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A decision support system for cyclic master surgery scheduling with multiple objectives 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
This paper presents a decision support system for cyclic master surgery scheduling and describes the results of an extensive case study applied in a medium-sized Belgian hospital. Three objectives are taken into account when building the master surgery schedule. First of all, the resulting bed occupancy at the hospitalization units should be leveled as much as possible. Second, a particular operating room is best allocated exclusively to one group of surgeons having the same speciality; i.e., operating rooms should be shared as little as possible between different surgeon groups. Third, the master surgery schedule is preferred to be as simple and repetitive as possible, with few changes from week to week. The system relies on mixed integer programming techniques involving the solution of multi-objective linear and quadratic optimization problems, and on a simulated annealing metaheuristic. 相似文献
Sandra Parker Eric M. Malstrom Lisa M. Irwin Grant DuCote 《Computers & Industrial Engineering》1994,27(1-4):185-188
A Decision Support System (DSS) is developed to support managers in the task of scheduling labor in the area of manufacturing. The DSS is designed to generate labor requirements by worker category and work center based on master production schedules. It is a PC-based, menu-driven program that generates a capacity plan based on data supplied by the user of the system. 相似文献
为了不同的空间决策,往往需要建立相应的空间决策支持系统,在这些空间决策支持系统中,大量的空间数据和模型是可以被重复使用的,因此提出了一种基于本体的空间决策支持系统。该系统能够高效、自动地利用互联网中存在的各类异构空间信息与分析资源来支持空间决策;此外,本系统还提出了一种灵活的体系架构来解决空间决策中存在的语义问题。 相似文献
In this paper a model-driven decision support system related to paper making is introduced. The intention is to emphasize
the necessity of coupling different modeling techniques, multiobjective optimization, and software engineering in order to
make the end user application realistic, practical and usable. Firstly the paper making process and selected aspects concerning
its mathematical modeling, numerical simulation, and multiobjective optimization are introduced, then the related computerized
system, called a virtual paper making line, is described. In addition, the associated decision support system, which provides
a suitable level of automation to improve the quality of decision making and support the user’s expertise is discussed. Finally,
an example presents different ways of using such a software tool. 相似文献
MATLAB在基于Web的决策支持系统中的应用研究* 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
探讨了MATLAB的应用程序接口原理,对B/S模式的两种应用程序接口方式进行了比较和分析。对于现有文献尚未涉及的COM组件接口方式,结合一个区域经济决策支持系统实例给出了具体的应用流程。 相似文献
This paper proposes a metalanguage for representing communication among participants in a session of a group decision support system (GDSS). Such a vehicle can be used for setting standards and designing specific user interfaces with GDSS.Three different roles of participants are identified: chairperson, chauffeur and regular participant. The tasks and activities of each role are analyzed. Based on the analysis, communications requirements are derived. The requirements lead to a design of a metalanguage consisting of 15 different commands. The paper concludes by displaying the structure and syntax of each command.The work described here is conceptual and could be considered as a proposal for GDSS language design. 相似文献
为了更有效地促进情报主导警务模式的推进,对刑事案件决策支持系统进行了研究与设计.首先分析了公安刑事案件决策支持系统的总体需求,并基于数据仓库技术设计了层次化的系统体系结构;然后提出了刑事案件数据仓库模型,并基于本体-规则、元数据-功能提出了多源、异构数据的抽取、转换与加载的整合方法,设计了系统的功能体系;最后介绍了相关成果在大连市公安局的应用示例.实践结果表明,基于数据仓库的刑事案件决策支持系统可以为领导和一线干警提供有效的决策支持. 相似文献
基于数据仓库的货物进出口决策支持系统 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
在研究数据仓库的特点、组成及其实现的基础上,对数据仓库和联机分析处理技术进行了研究,构建了一种基于数据仓库的货物进出口决策支持系统结构.解决了数据仓库模型的创建、数据的增量更新及数据分析与展现问题.最后,对基于数据仓库的货物进出口决策支持系统的实现问题进行了探讨. 相似文献
“To understand and protect our home planet, to explore the universe and search for life, and to inspire the next generation of explorers” is NASA's mission. The Systems Management Office at Johnson Space Center (JSC) is searching for methods to effectively manage the Center's resources to meet NASA's mission. D-Side is a group multi-criteria decision support system (GMDSS) developed to support facility decisions at JSC. D-Side uses a series of sequential and structured processes to plot facilities in a three-dimensional (3-D) graph on the basis of each facility's alignment with NASA's mission and goals, the extent to which other facilities are dependent on the facility, and the dollar value of capital investments that have been postponed at the facility relative to the facility's replacement value. A similarity factor rank orders facilities based on their Euclidean distance from Ideal and Nadir points. These similarity factors are then used to allocate capital improvement resources across facilities. We also present a parallel model that can be used to support decisions concerning allocation of human resources investments across workforce units. Finally, we present results from a pilot study where 12 experienced facility managers from NASA used D-Side and the organization's current approach to rank order and allocate funds for capital improvement across 20 facilities. Users evaluated D-Side favorably in terms of ease of use, the quality of the decision-making process, decision quality, and overall value-added. Their evaluations of D-Side were significantly more favorable than their evaluations of the current approach. 相似文献
为了进一步强化水环境模型的模拟和预报能力,结合云计算、WebGIS等先进计算机技术,基于B/S三层架构开发模式,构建一个河口水环境决策支持系统。云计算性能分析结果表明,云计算对模型串行计算速度提升效果不大,对并行计算速度提升效果显著。系统简化繁杂的专业操作,强化模型的模拟和预报能力,为闽江水务管理部门提供决策支持,可进一步推广应用于其他河口的水环境管理。 相似文献
A set of tools for group decision support are presented. Decision problems involving several decision makers, here-after called judges, that have to rank several alternatives, are considered. The toolbox is called JUDGES. It includes the four following procedures:
- • - a hierarchical representation of the judges allows to display the existing conflicts between groups of judges,
- • - enhanced box-plots representations of the alternatives are generated in order to detect those that are responsible for the major conflicts,
- • - specific advice is issued to each judge in order to reach more easily a consensus,
- • - a general framework for a pairwise group preference structure is proposed, and can be used to finalise the decision.
Keywords: Group decision; Ranking; Decision support; Multicriteria decision making 相似文献
将决策支持系统应用于教育工作中是当今教育信息化的重要内容之一.以实际的教育决策支持系统为基础,详细阐述了基于开源项目的教育决策支持系统的设计原理和实现过程.并提出了一种教育数据仓库平台的设计思想,并加以实现.在该系统的开发过程中,利用了不少优秀的开放源码软件并加以改造,这种开发模式不但能够加快开发过程,而且费用低廉. 相似文献
The paper focuses on a new and successful application of an optimization-based decision support system (DSS) in the Petroleum Industry. It involves the design, development and implementation of a model and computer system to address the complex short-term planning and operational issues associated with the supply, distribution and marketing of refined petroleum products. This has evolved into an intelligent DSS that uses the tools of Knowledge Engineering and Expert Systems to build an effective, integrated DSS. Several unique modeling features, hitherto untried in any major modeling effort, have been successfully implemented in a Network Optimization framework. The use of a fourth generation modeling language called GENASYS has been instrumental in capturing the intricacies of the network model and facilitates creating new model structures for various parametric changes. Concepts from Knowledge Based Systems and Artificial Intelligence applied in setting up Exception Reports through the use of production rules are another major characteristic of this application. The impact of this decision support system on integrated short-term planning and decision making and in stimulating changes in the attitudes and environment of the users and management is extensive.This research was supported in part by the Center for Business Decision Analysis, the Hugh Roy Cullen Centennial Chair in Business Administration, and the Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-78C-0222. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the U.S. Government. 相似文献
TeamSpirit: Design, implementation, and evaluation of a Web-based group decision support system 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Distributed teams can carry out critical tasks with appropriate decision support technologies. The architecture and detailed design of a Web-based GDSS, called TeamSpirit, are discussed to address the challenges of building a Web-based GDSS. A series of empirical studies are reported to assess the effectiveness of TeamSpirit in supporting distributed group problem solving when in-person facilitation is not possible. Results indicate that giving creative problem solving training to TeamSpirit participants had positive impacts on team performance. Users who received brief TeamSpirit training were able to design and facilitate virtual meetings by themselves and achieved better team performance than control groups. 相似文献
基于GIS的粮食配送决策支持系统分析与设计 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以粮食物流企业的配送问题为背景,结合GIS理论和方法,对粮食物流配送决策支持系统进行了系统分析。首先结合粮食物流配送决策支持系统的数据需求,详细分析了数据库系统的结构;然后根据粮食物流配送的决策问题,研究分析了粮食物流配送决策支持系统中配送中心选址优化以及粮食配送过程中车辆路线规划等核心模块,并对模型库系统中的模型进行了设计。建立了基于GIS的粮食物流配送系统模型,为GIS应用于粮食物流配送决策支持系统(GLD_DSS)提供了较实用的指导性方案。 相似文献
碳排放预警决策系统可通过计算、分析相关的数据,判断碳排放强度,并输出相应的碳减排决策。对碳排放预警决策系统进行了研究和设计,深入分析了系统开发的关键技术和存在的问题,提出了相应的解决方案。该系统可判断碳强度,并利用Web GIS提供的地理信息,经由基于聚类Q学习算法的专家系统,输出有效的碳减排决策,以达到预警和决策的目的。该系统具有易操作、可扩展等特点,为制定碳减排策略提供参考依据。 相似文献
Production scheduling is one of the major issues in production planning and control of individual production units which lies on the heart of the performance of manufacturing organizations. Traditionally, production planning decision, especially scheduling, was resolved through intuition, experience, and judgment. Machine loading is one of the process planning and scheduling problems that involves a set of part types and a set of tools needed for processing the parts on a set of machines. It provides solution on assigning parts and allocating tools to optimize some predefined measures of productivity. In this study, Ion Plating industry requires similar approaches on allocating customer's order, i.e. grouping production jobs into batches and arrangement of machine loading sequencing for (i) producing products with better quality products; and (ii) enabling to meet due date to satisfy customers. The aim of this research is to develop a Machine Loading Sequencing Genetic Algorithm (MLSGA) model to improve the production efficiency by integrating a bin packing genetic algorithm model in an Ion Plating Cell (IPC), such that the entire system performance can be improved significantly. The proposed production scheduling system will take into account the quality of product and service, inventory holding cost, and machine utilization in Ion Plating. Genetic Algorithm is being chosen since it is one of the best heuristics algorithms on solving optimization problems. In the case studies, industrial data of a precious metal finishing company has been used to simulate the proposed models, and the computational results have been compared with the industrial data. The results of developed models demonstrated that less resource could be required by applying the proposed models in solving production scheduling problem in the IPC. 相似文献
Chang YJ Yeh ML Lee CS Hsu CY Li YC Chiu WT 《Computer methods and programs in biomedicine》2011,104(2):286-291
Maintaining a large diagnostic knowledge base (KB) is a demanding task for any person or organization. Future clinical decision support system (CDSS) may rely on multiple, smaller and more focused KBs developed and maintained at different locations that work together seamlessly. A cross-domain inference tool has great clinical import and utility.Methods
We developed a modified multi-membership Bayes formulation to facilitate the cross-domain probabilistic inferencing among KBs with overlapping diseases. Two KBs developed for evaluation were non-infectious generalized blistering diseases (GBD) and autoimmune diseases (AID). After the KBs were finalized, they were evaluated separately for validity.Result
Ten cases from medical journal case reports were used to evaluate this “cross-domain” inference across the two KBs. The resultant non-error rate (NER) was 90%, and the average of probabilities assigned to the correct diagnosis (AVP) was 64.8% for cross-domain consultations.Conclusion
A novel formulation is now available to deal with problems occurring in a clinical diagnostic decision support system with multi-domain KBs. The utilization of this formulation will help in the development of more integrated KBs with greater focused knowledge domains. 相似文献20.
A new collaborative system framework based on a multiple perspective approach: InteliTeam 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
This study develops a Web-based collaborative system framework based on a multiple perspective approach. This framework is a recent decision support system (DSS) paradigm proposed by Courtney [Decis. Support Syst. 31 (2001) 17] for knowledge management of and decision making about a special organizational problem. It consists of four main components. The first component is a group decision-making (GDM) approach in which many participants' points of views are considered in the modeling of a specific problem. In the second component, many multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques are employed. The third component is an intelligent system. The fourth component is related to advanced communications that are supported by new technologies such as mobile tools, mobile e-service, and the wireless application protocol (WAP). A new software system called InteliTeam is developed based on the framework. InteliTeam can be accessed from application service providers (ASP), so installation of the software is not required. The software provides online mapping, online queries, and online analysis functions for users anywhere at any time. An example of the software as tested on many organizational problems is presented to illustrate its effectiveness. 相似文献