterol-laden foam cells of atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

The association of low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene HincII RFLP with diabetes mellitus and its lipid metabolism was studied in 196 Chinese with PCR gene amplification. 16 IDDM and 75 NIDDM were included. The most common genotype and allele frequencies of NIDDM were H2H2 (0.78) and H2 (0.89) respectively, and no significant differences were found in comparison with the normal control. The NIDDM with low LDL level (< 1.3 mmol/L) had less H2H2 type and H2 frequencies. Allele 1 (H1) was possibly related to the higher level of serum cholesterol, but allele 2 (H2) was quite the reverse. The phenotype of lipid metabolism was partially determined by the genotype. LDL, tc and tg level of NIDDM were significantly higher than the normal control (P < 0.001, 0.001, 0.05 respectively), indicating that NIDDM was accompanied by disturbance of lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

The low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) is responsible for the clearance of several physiological ligands including a complex of proteinase and alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) and for the entrance of Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PEA) into cells. We have prepared expression plasmids for the full-length chicken LRP (designated LRP100) and two intermediates encoding 25 and 67% of the receptor (designated LRP25 and LRP67, respectively) using overlapping cDNA fragments. LRP25 and LRP67 encode the N-terminal 22 and 64%, respectively, of LRP100 plus the transmembrane and intracellular domains. Transient transfection of these plasmids into COS-7 cells yielded recombinant proteins of expected molecular mass and immunoreactivity. However, LRP100 was incompletely processed into alpha- (515-kDa) and beta- (85-kDa) chains and was poorly transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi compartment. Stable transformants of LRP100, LRP67, and LRP25 were generated in a mutant Chinese hamster ovary cell line that lacked expression of endogenous LRP and was resistant to PEA. All forms of recombinant LRP proteins were transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus in Chinese hamster ovary cells as shown by their sensitivity to endoglycosidase H and resistance to neuraminidase. Cell surface iodination and subcellular fractionation studies indicated that all three LRP variants were expressed on the plasma membrane. Furthermore, expression of the three LRP variants restored, to various degrees, sensitivity to PEA and the ability to degrade methylamine-activated alpha2M (alpha2M*). These data suggest that deletion of large internal portions of LRP, including the processing site, does not prevent transport of LRP to the plasma membrane, nor does it abolish the interaction of LRP with alpha2M* or PEA. This LRP expression system may allow for the characterization of domains within LRP responsible for its multifunctionality.  相似文献   

The 20210 G/A prothrombin gene mutation is associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis but whether there is an association of the mutation with premature coronary artery disease and acute myocardial infarction remains unclear. To further assess the role of the G/A genotype as a risk factor for arterial vascular disease, we performed a case-control study of 644 patients aged less than 50 years with angiographically proven coronary artery disease, 402 of whom had myocardial infarction, and 679 unrelated healthy control subjects aged less than 50 years, randomly selected from the electoral roll. The prevalence of the G/A genotype was 2.5% in patients with coronary artery disease, and 3.2% in control subjects (odds ratio 0.8; 95% confidence interval 0.35 to 1.83). The mutation was not more frequent among patients with a history of myocardial infarction (2.2%, odds ratio 0.7; 95% confidence interval 0.27 to 2.05), and there was no evidence of an interaction between the prothrombin mutation and conventional cardiovascular disease risk factors. There was no association between genotype and extent of angiographic coronary artery disease (p=0.73). We conclude that the 20210 G/A prothrombin gene mutation is not a major risk factor for premature coronary artery disease in our predominantly Caucasian Australian population.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the regulation of steady-state concentrations of mRNA encoding ovine low density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) and high density lipoprotein-binding protein (HBP) in corpora lutea. In Experiment 1, corpora lutea were collected from ewes on Days 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 (Day 0, oestrus) of the oestrous cycle. Enriched preparations of small and large steroidogenic luteal cells were also obtained on Days 6, 9, 12 and 15 of the oestrous cycle. In Experiment 2, 16 ewes were hypophysectomized on Day 5 of the oestrous cycle and received saline, luteinizing hormone (LH), growth hormone (GH) or a combination of LH+GH until collection of luteal tissue on Day 12 of the oestrous cycle. Corpora lutea were also collected from pituitary-intact control ewes on Day 5 and Day 12 of the oestrous cycle. In Experiment 3, 13 ewes on Day 11 or Day 12 of the oestrous cycle were administered prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) and corpora lutea were collected 4 h, 12 h and 24 h later. Corpora lutea were also collected from 4 non-injected and 4 saline-injected (at 24 h) ewes. Results demonstrated that concentrations of mRNA encoding LDL-R did not differ throughout the oestrous cycle. Luteal tissue collected on Day 3 of the oestrous cycle had higher concentrations of mRNA encoding HBP than luteal tissue collected on any other day of the oestrous cycle. Hypophysectomy increased concentrations of mRNA encoding LDL-R but had no effect on concentrations of mRNA encoding HBP. Twelve hours following PGF2 alpha injection concentrations of mRNA encoding LDL-R were decreased but concentrations of mRNA encoding HBP were increased. Concentrations of both LDL-R and HBP mRNA were decreased 24 h following injection of PGF2 alpha. Thus, long-term positive and acute negative regulation of progesterone secretion from the corpus luteum by luteotrophic and luteolytic hormones was not mediated by changes in steady-state concentrations of mRNA encoding LDL-R or HBP.  相似文献   

The biological role of the very low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDL-R) in humans is not yet elucidated. This cellular receptor binds apolipoprotein E (apoE)-containing lipoparticles and is mainly expressed in peripheral tissues. The VLDL-R gene contains a polymorphic triplet (CGG) repeat located 19 bp upstream of the initiation codon. We explored the allelic distribution of this repeat in 1384 subjects of European Caucasian origin, 609 of them surviving a myocardial infarction. Six alleles corresponding to 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 repeats were detected in this population. The alleles 5, 8, and 9 were the most frequent, with frequencies of 0.413, 0.275, and 0.292, respectively. No association was found between the VLDL-R polymorphism and myocardial infarction. In controls without lipid lowering treatment, a statistically significant interaction between VLDL-R genotype and apoE phenotype was found for plasma triglycerides (P < .04), suggesting a gene-gene interaction. There was also a main effect of the VLDL-R polymorphism on LpE:B and LpA-I. The VLDL-R 9 allele was associated with lower levels of plasma LpE:B (P < .05) and higher concentrations of plasma LpA-I (P < .01) than the other alleles. These results suggest that VLDL-R has a modest influence on circulating lipoproteins in humans.  相似文献   

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