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数字电视是当前通信行业和传媒行业的热门话题,数字化是广播电视必然要完成的手段.目前,有线电视传输网络的数字化走在广播电视覆盖网数字化的前列.机顶盒要识别选择各节目码流、条件接收和视频点播等功能需要在码流中加入业务信息,帮助机顶盒能自动设置进行解码,提供交互服务,建立EPG等.所以业务信息是数字电视的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

当前,随着社会的进步与科技的发展,更多的新设备、新技术应用在有线数字电视网络系统中,为了更好地对有线数字电视网络进行维护,我们要对有线数字电视网络发生的故障及时找出有效的处理方法,保证网络运行畅通。  相似文献   

由于只有一台数字电视机顶盒,而我又有两个房间的两台电视需要从数字电视机顶盒取信号,比买两台机顶盒省钱多了(数字电视机顶盒+每月收视费).考虑自己制作一个遥控转发器来完成两个.房间各自可以用遥控器操作公用的机顶盒.笔者制作的这个机顶盒异地控制器,经过一段时间的使用,感觉效果不错,特向大家推荐!  相似文献   

本文从县级有线数字电视的提出与工作准备入手,分析了一个县级广电发展有线数字电视过程中存在的问题,面临困难时能及时调整思路,抓住时代机遇,成功实施转型,进一步促进了有线数字电视的发展,同时,对"十二五"有线数字电视发展思路、如何发展进行了深入细致地探讨.  相似文献   

本文介绍客服智能手机终端移动工单管理系统的设计与应用(以下简称移动工单系统),本系统将传统数字电视客户呼叫中心结合最新的网络移动技术、数据实时交换技术,从有线网络的计算机终端应用延伸到移动网络和智能手机终端上,实现了分布式的业务逻辑移动处理、有线网络和无线网络问的无缝切换,实时传递业务数据信息.  相似文献   

目前数字电视已进入寻常百姓家,全新的视听节目掀起了电视革命,作为电视节目的纸质媒体,广电节目报在数字电视的拓展中大有可为.而在数字电视节目预告和推介上,应有其独特的"新"思路.  相似文献   

在个性化消费的今天,消费者的需求变得日益复杂.很多深层次的隐性需求,连消费者自己都不能明确表达.文章根据隐性需求的"潜伏"程度构建了有线数字电视用户隐性需求层次模型,从客观、意识、认识和表达四个迁移过程对有线数字电视用户的隐性需求进行了分析,并提出了满足其需求的路径.  相似文献   

我国广播电视无线传输与覆盖体系的建设,为广大人民群众提供了广泛的广播电视公共服务因此需要合理有效地实施监测,用以加强播出节目内容监管、规范节目传播秩序,保障无线播出频谱资源合理利用,为地面数字电视广播节目的安全入户和数字电视产业化进程的顺利推进提供技术保障本文对地面数字电视监测方法展开研究,提出可行性监测方案,为监测系统建设打下技术基础.  相似文献   

伴随"第六届数字新媒体产业年会"(简称CNCC)的胜利闭幕,第四届"最受网络欢迎付费频道"评选活动在新年到来之际将在海南隆重启动.主办方数字广电产业发展中心向全国有线网络公司发出倡议,要用"感恩的心"鼓励付费频道在广电数字化进程中起到的巨大作用,并届时推出"最受网络欢迎的十佳付费频道"评选活动,向已做出重大牺牲还在艰难前行的付费频道表达我们的理解和尊敬.据数字广电产业发展中心工作人员介绍,评选活动系2008年数字机顶盒用户已达到5000万户.  相似文献   

高清的发展带动了产业的蓬勃发展,高清STB取代标清双向STB的步伐也在加快,高清方案的升级性也为运营商长期发展和节约成本带来了便利.本文介绍了扬智公司的高清有线机顶盒的解决方案.  相似文献   

The Master Builder Program is a practice-oriented master of engineering degree program that has been developed and implemented by the faculty in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The central theme of the Master Builder Program is building process integration, which is a systems or integrated approach to the planning, design, construction, and management of constructed facilities. Building process integration was chosen as a strategic plan to focus on one segment of the building industry, to provide a unique educational product, to exhibit the strengths of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and to distinguish the program from practice-oriented graduate degree programs that have been established at competing colleges and universities. The 30-credit-hour curriculum includes two required courses, a capstone project, and electives. Faculty collaboration and industrial participation are critical elements of the program.  相似文献   

The typical limitations of the existing construction management programs are the lack of an integrated approach to managerial decisions in real life construction environment, not enough emphasis on engineering design, construction methods and communication skills, and poor coordination between the undergraduate and the graduate studies. An effective construction management program should. integrate teaching on undergraduate and graduate levels and research. On the undergraduate level it should provide the students with a good insight into all managerial tasks in civil engineering projects. On the graduate level it should allow specialization in the various areas of interest both to the practicing engineers and also to students who wish to pursue an academic career. The program should strongly interact with research and engineering practice.  相似文献   

随着微机及其操作系统的不断升级和发展,在系统中经常涉及到实方式程序和保护方式程序之间进行切换的问题.本文提出一种用三个子程序来完成这种切换的方法.文中具体介绍了这种从实方式进入保护方式以及从保护方式切换到实方式的子程序结构,介绍了两种方式之间进行数据交换的方法,还给出了具体实现的例子.所述方法对于已有软件成果的继承和发展很有实际意义.  相似文献   

This paper presents a unique faculty development program called Gaining Retention and Achievement for Students Program (GRASP) developed at New Mexico State University. A fundamental assumption of GRASP is faculty are crucial to student retention and achievement, hence the primary focus on faculty. GRASP focuses on incorporating faculty’s teaching behaviors which increase student retention and achievement. The program is composed of four interlaced components: assessment of student learning styles; faculty development to cultivate and implement appropriate teaching strategies; in-class observations and feedback of faculty and students’ classroom behavior; and assessment of the impact on student retention and achievement. Student enrollment data is presented to demonstrate the success of GRASP in improving student retention and achievement. Faculty surveys indicate faculty changed teaching practices and intend to use program strategies in future semesters.  相似文献   

The Cancer Control Program (CCP) was established by Congress to develop and to implement a coordinated national effort to reduce cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality in the United States. The program helps ensure that existing knowledge concerning cancer in prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation will be disseminated and applied as rapidly and effectively as possible. The program utilizes both contracts and, to a more limited extent, grants. Program objectives and specific projects have been delineated.  相似文献   

Managing the Water Program   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A program for the management of patients with treatment-resistant pain involves behavior modification, physical treatment, medication management, and counseling. The first 50 patients were characterized by pain of many years' duration, multiple operations, treatment failures, prolonged disability, compensation factors, and dependency on medication. In addition, they demonstrated loss of intellectual efficiency and were more psychologically deviant than the general medical population. Management problems were encountered in the following areas: patient acceptance, drug seeking, complicating psychopathology, complicating physical disorders, group dynamics, family reactions, and staff morale. Fifty-four percent of patients achieved moderate to marked improvement.  相似文献   

刘凤兰 《山东冶金》2001,23(1):31-32
利用一个接口程序巧妙解决了国家防伪税控发票程序与济钢已有销售结算系统的效据共享问题,避免了重复录入及其带来的错误,提高了工作效率,既满足国家对防伪税控发票的严格要求,又适应了济钢销售结算的实际需要。  相似文献   

The Visiting Psychologist Program, sponsored by the American Psychological Association and supported by the National Institute of Mental Health, has two major goals: (1) to provide information on recent developments in the field to psychologists in service settings, and (2) to provide opportunities to visit and learn about field centers for psychologists with significant training, service, and research responsibilities. The specific goals of the program are to disseminate up-to-date knowledge of recent research findings and to demonstrate innovations in psychological procedures and techniques. The Visiting Psychologist Program, under which psychologists from universities and other training and service centers visit selected field settings, involves the careful selection of visiting psychologists who have something new and substantial to transmit to the field, and the determination of representative settings to be visited that do not have ready access to significant recent developments. Main topics discussed in this article include the following: (1) how the program functions; (2) selection of visiting psychologists; (3) selection of agencies; and (4) how to apply. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on an article by E. J. McGuigan (see record 1959-08088-001). According to the commentator, this article carries a number of confusing assumptions which make it very difficult for the respondents to talk to the question. The article is essentially a letter raising questions and requesting information about encouraging nonphysical sciences (social and biological) to solve problems of "our very survival." To the commentator, the author's logic seems to be than an organism's "aggressive tendencies" are at the root of fighting among individuals; that fighting among nations-the phenomena of war-is another example or extension of fighting among individuals; therefore, to learn how to stop wars among nations, we need a research program to study the individual's aggressive tendencies and ways of controlling them. The commentator states that the assumption of an equation between fighting among persons and international warfare seems to ignore the extensive transformations of individual drives and instincts in the socialization of the individual, and the fabric of society. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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