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We construct a nearest-neighbor interaction whose ground states encode the solutions to the NP-complete problem independent set for cubic planar graphs. The important difference to previously used Hamiltonians in adiabatic quantum computing is that our Hamiltonian is spatially local. Due to its special structure our Hamiltonian can be easily simulated by Ising interactions between adjacent particles on a 2D rectangular lattice. We describe the required pulse sequences. Our methods could help to implement adiabatic quantum computing by physically reasonable Hamiltonians like short-range interactions. Therefore, this universal resource Hamiltonian can be used for different graphs by applying suitable control operations. This is in contrast to a previous proposal where the Hamiltonians have to be wired in hardware for each graph. PACS: 03.67.Lx  相似文献   

Scalability from single-qubit operations to multi-qubit circuits for quantum information processing requires architecture-specific implementations. Semiconductor hybrid qubit architecture is a suitable candidate to realize large-scale quantum information processing, as it combines a universal set of logic gates with fast and all-electrical manipulation of qubits. We propose an implementation of hybrid qubits, based on Si metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) quantum dots, compatible with the CMOS industrial technological standards. We discuss the realization of multi-qubit circuits capable of fault-tolerant computation and quantum error correction, by evaluating the time and space resources needed for their implementation. As a result, the maximum density of quantum information is extracted from a circuit including eight logical qubits encoded by the [[7, 1, 3]] Steane code. The corresponding surface density of logical qubits is 2.6 Mqubit/cm\(^2\).  相似文献   

The complexity of the error correction circuitry forces us to design quantum error correction codes capable of correcting a single error per error correction cycle. Yet, time-correlated error are common for physical implementations of quantum systems; an error corrected during the previous cycle may reoccur later due to physical processes specific for each physical implementation of the qubits. In this paper, we study quantum error correction for a restricted class of time-correlated errors in a spin-boson model. The algorithm we propose allows the correction of two errors per error correction cycle, provided that one of them is time-correlated. The algorithm can be applied to any stabilizer code when the two logical qubits and are entangled states of 2 n basis states in .   相似文献   

Simulating quantum computation on a classical computer is a difficult problem. The matrices representing quantum gates, and the vectors modeling qubit states grow exponentially with an increase in the number of qubits. However, by using a novel data structure called the Quantum Information Decision Diagram (QuIDD) that exploits the structure of quantum operators, a useful subset of operator matrices and state vectors can be represented in a form that grows polynomially with the number of qubits. This subset contains, but is not limited to, any equal superposition of n qubits, any computational basis state, n-qubit Pauli matrices, and n-qubit Hadamard matrices. It does not, however, contain the discrete Fourier transform (employed in Shor's algorithm) and some oracles used in Grover's algorithm. We first introduce and motivate decision diagrams and QuIDDs. We then analyze the runtime and memory complexity of QuIDD operations. Finally, we empirically validate QuIDD-based simulation by means of a general-purpose quantum computing simulator QuIDDPro implemented in C++. We simulate various instances of Grover's algorithm with QuIDDPro, and the results demonstrate that QuIDDs asymptotically outperform all other known simulation techniques. Our simulations also show that well-known worst-case instances of classical searching can be circumvented in many specific cases by data compression techniques. PACS: 03.67.Lx, 03.65.Fd, 03.65.Vd, 07.05.Bx  相似文献   

Manin, Feynman, and Deutsch have viewed quantum computing as a kind of universal physical simulation procedure. Much of the writing about quantum logic circuits and quantum Turing machines has shown how these machines can simulate an arbitrary unitary transformation on a finite number of qubits. The problem of universality has been addressed most famously in a paper by Deutsch, and later by Bernstein and Vazirani as well as Kitaev and Solovay. The quantum logic circuit model, developed by Feynman and Deutsch, has been more prominent in the research literature than Deutsch’s quantum Turing machines. Quantum Turing machines form a class closely related to deterministic and probabilistic Turing machines and one might hope to find a universal machine in this class. A universal machine is the basis of a notion of programmability. The extent to which universality has in fact been established by the pioneers in the field is examined and this key notion in theoretical computer science is scrutinised in quantum computing by distinguishing various connotations and concomitant results and problems.  相似文献   

We propose a new scheme for implementing gate operations between remote qubits in linear nearest neighbor (LNN) architectures, one that does not require qubits to be adjacent to each other in order to perform a gate operation between them. The key feature of our scheme is a new two-control, one-target controlled-unitary gate operation, which we refer to as the C2(?I) gate. The gate operation can be implemented easily in a single step, requiring only a single control parameter of the system Hamiltonian. Using the C2(?I) gate, we show how to implement CNOT gate operations between remote qubits that do not have any direct coupling between them, along an LNN array. Since this is achieved without requiring swap operations or additional ancilla qubits in the circuit, the quantum cost of our circuit can be more than 50 % lower than those using conventional swap methods. All CNOT gate operations between remote qubits can be achieved with fidelity greater than 99.5 %.  相似文献   

We present geometric methods for uniformly discretizing the continuous N-qubit Hilbert space HN. When considered as the vertices of a geometrical figure, the resulting states form the equivalent of a Platonic solid. The discretization technique inherently describes a class of /2 rotations that connect neighboring states in the set, i.e., that leave the geometrical figures invariant. These rotations are shown to generate the Clifford group, a general group of discrete transformations on N qubits. Discretizing HN allows us to define its digital quantum information content, and we show that this information content grows as N2. While we believe the discrete sets are interesting because they allow extra-classical behavior—such as quantum entanglement and quantum parallelism—to be explored while circumventing the continuity of Hilbert space, we also show how they may be a useful tool for problems in traditional quantum computation. We describe in detail the discrete sets for one and two qubits.PACS: 03.67.Lx; 03.67.pp; 03.67.-a; 03.67.Mn.PACS: 03.67.Lx; 03.67.pp; 03.67.-a; 03.67.Mn.  相似文献   

This paper introduces graph-theoretic quantum system modelling (GTQSM), which is facilitated by considering the fundamental unit of quantum computation and information, viz. a quantum bit or qubit as a basic building block. Unit directional vectors ‘ket 0’ and ‘ket 1’ constitute two distinct fundamental quantum across variable orthonormal basis vectors (for the Hilbert space) specifying the direction of propagation, as it were, of information (or computation data) while complementary fundamental quantum through (flow rate) variables specify probability parameters (or amplitudes) as surrogates for scalar quantum information measure (von Neumann entropy). Applications of GTQSM are presented for quantum information/computation processing circuits ranging from a simple qubit and superposition or product of two qubits through controlled NOT and Hadamard gate operations to a substantive case of 3-port, 5-stage circuit for quantum teleportation. An illustrative circuit for teleporting a qubit is modelled as a complex ‘system of systems’ resulting in four probable transfer function models. It has the potential of extending the applications of GTQSM further to systems at the higher end of complexity scale too. The key contribution of this paper lies in generalization or extension of the graph-theoretic system modelling framework, hitherto used for classical (mostly deterministic) systems, to quantum random systems. Further extension of the graph-theoretic system modelling framework to quantum field modelling is the subject of future work.  相似文献   

在处理某些大规模并行问题时,量子计算因量子位独特的叠加态和纠缠态特性,相比经典计算机在并行处理方面具有更明显的优势。现阶段,物理量子比特计算机受限于可扩展性、相干时间和量子门操作精度,在经典计算机上开展量子计算模拟成为研究量子优越性和量子算法的有效途径。然而,随着量子比特数的增加,模拟所需的计算机资源呈指数增长。因此,研究大规模量子计算模拟在保证计算准确度、精度及效率的情况下减少模拟所需资源具有重要意义。从量子比特、量子门、量子线路、量子操作系统等方面展开,阐述量子计算的基本原理和背景知识。同时总结基于经典计算机的量子计算模拟基本方法,分析不同方法的设计思路和优缺点,列举目前常见的量子计算模拟器。在此基础上,针对量子计算模拟的通信开销问题,从节点拆分和通信优化2个方面出发,讨论基于超级计算机集群的量子计算模拟优化方法。  相似文献   

We show how to control and perform universal three-qubit quantum computation with trapped electron quantum states. The three qubits are the electron spin, and the first two quantum states of the cyclotron and axial harmonic oscillators. We explicitly show how universal three-qubit gates can be performed. As an example of a quantum algorithm, we outline the implementation of the three-qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm in this system.   相似文献   

在当前量子计算的研究中,量子线路模拟器作为重要的研究工具,一直受到研究者们的高度重视.QuEST是一款开源的通用量子线路模拟器,能在单个CPU结点、多个CPU结点和单个GPU等多种测试平台上灵活运行.量子线路模拟固有的并行性使其非常适合在GPU上运行,并能获得较大的性能加速.但是其缺点在于所消耗的内存空间巨大,单个GP...  相似文献   

基于量子门线路的量子神经网络模型及算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种量子神经网络模型及算法.该模型为一组量子门线路.输入信息用量子位表示,经量子旋转门进行相位旋转后作为控制位,控制隐层量子位的翻转;隐层量子位经量子旋转门进行相位旋转后作为控制位,控制输出层量子位的翻转.以输出层量子位中激发态的概率幅作为网络输出,基于梯度下降法构造了该模型的学习算法.仿真结果表明,该模型及算法在收敛能力和鲁棒性方面均优于普通BP网络.  相似文献   

应用量子隐形传态将Broadbent等人提出的通用盲量子计算(universal blind quantum computation)模型和辅助量子比特驱动型量子计算(ancilla-driven universal quantum computation)模型进行结合, 构造一个新的混合模型来进行计算。此外, 用计算寄存器对量子纠缠的操作来代替量子比特测量操作。因为后者仅限于两个量子比特, 所以代替后的计算优势十分明显。基于上述改进, 设计了实现辅助驱动型通用盲量子计算的协议。协议的实现, 能够使Anders等人的辅助驱动型量子计算增强计算能力, 并保证量子计算的正确性, 从而使得参与计算的任何一方都不能获得另一方的保密信息。  相似文献   

We show how a number of NP-complete as well as NP-hard problems can be reduced to the Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem in the quantum setting with queries. We consider power queries which are derived from the propagator of a system evolving with a Hamiltonian obtained from the discretization of the Sturm-Liouville operator. We use results of our earlier paper concering the complexity of the Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem. We show that the number of power queries as well the number of qubits needed to solve the problems studied in this paper is a low degree polynomial. The implementation of power queries by a polynomial number of elementary quantum gates is an open issue. If this problem is solved positively for the power queries used for the Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem then a quantum computer would be a very powerful computation device allowing us to solve NP-complete problems in polynomial time.   相似文献   

We present a model of discrete quantum computing focused on a set of discrete quantum states. For this, we choose the set that is the most outstanding in terms of simplicity of the states: the set of Gaussian coordinate states, which includes all the quantum states whose coordinates in the computation base, except for a normalization factor \(\sqrt{2^{-k}}\), belong to the ring of Gaussian integers \(\mathbb {Z}[i]=\{a+bi\ |\ a,b\in \mathbb {Z}\}\). We also introduce a finite set of quantum gates that transforms discrete states into discrete states and generates all discrete quantum states, and the set of discrete quantum gates, as the quantum gates that leave the set of discrete states invariant. We prove that the quantum gates of the model generate the expected discrete states and the discrete quantum gates of 2-qubits and conjecture that they also generate the discrete quantum gates of n-qubits.  相似文献   

设计了一个通用的辅助量子计算协议。该协议的客户端Alice仅拥有经典计算机或有限的量子技术,这些资源不足以让Alice做通用量子计算,因此Alice需要把她的量子计算任务委派给远程的量子服务器Bob。Bob拥有充分成熟的量子计算机,并会诚实地帮助Alice执行委派的量子计算任务,但他却得不到Alice的任何输入、输出信息。该协议只要求Alice能发送量子态和执行Pauli门操作,协议具有通用性、半盲性、正确性和可验证性。  相似文献   

We recognize quantum circuit model of computation as factorisable scattering model and propose that a quantum computer is associated with a quantum many-body system solved by the Bethe ansatz. As an typical example to support our perspectives on quantum computation, we study quantum computing in one-dimensional nonrelativistic system with delta-function interaction, where the two-body scattering matrix satisfies the factorisation equation (the quantum Yang–Baxter equation) and acts as a parametric two-body quantum gate. We conclude by comparing quantum computing via the factorisable scattering with topological quantum computing.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a method for Hamiltonian simulation in the context of eigenvalue estimation problems, which improves earlier results dealing with Hamiltonian simulation through the truncated Taylor series. In particular, we present a fixed-quantum circuit design for the simulation of the Hamiltonian dynamics, \({\mathcal {H}}(t)\), through the truncated Taylor series method described by Berry et al. (Phys Rev Lett 114:090502, 2015). The circuit is general and can be used to simulate any given matrix in the phase estimation algorithm by only changing the angle values of the quantum gates implementing the time variable t in the series. The circuit complexity depends on the number of summation terms composing the Hamiltonian and requires O(Ln) number of quantum gates for the simulation of a molecular Hamiltonian. Here, n is the number of states of a spin orbital, and L is the number of terms in the molecular Hamiltonian and generally is bounded by \(O(n^4)\). We also discuss how to use the circuit in adaptive processes and eigenvalue-related problems along with a slightly modified version of the iterative phase estimation algorithm. In addition, a simple divide-and-conquer method is presented for mapping a matrix which are not given as sums of unitary matrices into the circuit. The complexity of the circuit is directly related to the structure of the matrix and can be bounded by \(O(\mathrm{poly}(n))\) for a matrix with \(\mathrm{poly}(n)\)-sparsity.  相似文献   

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