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Motivated by a lack of understanding of user engagement with identity-relevant products, we distinguish between two mechanisms by which existing likes affect subsequent engagement: observational learning (OL) by observing the number of existing likes, and social influence (SI) by observing the likes of one’s social connections. Using a novel panel dataset of 930 handbags, we find that, contrary to most OL studies, OL has a negative effect on subsequent likes, and the effect is mitigated by SI. By contrast, OL has a positive effect on clicks, and the effect diminishes as SI increases. We attribute our findings to identity signaling.  相似文献   

Drawing on ideas from identity control theory and coping theory and on a diverse range of social psychology literature, we propose an integrative theoretical framework that unpacks and traces the processes by which information technology comes to affect users’ identity. We define four types of strategies (acting on the situation, adjusting the self, cathartic practices and distancing) through which people cope with technological challenges to the self. We suggest that these strategies may lead to four individual-level outcomes, namely reinforced identity, redefined identity, ambivalent identity and anti-identity. The model is provided with a preliminary support through reference to real life situations, carefully selected from extant empirical IS enquiries.  相似文献   

在计算机的普及下,Oracle数据库也成为了当前各领域管理中的重要方法,其能够有效推动各领域更加快捷的管理和资源的整理,但安全问题使得各领域在Oracle数据库使用中,经常出现文件资源被窃取、破坏等情况,故为了提高Oracle数据库的安全性,本文基于Oracle数据库对其安全问题进行了探讨,并提出了相对的应对策略.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of social benefits and costs on self-disclosure in the context of micro-blogging in China. Data were collected from 441 micro-blogging users, employing an online survey. Self-disclosure is measured in terms of amount, depth, honesty, intent, and valence of disclosure. The study found that relationship building, enjoyment and trust in service providers are positively related to self-disclosure, while perceived anonymity of self and perceived risk are negatively related to self-disclosure. However, convenience of relationship maintenance and self-presentation are not related to self-disclosure.  相似文献   

To explore the determinants of the success of applying computing technology to computer-related work, this study proposed a theoretical model that adopts individual satisfaction as a surrogate for the success of computer learning. Based on social cognitive theory (SCT) and competence-related literature, this study considered self-efficacy, computer competence, and near-term and long-term consequences as the determinants of individual satisfaction with computer use. The research model was tested using a questionnaire survey of 367 IT-related senior undergraduate students in five colleges. The empirical results identified self-efficacy as a strong and positive antecedent of competence, and confirmed the positive effects of self-efficacy on perceived consequences. Additionally, computer competence was found to affect individual satisfaction with computer use directly and indirectly. Moreover, perceived consequences influenced individual satisfaction more than did competence. Overall, this study provided empirical results involved theoretical explanations for understanding the effects of self-efficacy and competence on computer learning behavior. The limitations of the present study were discussed for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

As digital technologies are woven more closely into identity formation, society needs ways to keep tools flexible to many versions of self-presentation and avoid perpetuating the political status quo through conservative and apolitical designing. This paper explores one route, drawing on Queer Theory to look at resistance to computer formalisation of identity through queering. Several case studies explore how we might apply the oblique route to design of a range of technologies that help users define themselves. In particular, forgetting, obscuring, cheating and eluding are activities held up to counter computer strengths and offer a more flexible vision of interaction design for the future.  相似文献   

The social cognitive perspective of self-regulated learning suggests that effective learning is determined by the interactions among personal, behavioral, and environmental influences; particularly, high self-regulated learners hold higher motivation (personal), apply better learning strategies (behavioral) and respond to environmental demand more appropriately (environmental). The study thus uses the social cognitive perspective to explore the role of self-efficacy (personal), student feedback behavior, use of learning strategies (behavioral), performance and receiving feedback (environmental) in Web-based learning. There were 76 university students participated in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were applied for data analysis. The results supported that self-efficacy predicted student use of learning strategies and related to elaborated feedback behavior (personal → behavioral). High self-efficacy students applied more high-level learning strategies, such as elaborative strategy and critical thinking. Students who provided elaborated feedback also had higher self-efficacy than those who did not. Moreover, receiving elaborative feedback significantly promoted student self-efficacy (environmental → personal), while receiving knowledge of correct response improved student performance. However, the results indicated that feedback behaviors did not predict academic performance, which may be interfered by modeling effects.  相似文献   

Facebook and other social network sites (SNSs) are quickly becoming one of the most popular tools for social communication and marketing. The present research examined factors that affect consumers' self-disclosure and participation of commercial activities on Facebook across two markets. Drawing upon the social exchange model, the uses and gratification model, and the social identity model, a conceptual model was developed and estimated. The major independent variables included perceived convenience, self-presentation, enjoyment, perceived risk, and social influence. Focusing on youth consumers, the model was tested by using data collected in Hong Kong and Japan. Findings across these two markets reflect cross-market similarities and differences that are related to consumers' motivation of using Facebook. Both theoretical and practical implications were drawn from these findings.  相似文献   

While Facebook is a popular venue for sharing information about ourselves, it also allows others to share information about us, which can lead to embarrassment. This study investigates the effects of shared face-threatening information on emotional and nonverbal indicators of embarrassment using an experiment (N = 120) in which pairs of friends posted about each other on Facebook. Results show that face-threatening information shared by others produces a powerful emotional and nonverbal embarrassment response. However, it is not the content of the face-threatening post that produces this effect. Rather, the level of embarrassment depends primarily on whether that information violates the individual's identity and if they perceive that unknown members of their audience can see it. In response, individuals were most likely to joke about the post, although those who were most embarrassed were more likely to delete it. These results inform our understanding of how the process of embarrassment works online. The emotional embarrassment response is similar to offline, but is affected by the features of these sites, such as a large, invisible audience, and the need for ideal self-presentation. This finding has important implications for treating online social networks and their effects to be as “real” as those offline.  相似文献   

Millions of people use social networking sites (SNSs), but it is unclear how these sites shape personality traits and identity. In Experiment 1, college students were randomly assigned to either edit their MySpace page or complete a control task online (interacting with Google Maps). Those who focused on their MySpace page scored significantly higher on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) than a control group. In Experiment 2, those who focused on their Facebook page scored significantly higher in general self-esteem, but not narcissism, than a control group. Thus, spending time on SNSs profiles causes young people to endorse more positive self-views, although the specific form this takes depends on the site. Consistent with previous research, narcissism was associated with a larger number of SNSs “friends” in both experiments.  相似文献   

Drawing upon a relationship quality framework, this study identifies how satisfaction, trust and different styles of handling conflict influence online buyers’ participation intentions in reputation systems associated with a C2C online shopping platform. Furthermore, we investigate how these effects are moderated by social conformity and the perceived value of knowledge. The results of a survey of 269 online buyers indicate that satisfaction, trust and an accommodating conflict handling style positively impact the intention to submit positive ratings, whereas an avoiding conflict handling style negatively affects the intention to submit positive ratings. Implications and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Self-regulation involves a triadic interplay among personal beliefs, individual behavior, and environment that both proactively and reactively influences one’s adjustment of efforts, courses of action, and attainment of goals to reach the anticipated outcomes. In this study, we propose and validate a self-regulation model that explores the effects of social capital and social cognitive factors on knowledge-sharing behavior. The results demonstrate that members of an online knowledge communities regulate his or her internal motivation, external demands, interpersonal relationships, help-seeking strategies, as well as confidence of capability in utilizing social resources and performing knowledge sharing task. Through a stronger sense of community, emotional attachment and empathic concern about others’ needs, members develop a high level of professional competence to collaborate with others and adequate efficacious beliefs to emotionally and instrumentally help others. The implications to both research and practice are discussed to enhance the understanding and effectiveness of self-regulation in the realm of knowledge management.  相似文献   

Individuals use social network sites (SNSs) as an effective tool for communicating relevant information with others during the outbreak of infectious diseases. However, little is known about the underlying mechanism through which communicative behaviors influence preventive behaviors. Thus, in the context of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in South Korea, this study investigated how two communicative behaviors (message expression and reception) in SNSs affected the communicators’ intentions to engage in MERS-preventive behaviors. Using data collected from a nationally representative panel survey of 1000 Korean adults aged 19 or older, we examined a theoretical expression and reception effects model. Results support the presence of effects from expressing and receiving MERS-related information via SNSs and their underlying mechanism during South Korea’s MERS outbreak. Public health officials and communication professionals should actively use SNS communication in coping with public health crisis caused by emerging infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Few investigations have been made to determine what factors influence people in withholding knowledge from their colleagues. We created a construct, knowledge withholding (KW), defined as the likelihood that individuals contribute less knowledge to others in the organization than they could. We have formulated a model, based on social exchange theory and social cognition theory, to analyze the antecedents of KW from both personal and contextual perspectives. The contextual influencers were subdivided into dimensions of rational choice, normative conformity, and affective bonding to help in understanding KW. Results of a survey of 162 MIS alumni of a university, who had experienced software development, trust, distributive justice, and team-related work showed that personal outcome expectations had a substantial influence on KW.  相似文献   

Online communities that provide social media services need to engage newcomers so as to not lose them to competitors. This study examines the role of community diversity (in terms of perceived visible dissimilarity, perceived informational dissimilarity and perceived value dissimilarity) in influencing perceived inclusion of newcomers in the online community and the influence of such perception on newcomers’ engagement intention. The theoretical background on perceived inclusion is obtained from the optimal distinctiveness theory, which comprises of two dimensions, namely, social identification and perceived uniqueness. The results support the multiple roles of community diversity on a newcomer’s perceived inclusion. The findings of this study contribute to a better understanding of the effect of community diversity on newcomers’ engagement behavior, and provide recommendations on designing a personalized community diversity environment.  相似文献   

Large enterprise resource planning (ERP) programs and their critical success factors (CSFs) have been subject to intensive research in recent years. One of the key challenges is their complexity in terms of their duration, context, and social dynamics. The aim of this study is to investigate these matters with the help of an interpretative case study using the coding techniques of the grounded theory method. We extend extant ERP research by introducing a new theoretical perspective that helps to clarify how stakeholder perceptions and CSFs are interrelated, and evolve throughout the life cycle of a large ERP implementation conceptualized as a program in a postmerger context. Using Social Identity Theory as a metatheory for interpretation, we find that different perceptions of opposing salient groups are particularly important. Our result offers a dialectic process view of ERP program implementation success, which (1) considers the different perceptions of salient groups (2) at different points in time (phases) and (3) proposes that a low perceptual fit in relation to a specific CSF contributes to program failure as opposed to (4) a high perceptual fit in relation to the respective CSF, which contributes to program success. We offer a new theoretical lens and propositions for future work highlighting the importance of salient groups and their CSF perceptions for ERP program success. Practitioners can use our findings as a guide towards increasing the probability of success throughout the course of their ERP program life cycles.  相似文献   

This research study develops and tests a theoretical acceptance model to explain users’ acceptance of computer-based communication media. The model, which is referred to as TAM_CCM, originated from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and conforms to the context of Computer-based Communication Media (CCM). It explains perceived usefulness and actual system use in terms of system characteristics (information process support and facilitating conditions), social influence (subjective norm and rules on media use), and user characteristics (experience and computer self efficacy). The model was tested using empirical data collected at nine organizations (N = 425), of which four had media rules and five had no similar rules. The TAM_CCM model was strongly supported accounting for 74% of the variance in usefulness perceptions and up to 74% of the variance in behavior intention to use. System characteristics (information process support), social influence (subjective norm and rules on media use), and user experience significantly influenced user acceptance of computer-based communication media. These advanced theory findings on computer-based communication media adoption and the research approach contribute to future research aimed at incorporating the TAM into specific contexts.  相似文献   

For e-commerce designers and human–computer interaction researchers, electronic commerce (e-commerce) systems adoption factors and the moderating effects of gender are important topics. Even though there are research endeavors to explain e-commerce systems adoption, one of the main questions to be answered is regarding the normative and affective factors based on the theory of reasoned action and self-determination theory. In this paper, social norms, perceived enjoyment, and their relationships to intention to adopt an e-commerce system are tested (n = 322). Furthermore, the moderating effects of gender are tested based on the sociolinguistic literature. As expected, the influence of social norms is stronger in the female group while the influence of enjoyment is stronger in the male group. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

As the smartphone becomes an integral part of our lives, its value as a rich data source reaches an increasing potential. Several previous studies have used smartphone-derived data to discover relationships between user characteristics and different types of smartphone use. However, none tried to use smartphone data to capture an individual's social behavior into one profile, aimed at providing additional information for the diagnostic evaluation of social deficits. This study presents a novel way of combining different modalities of smartphone data for the creation of sociability profiles using a scoring mechanism that allows for easy addition and removal of data sources. Following installation of the smartphone application, data is being sampled in the background to allow for the assessment of spontaneous smartphone use. Sociability scores were based on the integration of social communication and social exploration scores derived from smartphone use and environmental data sampling (e.g., GPS and external Bluetooth signals). Finally, we have applied our Sociability model to create social profiles of ten test subjects as a baseline for future studies. This pilot study provided insight in the usability of the individual sociability scores for future smartphone application to provide longitudinal objective measures of normal and atypical human social behavioral profiles in their natural environment.  相似文献   

What we know about learning outcomes for collaborative tasks in virtual environments is a confusing set of results. Many organizations have been hesitant about their use of virtual environments for this reason. Virtual worlds (VWs) have received attention as environments for learning, yet little is known about their attributes, or how they affect learning in collaborative tasks. James Gibson proposed a theory of affordance to explain how cues in an environment are perceived and lead to some course of action. Based on his theory, we developed a model to describe how cues of what can be done in a VW influence learning. In doing so, we focused on the situativity afforded by VWs through context and social facilitation. We showed how VW artifacts and cues make it easier for users to understand the conditions and interactions in a VW.  相似文献   

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