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A two-step method using hydroxylapatite chromatography and gel filtration is described for the purification of two murine monoclonal antibodies of the IgM class. Ascites fluid from each hybridoma was diluted in sodium phosphate buffer (0.01 M, pH 6.8), loaded onto a hydroxylapatite column and eluted with a stepwise sodium phosphate gradient. The immunoreactive protein peaks were concentrated and subjected to gel filtration using either Sephadex G-200 or Sephacryl S-200HR. The biological activity of the end-products was confirmed by complement lysis assay and by indirect immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. The purity of the end-products as assessed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and densitometry was at least 90%. The methods described produced immunoreactive material with a high level of purity. The procedure for each antibody was reproducible and provides a reliable method for purification of monoclonal antibodies of the IgM class.  相似文献   

The protective capacities of murine anti-lipid A monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) 8-2 and 26-20 were examined and compared with those of the human MAb HA-1A with respect to inhibition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) priming of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) in vitro and protection against lethal endotoxemia in mice. HA-1A did not prevent the priming effect of either rough or smooth LPS, while MAb 26-20 effectively inhibited LPS priming of human PMNL. Also, both murine MAbs protected mice against an otherwise lethal challenge with rough Re LPS of S. minnesota R595 as well as with smooth LPS of E. coli O111:B4. HA-1A exerted no protection against the lethal effects of Re LPS in this in vivo model. The enhanced survival in mice by treatment with MAbs 8-2 and 26-20 was associated with decreased levels of LPS-induced tumor necrosis factor. Neutralization of lipid A as a mechanism of protection was strongly suggested by efficacious inhibition of LPS priming of human PMNL by MAbs 8-2 and 26-20 in vitro.  相似文献   

The use of monoclonal antibodies (MABs) for the therapy of malignant diseases offers the potential advantage of greater target cell specificity, and therefore less toxicity. A major limitation of this therapeutic approach has been the inability of most MABs to kill the cell once bound to the target antigen. We have previously reported the development of two murine IgM MABs, WM63 (CD48) and WM66 (unclustered), that react with panleucocyte antigens widely expressed on cells from lymphoproliferative disorders, and are lytic with human complement. These antibodies have subsequently been administered intravenously to patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) in a Phase One trial. Seven patients with progressive CLL received increasing daily doses of WM66 (Patients 1-3) or WM63 (Patients 4-7), with one patient also receiving a continuous infusion of WM63 over 20 hours. All patients demonstrated a significant but transient reduction in the number of circulating leucocytes, and no overall effect on disease progression was observed. Antibody coating of circulating lymphocytes was seen in patients receiving WM-63. Patients receiving large doses of WM63 (cases 5-7) demonstrated a decline in complement levels during treatment. There were no major adverse reactions to WM66, but two patients developed dose limiting side effects to WM63. No human anti-mouse antibody (HAMA) responses were documented. These findings indicate that in vitro cytotoxicity mediated by Mabs fixing human complement correlates poorly with clinical responses, and support earlier observations which indicate that cell-mediated cytotoxicity is necessary for effective antibody therapy.  相似文献   

The interaction of human IgE with high-affinity IgE Fc receptors on cells of the immune system plays an essential role in the type I hypersensitivity reaction. A proposed therapy is to use an anti-IgE monoclonal antibody to block the binding of IgE to its high-affinity receptor on mast cells and basophils, thus preventing subsequent release of the inflammatory agents after exposure to allergen. We report here the solution characteristics of immune complexes formed by a humanized anti-IgE monoclonal antibody (rhuMAb E25) and IgE using sedimentation analysis and size exclusion chromatography. We demonstrate that the rhuMAb E25 is able to form a variety of complexes with IgE at different molar ratios. The largest complex was identified by sedimentation equilibrium analysis as a heterohexamer with very high stability. The intermediate complex formed when one of the interacting components is in large molar excess appears to have a trimeric structure. The high-affinity interaction of rhuMAb E25 and IgE has also been confirmed. Furthermore, by using hydrodynamic modeling, we show that the largest complex may be represented by a cyclic structure.  相似文献   

In our experience, some examples of mouse monoclonal antibodies of anti-B blood group specificity develop a precipitate when stored at 4 degrees C. This poses problems during the preparation of blood grouping reagents containing anti-B, and in the storage and use of such reagents. Here we show that this problem can be circumvented by alteration of the glycan moiety of the secreted immunoglobulin, either by glycosidase treatment of the partially purified immunoglobulin, or by the addition of glycan processing inhibitors to the hybridoma cell cultures. These findings have importance for the manufacture of monoclonal antibodies, and highlight a possible new role for carbohydrate in immunoglobulin interaction and immune complex formation.  相似文献   

Ten patients with colorectal cancer metastases received 125I-B72.3 and 131I-CC49 prior to laparotomy (five patients received 1 mg, and five 20 mg of each mAb). Tumor:serum ratios of 131I-CC49 were better than those of 125I-B72.3 (P < 0.01 at 1 mg; P = 0.05 at 20 mg; P < 0.01 at both doses). All known lesions > or = 1 cm in diameter were visualized at the 20 mg dose. There was no difference in absolute tumor uptake of 125I-B72.3 or 131I-CC49. We conclude that mAb CC49 has better relative uptake in colorectal cancers than mAb B72.3.  相似文献   

A multiple beam technique was utilized to obtain angle independent Doppler color images (AIDCI) using an ultrasonic scanner with a linear transducer. A quantitative study using steady flow models has been performed to evaluate the accuracy of this method in velocity measurements. The results show that the velocity amplitudes measured with this method correlated with those calculated from the measured flow rates (r = 0.95-0.98). The flow angles obtained with this method also correlated with those calculated from the coordinates of the tube image (r = 0.93-0.96). To improve the interpretation of the angle independent results, a method for visualizing two-dimensional flow fields is presented and compared with two existing methods.  相似文献   

We analyzed the characteristics of seven monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) raised against purified HE (hemagglutinin-esterase) glycoprotein of the murine coronavirus DVIM (diarrhea virus of infant mice). Immunocrossreaction of these mAbs with JHM and/or MHV-S suggest that antigenic epitopes of HE of DVIM are similar to those of JHM and/or MHV-S. Four mAbs (1b4, 3a28, 4c19, 10b7), designated as group A mAbs, strongly inhibited both HA and AE activities. On the other hand, three mAbs (5a3, 6a6, 13a4), referred to as group B, had a comparatively weak HA inhibition activity. These results indicate that the antigenic epitopes of this glycoprotein can be classified into at least two groups and that the functional sites of HA and AE activities are similar but not identical. Neutralizing activity was shown in group A mAbs exclusively, suggesting that the ratio of HA and/or AE activities may play important roles in the cell fusion activity of DVIM-infected cells.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum is an important diarrhea-causing protozoan parasite of immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) has been implicated in resistance to mucosal infections with bacteria, viruses, and parasites, but little is known about the role of IgA in the control of C. parvum infection. We assessed the role of IgA during C. parvum infection in neonatal mice. IgA-secreting hybridomas were developed by using Peyer's patch lymphocytes from BALB/c mice which had been orally inoculated with viable C. parvum oocysts. Six monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were selected for further study based on indirect immunofluorescence assay reactivity with sporozoite and merozoite pellicles and the antigen (Ag) deposited on glass substrate by gliding sporozoites. Each MAb was secreted in dimeric form and recognized a 23-kDa sporozoite Ag in Western immunoblots. The Ag recognized comigrated in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with P23, a previously defined neutralization-sensitive zoite pellicle Ag. MAbs were evaluated for prophylactic or therapeutic efficacy against C. parvum, singly and in combinations, in neonatal BALB/c mice. A combination of two MAbs given prophylactically prior to and 12 h following oocyst challenge reduced the number of intestinal parasites scored histologically by 21.1% compared to the numbers in mice given an isotype-matched control MAb (P < 0.01). Individual MAbs given therapeutically in nine doses over a 96-h period following oocyst challenge increased efficacy against C. parvum infection. Four MAbs given therapeutically each reduced intestinal infection 34.4 to 42.2% compared to isotype-matched control MAb-treated mice (P < 0.05). One MAb reduced infection 63.3 and 72. 7% in replicate experiments compared to isotype-matched control MAb-treated mice (P < 0.0001). We conclude that IgA MAbs directed to neutralization-sensitive P23 epitopes may have utility in passive immunization against murine C. parvum infection.  相似文献   

Two anti-core glycolipid (CGL) IgM monoclonal antibodies (mAbs 8-2 and 26-20), previously shown to display cross-reactivity with heterologous lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in vitro and to provide cross-protectivity against endotoxin challenge in vivo, were evaluated for their potential to protect mice against death from peritonitis caused by heterologous bacterial challenge. Without concurrent antibiotic treatment neither antibody was protective. Compared with a control mAb, prophylactic treatment with mAb 8-2 significantly increased the survival of gentamicin-treated mice challenged with the rough strain Salmonella minnesota Re595. Both mAb 8-2 and a control mAb, in combination with a suboptimal dose of ceftazidime, increased survival following challenge with the clinical isolate Escherichia coli O7:K1. In a model of mucin-enhanced peritonitis, neither mAb was protective against challenge with inocula of E. coli O7:K1, ranging from 10(2) to 10(4) bacteria. We conclude that protection of mice by anti-CGL mAb 8-2 against heterologous challenge is vitally dependent on concurrent treatment with antibiotics and that protection may not be attributable to the anti-CGL specificity of these antibodies.  相似文献   

Oral exposure of mice to vomitoxin (VT) induces elevated levels of serum IgA, circulating IgA immune complexes (IgA-IC), mesangial IgA deposition and haematuria, which all mimic the clinical signs of human IgA nephropathy (IgAN). To further assess the effects of VT-induced IgA in the murine model, B6C3F1 and BALB/C mice were injected intraperitoneally with affinity-purified monoclonal IgA derived from Peyer's patch hybridomas of VT-exposed mice. In B6C3F1 mice, serum IgA, IgM and IgA-IC levels were increased two- to fivefold in treatment groups after 4 and 6 wk compared with controls, whereas increases in serum IgG as high as 18-fold were observed. Urinary erythrocyte counts were also significantly elevated in treatment groups after 2, 4 and 6 wk compared with controls. Concurrent increases in IgA and IgG complexes containing casein, the dietary protein source, occurred in treatment mice. Mesangial IgA, IgG, IgM and C3 deposition were significantly increased in all treatment mice after 6 wk. Electron-dense deposits occurred in the glomeruli of IgA-injected mice after 6 wk. All the above parameters were similarly affected in BALB/C mice. Injection of IgA-secreting hybridoma cells into BALB/C mice increased serum IgA, IgA-IC and IgG levels as well as elevated mesangial IgA, IgG and C3 deposition and haematuria after 2-3 weeks compared with controls. In total, these data indicate that passive administration of VT-induced IgAs can induce the hallmarks of IgA nephropathy. Casein, an antigen found in the diet used for these mice, appeared to form IC with IgA or IgG and these IC may participate in the pathogenesis of this nephropathy.  相似文献   

The inducible human cationic amino acid transporter hCAT-2B was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, and this system was used to test the effect of several NO synthase (NOS) inhibitors and/or L-arginine analogues on L-arginine transport by this y+ carrier. L-NG-Methyl-L-arginine (L-NMA), asymmetrical L-NG, NG-dimethyl-L-arginine (L-ADMA), L-N5-(1-iminoethyl)-ornithine (L-NIO), L-NG-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA), and L-NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) all inhibited the inducible NOS II extracted from RAW 264.7 macrophages induced with bacterial lipopolysaccharide. L-NMA, L-ADMA, and L-NIO also competed with L-arginine for transport by hCAT-2B, whereas L-NNA and L-NAME did not. The two L-arginine analogues, symmetrical NG, NG-dimethyl-L-arginine (L-SDMA) and alpha-amino-delta-isothioureidovaleric acid (AITV), as well as L-lysine, did not block enzymatic activity of NOS II, but did compete for L-arginine transport mediated by hCAT-2B. L-Lysine and L-SDMA were transported efficiently by hCAT-2B and exchanged against intracellular L-arginine, resulting in an L-arginine depletion of the cells. AITV was a much poorer substrate of hCAT-2B and had only little effect on intracellular L-arginine concentrations. These data indicate that substrate recognition differs markedly between the inducible L-arginine transporter hCAT-2B and the inducible NOS II, with different L-arginine analogues having affinity to only one or both of these proteins.  相似文献   

Compared the competing simplex (involvement) and common factor models for youthful drug use using causal modeling with latent variables methods with 1,634 students in Grades 7–9. Latent variables of alcohol, marihuana, and other illicit drug use were confirmed and causally interconnected in a set of states. The confirmatory factor and the simplex stage models were found to be acceptable representations of the observed data according to both statistical and psychometric criteria. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for theories of emerging life-styles including drug use, methodology, and policy about psychoactive substances. (44 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The reactivity of two rat monoclonal antibodies was studied. These antibodies, A2R and A2C, bind a 32 kDa alveolar type II cell membrane receptor for surfactant protein A. A2R and A2C also bind apical cell membranes of ciliated and nonciliated cells of the conducting airways. Because this reactivity suggested possible utility in targeting those cells for therapeutic gene transfer, the binding activity of these two antibodies was examined in human tissues. In conducting airways, A2R and A2C bound apical epithelial cell membranes throughout the embryologic period studied: from 15 weeks of gestation, through maturity. Reactivity was more restricted to ciliated cells of the airways as maturation progressed. In the peripheral lung, A2C and A2R only bound most cells in the early developing lung, but mainly type II cells in mature lungs. Other normal tissues recognized by these antibodies included crypt lining cells of the adult and fetal stomach, large bile duct epithelium, and pancreatic acinar cells. All of these cells derive from embryonic foregut endoderm. Other normal tissues, both of endodermal and nonendodermal origin, were negative. Pulmonary carcinomas were studied. A2C and A2R recognized all non-small cell carcinomas of the lung tested. In contrast, none of the small cell carcinomas or carcinoid tumors of the lung were recognized by these antibodies. The function of p32 in these diverse cell types is not clear, but whatever its role in these tissues, antibodies versus p32 may potentially be used to target gene or drug therapy to the normal or malignant cells they recognize.  相似文献   

The IgG fraction of human anti-endothelial cell antibodies (AECA) obtained from a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis was used as immunogen to raise AECA mAb in mice selected among those which developed vasculitis-like lesions after immunization. Three mAb (BGM, 3C8 and 7G2), selected by cyto-ELISA and flow cytometry analyses, featured a specific reactivity with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and the mouse endothelial cell line H5V; on the contrary, HEp2 cells, the murine melanoma B16 cell line, the extracellular matrix as well as several other antigens tested were not recognized. BGM mAb, an IgG3 precipitating a 70 kDa structure from HUVEC, was able to induce endothelial cells to secrete amounts of IL-6 significantly higher than irrelevant controls or mAb binding different endothelial antigens (i.e. CD31, CD29, ICAM-1 and HLA class I). BGM mAb induced significant levels of antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (13 +/- 2.5 versus 0.6 +/- 0.03%). To the best of our knowledge, BGM is the first murine mAb specific for human endothelial cells generated by idiotypic manipulation; secondly, its biological properties further support the notion of a pathogenic role for AECA in autoimmune-mediated diseases.  相似文献   

The crystallographic structure of the Fab fragment of the catalytic antibody, 29G11, complexed with an (S)-norleucine phenyl phosphonate transition state analog was determined at 2.2 A resolution. The antibody catalyzes the hydrolysis of norleucine phenyl ester with (S)-enantioselectivity. The shape and charge complementarity of the binding pocket for the hapten account for the preferential binding of the (S)-enantiomer of the substrate. The structure is compared to that of the more catalytically efficient antibody, 17E8, induced by the same hapten transition state analog. 29G11 has different residues from 17E8 at eight positions in the heavy chain, including four substitutions in the hapten-binding pocket: A33V, S95G, S99R and Y100AN, and four substitutions at positions remote from the catalytic site, I28T, R40K, V65G and F91L. The two antibodies show large differences in the orientations of their variable and constant domains, reflected by a 32 degrees difference in their elbow angles. The VL and VH domains in the two antibodies differ by a rotation of 8.8 degrees. The hapten binds in similar orientations and locations in 29G11 and 17E8, which appear to have catalytic groups in common, though the changes in the association of the variable domains affect the precise positioning of residues in the hapten-binding pocket.  相似文献   

An anthropometric assessment was conducted at 238 !Kung San hunter-gatherers aged between 18 and 65 years (mean = 30.8 years), 156 Kavango horticultural pastoralists aged between 18 and 61 years (mean = 29.2 years) and for 87 urbanized Kavango people aged between 18 and 61 years (mean = 29.3 years) living as wage earning employees in northern Namibia. Weight status was estimated by using body mass index categories according to the recommendations of the WHO. As is typical for human populations, men were taller and heavier than women within the same ethnic groups. An interethnic comparison showed that both !Kung San women and men were lighter than Kavango women and men. The mean BMI of !Kung San women was 19.1 and of !Kung San men 19.4 kg/m2. Kavango people exhibited higher average BMI values, 19.4 for women, 20.3 kg/m2 for men. With the exception of the male urban Kavango people a high percentage (more than 30%) of the subjects were thin and underweight, as shown by a BMI of < 18.5 kg/m2. This was especially true of the !Kung San of both sexes and the rural Kavango men. Nearly 25% of !Kung San women met the criterion of weight depletion (BMI < 17.0). The cultural transition from nomadic hunter gatherer subsistence to a more sedentary life style over the last 20 years can be interpreted as an environmental stress which affected male as well as female nutritional status. The hard economic situation of the rural Kavango people may also be a stress factor which negatively influenced their nutritional status, especially of the men. The significantly better nutritional status of the urban Kavango men may be the result of the opportunities for work as wage earners or as soldiers.  相似文献   

Two eu-melanin precursors, 6-hydroxy-5-methoxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (HMI2C) and 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHI2C) were synthesized and coupled to bovine serum albumin, hemocyanin and polylysine by the combined action of carbodiimide and succinimide. These indole-carrier conjugates served as antigens for the production of specific antibodies against DHI2C and HMI2C in BALB/c mice. The specificity of these antibodies was tested using a combination of affinity chromatography and ELISA procedures. Polyclonal mouse antibodies reacted with the indole-carrier conjugates, but not with the unbound indole compounds. Monoclonal antibodies from two hybridoma cell lines were obtained from a HMI2C-immunized mouse after a fusion with four subclonings. They reacted with free HMI2C and to a lesser extent with unbound DHI2C. One monoclonal showed 50% inhibition in the ELISA test at concentrations of 0.6 mumol.l-1 and 5 mumol.l-1 for HMI2C and DHI2C, respectively. These antibodies did not show any cross-reactivity with nine structurally related compounds and should be valuable reagents for the detection and quantification of HMI2C and other eu-melanin related compounds.  相似文献   

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