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A 3-year-old girl presented with a febrile illness complicated by right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia, which persisted after resolution of the presumed viral infection. The tachycardia was intermittent, but was significantly exacerbated by exercise. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the ectopic focus was successfully performed and the child remains free of tachycardia 12 months later. A review of the literature suggests that RFA in children is increasingly seen as a safe and convenient option for the treatment of supraventricular tachycardia, whereas the management of ectopic ventricular tachycardia in pediatric practice has not been well defined.  相似文献   

Emergency catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia was performed in 22 patients. All patients had incessant ventricular tachycardia that persisted for > or = 12 h/day and was only transiently terminated by stimulation techniques, anti-arrhythmic drugs or cardioversion. Radiofrequency catheter ablation was carried out using entrainment criteria as well as endocardial activation mapping. Ventricular tachycardia was terminated in 91% of cases, one patient underwent map-guided surgery and the remaining patient was managed by anti-arrhythmic drugs. After the initial ablation procedure 3 of the 20 patients who could be acutely managed died in hospital: one patient in refractory heart failure 24 h following ablation, one patient suddenly 10 days following ablation on the ward and another patient 4 weeks following ablation because of septicemia. Four patients underwent elective implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator because of inducible ventricular tachycardia, and another patient underwent elective map-guided surgery. Overall, 12 patients were discharged without any additional non-pharmacologic intervention; 5 of them were free of anti-arrhythmic drugs and 7 patients had previously received ineffective medication including continuation of amiodarone in 3 patients. These results indicate that radiofrequency catheter ablation may play a role in the treatment of patients with incessant ventricular tachycardia. Thus, non-pharmacologic management of incessant ventricular tachycardia is associated with a high hospital mortality rate especially in surgically treated patients. Catheter ablation using radiofrequency current is the preferred approach for acute palliation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: MRI can demonstrate subtle morphological changes of the right ventricle in patients with idiopathic right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia (RVOT). The present study examines the incidence and significance of right ventricular (RV) abnormalities detected by MRI with respect to the site of successful radiofrequency catheter ablation of the clinical tachycardia. METHODS AND RESULTS: The study population comprised 20 patients (mean age, 40+/-12 years) undergoing elimination of recurrent RVOT by radiofrequency catheter ablation. MRI studies were performed before ablation to assess RV volumes and function, as well as structural abnormalities of the RV myocardium. Ten healthy age- and sex-matched subjects served as control subjects. The successful ablation sites, as documented by radiographs of the catheter position, were compared with MRI findings. Patients with RVOT showed no difference in respect to RV volumes and ejection fractions compared with control subjects. Whereas RV abnormalities were limited to prominent fatty deposits of the right atrioventricular groove extending into the inlet portion of the RV wall in 2 of 10 control subjects, MRI studies demonstrated morphological changes of the RV free wall in 13 (65%) of 20 patients with RVOT, including presence of fatty tissue (n=5), wall thinning (n=9), and dyskinetic wall segments (n=4). Eight of these patients had additional fat deposits, thinning, or a saccular aneurysm in the RV outflow tract, corresponding with the ablation site in 6 patients. CONCLUSIONS: In RVOT, structural abnormalities of the right ventricle can be detected in a substantial number of patients despite normal RV volumes and global function. MRI abnormalities within the RV outflow tract are significantly associated with the origin of tachycardia.  相似文献   

A boy with Down syndrome who developed acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL/M2) at the age of 40 months is presented. Chromosomal analysis of cultured peripheral blood cells without mitogen revealed a constitutional abnormality, trisomy 21, associated with the acquired chromosome change t(8;21)(q22;q22).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study sought to assess the possibility of ablating verapamil-responsive idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia at a site distant from the tachycardia exit and thus to define the tachycardia circuit. BACKGROUND: The nature of the reentry circuit in idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia is unclear. If the circuit is of considerable size, then it should be possible to ablate the tachycardia at a site distant from the exit site. METHODS: Electrophysiologic studies and radiofrequency ablation were performed in 27 consecutive patients with verapamil-responsive idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia. In all 27 patients, the tachycardia exit site was defined as the site where the earliest Purkinje potential was recorded > or = 25 ms before the onset of the QRS complex during the tachycardia and where the pace map QRS complex resembled that during the tachycardia. A potential ablation site other than the exit site was then sought around the midseptum, proximal to the exit site. At such sites the tachycardia could be terminated transiently by pressure applied to the catheter tip, without induction of ventricular ectopic beats. RESULTS: The potential ablation site, other than the tachycardia exit site, was identified in seven male patients (mean [+/-SD] age 31 +/- 12 years, range 13 to 52). Application of the radiofrequency current at this site resulted in termination of the tachycardia within 1 to 5 s (mean 2.9 +/- 1.6), and successful ablation of the tachycardia was achieved in all seven patients (success rate 100%, 95% exact confidence interval 0.5898 to 1). The mean distance between the ablation site and the tachycardia exit site was 3.1 +/- 0.7 cm (range 2.0 to 4.0). A presystolic Purkinje spike was recorded 14 +/- 5 ms (range 8 to 20) before the onset of the QRS complex during the tachycardia. During the follow-up period of 24 +/- 11 months (range 12 to 39), there was no recurrence of tachycardia in these seven patients. CONCLUSIONS: Successful ablation of idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia can be achieved at sites away from the tachycardia exit site in some patients. This finding suggests that the reentry circuit is likely to be of considerable size, encompassing the middle, inferior and lower aspects of the left interventricular septum.  相似文献   

SUBJECTS: Seventeen patients with incessant ventricular tachycardia refractory to anti-arrhythmic therapy underwent catheter ablation between 1987 and 1993. Fifteen patients had coronary heart disease and two had dilated cardiomyopathy. The mean age of the patients was 65 +/- 8 and the mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 31 +/- 9%. METHODS: Ablation sites were selected on the basis of endocardial activation mapping, concealed entrainment or bundle branch mapping. Catheter ablation was performed with direct current in nine patients and with radiofrequency energy in eight patients. Incessant ventricular tachycardia was terminated by catheter ablation in all 17 patients. RESULTS: One patient died after the ablation procedure due to pericardial tamponade. During electrophysiological testing 5-14 days later, 7 of 16 patients (44%) had inducible sustained or non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. Five of them underwent implantation of an automatic cardioverter/defibrillator, and three of these experienced discharges of the device during a mean follow-up of 30 +/- 12 months. another patient underwent implantation of a cardioverter/defibrillator after spontaneous recurrence of ventricular tachycardia. Out of the nine patients without inducible ventricular tachycardia, one died as a result of sudden cardiac death, and another had spontaneous ventricular tachycardia. Thus, ventricular tachycardia recurred clinically in 6 of 16 patients (38%), in whom ventricular tachycardia with the same morphology as that of the ablated ventricular tachycardia could be determined only in one patient. CONCLUSION: Catheter ablation is the method of choice for the emergency treatment of patients with incessant ventricular tachycardia. Due to the high risk of recurrence, additional anti-arrhythmic management, such as the implantation of a cardioverter/defibrillator, has to be considered.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study sought to characterize the electrocardiographic patterns predictive of left ventricular sites of origin of repetitive monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (RMVT). BACKGROUND: RMVT typically arises from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) in patients without structural heart disease. The incidence of left ventricular sites of origin in this syndrome is unknown. METHODS: Detailed endocardial mapping of the RVOT was performed in 33 consecutive patients with RMVT during attempted radiofrequency ablation. Left ventricular mapping was also performed if pace maps obtained from the RVOT did not reproduce the configuration of the induced tachycardia. RESULTS: Pace maps identical in configuration to the induced tachycardia were obtained from the RVOT in 29 of 33 patients. Application of radiofrequency energy at sites guided by pace mapping resulted in elimination of RMVT in 24 (83%) of 29 patients. In four patients (12%), pace maps obtained from the RVOT did not match the induced tachycardia. All four patients had a QRS configuration during RMVT with precordial R wave transitions at or before lead V2. In two patients, RMVT was mapped to the mediosuperior aspect of the mitral valve annulus, near the left fibrous trigone; catheter ablation at that site was successful in both. In two patients, RMVT was mapped to the basal aspect of the superior left ventricular septum. Catheter ablation was not attempted because His bundle deflections were recorded from this site during sinus rhythm. CONCLUSIONS: RMVT can arise from the outflow tract of both the right and left ventricles. RMVTs with a precordial R wave transition at or before lead V2 are consistent with a left ventricular origin.  相似文献   

To assess optimal hemodynamics in relation to stimulation site during right ventricular pacing, 17 consecutive patients who underwent cardiac catheterization were studied. In all patients, right ventricular apex and right ventricular outflow tract stimulation was performed at 85, 100, and 120 beats/min. Cardiac index at both pacing sites was compared using the left ventricular outflow tract continuous wave Doppler technique. Comparison of the two stimulation sites demonstrated that right ventricular outflow tract pacing resulted in a higher cardiac index at 85 beats/min (2.42 +/- 1.2 vs 2.04 +/- 1.0 L/min per m2, P < 0.002) at 100 beats/min (2.78 +/- 1.4 vs 2.35 +/- 1.1 L/min per m2, P < 0.001) and 120 beats/min (3.00 +/- 1.5 vs 2.61 +/- 0.9 L/min per m2, P < 0.001). From a total of 51 paired observations, 45 showed an increase in cardiac index during outflow tract pacing as compared to apex pacing. Right ventricular outflow tract pacing at 120 beats/min resulted in a lower cardiac index than right ventricular apex pacing in patients with significant coronary artery disease and/or impaired left ventricular function (ejection fraction < or = 50%), whereas right ventricular outflow tract pacing produced higher cardiac indices in the absence of these abnormalities. Right ventricular outflow tract pacing resulted in higher cardiac indices as compared to apex pacing in all other subgroups at all other pacing sites tested. It is concluded that stimulation of the right ventricular outflow tract offers a significant hemodynamic benefit during single chamber pacing as compared to conventional apex pacing, particularly in the absence of significant coronary artery disease and/or left ventricular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Although morbidity and mortality associated with defibrillator implantation using a nonthoracotomy approach have decreased as compared with a thoracotomy approach, defibrillation thresholds have been higher and fewer patients satisfied implant criteria. It may be possible to improve on the success of nonthoracotomy defibrillator implantation by the placement of a right ventricular (RV) outflow defibrillation lead. Implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation data of 30 consecutive patients with clinical VT or VF were reviewed. Three defibrillation leads were routinely used. When either pacing threshold at the RV apex was inadequate (n = 2) or 18-J shocks were not successful in terminating VF in 3 of 4 trials (n = 8), the RV apex lead was positioned to the RV outflow tract attaching to the septum. Defibrillation testing was first performed with the RV apex lead in combination with CS, SVC, and/or subcutaneous leads. Twenty patients satisfied implant criteria with a defibrillation threshold of 13.5 +/- 3.6 J. In 7 of the 10 patients, whose RV lead was repositioned to the RV outflow tract, this lead in combination with SVC, CS, or subcutaneous leads produced successful defibrillation at < or = 18 J or in 3 of 4 trials. This approach improved the overall success of nonthoracotomy implantation of defibrillators from 69% to 90%. After a follow-up of 27 +/- 6 months, there was no dislodgment of the RV outflow tract defibrillation leads. CONCLUSIONS: This article reports the preliminary observation that placement of defibrillation leads to the RV outflow tract in humans was possible and without dislodgment. RV outflow tract offers an alternative for placement of defibrillation leads, which may improve on the success of nonthoracotomy defibrillator implantation.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation of the slow AV nodal pathway was attempted in 34 patients with common type of AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT). Radiofrequency energy of 18-32 watts was applied for 30-60 seconds at sites exhibiting atrial-slow pathway potentials or slow potentials. These potentials were recorded at the mid or posterior septum, anterior to the coronary sinus ostium. A mean of two radiofrequency applications successfully eliminated AVNRT in all patients. The incidence of junctional ectopy was significantly higher during 34 effective applications of radiofrequency energy than during 36 ineffective applications (100% versus 17%). Thus, the recording of atrial-slow pathway potentials or slow potentials, and the development of junctional ectopy can be used as a marker for successful ablation. Slow AV nodal conduction was eliminated in 22 patients and persisted without inducible AVNRT in 12. None of the patients had recurrences of AVNRT over a mean follow-up interval of 12 months, and all had preserved AV conduction. Long-term follow-up studies with an electrophysiological method confirmed that the ablation was effective. Transient AV block was observed in only 1 patient, and no major complications were noted. Thus, radiofrequency catheter ablation of the slow AV nodal pathway is highly effective and safe, with a low rate of complication, for the treatment of common type of AVNRT.  相似文献   

A case of pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect is reported where continuity between the right ventricle and the hypoplastic pulmonary artery was established interventionally. The atretic valve was perforated using a special "perforation needle" with a sharp and stiff distal and a flexible proximal part. Perforation of the bifurcation was well tolerated without later sequelae. After perforation of the atresia, dilation was successfully performed using 2, 4, and 7.2 mm balloons with a pressure of 10 atm; the arterial oxygen saturation increased from 72% to 84%. Four weeks later repeated "valvuloplasty" was performed (balloon diameters 8 mm, 9.5 mm, and 12 mm) and the "valve" ring was dilated to a diameter of 10.5 mm. Although no general conclusions can be drawn from this single application, mechanical perforation of the atresia could become an attractive interventional approach for the treatment of pulmonary atresia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To determine the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of hepatic metastases from leiomyosarcoma and determine the pathologic basis for the MR appearance of these neoplasms. METHODS: MR examinations of eight patients with a total of 16 hepatic metastases from leiomyosarcoma were retrospectively reviewed. Hepatic metastases originated from a primary gastrointestinal (n = 6), uterine (n = 1), or retroperitoneal (n = 1) leiomyosarcoma. Correlation between MR features and pathologic findings was performed in 11 metastases from which histologic material was obtained. RESULTS: Among the 10 metastases seen on T1-weighted MR images, nine were homogeneous and one was heterogeneous. The latter contained areas of necrosis and hemorrhage on pathologic examination. Among the 16 metastases seen on T2-weighted MR images, 12 were well delineated and completely homogeneous, with a marked hyperintense signal ("hemangiomalike" pattern). These neoplasms were composed of smooth fibrous tissue without macroscopically visible areas of necrosis on pathologic examination. The remaining four metastases were heterogeneous and contained varying degrees of necrosis and hemorrhage or gelatinous tissue. CONCLUSION: A hemangiomalike pattern is the most common feature on T2-weighted MR images. We found that homogeneous hyperintensity of hepatic metastases from leiomyosarcoma on T2-weighted MR image does not reflect cystic changes.  相似文献   

Interactions of gastrointestinal prokinetic benzamides with 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)3 and 5-HT4 receptors and the relation to their effects on gastrointestinal propulsion were investigated. Renzapride and zacopride potently inhibited 5-HT3-receptor-mediated contractions in the guinea pig colon, whereas RS67506 (1-(4-amino-5-chloro-2-methoxyphenyl)-3-[1-(2-methyl sulphonylamino)ethyl-4-piperidinyl]-1-propanone hydrochloride), a selective 5-HT4-receptor agonist, showed no inhibition. RS67506, renzapride and zacopride all exerted 5-HT4 receptor-mediated relaxation in the carbachol-precontracted rat oesophagus. In mice, RS67506 shortened the whole gut transit time, whereas renzapride and zacopride were reported to prolong it. Gastrointestinal prokinetic benzamides, which are selective for 5-HT4-receptor agonistic over 5-HT3-receptor antagonistic action, may be useful in treating gastrointestinal disorders associated with impaired lower intestinal propulsion such as constipation.  相似文献   

Two unusual cases are presented with idiopathic right and left ventricular tachycardia (IVT) with intriguing clinical and electrophysiological characteristics. The first patient with a sustained IVT of right ventricular outflow tract origin, and an electrophysiological mechanism suggesting reentry, had been resuscitated from cardiac arrest. The second patient had an IVT with a left bundle branch block morphology, which originated from the basal-septal region of the left ventricle (left ventricular outflow tract tachycardia). Both patients were cured with radiofrequency catheter ablation, guided by endocardial activation sequence and pace mapping.  相似文献   

Repair of congenital right ventricular outflow tract obstruction often requires reconstruction with a transannular patch to alleviate pulmonary stenosis. Post repair pulmonary insufficiency with right ventricular dilatation and volume overload may result and lead to acute or progressive right heart failure. The use of a monocusp valve has been proposed as a means to prevent this problem. Fresh pericardium is well known to fail clinically, leading to pulmonary insufficiency limiting mid- and long-term results. In a chronic dog model (147 +/- 34 days), three valve types were evaluated: 1) polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE; n = 9), 2) fresh pericardium (PERI; n = 6), and glutaraldehyde fixed pericardium (GLU; n = 6). Hemodynamics, angiography, and echocardiography were performed at implantation and sacrifice. Gross and microscopic pathology were evaluated. No significant differences were found among the three groups with regard to stenosis as evaluated by echocardiography, measured right ventricular wall thickness, and hemodynamic pressure gradients across the valve. By echocardiography, both PTFE (1 of 9) and GLU (0 of 6) showed less regurgitation than PERI (5 of 6) (p < 0.05). This was confirmed by angiography. PTFE showed less neo-intimal hyperplasia, less thrombus formation, and less calcification than GLU or PERI (p = NS). The PTFE monocusp developed no prohibitive gradients, no early pathologic deterioration, and maintained competence compared with the GLU and PERI groups. Although continued investigation of long-term durability and competence of the PTFE monocusp valve is warranted, both PTFE and GLU values seem to demonstrate less regurgitation than the PERI monocusp valve in an adult dog model of right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced a beta subunit of integrin from a cDNA library of crayfish hemocytes. This beta integrin shows great similarity to beta integrin subunits from other animals; the highest is towards beta pat-3 from Caenorhabditis elegans followed by beta PS from Drosophila melanogaster. By immunoblotting with antibodies raised towards a synthetic peptide corresponding to a part of the cytoplasmic region of the deduced protein sequence, it was shown that the integrin is present in the membrane of the hemocytes. This is the first integrin found in hemocytes of an invertebrate animal and this finding opens the door for further investigations on integrins and their role in the invertebrate immune system.  相似文献   

Twenty patients with symptomatic monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) underwent radiofrequency (RF) energy catheter ablation. Four patients (20%) had underlying heart disease (1 prolapse mitral valve, 1 dilated cardiomyopathy and 2 myocarditis). Five patients (25%) had left sided VT and right sided VT in the remainder (75%). Radiofrequency catheter ablation was initially successful in all patients without major complication. Recurrence occurred in three patients (15%). In conclusion, RF ablation is an effective treatment for symptomatic monomorphic right and left sided VT especially in patients who do not want long term antiarrhythmic agents.  相似文献   

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