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邻居刘女士这几天笑逐颜开,心情特爽,逢人就说她多年的咽炎好了,这多亏了那橘红果!原来,刘女士性情比较急,爱着急上火,有严重的咽炎,治疗多年不愈,竞长出了息肉,说话费劲,声音嘶哑。她无意中听说橘红果治疗咽炎效果不错,就买来喝了20多天。如今感觉舒服多了,说话也“透亮”了,吃东西往下咽也不那么费劲了。  相似文献   

富人送给穷人一头牛,穷人满怀希望开始奋斗。牛要吃草,找草太耗精力,于是他把牛卖了,买了几只羊,吃了一只,剩下的用来生小羊;可小羊迟迟没出生,日子变艰难了,只能把羊卖了,买成了鸡,想让鸡下蛋赚钱,但是来钱太慢,最后他把鸡也杀了,贫穷依旧。  相似文献   

陶陶 《家具与环境》2003,(2):113-119
6年前,这里仅仅是把饭菜做熟的小空间;5年前,这里添置了简单的储物柜,为杂物找到了藏身之所;4年前,这里不仅空间扩大了,而且拥有了整体厨房概念;3年前,国外先进时尚的厨房产品进驻中国,引起了一场革命,带来了一种理念;2年前,在这里,各种颜色和材质的自由组和表达了一种独特;1年前,这里拥有了更多的高科技内容,你所要做的主要是操作电脑;今天,这里的一切,如你所愿。  相似文献   

李乔安 《中国宝石》2004,13(4):102-103
综观清代传世品中,保留了不少各少数民族的金银器,这些金银器反映了当时各少数民族的传统风格与爱好,具有明显的地方色彩和浓郁的民族风格。所以清代的金银器丰富多彩,技艺精湛,其制作工艺包括了铸造,锤鍱,炸珠,焊接,镌镂,掐丝,镶嵌,点翠等,应该说清代金银工艺的繁荣,不仅继承了中国传统工艺技法而又有所发展,并且为今天工艺的发展创新奠定了雄厚的基础。  相似文献   

《烹调知识》至2008年11月已经出版了292期,尚有8期就满300期了,可谓是“老字号”。“老字号”有老的特色,为了吸引读者,许多餐饮刊物都进行了变脸术,原来讲究“文图并茂”,近来却以图片为主打篇幅,花花绿绿,俨若青春少女,真是羡煞人。它的最大弊端是图片挤占了版面,文字解释的内容削减了,这样,需要文字表达的关键之处,则难以阐明。读者看了图,往往不能完全理解。  相似文献   

距离三聚氰胺事件已有一段时间了,在沸沸扬扬的喊声中,中国人民又一次亲身体验了食品安全,经历了食品危害,从苏丹红事件到三聚氰胺,我们在其中扮演了什么角色?难道仅仅是一个经历者吗?是什么导致了消费者的漠然,而又是什么导致了消费者的恐惶,三聚氰胺自有他的特殊性,因为是在奶粉里发现的,而奶粉大多数都是给小孩子吃的,一时间医院门庭若市,心怀疑虑的家长带着孩子竞相检查,从各大新闻报导都能看到这一盛况,难道三聚氰胺是偶然现象吗?事实证明,不是。早已存在,危害甚广。  相似文献   

朋友最近很不开心,因为她养了一头迷你猪做宠物。先前每次牵了宝贝出来遛的时候,左邻右舍你赞唇红齿白、我夸憨态可掬的盛况是不见了,敬而远之已是最客气的了,如若不巧和邻居同乘电梯,那当真是感觉被一万个愧疚纠缠,居委会上门拐弯抹角地动员“处理了”,小猪依然不谙世事地吃了睡睡了吃,间或来蹭主人腿撒娇,  相似文献   

在纺织品印花工艺中,海藻酸钠是传统的糊料原料,因其价位高,污染重,急需开发环保、降低印花成本的新材料。已有不少厂家开发了新型印花糊料,但从降低成本,提高产品质及环保方面效果并不明显。我厂研制的科源复合印花糊料,提高了印花质量和生产效率,明显降低了生产成本,还起到了环保作用,在印花工艺中完全取代了海藻酸钠,价廉物美,具有显著的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

在纺织品印花工艺中,海藻酸钠是传统的糊料原料,因其价位高,污染重,急需开发环保、降低印花成本的新材料。已有不少厂家开发了新型印花糊料,但从降低成本,提高产品质及环保方面效果并不明显。我厂研制的科源复合印花糊料,提高了印花质量和生产效率,明显降低了生产成本,还起到了环保作用,在印花工艺中完全取代了海藻酸钠,价廉物美,具有显著的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

上半年,安徽山鹰纸业股份有限公司根据经营计划和目标,精心组织生产,狠抓节能降耗,公司自备电站的全面投产,基本实现了用电用汽的自给自足,避免了外部供电的不确定性影响,有效降低了用电和用汽成本。同时加快技术改造步伐,积极进行内部挖潜,加强新产品开发,  相似文献   

Vacuum cooling is a rapid cooling method widely used in cooling some food products. Simulating the vacuum cooling process with mathematical models helps to acquire a more intuitive understanding and optimize the whole cooling process. However, there is no review summarizing the mathematical models of vacuum cooling. In this review, heat and mass transfer process during vacuum cooling, types of mathematical models for vacuum cooling, and numerical methods including finite difference method, finite element method and finite volume method used for process simulation are introduced in details. The food products used in numerical simulation study of vacuum cooling generally include liquid food, vegetables and cooked meat. The ranges of application of various numerical methods are also discussed. Moreover, heat and mass transfer coefficients have a great influence on the accuracy of the model, and are generally provided by the literature. The investigations presented in this review invariably demonstrate that mathematical modeling can provide good prediction of key information of vacuum cooling process, and has a great potential to improve vacuum cooling process in the food industry. However, more efforts are still needed to realize the industrial translation of laboratory results.  相似文献   

On large industrial scales, the cooling stage in the production process of hard candies is one of the most critical unit operations. The main problems affecting final hard candies quality as regards the cooling process are: deformation, fragility and aggregation. The main operating conditions of the cooling stage are temperature and velocity of cooling air as well as the residence time of candy inside the tunnel.The objective of this work is to study the influence of process operating conditions and candy composition on the unsteady behavior of the cooling process of hard candies to improve final product quality.The study is conducted by using a simple mathematical model which was implemented and solved by using gPROMS (general Process Modeling System). A detailed discussion of results is presented through several examples.  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了夹心酥糖成型机的工作原理。设计思想及酥糖成型机的工艺过程和主要机构的工作过程。对传动系统,酥糖成型机构及冷却装置的特点和生产率确定方法进行了综合论述。  相似文献   

杨昭  谭晶莹  徐晓丽 《食品科学》2005,26(10):243-245
建立了纵剖面为类长圆形的葡萄强制通风预冷过程的传热数学模型,并用有限单元法对所建模型进行了求解,得出了预冷过程任意时刻葡萄内部的温度场及关键性参数如半冷却时间、7/8冷却时间等,并用试验结果进行了验证。结果发现,有限单元法对模型的求解能精确地对预冷过程进行预测。  相似文献   

提出采用真空方式对液体进行冻结,并对抽空的温度、压力及释放热量的现象进行热力学分析。实验运用自行研制的真空冷却试验台,以水、糖水溶液及盐水溶液为冻结材料,实时检测降温与冻结过程中样品内外各点温度与压力的变化曲线,观察样品的变化状态。通过实验,了解了水与二元溶液真空冻结压力与温度的关系和冻结的特性,包括溶液的降温特点、沸腾现象、凝固现象等。实验结果显示,纯水的冰质地较致密而光滑;盐水的冰质地较松软,空隙较大,有明显的冰颗粒;糖水的冰,质地更加的松软,颗粒细腻,类似于冰沙。最后对采用真空技术应用于食品的冷却与冻结工业进行了展望。  相似文献   

Irregular temperature/time curves in the cooling phase of thermal processes for cans containing semi-fluid foods have been previously attributed to internal boiling and mixing of the can contents. A physical model is proposed for this behaviour. This model can in part be simulated by numerical (finite difference) heat transfer calculations, but the actual physical behaviour is too complex for complete simulation. Experimental investigation for a baby food showed that substantial variations in total process lethality (±18% around the mean value) occurred as a result of changing process variables that affected the extent of internal boiling. Of these retort pressure during cooling was most important, but there were also complex interactions between this variable and three others: headspace, steam temperature and can pressure during seaming. Because the extent of internal boiling has a substantial effect on the total process lethality, determination of heating phase target F values for foods in which irregular cooling phenomena occur must consider these effects. The canner should consider the sensitivity of Fvalues to variations that could occur in practice of parameters such as can seaming pressure, headspace and retort pressure during cooling, as well as steam temperature.  相似文献   

介绍低碳合金钢10B21球化退火工艺的优化。采用正交试验确定加热时间、加热温度、保温时间、冷却速度对球化退火工艺的影响,由此获得10B21球化退火的最佳工艺。试验结果可知:最佳球化退火工艺为加热时间6h,保温温度720℃,保温时间6 h,冷却速度20℃/h;在球化退火过程中,保温温度和冷却速度为退火工艺的主要影响因素,必须严格按工艺控制保温温度和冷却速度。引入正交试验设计方法可有效地减少试验次数,对生产和实践具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

真空预冷工艺的实验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过实验研究了真空度对真空预冷的影响。提高真空度可以加快预冷过程,但会增加物料的质量损失。综合考虑物料种类、表面状况、质地等因素的影响和预冷速率、质量损失的效果来确定真空度,可以使用单位温降质量损失来作为确定真空度的重要依据。  相似文献   

82B线材控制冷却工艺研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
通过82B线材在不同冷却速度下连续冷却时的膨胀曲线,测出钢的临界降温点;给出不同冷却速度下82B线材的金相组织;依据确定的相变点绘出82B线材的连续冷却转变曲线(C曲线),并结合金相-硬度法进行分析,确定合适的控制冷却速度为6~8℃/s;根据Avarm i方程,运用合理的方法确定出方程中的参数n为1.482,b为0.115,与众多的研究结果基本吻合,从而依据此方程可以预测控制冷却过程中奥氏体相变进行的情况,为制定更为合理的冷却速度提供依据。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to develop and evaluate integrated processes of cooking and vacuum cooling of chicken breast cuts in a same vessel aiming at avoiding product manipulation and reducing the processing time. In this context, three integrated processes were compared with respect to weight loss and processing time: (i) vapor cooking followed by vacuum cooling; (ii) water immersion cooking followed by draining the cooking water and vacuum cooling; and (iii) water immersion cooking followed by vacuum cooling with the product immerse in the cooking water. Shorter cooling times were obtained using processes (i) and (ii), where the cooling is performed in non-immersed samples, while smaller weight losses are obtained using process (iii). Consequently, for applications in which weight loss is not an issue, processes (i) and (ii) must be used. Alternatively, process (iii) can be used for obtaining smaller weight losses with a larger cooling time.  相似文献   

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