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公司十一五规划以“将涟钢建设成为精品板材基地和一流的钢材产品、钢材使用技术综合服务商”为愿景,以“精品+差异化”为发展战略。本文拟从成本策略人手,探讨财务战略与公司战略的配合问题。  相似文献   

本文通过对大冶有色金属集团公司(以下简称"大冶有色")发展战略进行分析,指出在中国经济新常态下,对铜工业来说,引进技术和管理就能赚钱的日子已经过去了,作为资源性企业,大冶有色今后发展需要在市场经济条件下,围绕稳定增长型战略打造"千亿企业"升级版,具体运用成本领先战略做实铜主业文章,运用差异化战略注重高附加值产品延伸,实现由做大向做强、做精转变。旨在为公司战略决策层制定和完善公司战略,以及实施战略管理提供参考与建议。  相似文献   

一、“边缘经营发展战略”的实践站在世纪的交替点上,回首20世纪末的发展历程,石钢之所以取得今天的业绩,靠的是科技进步和创新管理,靠的是广大职工的自我加压、拼博奋斗,但更重要的是得益于制定并实施了适应企业发展的“边缘经营发展战略”,走出了一条具有产品特色、工艺特色、管理特色的发展道路。“边缘经营发展战略”是立足企业实际,创造边缘产品,抢占边缘市场,超越自我界限,拓展优势空间,保持竞争姿态,临变应变适变,达到固本强基,实现可持续发展。“边缘经营发展战略”的实质是在洞察供方市场和需求市场的变化趋势中,审时度势地全面分…  相似文献   

按照“关注当前,着眼未来,提升公司核心竞争力”的创新发展思路,为进一步增强技术、产品创新能力,充分发挥太钢公司工艺技术优势和装备优势,实现品种开发由常规产品、同质化产品向特色产品和高端产品的转变,实施差异化战略,太钢今年超前品种研发计划于目前全面启动。该计划的实施,对进一步加快公司科技创新步伐,提升企业核心竞争力将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

新兴铸管阜康能源有限公司一期二十万吨球墨铸铁管生产线正式投产,预示着新疆北疆第一家铸管生产基地正式投产。投产当天,石河子水务集团就与新兴铸管阜康能源有限公司签订1100万元订单。新兴铸管阜康铸管基地的建成,填补了疆内铸管产品的空白,这也是企业在钢铁市场形势不容乐观的条件下,走产品差异化的创新之路。注册资金17.9亿元的新兴铸管阜康能源有限公司,隶属于世界500强央企新兴际华集团之核心企业——新兴铸管股份有限公司,  相似文献   

寇传乾  苏静 《山东冶金》2011,33(2):59-61
济钢实施面向敏捷制造的MES系统,系统反应灵敏、技术先进、资源集成,是各种生产管理的功能软件集合,涵盖的主要功能模块包括订单管理、产能分配、生产计划等。该系统强调企业生产执行过程及其管理模式对市场变化的敏捷响应,实现了整条钢轧生产线从订单接收到产品最终交货的全过程订单信息监控,达到了生产线管理的现代化、信息化。  相似文献   

山东工业职业学院依托行业优势,借鉴企业先进的管理理念,走校企“熔合”、订单培养之路,从企业需求出发,把职业教育的功能定位“熔”入企业价值链,积累了面向企业服务的成功经验,实现了跨越式发展,走出了一条特色鲜明的职业教育办学之路。  相似文献   

现代企业的战略化管理□中国有色金属工业总公司信息中心刘慧芝□企业战略管理是现代企业管理的重要内容,在企业经营全球化的今天,战略管理在现代企业管理中处于核心的地位,是决定企业经营成败的关键。在西方,战略管理被认为是企业管理的“顶尖石”。随着我国市场经济...  相似文献   

<正>2014年以来,山钢集团积极转变服务方式,致力于为战略合作客户提供个性化、差异化、多样化服务,创新实施"1235"客户服务模式,让战略合作客户在与山钢的合作中真正感受"轻松采购"和"贴身服务"。"1"即实施"一站式服务",对战略合作客户,从需求征询,订单意向,付款定货,订单生成,生产交付,物流运达,质保结算,投诉处理等产生合作业务的环节,实施"一对一"服务和"首问责任制",提高战略合作客户的采购效率,  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争中,包头铝业集团开拓创新,以产品质量过得硬、信得过赢得用户,铝合金产品畅销国内外。包铝集团面对国际国内铝市场供求变化,及时调整企业发展战略,提出了“生产差异化、营销个性化、经营多元化”的经营理念。强化销售工作,提高市场占有率。据悉,今年上半年,包铝销售各类铝合金产品58353t,其中,国内市场占有率达到74%,出口突破1万t,比去年同期增长50%,国内市场占有率和出口量均高居全国同类企业前列。包铝集团依靠科技进步,不断创新,用于生产汽车轮毂的A356合金是包铝集团的重要铝合金产品,1999年包铝率先在国内铝企业中生…  相似文献   

闫继武 《山西冶金》2006,29(2):89-91
市场经济中,传统的成本管理思想已不能适应现代成本理念。现代企业成本管理的内容不仅仅是孤立地降低成本,而应立足于整体战略目标及企业外部环境,从成本与效益的对比中寻找成本最小化。  相似文献   

张荆京 《有色矿冶》2011,27(2):56-59
传统金融学的理论基础是理性人假设和有效市场理论,面对证券市场中存在的许多异常现象无法给出合理的解释,引发人们对基于传统金融理论的投资策略有效性的质疑。行为金融学认为人是有限理性的,金融市场并不总是有效的。本文结合我国证券市场的实际情况,从研究证券市场异常现象入手,归纳了行为金融框架下的投资策略,并对其中的逆向投资策略和惯性投资策略进行了实证检验,一定程度上证明了行为金融投资策略在我国证券市场上的有效性。  相似文献   

从企业上下以顾客为导向,在市场导位中要界定、培养独特能力,准确锁定目标顾客,建立顾客关系与顾客忠诚度,企业要持续改进与创新,企业组织文化配合组织策略与架构,与合作伙伴联盟共同成长,打破传统的营销官僚等八方面论述了创新营销观念在企业持续发展中的重要性。  相似文献   

我国钢铁企业近几年发展迅速,钢铁产量占到了全球产量的四分之一,国际化特征越来越明显。在钢铁企业走向国际市场成为国际化企业的过程中,如何同国际钢铁巨头进行竞争,这是我们所要关注的问题。我国钢铁企业在国际化过程中应采取差异化战略。  相似文献   

Correlated lifespace measures with the discrepancies between original test battery forecasts (Miller Analogies Test, Nonverbal Reasoning Ability Test, Guilford-Zimmerman Temperment Survey, and Management Judgment Test) and subsequent managerial success on the job. Variables included the manager's perceived task challenge on his entry job (Modified Task Characteristics Questionnaire), his life change between test and criterion measurement (Schedule of Recent Experiences), his personality match with his first supervisor, and the success of his first supervisor. These served in combination for 140 Exxon managers (average age, 31 yrs) to account for an additional 22.7% of the variance in success after 5 to 7 yrs on the job when added to the validity of prediction (.63) by the Exxon Early Identification of Management Program battery of aptitude and personality assessments administered during the 1st 18 mo of employment. The equivalent of a multiple correlation of .79 was attained. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A management services organization (MSO) has emerged as one structure to manage professional and hospital risk agreements. Health plans and direct payers are transferring traditional functions to medical groups and health systems under these agreements. How does a hospital and affiliated medical group develop a strategy to assume, manage, and mutually benefit from these agreements? When do market forces dictate whether an MSO is the most appropriate organizational model to utilize? The development of an MSO can offer an effective organizational strategy to capture capitated contracts and assume responsibility for population-based medical services. This article explores the features of such an organization, areas for potential collaboration between the medical group and hospital, as well as the impact on patient care.  相似文献   

EPA's Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) and later documents provide guidance for estimating exposures received from suburban and agricultural activity patterns and lifestyles. However, these methods are not suitable for typical tribal communities whose members pursue, at least in part, traditional lifestyles. These lifestyles are derived from a long association with all of the resources in a particular region. We interviewed 35 members of a Columbia River Basin tribe to develop a lifestyle-based subsistence exposure scenario that represents a midrange exposure that a traditional tribal member would receive. This scenario provides a way to partially satisfy Executive Order 12,898 on environmental justice, which requires a specific evaluation of impacts from federal actions to peoples with subsistence diets. Because a subsistence diet is only a portion of what is important to a traditional lifestyle, we also used information obtained from the interviews to identify parameters for evaluating impacts to environmental and sociocultural quality of life.  相似文献   

Thirty-five international contractors from China were included by the Engineering News Record in the list of the Top 225 International Contractors in 2000. Although Chinese international contractors are increasingly playing a significant role in the global construction market, relatively few studies have been completed on their historical background and foray into the international arena. Apart from seeking to fill this lacuna, this paper also provides an analysis of the these 35 Chinese international contractors to evaluate their achievements using the following performance indicators: International Revenue/Total Revenue, International Business Distribution, Overseas Management Structure, Involvement in Specialized Fields, and Overall Index of Internationalization. The analysis identified the top ten Chinese international contractors who are truly global in outlook. The study also suggests that the traditional multinational enterprise theories may not explain the development of Chinese international construction firms adequately.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated a sample of 610 managers working in 20 Fortune 500 companies in a longitudinal study to test hypotheses about male and female managers' compensation associated with internal and external labor market strategies. Both managers' gender and their labor market experience were hypothesized to affect their total cash compensation. Data confirmed hypotheses, but analyses of differences between male and female managers showed that only the male managers benefited from an external labor market strategy. Female managers who used an external labor market strategy did not receive greater compensation than female managers who used an internal labor market strategy. The discussion focuses on why female managers do not receive the same benefit from an external labor market strategy as male managers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A variety of community and external pressures on Indigenous Peoples are leading to increased use of food that is available through industrialization and market economics; food in traditional food systems derived from local, natural environments is declining in use. This report focusses on dietary intake of Arctic men. While nutrient density of Arctic traditional food systems is superior to that of the composite of market food consumed in the North, the percentage of men's daily energy derived from market food is more than double that from traditional food in some communities. Older members of communities consume more traditional food than younger members; men consume more traditional food than do women. In addition to providing excellent nutrition and opportunities for physical exercise. Indigenous Peoples identify many sociocultural benefits to the harvest and use of traditional food. Evaluation of environmental accumulation of organochlorines in wildlife animal food species shows that risk of organochlorine consumption is higher in food systems containing sea mammals, and that tolerance levels for some organochlorines may be exceeded.  相似文献   

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