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A ground-based, upward-scanning, near-infrared lidar, the Echidna® validation instrument (EVI), built by CSIRO Australia, retrieves forest stand structural parameters, including mean diameter at breast height (DBH), stem count density (stems/area), basal area, and above-ground woody biomass with very good accuracy in six New England hardwood and conifer forest stands. Comparing forest structural parameters retrieved using EVI data with extensive ground measurements, we found excellent agreement at the site level using five EVI scans (plots) per site (R2 = 0.94-0.99); very good agreement at the plot level for stem count density and biomass (R2 = 0.90-0.85); and good agreement at the plot level for mean DBH and basal area (R2 = 0.48-0.66). The observed variance at site and plot levels suggest that a sample area of at least 1 ha (104 m2) is required to estimate these parameters accurately at the stand level using either lidar-based or conventional methods. The algorithms and procedures used to retrieve these structural parameters are dependent on the unique ability of the Echidna® lidar to digitize the full waveform of the scattered lidar pulse as it returns to the instrument, which allows consistent separation of scattering by trunks and large branches from scattering by leaves. This successful application of ground-based lidar technology opens the door to rapid and accurate measurement of biomass and timber volume in areal sampling scenarios and as a calibration and validation tool for mapping biomass using airborne or spaceborne remotely sensed data.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are an important component of the global carbon balance, yet there is considerable uncertainty in estimates of their carbon stocks and fluxes, which are typically estimated through analysis of aboveground biomass in field plots. Remote sensing technology is critical for assessing fine-scale spatial variability of tropical forest biomass over broad spatial extents. The goal of our study was to evaluate relatively new technology, small-footprint, discrete-return lidar and hyperspectral sensors, for the estimation of aboveground biomass in a Costa Rican tropical rain forest landscape. We derived a suite of predictive metrics for field plots: lidar metrics were calculated from plot vertical height profiles and hyperspectral metrics included fraction of spectral mixing endmembers and narrowband indices that respond to photosynthetic vegetation, structure, senescence, health and water and lignin content. We used single- and two-variable linear regression analyses to relate lidar and hyperspectral metrics to aboveground biomass of plantation, managed parkland and old-growth forest plots. The best model using all 83 biomass plots included two lidar metrics, plot-level mean height and maximum height, with an r2 of 0.90 and root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 38.3 Mg/ha. When the analysis was constrained to plantation plots, which had the most accurate field data, the r2 of the model increased to 0.96, with RMSE of 10.8 Mg/ha (n = 32). Hyperspectral metrics provided lower accuracy in estimating biomass than lidar metrics, and models with a single lidar and hyperspectral metric were no better than the best model using two lidar metrics. These results should be viewed as an initial assessment of using these combined sensors to estimate tropical forest biomass; hyperspectral data were reduced to nine indices and three spectral mixture fractions, lidar data were limited to first-return canopy height, sensors were flown only once at different seasons, and we explored only linear regression for modeling. However, this study does support conclusions from studies at this and other climate zones that lidar is a premier instrument for mapping biomass (i.e., carbon stocks) across broad spatial scales.  相似文献   

Researchers in lidar (Light Detection And Ranging) strive to search for the most appropriate laser-based metrics as predictors in regression models for estimating forest structural variables. Many previously developed models are scale-dependent that need to be fitted and then applied both at the same scale or pixel size. The objective of this paper is to develop methods for scale-invariant estimation of forest biomass using lidar data. We proposed two scale-invariant models for biomass: a linear functional model and an equivalent nonlinear model that use lidar-derived canopy height distributions (CHD) and canopy height quantile functions (CHQ) as predictors, respectively. The two models are called functional regression models because the predictors CHD and CHQ are themselves functions or functional data. The model formulation was justified mathematically under moderate assumptions. We also created a fine-resolution biomass map by mapping individual tree component biomass in a temperate forest of eastern Texas with a lidar tree-delineation approach. The map was used as reference data to synthesize training and test datasets at multiple scales for validating the two scale-invariant models. Results suggest that the models can accurately predict biomass and yield consistent predictive performances across a variety of scales with an R2 ranging from 0.80 to 0.95 (RMSE: from 14. 3 Mg/ha to 33.7 Mg/ha) among all the fitted models. Results also show that a training data size of around 50 plots or less was enough to guarantee a good fitting of the linear functional model. Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of CHD and CHQ as lidar metrics for estimating biomass as well as the capability of lidar for mapping biomass at a range of scales. The functional regression models of this study are useful for lidar-based forest inventory tasks where the analysis units vary in size and shape. They also hold promise for estimating other forest characteristics such as below-ground biomass, timber volume, crown fuel weight, and Leaf Area Index.  相似文献   

Extensive estimates of forest productivity are required to understand the relationships between shifting land use, changing climate and carbon storage and fluxes. Aboveground net primary production of wood (NPPAw) is a major component of total NPP and of net ecosystem production (NEP). Remote sensing of NPP and NPPAw is generally based on light use efficiency or process-based biogeochemistry models. However, validating these large area flux estimates remains a major challenge. In this study we develop an independent approach to estimating NPPAw, based on stand age and biomass, that could be implemented over a large area and used in validation efforts. Stand age is first mapped by iterative unsupervised classification of a multi-temporal sequence of images from a passive optical sensor (e.g. Landsat TM). Stand age is then cross-tabulated with estimates of stand height and aboveground biomass from lidar remote sensing. NPPAw is then calculated as the average increment in lidar-estimated biomass over the time period determined using change detection. In western Oregon, productivity estimates made using this method compared well with forest inventory estimates and were significantly different than estimates from a spatially distributed biogeochemistry model. The generality of the relationship between lidar-based canopy characteristics and stand biomass means that this approach could potentially be widely applicable to landscapes with stand replacing disturbance regimes, notably in regions where forest inventories are not routinely maintained.  相似文献   

The direct retrieval of canopy height and the estimation of aboveground biomass are two important measures of forest structure that can be quantified by airborne laser scanning at landscape scales. These and other metrics are central to studies attempting to quantify global carbon cycles and to improve understanding of the spatial variation in forest structure evident within differing biomes. Data acquired using NASA's Laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS) over the Bartlett Experimental Forest (BEF) in central New Hampshire (USA) was used to assess the performance of waveform lidar in a northern temperate mixed conifer and deciduous forest.Using coincident plots established for this study, we found strong agreement between field and lidar measurements of height (r2 = 0.80, p < 0.000) at the footprint level. Allometric calculations of aboveground biomass (AGBM) and LVIS metrics (AGBM: r2 = 0.61, PRESS RMSE = 58.0 Mg ha− 1, p < 0.000) and quadratic mean stem diameter (QMSD) and LVIS metrics (r2 = 0.54, p = 0.002) also showed good agreement at the footprint level. Application of a generalized equation for determining AGBM proposed by Lefsky et al. (2002a) to footprint-level field data from Bartlett resulted in a coefficient of determination of 0.55; RMSE = 64.4 Mg ha− 1; p = 0.002. This is slightly weaker than the strongest relationship found with the best-fit single term regression model.Relationships between a permanent grid of USDA Forest Service inventory plots and the mean values of aggregated LVIS metrics, however, were not as strong. This discrepancy suggests that validation efforts must be cautious in using pre-existing field data networks as a sole means of calibrating and verifying such remote sensing data. Stratification based on land-use or species composition, however, did provide the means to improve regression relationships at this scale. Regression models established at the footprint level for AGBM and QMSD were applied to LVIS data to generate predicted values for the whole of Bartlett. The accuracy of these models was assessed using varying subsets of the USFS NERS plot data. Coefficient of determinations ranged from fair to strong with aspects of land-use history and species composition influencing both the fit and the level of error seen in the predicted relationships.  相似文献   

A spaceborne lidar mission could serve multiple scientific purposes including remote sensing of ecosystem structure, carbon storage, terrestrial topography and ice sheet monitoring. The measurement requirements of these different goals will require compromises in sensor design. Footprint diameters that would be larger than optimal for vegetation studies have been proposed. Some spaceborne lidar mission designs include the possibility that a lidar sensor would share a platform with another sensor, which might require off-nadir pointing at angles of up to 16°. To resolve multiple mission goals and sensor requirements, detailed knowledge of the sensitivity of sensor performance to these aspects of mission design is required.This research used a radiative transfer model to investigate the sensitivity of forest height estimates to footprint diameter, off-nadir pointing and their interaction over a range of forest canopy properties. An individual-based forest model was used to simulate stands of mixed conifer forest in the Tahoe National Forest (Northern California, USA) and stands of deciduous forests in the Bartlett Experimental Forest (New Hampshire, USA). Waveforms were simulated for stands generated by a forest succession model using footprint diameters of 20 m to 70 m. Off-nadir angles of 0 to 16° were considered for a 25 m diameter footprint diameter.Footprint diameters in the range of 25 m to 30 m were optimal for estimates of maximum forest height (R2 of 0.95 and RMSE of 3 m). As expected, the contribution of vegetation height to the vertical extent of the waveform decreased with larger footprints, while the contribution of terrain slope increased. Precision of estimates decreased with an increasing off-nadir pointing angle, but off-nadir pointing had less impact on height estimates in deciduous forests than in coniferous forests. When pointing off-nadir, the decrease in precision was dependent on local incidence angle (the angle between the off-nadir beam and a line normal to the terrain surface) which is dependent on the off-nadir pointing angle, terrain slope, and the difference between the laser pointing azimuth and terrain aspect; the effect was larger when the sensor was aligned with the terrain azimuth but when aspect and azimuth are opposed, there was virtually no effect on R2 or RMSE. A second effect of off-nadir pointing is that the laser beam will intersect individual crowns and the canopy as a whole from a different angle which had a distinct effect on the precision of lidar estimates of height, decreasing R2 and increasing RMSE, although the effect was most pronounced for coniferous crowns.  相似文献   

Regression has been widely applied in Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing to spatially extend predictions of total aboveground biomass (TAGB) and other biophysical properties over large forested areas. Sample (field) plot size has long been considered a key sampling design parameter and focal point for optimization in forest surveys, because of its impact on sampling effort and the estimation accuracy of forest inventory attributes. In this study, we demonstrate how plot size and co-registration error interact to influence the estimation of LiDAR canopy height and density metrics, regression model coefficients, and the prediction accuracy of least-squares estimators of TAGB. We made use of simulated forest canopies and synthetic LiDAR point clouds, so that we could maintain strict control over the spatial scale and complexity of forest scenes, as well as the magnitude and type of planimetric error inherent in ground-reference and LiDAR datasets. Our results showed that predictions of TAGB improved markedly as plot size increased from 314 (10 m radius) to 1964 m2 (25 m radius). The co-registration error (spatial overlap) between ground-reference and LiDAR samples negatively impacted the estimation of LiDAR metrics, regression model fit, and the prediction accuracy of TAGB. We found that larger plots maintained a higher degree of spatial overlap between ground-reference and LiDAR datasets for any given GPS error, and were therefore more resilient to the ill effects of co-registration error compared to small plots. The impact of co-registration error was more pronounced in tall, spatially heterogeneous stands than short, homogeneous stands. We identify and briefly discuss three possible ways that LiDAR data could be used to optimize plot size, sample selection, and the deployment of GPS resources in forest biomass surveys.  相似文献   

Regression models relating variables derived from airborne laser scanning (ALS) to above-ground and below-ground biomass were estimated for 1395 sample plots in young and mature coniferous forest located in ten different areas within the boreal forest zone of Norway. The sample plots were measured as part of large-scale operational forest inventories. Four different ALS instruments were used and point density varied from 0.7 to 1.2 m− 2. One variable related to canopy height and one related to canopy density were used as independent variables in the regressions. The statistical effects of area and age class were assessed by including dummy variables in the models. Tree species composition was treated as continuous variables. The proportion of explained variability was 88% for above- and 85% for below-ground biomass models. For given combinations of ALS-derived variables, the differences between the areas were up to 32% for above-ground biomass and 38% for below-ground biomass. The proportion of spruce had a significant impact on both the estimated models. The proportion of broadleaves had a significant effect on above-ground biomass only, while the effect of age class was significant only in the below-ground biomass model. Because of local effects on the biomass-ALS data relationships, it is indicated by this study that sample plots distributed over the entire area would be needed when using ALS for regional or national biomass monitoring.  相似文献   

Spatially and temporally explicit knowledge of biomass dynamics at broad scales is critical to understanding how forest disturbance and regrowth processes influence carbon dynamics. We modeled live, aboveground tree biomass using Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) field data and applied the models to 20+ year time-series of Landsat satellite imagery to derive trajectories of aboveground forest biomass for study locations in Arizona and Minnesota. We compared three statistical techniques (Reduced Major Axis regression, Gradient Nearest Neighbor imputation, and Random Forests regression trees) for modeling biomass to better understand how the choice of model type affected predictions of biomass dynamics. Models from each technique were applied across the 20+ year Landsat time-series to derive biomass trajectories, to which a curve-fitting algorithm was applied to leverage the temporal information contained within the time-series itself and to minimize error associated with exogenous effects such as biomass measurements, phenology, sun angle, and other sources. The effect of curve-fitting was an improvement in predictions of biomass change when validated against observed biomass change from repeat FIA inventories. Maps of biomass dynamics were integrated with maps depicting the location and timing of forest disturbance and regrowth to assess the biomass consequences of these processes over large areas and long time frames. The application of these techniques to a large sample of Landsat scenes across North America will facilitate spatial and temporal estimation of biomass dynamics associated with forest disturbance and regrowth, and aid in national-level estimates of biomass change in support of the North American Carbon Program.  相似文献   

The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite mission, based on an aperture synthesis L-band radiometer was successfully launched in November 2009. In the context of a validation campaign for the SMOS mission, intensive airborne and in situ observations were performed in southwestern France for the SMOS CAL/VAL, from April to May 2009 and from April to July 2010. The CAROLS (Cooperative Airborne Radiometer for Ocean and Land Studies) bi-angular (34°-0°) and dual-polarized (V and H) L-band radiometer was designed, built and installed on board the French ATR-42 research aircraft. During springs of 2009 and 2010, soil moisture observations from the SMOSMANIA (Soil Moisture Observing System-Meteorological Automatic Network Integrated Application) network of Météo-France were complemented by airborne observations of the CAROLS L-band radiometer, following an Atlantic-Mediterranean transect in southwestern France. Additionally to the 12 stations of the SMOSMANIA soil moisture network, in situ measurements were collected in three specific sites within an area representative of a SMOS pixel. Microwave radiometer observations, acquired over southwestern France by the CAROLS instrument were analyzed in order to assess their sensitivity to surface soil moisture (wg). A combination of microwave brightness temperature (Tb) at either two polarizations or two contrasting incidence angles was used to retrieve wg through regressed empirical logarithmic equations with good results, depending on the chosen configuration. The regressions derived from the CAROLS measurements were applied to the SMOS Tb and their retrieval performance was evaluated. The retrievals of wg showed significant correlation (p-value < 0.05) with surface measurements for most of the SMOSMANIA stations (8 of 12 stations) and with additional field measurements at two specific sites, also. Root mean square errors varied from 0.03 to 0.09 m3 m− 3 (0.06 m3 m− 3 on average).  相似文献   

Leaf-off individual trees in a deciduous forest in the eastern USA are detected and analysed in small footprint, high sampling density lidar data. The data were acquired February 1, 2001, using a SAAB TopEye laser profiling system, with a sampling density of approximately 12 returns per square meter. The sparse and complex configuration of the branches of the leaf-off forest provides sufficient returns to allow the detection of the trees as individual objects and to analyse their vertical structures. Initially, for the detection of the individual trees only, the lidar data are first inserted in a 2D digital image, with the height as the pixel value or brightness level. The empty pixels are interpolated, and height outliers are removed. Gaussian smoothing at different scales is performed to create a three-dimensional scale-space structure. Blob signatures based on second-order image derivatives are calculated, and then normalised so they can be compared at different scale-levels. The grey-level blobs with the strongest normalised signatures are selected within the scale-space structure. The support regions of the blobs are marked one-at-a-time in the segmentation result image with higher priority for stronger blobs. The segmentation results of six individual hectare plots are assessed by a computerised, objective method that makes use of a ground reference data set of the individual tree crowns. For analysis of individual trees, a subset of the original laser returns is selected within each tree crown region of the canopy reference map. Indices based on moments of the first four orders, maximum value and number of canopy and ground returns, are estimated. The indices are derived separately for height and laser reflectance of branches for the two echoes. Significant differences (p<0.05) are detected for numerous indices for three major native species groups: oaks (Quercus spp.), red maple (Acer rubrum) and yellow poplar (Liriodendron tuliperifera). Tree species classification results of different indices suggest a moderate to high degree of accuracy using single or multiple variables. Furthermore, the maximum tree height is compared to ground reference tree height for 48 sample trees and a 1.1-m standard error (R2=68% (adj.)) within the test-site is observed.  相似文献   

The coordinated supplier selection and customer order scheduling in the presence of supply chain disruption risks is studied for single and multiple sourcing strategies. Given a set of customer orders for products, the decision maker needs to select a single supplier or a subset of suppliers for purchasing parts required to complete the customer orders, and schedule the orders over the planning horizon, to mitigate the impact of disruption risks. The suppliers are located in different geographic regions and the supplies are subject to different types of disruptions: to random local disruptions of each supplier individually, to random regional disruptions of all suppliers in the same region simultaneously and to random global disruptions of all suppliers simultaneously. For any combination of suppliers hit by different types of disruptions, a formula for calculating the corresponding disruption probability is developed. The obtained combinatorial stochastic optimization problem is formulated as a mixed integer program with conditional value-at-risk as a risk measure. The problem objective is either to minimize expected worst-case cost or to maximize expected worst-case customer service level, i.e., the expected worst-case fraction of customer orders filled on or before their due dates. The risk-averse solutions that optimize worst-case performance of a supply chain under disruptions risks are compared for the two sourcing strategies and the two objective functions. Numerical examples and computational results are presented and some managerial insights on the choice between the two sourcing strategies are reported.  相似文献   

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