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本文介绍微通道板位置灵敏探测器的数据获取和处理系统的研制,简要描述了它的硬件结构和系统软件,本系统设计成一个NIM标准单宽仪器插件,采用IBM-PC/AT微型计算机作为实验数据读出及数据处理。具有实用、可靠和性能价格比高等特点。  相似文献   

研制了一个基于APPLE-Ⅱ微机的数据获取与处理系统。功能完善,通用性强,使用方便,易于修改和扩充,具有若干特色。本系统具有数据采集、数据保存、装入数据、图形显示、打印输出、图形绘制和数据处理等功能。实验者可以设定延迟时间、同步电压、采集速率、实验参数和实验条件。实验数据,参数和条件有机联系,统一保存于一个文件中以便对数据进行分析和比较。本系统是为各类小型实验装置设计的。1986~1987年已成功地用于MM-2和MM-4实验装置,获得若干重要结果。  相似文献   

在研制加速器工作中,需要对磁场分布进行精确的测定。方法是通过霍尔片逐点测量。用手工法测量效率甚低,为此我们设计井研制了这套自动测磁系统。使用本系统不仅提高工效,而且还可实现自动定位、自动测量、数据修正和处理,具有使用方便、精度  相似文献   

多参数系统主控插件CAMAC MC1000   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本插件是为我所现有计算机-CAMAC核物理数据获取系统MOLDASI而设计的一个主控插件。它取代了原系统中GSI(西德重离子研究中心)提供的几个CAMAC插件和NlM插件,以完成多参数系统中的子事件类型标记、死时间控制、死时间显示和事件触发逻辑功能。MC1000的研制大大方便了多参数获取系统的运行和维护。  相似文献   

10 MeV辐照电子直线加速器控制系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本工作为1台10 MeV辐照用电子直线加速器研制控制系统。该控制系统采用分布式网络控制,由多个子系统构成。硬件采用SIEMENS PLC芯片和监控计算机,PLC间采用PROFIBUS、MPI等高速总线进行连接,与监控计算机采用以太网连接,使用TCP/IP协议,能在互联网上远程监视和维护,进行网络控制。软件采用STEP 7和C语言等编写,对各子系统及子系统间连接均采用独立的数据块和功能函数块。部分硬件功能由软件来实现,使得整个系统更易于测试、制造和维护升级。  相似文献   

为适应硅像素探测器研制的需求,设计了硅像素探测器高带宽数据获取系统。该系统针对硅像素探测器高数据的特点进行了设计与优化,实现了单机高速稳定读出的数据获取目标,最高读出带宽可达到686MB/s,同时提供了控制、监测以及实验图像的实时抽样显示等功能。  相似文献   

便携式核材料中子测量系统,采用热中子探测器对核材料进行非破坏性分析(NDA),适用于核保障领域核材料现场测量等方面。针对核材料现场测量方便、快捷等特点,需要研制测量系统专用的智能定标器。 本工作研制的专用智能定标器,采用MCS51系列单片机控制,通过键盘输入测髦时间(1~60 000s)、报警阈值(1~60 000 cps)等参数,采用低功耗的液晶显示模块进行参数及测量数据的显示,系统最大计数为999 999,且具有限值报警功能。同时带有串行接口,可以  相似文献   

本文叙述了基于SEED-80微型计算机的实时数据获取与处理统软件的设计及其功能。该软件系统灵活、方便。其主要功能监视与控制各实时数据获取通道,管理计算机各外围设备并按用户的要求进行数据处理。在程序设计上,由于采用了类似于模块程序方法和复盖技术,因而对计算机内存进行了有效的分配与管理并实现了前后台操作。  相似文献   

描述了核信息终端数据采集系统中FPGA的控制功能设计与实现。根据终端数据采集系统的硬件结构,采用VHDL语言对FPGA的控制功能进行了模块化设计,实现了高速数据的采集控制、数据缓存与传输等功能。结果表明,运行结果满足终端对数据采集的功能需求。  相似文献   

第三代电子动量谱仪的多参数符合测量系统研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了一种新研制的用于第3代电子动量谱仪的多参数符合测量系统。该系统以6个慢符合道的电荷脉冲信号(它含有位置信息)和一个快符合道中的符合时间信号作为7个参数,采用7个数据获到通道并行获取数据,经计算机系统处理,可同时得到(e,2e)反应相关的符合多道时间谱,电离能谱和电子动量谱。  相似文献   

对乳腺专用PET进行了简单介绍,详细叙述了系统中连续采样电子学系统的设计和性能测试。该电子学采用子母板设计结构,包含了模数转换、时间数字转换和CAN控制等多个模块,具备对前端探测器模拟信号进行连续采样、处理和传输功能。实验表明,该系统能完全满足乳腺专用PET对连续采样的需求。该系统还有集成度高、通用性强、配置灵活等优点。  相似文献   

The performance of polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) is affected by an interfacial property between a proton exchange membrane (PEM) and electrodes. Thus, to develop a well-laminated membrane electrode assembly (MEA), a hybrid PEM (FN) was fabricated by mixing a radiation grafted membrane (sulfonated FEP) with ionomer (Nafion® dispersion) which is applied to coat the interface of the PEM and electrodes.The obtained FN, sulfonated FEP and Nafion®112 were characterized in terms of water uptake, ion exchange capacity (IEC), polarization performance and electrochemical impedance. FN showed high IEC and water uptake, which would induce the highest ionic conductivity (IC) among tested PEMs. In terms of FN, the interface between the PEM and electrodes should have been improved because FN showed the lowest charge transfer resistance than other tested PEMs. The high IC and improved interface between the PEM and electrodes resulted in the best cell performance of FN in tested PEMs.  相似文献   

The graded energy deposition of heavy ion beam irradiation to polymeric materials was utilized to synthesize a novel proton exchange membrane (PEM) with the graded density of sulfonic acid groups toward the thickness direction. Stacked Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-hexafluoropropylene) (FEP) films were irradiated by Xe54+ ion beam with the energy of 6 MeV/u under a vacuum condition. The induced trapped radicals by the irradiation were measured by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Irradiated films were grafted with styrene monomer and then sulfonated. X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra showed that the densities of sulfonic acid groups were controlled for injection “Surface” and transmit “Back” sides of the fabricated PEM. The membrane electrode assembly (MEA) fabricated by the function-graded PEM showed improved fuel cell performance in terms of voltage stability. It was expected that the function-graded PEM could control the graded concentration of sulfonic acid groups in PEM.  相似文献   

围绕实现点堆动力学程序工程化设计的问题,简介了COSINE软件包的点堆动力学计算模块。关于点堆算法的选取,本文对比了显式方法和去刚性算法计算各种典型瞬态问题的结果。结果表明,上述两种算法能充分满足设计可靠性的要求。关于反应性模型的设计,本文简介了全面覆盖各种反应性引入形式和反馈形式的设计思想。此外,还简介了本模块内置的热工模型。本文点堆动力学模块的设计具有良好的可靠性和灵活性。  相似文献   

高分子电解膜是高分子燃料电池的关键材料之一。担当着阴阳极反应原料的隔离及离子电导的功能,其性能决定着燃料电池的性能、成本及应用前景。辐射接枝电解膜由氟化的高分子骨架及磺化的接枝高分子链构成。前者赋予电解膜必要的强度、尺寸稳定性及低气体透过性,后者赋予其质子电导功能。综述了基材、单体及交联剂的筛选、合成工艺的调整等与辐射接枝电解膜的性能关系。  相似文献   

采用Monte Carlo法仿真软件GATE,构建专用于乳腺成像的双平板正电子发射断层成像系统PEM并研究其性能。参考NEMA NU 4–2008标准,并在试验中略作改动。研究了PEM(positron emission mammography)的灵敏度、散射分数、晶体散射、计数率、固有空间分辨率等参数。结果表明,在350–650 keV能窗、6 cm平板间距下,系统灵敏度达14.17%,固有空间分辨率约1.2 mm;乳腺仿体活度为29.6 MBq时,噪声等效计数率NECR为1.508×105/s,满足PEM系统所需。  相似文献   

硼中子俘获疗法(BNCT)是一种能选择性地阻击癌细胞的生物靶向放射治疗方法,该治疗方法在医疗船上的应用设想是基于IAEA癌症关怀项目,旨为非洲等发展中国家提供癌症医疗援助及其他医疗服务。本文介绍了医疗船的中子照射治疗模块,该模块以国内已建成的医院中子照射器-1型(IHNI-1)为设计原型,根据船用反应堆的特殊环境和工况要求,对反应堆水池的外形、屏蔽材料的选型、堆本体系统和设备的结构以及中子照射治疗模块的总体布置进行设计优化。分析表明该设计理念和方案具备一定的开发价值和应用可行性。  相似文献   

Under Broader Approach (BA) Agreement between EURATOM and Japan, IFMIF/EVEDA (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility/Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities) has been performed since the middle of 2007. IFMIF presents three main facilities (the Accelerator Facility, Li Target Facility and Test Facilities). A previous design of IFMIF was summarized in the comprehensive design report [1]. The present EVEDA phase aims at producing a detailed, complete and fully integrated engineering design of IFMIF. The delivery of the “Intermediate IFMIF Engineering Design Report” is foreseen mid-2013. The goal of IFMIF is to obtain the indispensable design database to allow the design and licensing of DEMO and ensuring commercial reactors thanks to the materials data set obtained from planned evaluation tests such irradiations in high flux test modules (HFTM-vertical rig, HFTM-horizontal rig), medium flux test modules (creep fatigue test module, tritium release test module, liquid breeder validation module) and low flux test modules of IFMIF. In addition, the Startup Monitoring Module will be used for IFMIF commissioning. This paper is summarizing the overall current progress status of the engineering and conceptual design of the test modules in IFMIF/EVEDA.  相似文献   

India has proposed the helium-cooled solid breeder blanket concept as a tritium breeding module to be tested in ITER. The module has lithium titanate for tritium breeding and beryllium for neutron multiplication. Beryllium also enhances tritium breeding. A design for the module is prepared for detailed analysis. Neutronic analysis is performed to assess the tritium breeding rate, neutron distribution, and heat distribution in the module. The tritium production distribution in submodules is evaluated to support the tritium transport analysis. The tritium breeding density in the radial direction of the module is also assessed for further optimization of the design. The heat deposition profile of the entire module is generated to support the heat removal circuit design. The estimated neutron spectrum in the radial direction also provides a more in-depth picture of the nuclear interactions inside the material zones. The total tritium produced in the HCSB module is around 13.87 mg per full day of operation of ITER, considering the 400 s ON time and 1400 s dwell time. The estimated nuclear heat load on the entire module is around 474 kW, which will be removed by the high-pressure helium cooling circuit. The heat deposition in the test blanket model (TBM) is huge (around 9 GJ) for an entire day of operation of ITER, which demonstrates the scale of power that can be produced through a fusion reactor blanket. As per the Brayton cycle, it is equivalent to 3.6 GJ of electrical energy. In terms of power production, this would be around 1655 MWh annually. The evaluation is carried out using the MCNP5 Monte Carlo radiation transport code and FEDNL 2.1 nuclear cross section data. The HCSB TBM neutronic performance demonstrates the tritium production capability and high heat deposition.  相似文献   

为了在兰州重离子加速器国家实验室(HIRFL)的放射性束流线(RIBLL1)上开展基于完全运动学测量的远离β稳定线奇异核反应机制的研究,需研制一套由多个独立的望远镜系统(探测模块)组成的带电粒子探测阵列。每个探测模块包含1块16×16的厚65μm的双面硅条探测器、1块4×4的厚1 000μm的像素硅探测器和由雪崩光二极管(APD)读出的4×4CsI(Tl)阵列探测器。该探测阵列可实现大的能量测量范围、高能量分辨率和位置分辨,同时具备大立体角覆盖和粒子关联测量的能力。通过Geant4探测器模拟软件对单个探测模块进行模拟,结合对探测模块各部分的实验测试,给出了探测模块的设计方案和整体性能指标。  相似文献   

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