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We present an automated fire detection algorithm for the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor capable of mapping actively burning fires at 30-m spatial resolution. For daytime scenes, our approach uses near infrared and short-wave infrared reflectance imagery. For nighttime scenes a simple short wave infrared radiance threshold is applied. Based on a statistical analysis of 100 ASTER scenes, we established omission and commission error rates for nine different regions. In most regions the probability of detection was between 0.8 and 0.9. Probabilities of false alarm varied between 9 × 10− 8 (India) and 2 × 10− 5 (USA/Canada). In most cases, the majority of false fire pixels were linked to clusters of true fire pixels, suggesting that most false fire pixels occur along ambiguous fire boundaries. We next consider fire characterization, and formulate an empirical method for estimating fire radiative power (FRP), a measure of fire intensity, using three ASTER thermal infrared channels. We performed a preliminary evaluation of our retrieval approach using four prescribed fires which were active at the time of the Terra overpass for which limited ground-truth data were collected. Retrieved FRP was accurate to within 20%, with the exception of one fire partially obscured by heavy soot.  相似文献   

This research determined the potential for wavelet-based analysis of hyperspectral reflectance signals for detecting the presence of early season pitted morningglory when intermixed with soybean and soil. Ground-level hyperspectral reflectance signals were collected in a field experiment containing plots of soybean and plots containing soybean intermixed with pitted morningglory in a conventional tillage system. The collected hyperspectral signals contained mixed reflectances for vegetation and background soil in each plot. Pure reflectance signals were also collected for pitted morningglory, soybean, and bare soil so that synthetically mixed reflectance curves could be generated, evaluated, and the mixing proportions controlled. Wavelet detail coefficients were used as features in linear discriminant analysis for automated discrimination between the soil+soybean and the soil+soybean+pitted morningglory classes. A total of 36 different mother wavelets were investigated to determine the effect of mother wavelet selection on the ability to detect the presence of pitted morningglory. When the growth stage was two to four leaves, which is still controllable with herbicide, the weed could be detected with at least 87% accuracy, regardless of mother wavelet selection. Moreover, the Daubechies 3, Daubechies 5, and Coiflet 5 mother wavelets resulted in 100% classification accuracy. Most of the best wavelet coefficients, in terms of discriminating ability, were derived from the red-edge and the near-infrared regions of the spectrum. For comparison purposes, the raw spectral bands and principal components were evaluated as possible discriminating features. For the two-leaf to four-leaf weed growth stage, the two methods resulted in classification accuracies of 83% and 81%, respectively. The wavelet-based method was shown to be very promising in detecting the presence of early season pitted morningglory in mixed hyperspectral reflectances.  相似文献   

Evaluation of an Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) image of the Mountain Pass, California area indicates that several important lithologic groups can be mapped in areas with good exposure by using spectral-matching techniques. The three visible and six near-infrared bands, which have 15-m and 30-m resolution, respectively, were calibrated by using in situ measurements of spectral reflectance. Calcitic rocks were distinguished from dolomitic rocks by using matched-filter processing in which image spectra were used as references for selected spectral categories. Skarn deposits and associated bright coarse marble were mapped in contact metamorphic zones related to intrusion of Mesozoic and Tertiary granodioritic rocks. Fe-muscovite, which is common in these intrusive rocks, was distinguished from Al-muscovite present in granitic gneisses and Mesozoic granite.Quartzose rocks were readily discriminated, and carbonate rocks were mapped as a single broad unit through analysis of the 90-m resolution, five-band surface emissivity data, which is produced as a standard product at the EROS Data Center. Three additional classes resulting from spectral-angle mapper processing ranged from (1) a broad granitic rock class (2) to predominately granodioritic rocks and (3) a more mafic class consisting mainly of mafic gneiss, amphibolite and variable mixtures of carbonate rocks and silicate rocks.  相似文献   

We studied sea surface temperature (SST) retrieval algorithms for Sendai Bay, using output from the thermal-infrared channels of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on board Terra. While the highest resolutions of other satellite SST products are about 1 km, the ASTER thermal-infrared channels provide 90-m spatial resolution. To develop the ASTER algorithm, we employed statistical methods in which SSTs retrieved from the thermal-infrared measurements were tuned against the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) SST product with a 1-km spatial resolution. Terra also carries a MODIS sensor, which observed the same area as the ASTER sensor at the same time. The MODIS SST was validated around Sendai Bay, revealing a bias of −0.15 °C and root mean-square difference (RMSD) of 0.67 °C against in situ SSTs. Taking into account the spatial-resolution difference between ASTER and MODIS, match-up was generated only if the variability of ASTER brightness temperatures (T13) was small in a pixel of MODIS SST (MP). The T13 within one MP was about 121 pixels. The standard deviation (σ13) of T13 was calculated for each cloud-free MP, and the threshold of σ13 for choosing match-up MPs was decided by analyzing the σ13 histogram of one ASTER image. The 15 synchronous pairs of ASTER/MODIS images are separated into two groups of 8 pairs called set (A) and 7 pairs called set (B). Using the common procedure, the match-ups are generated for set (A) and set (B). The former is used for developing the ASTER Multi-Channel SST (MCSST) algorithm, and the latter for validation of the developed ASTER SST. Analysis of the whole 15 pairs indicated that ASTER SST does not depend on the satellite zenith angle. We concluded that, using Akaike's information criterion with set (A) match-ups, the multiple regression formula with all five thermal-infrared channels was adequate for the ASTER SST retrieval. Validation of ASTER SST using match-up set (B) indicated a bias of 0.101 °C and RMSD of 0.455 °C.  相似文献   

Surface temperature anomalies associated with geothermal activity at Bradys Hot Springs, Churchill County, Nevada were mapped using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) thermal infrared (TIR) image data. In order to highlight subsurface contributions of geothermal heat, the ASTER images were processed to minimize temperature variations caused by the diurnal heating effects of the sun. Surface temperature variations caused by changes in albedo were corrected with visible and near-infrared ASTER bands, and a 10-meter-smoothed Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used to correct for topographic slope effects. Field measurements of ground surface temperatures made over 24-hour periods were used to design a thermal inertia correction incorporating day and night thermal infrared images.In the resulting processed image, background temperature variations were reduced 30-50% without reducing the intensity of geothermal anomalies, thus making it easier to distinguish geothermal activity from ‘false’ anomalies caused by non-thermal springs, topographic effects, and variable rock, soil, and vegetation compositions.  相似文献   

Field emissivity measurements were made of leaves collected from nine deciduous tree and agricultural plant species. The data show, for the first time, that it is possible to discriminate subtle spectral emissivity features of leaves from the natural background emission. Under conditions of controlled measurement geometry (leaves arranged to cover a flat surface), the field emissivity spectra agreed fairly well with emissivity values calculated from laboratory directional hemispherical reflectance measurements. Spectral features associated with a variety of leaf chemical constituents, including cellulose, cutin, xylan, silica, and oleanolic acid could be identified in the field emissivity data. Structural aspects of leaf surfaces also influenced spectral behavior, notably the abundance of trichomes, as well as wax thickness and texture.Field spectral measurements made at increasing distances from natural plant canopies showed progressive attenuation of the spectral emissivity features. This attenuation is ascribed to increased multiple scattering that superimposes an opposite-in-sign reflected component on the emittance, and to the increasing number of canopy voids within the instrument field of view. Errors associated with the removal of atmospheric features and with the non-isotropic thermal characteristics of canopies also contribute to the loss of spectral information at greater measurement distances.In contrast to visible and short-wave infrared data, thermal infrared spectra of broad leaf plants show considerable spectral diversity, suggesting that such data eventually could be utilized to map vegetation composition. However, remotely measuring the subtle emissivity features of leaves still presents major challenges. To be successful, sensors operating in the 8-14 μm atmospheric window must have high signal-to-noise and a small enough instantaneous field of view to allow measurements of only a few leaf surfaces. Methods for atmospheric compensation, temperature-emissivity separation, and spectral feature analysis also will need to be refined to allow the recognition, and perhaps, exploitation of leaf thermal infrared spectral properties.  相似文献   

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