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混合动态系统及其应用综述   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
在概述混合动态系统产生背景与发展近况的基础上, 主要综述了混合动态系统研究中的若干重要问题, 包括描述混合动态系统的常见工具, 如自动机和Petri网, 以及混合动态系统的模型描述方法及用于描述混合动态系统的递阶结构模型和混合逻辑动态模型, 对混合动态系统控制器的设计和验证及其在故障诊断等方面的应用研究也作了介绍, 同时对混合动态系统的一些主要研究成果进行初步评价.  相似文献   

建立一种非线性连续被控对象、系统总时延小于一个采样周期的网络控制系统连续模型.通过线性化及离散化的方法将非线性系统转换一种离散化的模型.利用Lyapunov稳定性理论和线性矩阵不等式方法,设计控制方法使系统稳定.在系统包含均匀量化器的情况下,设计控制方法使系统一致有界.通过调节量化器的误差范围,可以将系统状态控制在一定的范围内.实际中,据此可设计相应的量化级别及编码长度等参数.通过仿真验证控制方法的有效性,并分析了量化误差对系统收敛性的影响.  相似文献   

基于混合逻辑动态的混杂系统研究及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾锋  高东杰 《控制工程》2006,13(1):60-65
综述了一种在工业领域中使用的混杂系统建模方法,即基于混合逻辑动态MLD(Mixed Logic Dynamic)的建模方法。分析了在该建模框架下系统的可观性、可控性、形式验证、稳定性、状态估计及故障检测、最优控制和预测控制,并且以水电厂为例讨论了该方法在实际工程中的应用。基于MLD的混杂系统研究目前仍处于起步阶段,在理论上混杂系统预测控制、最优控制、多目标控制及混合整数二次规划求解都有待研究,在应用上如何根据不同问题有效地建模混杂系统也有待研究。  相似文献   

混合动态系统的混合Petri网(HSPN)模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴维敏  曾建潮 《控制与决策》1999,14(5):453-456,480
针对混合动态系统,提出一种混合Petri网(HSPN)模型,分析了该模型具有的特点及其运行规则。以冶金加热炉为例,给出了该系统的HSPN模型。  相似文献   

混合动态系统的稳定性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
俞新贞  吴澄 《控制与决策》2001,16(3):311-313
讨论混合动态系统(HDS)的稳定性问题。首先给出关于HDS的稳定性、可吸收性和渐近稳定性的几个结论,然后给出关于HDS的Lyapunov稳定性定量。  相似文献   

本文给出了如图1所示的具有随机输入的混合复合动态系统的稳定性分析,所讨论的系统由一个算子L和一个随机微分方程描述的方块组成。对于这样的系统,我们建立了随机吸引性、随机渐近稳定性、随机有界性、大范围随机渐近稳定性、p吸引性、渐近p稳定性、一致p有界性和大范围渐近p稳定性的判据。这些判据包含了一些假设,这些假设描述了算子L和整个系统的定性I/O性质和表示了由随机微分方程描述的子系统的性质。  相似文献   

0 引 言近年来 ,随着制粉技术的进步和自动化水平的不断提高 ,国内兴建的大中型专用面粉生产企业在面粉生产中采用自动控制系统 ,以提高产品的产量和质量 ,稳定工艺状况 ,提高经济效益 ,增强市场竞争能力。而在由原粮到面粉的工艺过程中 ,实现对小麦和面粉物料流量的计量控制和配比 ,是企业控制生产工艺和产品质量中的重要环节。在由河北科技大学研制开发的“年产 40 0 0 0吨专用面粉生产线计算机集散控制系统”中 ,采用设计先进的配比控制系统 ,对于完善系统管理 ,保证生产工艺的实现 ,起了关键的作用。1 动态电子配比系统的组成动态电…  相似文献   

王磊  袁媛 《测控技术》2008,27(1):75-77
混合动态系统是指即具有连续动力学特性又具有离散事件驱动性质的一类特殊的动力系统,并且两者之间存在着相互耦合作用.例如在"机群作战战术与防空系统效能"仿真中,有诸如飞机及导弹飞行等的连续事件系统,有探测模型、目视模型、火力击中目标、高炮发射过程等离散事件系统.混合系统有明显的外部特征,如不连续性、自治/受控切换以及自治/受控状态跳变等.为了研究这类系统的动态特性,研究人员开发了各类仿真软件,这些软件一些实现了产生系统模型的功能,一些实现了实时仿真功能,一些实现了实时监控模型运行的功能.而在一个系统仿真过程中需要用到不同软件来完成整个仿真任务,这就要求各个软件之间能够实现数据通信.而混合动态系统的联通格式实现了软件之间的数据共享.  相似文献   

混合动态系统起因于离散事件系统用于监控连续状态系统的行。本文用抽象语言方法描述连续状态系统,研究状态离散事件系统描述的一致性。基于输入输出观点简要地 讨论了离散控制器综合。  相似文献   

混合逻辑动态系统的预测控制器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯瑞冬 《控制工程》2004,11(4):371-374
介绍了混合逻辑动态(MLD)系统及其预测控制的优化问题,使MLD系统在满足操作约束的情况下能稳定在期望的稳态值上,同时尽可能地考虑用启发规则表示的定性知识。根据混合逻辑动态系统的标准形式,转化为混合整数二次规划(MIQP)的问题,同时获得它的数学描述。应用相应的混合整数二次规划解题器实施滚动优化技术,在参量可以调整的情况下,得到较好的控制效果。并以三槽水位模型(混合逻辑动态系统的Benchmark问题)作为仿真实例,仿真结果表明了预测控制的良好性能。  相似文献   

In this paper, stability and boundedness theorems for delay difference systems with the condition
are given, where Δ is the backward difference operator. Some known results are generalized.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of infinitely many bounded output feedback controllers for uncertain dynamic systems with bounded uncertainties. No statistical information about the uncertainties is assumed. A variable structure systems approach is employed in the synthesis of the proposed output feedback controllers. The role of the system zeros in the output feedback stabilization using the variable structure approach is discussed. We show that the proposed controllers guarantee the practical stability of the closed-loop system and give estimates of the regions of practical stability.  相似文献   

Recently, hybrid dynamical systems have attracted considerable attention in the automatic control domain. In this article, a theory for recurrent neural networks is presented from a hybrid dynamical systems point of view. The hybrid dynamical system is defined by a continuous dynamical system discretely switched by external temporal inputs. The theory suggests that the dynamics of continuous-time recurrent neural networks, which are stochastically excited by external temporal inputs, are generally characterized by a set of continuous trajectories with a fractal-like structure in hyper-cylindrical phase space. This work was presented, in part, at the 7th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 16–18, 2002  相似文献   

The paper presents a new approach to robust control synthesis problems for hybrid dynamical systems. The hybrid system under consideration is a composite of a continuous plant and a discrete event controller. State and output feedback problems are considered. The main results are given in terms of the existence of suitable solutions to a dynamic programming equation and a Riccati differential equation of the H filtering type. These results show a connection between the theories of hybrid dynamical systems and robust and nonlinear control.  相似文献   

This paper deals with Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) equation based stabilized optimal control of hybrid dynamical systems (HDS). This paper presents the fuzzy clustering based event wise multiple linearized modeling approaches for HDS to describe the continuous dynamic in each event. In the present work a fuzzy clustering validation approach is presented for the selection of number of linearized models which span entire HDS. The method also describes how to obtain event wise operating point using fuzzy membership function, which is used to find the event wise model bank by linearizing the first principles model. The event wise linearized models are used for the formulation of the optimal control law. The HJB equation is formulated using a suitable quadratic term in the objective function. By use of the direct method of Lyapunov stability, the control law is shown to be optimal with respect to objective functional and stabilized the event wise linearized models. The global Lyapunov function is proposed with discrete variables which stabilized the HDS. The proposed modeling and control algorithm have been applied on two HDSs. Necessary theoretical and simulation experiments are presented to demonstrate the performance and validation of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

A dynamic sliding mode controller design method is proposed for multiple input-output systems with additive uncertainties. A previous result on the stability of triangular systems is generalised to the case of uniform ultimate boundedness of controlled triangular systems. This is used to prove the stability of the overall closed-loop system. The uncertain system with appropriately chosen sliding mode control is shown to be ultimately bounded if the zero dynamics of the nominal system are uniformly asymptotically (exponentially) stable. The design method is demonstrated with two examples.  相似文献   

The paper considers the problem of the qualitative analysis of complex switched server queueing networks. Such networks can be used to model various flexible manufacturing, communications, and computer systems. We introduce the concept of regularizability for such systems and obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for a switched server queueing network to be regularizable.  相似文献   

讨论了时滞不确定组合系统的鲁棒分散输出控制问题.不确定项存在于子系统内部,可以是非线性或时交的:而且时滞存在互联项中,并满足匹配条件.不确定项是有界的,但界是未知的.利用自适应律来估计未知的上界,设计出分散无记忆输出控制器.基于Lyapunov稳定性理论和Lyapunov-Krasovskii函数,该控制器能够保证闭环系统的解是终极一致有界的.最后的仿真结果说明该设计方法是有效的.  相似文献   

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