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We present an automated fire detection algorithm for the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor capable of mapping actively burning fires at 30-m spatial resolution. For daytime scenes, our approach uses near infrared and short-wave infrared reflectance imagery. For nighttime scenes a simple short wave infrared radiance threshold is applied. Based on a statistical analysis of 100 ASTER scenes, we established omission and commission error rates for nine different regions. In most regions the probability of detection was between 0.8 and 0.9. Probabilities of false alarm varied between 9 × 10− 8 (India) and 2 × 10− 5 (USA/Canada). In most cases, the majority of false fire pixels were linked to clusters of true fire pixels, suggesting that most false fire pixels occur along ambiguous fire boundaries. We next consider fire characterization, and formulate an empirical method for estimating fire radiative power (FRP), a measure of fire intensity, using three ASTER thermal infrared channels. We performed a preliminary evaluation of our retrieval approach using four prescribed fires which were active at the time of the Terra overpass for which limited ground-truth data were collected. Retrieved FRP was accurate to within 20%, with the exception of one fire partially obscured by heavy soot.  相似文献   

Thermal infrared remote sensing can quickly and accurately detect the volcanic ash cloud. However, remote sensing data have pretty strong inter-band correlation and data redundancy, both of which have decreased to a certain degree the detecting accuracy of volcanic ash cloud. Principal component analysis (PCA) can compress a large number of complex information into a few principal components and overcome the correlation and redundancy. Taking the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic ash cloud formed on April 19, 2010 for example, in this paper, the PCA is used to detect the volcanic ash cloud based on moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) remote sensing image. The results show that: the PCA can successfully acquire the volcanic ash cloud from MODIS image; the detected volcanic ash cloud has a good consistency with the spatial distribution, SO2 concentration and volcanic absorbing aerosol index (AAI).  相似文献   

介绍了航空遥感图像实时传输系统各部分结构及功能,并在实验室环境下利用计算机和天线卫星模拟了从图像生成到压缩、加密、GPS复合、发送、接收等实时传输过程,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Floodplain roughness parameterization is one of the key elements of hydrodynamic modeling of river flow, which is directly linked to exceedance levels of the embankments of lowland fluvial areas. The present way of roughness mapping is based on manually delineated floodplain vegetation types, schematized as cylindrical elements of which the height (m) and the vertical density (the projected plant area in the direction of the flow per unit volume, m− 1) have to be assigned using a lookup table. This paper presents a novel method of automated roughness parameterization. It delivers a spatially distributed roughness parameterization in an entire floodplain by fusion of CASI multispectral data with airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. The method consists of three stages: (1) pre-processing of the raw data, (2) image segmentation of the fused data set and classification into the dominant land cover classes (KHAT = 0.78), (3) determination of hydrodynamic roughness characteristics for each land cover class separately. In stage three, a lookup table provides numerical values that enable roughness calculation for the classes water, sand, paved area, meadows and built-up area. For forest and herbaceous vegetation, ALS data enable spatially detailed analysis of vegetation height and density. The hydrodynamic vegetation density of forest is mapped using a calibrated regression model. Herbaceous vegetation cover is further subdivided in single trees and non-woody vegetation. Single trees were delineated using a novel iterative cluster merging method, and their height is predicted (R2 = 0.41, rse = 0.84 m). The vegetation density of single trees was determined in an identical way as for forest. Vegetation height and density of non-woody herbaceous vegetation were also determined using calibrated regression models. A 2D hydrodynamic model was applied with the results of this novel method, and compared with a traditional roughness parameterization approach. The modeling results showed that the new method is well able to provide accurate output data. The new method provides a faster, repeatable, and more accurate way of obtaining floodplain roughness, which enables regular updating of river flow models.  相似文献   

遥感数据同化技术在动力模型框架内,使用数据同化算法对动力模型输出的定量(物理、化学量)数据与观测数据进行一致性处理与结果误差分析。将多源遥感数据同化到动力模型预测与参数估计中,可帮助改善地表、大气和海洋变化的分析和预测精度。以国家发改委"十二五"建设的国家航空遥感系统项目为依托,针对航空遥感系统10种传感器设计开发数据同化系统。因无法找到适用于该系统的3DVAR和EnKF算法程序,必须自主开发核心算法程序。介绍了研究开发的航空遥感数据同化算法集成计算与可视化系统及其核心算法的关键技术流程。实验结果证实,该系统可以有效地对航空遥感数据进行同化。  相似文献   

Forest fires leave behind a changed ecosystem with a patchwork of surface cover that includes ash, charred organic matter, soils and soil minerals, and dead, damaged, and living vegetation. The distributions of these materials affect post-fire processes of erosion, nutrient cycling, and vegetation regrowth. We analyzed high spatial resolution (2.4 m pixel size) Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data collected over the Cerro Grande fire, to map post-fire surface cover into 10 classes, including ash, soil minerals, scorched conifer trees, and green vegetation. The Cerro Grande fire occurred near Los Alamos, New Mexico, in May 2000. The AVIRIS data were collected September 3, 2000. The surface cover map revealed complex patterns of ash, iron oxide minerals, and clay minerals in areas of complete combustion. Scorched conifer trees, which retained dry needles heated by the fire but not fully combusted by the flames, were found to cover much of the post-fire landscape. These scorched trees were found in narrow zones at the edges of completely burned areas. A surface cover map was also made using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) data, collected September 5, 2000, and a maximum likelihood, supervised classification. When compared to AVIRIS, the Landsat classification grossly overestimated cover by dry conifer and ash classes and severely underestimated soil and green vegetation cover. In a comparison of AVIRIS surface cover to the Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (BAER) map of burn severity, the BAER high burn severity areas did not capture the variable patterns of post-fire surface cover by ash, soil, and scorched conifer trees seen in the AVIRIS map. The BAER map, derived from air photos, also did not capture the distribution of scorched trees that were observed in the AVIRIS map. Similarly, the moderate severity class of Landsat-derived burn severity maps generated from the differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) calculation had low agreement with the AVIRIS classes of scorched conifer trees. Burn severity and surface cover images were found to contain complementary information, with the dNBR map presenting an image of degree of change caused by fire and the AVIRIS-derived map showing specific surface cover resulting from fire.  相似文献   

Stream temperature is an important indicator of water quality, particularly in regions where endangered fish populations are sensitive to elevated water temperature. Regional assessment of stream temperatures from the ground is limited by sparse sampling in both space and time. Remotely sensed thermal-infrared (TIR) images are able to make spatially distributed measurements of the radiant skin temperature of streams. We quantify and discuss the accuracy and uncertainty limits to recovering stream temperatures in the Pacific Northwest for a range of stream widths (10-500 m), and TIR pixel sizes (5-1000 m) from remotely sensed airborne and satellite TIR images. Among locations with more than three pixels across the stream, the image temperature overestimated the in-stream temperature on average by 1.2 °C, which is 7% of the in-stream temperature (standard error (SE) of 0.2 °C, n = 21). The corresponding uncertainty (band weighted standard deviation in image temperature) for these locations averaged ± 0.3 °C (SE < 0.1 °C, n = 21) which is 2% of in-stream temperatures. This overestimation by the image temperatures is likely to be due to thermal stratification between the stream surface and the location of the in-stream temperature measurements deeper in the water column. For streams with one to three pixels across, mixing with bank elements increased the overestimation by image temperatures to 2.2 °C (SE = 0.3 °C, n = 23) on average (13% of in-stream temperatures), and the uncertainty increased to ± 0.4 °C (SE = 0.1 °C, n = 23) which is 2% of in-stream temperatures. For a fraction of a pixel across the stream the overestimation by image temperatures was 7.6 °C (SE = 1.2 °C, n = 23) on average (45% of in-stream temperatures), and the uncertainty was ± 0.5 °C (SE = 0.1 °C, n = 23) which is 3% of in-stream temperatures. These results show that reliable satellite TIR measurement of stream temperatures is limited to large rivers (∼180-m across for Landsat ETM+), unless novel unmixing algorithms are used effectively.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of near-surface hydrological conditions within northern peatlands has the potential to provide important large-scale hydrological information regarding ecological and carbon-balance processes occurring within such systems. This article details how field knowledge of the spectral properties of Sphagnum spp., airborne remote sensing data and a range of image analysis approaches, may be combined to provide a suitable proxy for near-surface wetness. Co-incident field and airborne remote sensing data were acquired in May and September 2002 over an important UK raised bog (Cors Fochno). A combination of laboratory-tested NIR and SWIR water-based and biophysical spectral reflectance indices were applied to field and airborne reflectance spectra of Sphagnum pulchrum to elucidate changes in near-surface moisture conditions. Field results showed significant correlations between water-based indices (moisture stress index (MSI) and floating water band indices (fWBI980 and fWBI1200))) and measures of both near-surface volumetric moisture content (VMC) and water-table position. Spectral indices formulated from the NIR (fWBI980 and fWBI1200) proved to be the most useful for indicating near-surface wetness across the widest range of moisture conditions because of their ability to penetrate deeper into the Sphagnum canopy. Correlations between a biophysical index based upon chlorophyll content and both hydrological measures were not significant, possibly due to relatively high levels of surface wetness at the field site in both May and September. S. pulchrum lawns were successfully located and mapped from airborne imagery using the mixed tuned match filtering (MTMF) algorithm. Importantly, MSI derived from airborne data was significantly correlated with both field moisture and the water-table position. Relationships between measures of near-surface wetness and the MSI for naturally heterogeneous canopies were, however, found to be weaker for airborne imagery than for associated field data. This is likely to be a result of the formulation of the MSI itself and the possible preferential detection of “wetter” pixels within the imagery. This effectively reduced the ability of MSI to detect subtle changes in near-surface wetness under high moisture conditions, but would not impede the use of the index under drier conditions. Results from the field data suggest that indices formulated from the NIR may be more suitable for detailed estimations of near-surface and surface wetness at the landscape-scale although reliable hyperspectral data are required to test fully the performance of such indices. The relative merits of using such an approach to determine near-surface hydrological conditions across entire peatland complexes are also discussed.  相似文献   

航天科技是国家综合国力和科技实力的重要体现,而卫星遥感则是航天科技转化为生产力最直接、最现实的途径之一。遥感数据获取与分发、数据处理与信息提取是卫星遥感应用的两个基本步骤。随着国家民用空间基础设施规划中的遥感卫星体系稳步推进,以及商业卫星遥感的蓬勃发展,我国的卫星遥感数据获取能力呈现质量齐升之势。但同时,作为卫星遥感应用的基础设施和关键工具,遥感图像处理系统平台逐渐成为制约自主卫星数据应用和空间信息业务发展的重要因素之一。本文围绕卫星遥感对地观测主题,从卫星遥感数据获取能力、卫星遥感数据处理系统平台两方面,对国内外现状进行综述,在此基础上分析了卫星遥感的发展趋势。  相似文献   

目的 高分辨率遥感图像中,靠岸舰船检测有着广泛的应用前景,其主要难点在于舰船与港口陆地在空间上紧邻,在颜色和纹理特征上相似,舰船与港口陆地难以分割。针对这种情况,利用港口岸线平直的几何特点和靠岸舰船多为舷靠的停泊特点,提出一种基于投影分析的靠岸舰船检测方法。方法 首先,对原始图像进行预处理,利用K-means聚类算法与区域生长算法相结合的方式得到海陆分割图像,利用Sobel算子与Otsu分割结合的方式获取边缘图像;然后,通过改进的Hough变换提取直线特征,结合港岸几何特性定位港口岸线;再将海陆分割后的二值图像向沿岸线和垂直岸线两个方向进行投影,根据沿岸线方向投影形态确定和分离并靠舰船,根据垂直岸线方向的投影形态定位舰船目标;最后,利用舰船尺寸、长宽比、最小外接矩形占空比特征去除虚警。结果 在15个港口场景不同分辨率的遥感图像测试集上,本文方法整体检测率达到85.4%,虚警率达17.2%;限定分辨率范围在24 m的情形下,检测率提高到93.5%,虚警率降低至5.3%。结论 本文方法简单有效,无需港口先验信息,适用于多尺度和多方向的靠岸舰船目标检测任务,对不同类型舰船形态差异具有鲁棒性,且能够分离并靠舰船。  相似文献   

航空物探遥感数据的采集过程中受到电磁波辐射等外界因素的影响,导致航空物探遥感数据分类准确率较低,为此提出基于自编码神经网络的航空物探遥感数据分类方法;根据航空物探对象的基本特征,设置遥感数据的分类标准;通过辐射校正、几何纠正、噪声消除等步骤,完成航空物探遥感数据的预处理;构建自编码神经网络,利用自编码神经网络算法,从光谱、形状、纹理等方面提取遥感数据特征,通过特征匹配确定航空物探遥感数据的所属类型;通过分类性能测试实验得出结论:所提方法的全局遥感数据分类成功率和错误率的平均值分别为99.8%和0.6%,局部遥感数据分类的成功率和错误率的平均值分别为99.8%和0.3%,即所提方法在分类性能方面具有明显优势。  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for performing environmental gradient analysis to address the question: is maximum potential tree density in eastern Lake Tahoe Basin, NV limited by water, temperature/energetic constraints, or both? To address this question we fuse continuous tree density estimates derived from hyperspatial remote sensing imagery (pixels smaller than trees) with two topographically derived environmental gradients: elevation and yearly potential relative radiation (PRR). We based our analysis on the maximum tree density found in each of over 200 environmental gradient combinations found with our area of interest, drawing from a dataset consisting of over 300,000 30 m plots and over 3 million individual trees. At a given elevation, sites in which maximum tree density increases as a function of increasing yearly PRR were considered to be temperature or energy limited. Conversely, sites in which maximum tree density decreased as a function of increasing yearly PRR were considered water limited. We found that eastern Lake Tahoe appears to be a landscape which is both water limited (at lower elevation and brighter, south-facing slopes) and temperature/energy limited (at higher elevations and darker, north-facing slopes). We discuss how fusing accurate and ecologically relevant remote sensing outputs with direct and indirect continuous microclimate surfaces can provide a powerful tool for addressing major questions of tree distributions and life history parameters.  相似文献   

目的 近年来,随着我国遥感技术的快速发展,遥感数据呈现出大数据的特点,遥感数据的时效性增强,针对新环境下遥感算法编程语言众多,程序运行和部署环境需求多样,程序的集成和部署困难的问题,提出了一种遥感算法程序快速封装与Docker容器化系统集成架构。方法 该系统架构主要包括:1)遥感算法程序的镜像自动化封装制作;2)镜像的分发管理,达到算法程序镜像的共享;3)遥感信息产品生产流程的容器化编排服务,将相关联的算法程序镜像串联,以满足特定遥感信息产品的生产;4)容器的调度运行,调用镜像,实现特定遥感产品的容器化运行。本文在上述容器化系统集成架构下,以Landsat5数据的NDVI、NDWI信息产品的生产作为容器化生产实例,并同物理机、KVM (kernel-based virtual machine)虚拟机在运行时间、内存占用量、部署效率等性能进行了对比。结果 Docker容器虚拟化环境下的产品生产和物理机环境下在运行时间和内存占用量上几无差别,优于KVM虚拟机。Docker容器虚拟化环境和KVM虚拟机环境下在部署上能够节省大量时间,相比于物理机环境能够提高部署效率。结论 容器化的系统集成方式能够有效解决遥感算法程序集成和部署困难的问题,有利于遥感算法程序的复用和流程的共享,提高系统集成效率,具备较强的遥感数据实时快速处理能力。  相似文献   

群智能方法在遥感信息提取中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
遥感数据作为重要的空间数据源,在众多领域发挥着不可或缺的作用。遥感信息获取技术的不断发展与遥感数据应用领域的不断扩展,促进了遥感信息提取方法的不断进步。随着人工智能算法不断被提出及成功应用,遥感信息提取领域也在逐步引入智能算法实现高效的信息提取。在对遥感信息提取方法的研究进展进行深入分析的基础上,剖析了群智能方法应用于遥感信息提取领域的潜力与优势。并应用微粒群优化方法进行遥感数据的分类,实现了微粒群优化方法应用于遥感数据分类的技术流程,取得了很好的实验结果。因此,群智能方法能够为遥感信息提取领域提供一种新的有效智能处理方法。  相似文献   

This paper examines how reflectance spectrometry used in the laboratory to estimate clay and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) soil contents can be applied to field and airborne measurements for soil property mapping. A continuum removal (CR) technique quantifying specific absorption features of clay (2206 nm) and CaCO3 (2341 nm) was applied to laboratory, field and airborne HYMAP reflectance measurements collected in 2003 (33 sites) and 2005 (19 sites) over bare soil sites of a few meters within the La Peyne Valley area, southern France. Nine intermediate stages from the laboratory up to HYMAP sensor measurements were considered for separately evaluating the possible degradation of estimation performances when going across scales and sensors, e.g. radiometric calibration, spectral resolution, spatial variability, illumination conditions, and surface status including roughness, soil moisture and presence and nature of pebbles.Significant relationships were observed between clay and CaCO3 contents and CR values computed respectively at 2206 nm and 2341 nm from reflectance measurements at the laboratory level with an ASD spectrophotometer up to the HYMAP spectro-imaging sensor. Performances of clay and CaCO3 estimations decreased from the laboratory to airborne scales. The main factors inducing uncertainties in the estimates were radiometric and wavelength calibration uncertainties of the HYMAP sensor as well as possible residual atmospheric effects.  相似文献   

Vegetation fires are a key global terrestrial disturbance factor and a major source of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols. Therefore, many earth-system science and operational monitoring applications require access to repetitive, frequent and well-characterized information on fire emissions source strengths. Geostationary imagers offer important temporal advantages when studying rapidly changing phenomena such as vegetation fires. Here we present a new algorithm for detecting and characterising active fires burning within the imager footprints of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), including consideration of cloud-cover and calculation of fire radiative power (FRP), a metric shown to be strongly related to fuel consumption and smoke emission rates. The approach is based on a set of algorithms now delivering near real time (NRT) operational FRP products from the Meteosat Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra-Red Imager (SEVIRI) imager (available from http://landsaf.meteo.pt/), and the GOES processing chain presented here is designed to deliver a compatible fire product to complete geostationary coverage of the Western hemisphere. Results from the two GOES imagers are intercompared, and are independently verified against the well regarded MODIS cloud mask and active fire products. We find that the detection of cloud and active fires from GOES matches that of MODIS very well for fire pixels having FRP > 30 MW, when the GOES omission error falls to less than 10%. The FRP of fire clusters detected near simultaneously by both GOES and MODIS have a bias of only 22 MW, and a similar bias is found when comparing near-simultaneous GOES East and GOES West FRP observations. However, many fire pixels having FRP < 30 MW remain undetected by GOES, probably unavoidably since it has a much coarser spatial resolution than MODIS. Adjustment using data from the less frequent but more accurate views obtained from high spatial resolution polar orbiting imagers could be used to bias correct regional FRP totals. Temporal integration of the GOES FRP record indicates that during the summer months, biomass burning combusts thousands of millions of tonnes of fuel daily across the Americas. Comparison of these results to those of the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFEDv2) indicate strong linear relationships (r² > 0.9), suggesting that the timely FRP data available from a GOES real-time data feed is likely to be a suitable fire emissions source strength term for inclusion in schemes aiming to forecast the concentrations of atmospheric constituents affected by biomass burning.  相似文献   

Empirical airborne remote-sensing relationships were examined to estimate chlorophyll a concentration in the first optical depth (chlFOD) of coastal waters of Afgonak/Kodiak Islands during July-August 2002. Band-ratio and spectral-curvature models were tested using satellite remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs(λ)) measurements. Additional shipboard and airborne Rrs(λ) data were also analysed to evaluate consistency of proposed chlFOD-Rrs(λ) relationships. Validation of chlorophyll algorithms was performed using data collected in the northern-part of the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea during 1996, 2002, and 2003 cruises. Likewise, oceanographic conditions during the surveys were typified to interpret variability of chlFOD fields. The SeaWiFS band-ratio algorithm OC2d was the most sensitive Rrs combination (Rrs(509)/Rrs(553)) to detect chlFOD variability. Conversely, OC2a (Rrs(412)/Rrs(553)) had the lowest performance to derive chlFOD values. No valid statistical regressions were established for spectral-curvature relationships in the blue spectrum (< 500 nm). Fertile waters (> 5 mg m− 3) were preferentially located over shallow banks (∼50 m) and at the entrance of the bays. The approach used in this study to derive chlFOD values could be universal for Alaskan coastal waters. However, chlFOD-Rrs(λ) relationships must be calibrated locally for a given season.  相似文献   

基于IDL的林业遥感图像可视化技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着空间科技的发展,借助遥感图像开展森林资源调查和监测逐渐成为了解森林资源现状及发展趋势的主要手段。结合林业遥感图像检测典型问题实例,通过对IMG遥感影像的数值模拟和计算结果的可视化,设计并实现了基于IDL的林业遥感图像分类与可视化系统。结果表明,IDL 面向矩阵的特性和强大的数据可视化能力是林业资源检测和林业遥感图像可视化的理想工具。  相似文献   

目的:高分辨率遥感影像技术的发展使得对于地质灾害体的要素组成、形态结构的遥感解译成为可能。目前,遥感影像解译存在着过度依赖影像色彩、纹理、阴影等光学要素,片面追求影像解译标志,DEM数据利用程度低,对基于DEM、GIS的影像复合分析、空间分析、3D可视化等技术方法的应用较少等问题。方法:本文以灾前灾后高精度DEM和高分辨率遥感影像为基础,探讨了地质灾害滑坡的一维、二维、三维三种遥感解译方法,分析了三者之间的互补关系,并应用三种遥感解译方法对贵州关岭“6.28”特大滑坡进行了遥感解译分析,文章最后对有关滑坡多维遥感解译方法体系的建立进行了讨论。结果:研究结果表明:滑坡高分辨率遥感多维解译方法中,一维高程曲线计算、二维影像对比分析、三维场景精细解译分别属于滑坡遥感解译的初判方法、动态分析方法、定量计算方法;结论:其中,一维高程曲线计算为滑坡遥感的二、三维解译提供了有关滑坡崩塌区、滑坡区、堆积区的可能分区参考框架,而二维影像对比分析向三维场景精细解译的发展则体现了以人机交互方式为主要手段的滑坡高分辨率遥感影像解译由定性监测向定量计算的发展。  相似文献   

Curvelet变换克服了小波变换在处理高维信号时的不足,比小波变换具有更好的方向性、较高的逼近精度和更好的稀疏表达性能。因此将Curvelet变换应用于图像融合领域,能更好地提取图像边缘特征,为融合提取更多的特征信息。利用对偶树复小波-Curvelett变换的多尺度和多方向性特征以及自适应融合规则在选取融合系数上的优势,提出了一种基于对偶树复小波-Curvelet变换的自适应遥感图像融合新算法。算法是将全色图像和多光谱图像进行对偶树复小波-Curvelet变换分解后,针对不同的频率域特点选择不同的融合规则,对低频系数选取区域能量的加权系数自适应融合规则,对高频系数特性选用了区域特征自适应的融合规则,最后通过重构得到融合图像。将其他的融合算法和所提算法进行主观和客观的对比,结果表明,基于对偶树复小波-Curvelet变换区域特征自适应的图像融合算法是一种有效可行的图像融合算法。  相似文献   

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