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Promiscuous soyabean varieties have potential to contribute significantly to income generation, food security and soil N budgets on smallholder farms. One of the major factors limiting this potential is farmers’ preference to allocate nutrient resources to food security cereal crops on the most fertile fields, leaving grain legumes to grow on residual fertility on infertile fields. Two experiments were conducted to: (i) compare the current farmer practice with targeting manure and single super phosphate (SSP) to soyabean in a three-year rotation cycle on two fields with different soil fertility: an infertile sandy soil and a more fertile clay soil; and (ii) assess the effects of variability of soil fertility within and across farms on productivity of soyabean and groundnut. In the first experiment, soyabean (<0.2 t ha−1) and maize yields (<0.7 t ha−1) without fertilizer were poor on a degraded sandy soil. Both crops responded poorly to SSP due to deficiency of other nutrients. Manure application significantly increased soyabean and maize yields, led to yield stabilization over three seasons and also significantly increased the proportion of N2 fixed by soyabean (measured using 15N natural abundance) from 60% to 83%. On the sandy soil, P was used more efficiently and gross margins were greater when SSP and manure were applied to maize in a maize–soyabean rotation. Soyabean and maize yields without fertilizer inputs were larger on clay soil with moderate fertility (0.4–0.7 t ha−1 and 2.0–2.3 t ha−1 respectively) and were significantly increased by application of SSP and manure. Within rotations, P recovery was higher when manure and SSP were applied to maize (43 and 25%) than when applied to soyabean (20 and 19%). However, application of manure to soyabean on the clay was more profitable than application to maize for individual crops and within rotations. In the second experiment, soyabean and groundnut yields were largest (∼1 and ∼0.8 t ha−1 respectively) on plots closest to homesteads on wealthy farms, which were more fertile due to good past management. Yields were poor (< 0.5 t ha−1) on other fields which previously had received little nutrient inputs. Soyabean and groundnut yields correlated well with available P (R 2 = 0.5–0.7) and soil organic C (SOC) contents (R 2 = 0.4–0.6). For smallholder farmers to maximise benefits from legume production they need to focus attention on the more fertile plots, although production should be optimized in relation to maize. Targeting nutrients to maize as currently practiced by farmers was more efficient and economic under poor soil fertility conditions, whilst potential exists to increase income by targeting manure to soyabean on the more fertile soils.  相似文献   

Smallholder farms in sub-Saharan African exhibit substantial heterogeneity in soil fertility, and nutrient resource allocation strategies that address this variability are required to increase nutrient use efficiencies. We applied the Field-scale resource Interactions, use Efficiencies and Long-term soil fertility Development (FIELD) model to explore consequences of various manure and fertilizer application strategies on crop productivity and soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics on farms varying in resource endowment in a case study village in Murewa District, Zimbabwe. FIELD simulated a rapid decline in SOC and maize yields when native woodlands were cleared for maize cultivation without fertilizer inputs coupled with removal of crop residues. Applications of 10 t manure ha−1 year−1 for 10 years were required to restore maize productivity to the yields attainable under native woodland. Long-term application of manure at 5 and 3 t ha−1 resulted in SOC contents comparable to zones of high and medium soil fertility observed on farms of wealthy cattle owners. Targeting manure application to restore SOC to 50–60% of contents under native woodlands was sufficient to increase productivity to 90% of attainable yields. Short-term increases in crop productivity achieved by reallocating manure to less fertile fields were short-lived on sandy soils. Preventing degradation of the soils under intensive cultivation is difficult, particularly in low input farming systems, and attention should be paid to judicious use of the limited nutrient resources to maintain a degree of soil fertility that supports good crop response to fertilizer application.  相似文献   

Variability of soil fertility within, and across farms, poses a major challenge for increasing crop productivity in smallholder systems of sub-Saharan Africa. This study assessed the effect of farmers’ resource endowment and nutrient management strategies on variability in soil fertility and plant nutrient uptake between different fields in Gokwe South (ave. rainfall ~650 mm year−1; 16.3 persons km−2) and Murewa (ave. rainfall ~850 mm year−1; 44.1 persons km−2) districts, Zimbabwe. In Murewa, resource-endowed farmers applied manure (>3.5 t ha−1 year−1) on fields closest to their homesteads (homefields) and none to fields further away (outfields). In Gokwe the manure was not targeted to any particular field, and farmers quickly abandoned outfields and opened up new fields further way from the homestead once fertility had declined, but homefields were continually cultivated. Soil available P was higher in homefields (8–13 mg kg−1) of resource-endowed farmers than on outfields and all fields on resource constrained farms (2–6 mg kg−1) in Murewa. Soil fertility decreased with increasing distance from the homestead in Murewa while the reverse trend occurred in Gokwe South, indicating the impact of different soil fertility management strategies on spatial soil fertility gradients. In both districts, maize showed deficiency of N and P, implying that these were the most limiting nutrients. It was concluded that besides farmers’ access to resources, the direction of soil fertility gradients also depends on agro-ecological conditions which influence resource management strategies.  相似文献   

Farm typologies are a useful tool to assist in unpacking and understanding the wide diversity among smallholder farms to improve targeting of crop production intensification strategies. Sustainable crop production intensification will require the development of an array of nutrient management strategies tailored to farm-specific conditions, rather than blanket recommendations across diverse farms. This study reviewed key literature on smallholder farm typologies focusing on three countries (Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe), to gain insights on opportunities for crop production intensification, and the importance of developing farm-specific nutrient management practices. Investigations on farm typologies have done well in highlighting the fundamental differences between farm categories, with 3–5 typologies often adequate to represent the wide differences in resource endowment. Resource-endowed farmers have ready access to large quantities of manure and mineral fertilizers, which contribute to higher soil fertility and crop productivity on their farms. Resource-constrained households use little or no manure and mineral fertilizers, and have limited capacity to invest in labour-demanding soil fertility management technologies. These farmers often have to rely on off-farm opportunities for income that are largely limited to selling unskilled labour to their resource-endowed neighbors. The variability in management practices by farmers has resulted in three main soil fertility classes that can be used for targeting soil fertility management technologies, characterized by potential response to fertilizer application as: (1) low-responsive fertile fields that receive large additions of manure and fertilizer; (2) high-responsive infertile fields that receive moderate nutrient applications; (3) poorly responsive degraded soils cultivated for many years with little or no nutrient additions. The main conclusions drawn from the review are: (1) resource constrained farmers constitute the widest band across the three countries, with many of the farmers far below the threshold for sustainable maize production intensification and lacking capacity to invest in improved seed and fertilizer, (2) farm sizes and livestock ownership were key determinants for both farmer wealth status and farm productivity, and (3) soil organic carbon and available P were good indicators for predicting previous land management, that is also invariably linked to farmer resource endowment.  相似文献   

Manure is a key nutrient resource on smallholder farms in the tropics, especially on poorly buffered sandy soils, due to its multiple benefits for soil fertility. Farmers preferentially apply manure to fields closest to homesteads (homefields), which are more fertile than fields further away (outfields). A three-year experiment was established on homefields and outfields on sandy and clayey soils to assess the effects of mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer application in combination with manure or mineral phosphorus (P) on maize yields and soil chemical properties. Significant maize responses to application of N and manure were observed on all fields except the depleted sandy outfield. Large amounts of manure (17 t ha−1 year−1) were required to significantly increase soil organic carbon (SOC), pH, available P, and base saturation, and restore productivity of the depleted sandy outfield. Sole N as ammonium nitrate (100 kg N ha−1) or in combination with single superphosphate led to acidification of the sandy soils, with a decrease of up to 0.8 pH units after three seasons. In a greenhouse experiment, N and calcium (Ca) were identified as deficient in the sandy homefield, while N, P, Ca, and zinc (Zn) were deficient or low on the sandy outfield. The deficiencies of Ca and Zn were alleviated by the addition of manure. This study highlights the essential role of manure in sustaining and replenishing soil fertility on smallholder farms through its multiple effects, although it should be used in combination with N mineral fertilizers due to its low capacity to supply N.  相似文献   

Different fields within a farm have been observed to have different soil fertility status and this may affect the response of a maize crop to applied N, P, and K fertiliser. A limiting nutrient trial was carried out at six farms each, in three districts of Western Kenya. In each of the farms, the following treatments were laid out in three fields with different soil fertility status at different distances from the homestead (close, mid-distance, remote fields): no inputs, application of NPK, NP, NK, or PK fertiliser (urea, triple super phosphate, KCl) to maize. Total soil N decreased at all sites with distance to the homestead (from 1.30 to 1.06 g kg−1), as did Olsen-P (from 10.5 to 2.3 mg kg−1). Grain yields in the no-input control plots reflected this decrease in soil fertility status with distance to the homestead (from 2.59 to 1.59 t ha−1). In the NPK treatments, however, this difference between field types disappeared (from 3.43 to 3.98 t ha−1), indicating that N and P are the major limiting nutrients in the target areas. Response to applied N was related to the soil total N content in Aludeka and Shinyalu, but not in Emuhaia, probably related to the high use of partially decomposed organic inputs with limited N availability. Consequently, response to applied N decreased with distance to the homestead in Aludeka (from 0.95 kg kg−1 relative yield to 0.55 kg kg−1) and Shinyalu (from 0.76 kg kg−1 to 0.47 kg kg−1), but not in Emuhaia (from 0.75 kg kg−1 to 0.68 kg kg−1). Response to applied P was related to the soil Olsen-P content at all sites. While for farms with a relatively high Olsen-P gradient, response to applied P decreased with distance to the homestead (from 0.99 kg kg−1 to 0.68 kg kg−1), large variability in Olsen-P gradients across field types among farms within a specific site often masked clear differences in response to P between field types for a specific site. Clear scope for field-specific fertiliser recommendations exists, provided these are based on local soil knowledge and diagnosis. Scenario analysis, using farm-scale modelling tools, could assist in determining optimum allocation strategies of scarcely available fertiliser for maximum fertiliser use efficiency.  相似文献   

Crop production in maize-based smallholder farming systems of Southern Africa is hampered by lack of options for efficiently managing limited and different quality organic nutrient resources. This study examined impacts of farmers’ short- and long-term organic resource allocation patterns on sizes and quality of soil organic matter (SOM) fractions. Farmers’ most- (rich) and least- (poor) productive fields were studied for two seasons under low (450–650 mm yr−1) to high (>750 mm yr−1) rainfall areas in Zimbabwe, on Lixisols with ∼6% clay and 88% sand. Rich fields received 0.5–14 Mg C ha−1 compared with <4 Mg C ha−1 for poor fields, and the differences were reflected in soil particulate organic matter (POM) fractions. Organic inputs were consistent with resource endowments, with well-endowed farmers applying at least five times the amounts used by resource-constrained farmers. Rich fields had 100% more macro-POM (250–2,000 μm diameter) and three times more meso-POM (53–250 μm) than poor fields. Application of high quality (>25 mg N kg−1) materials increased labile C (KMnO4 oxidizable) in top 60 cm of soil profile, with 1.6 Mg C ha−1 of Crotalaria juncea yielding labile C amounts similar to 6 Mg C ha−1 of manure. Labile C was significantly related to mineralizable N in POM fractions, and apparently to maize yields (P < 0.01). Farmers’ preferential allocation of nutrient resources to already productive fields helps to maintain critical levels of labile SOM necessary to sustain high maize yields.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted on a loamy sand soil for six years to quantify the effect of soil organic matter on indigenous soil N supply and productivity of irrigated wheat in semiarid sub-tropical India. The experiment was conducted by applying different combinations of fertilizer N (0–180 kg N ha−1), P (0–39 kg P ha−1) and K (0–60 kg K ha−1) to wheat each year. For the data pooled over years, fertilizer N together with soil organic carbon (SOC) and their interaction accounted for 75% variation in wheat yield. The amount of fertilizer N required to attain a yield goal decreased as the SOC concentration increased indicating enhanced indigenous soil N supply with an increase in SOC concentration. Besides SOC concentration, the soil N supply also depended on yield goal. For a yield goal of 4 tons ha−1, each ton of SOC in the 15 cm plough layer contributed 4.75 kg N ha−1 towards indigenous soil N supply. An increase in the soil N supply with increase in SOC resulted in enhanced wheat productivity. The contribution of 1 ton SOC ha−1 to wheat productivity ranged from 15 to 33 kg ha−1 across SOC concentration ranging from 3 to 9 g kg-1 soil. The wheat productivity per ton of organic carbon declined curvilinearly as the native SOC concentration increased. The change in wheat productivity with SOC concentration shows that the effect of additional C sequestration on wheat productivity will depend on the existing SOC concentration, being higher in low SOC soils. Therefore, it will be more beneficial to sequester C in soils with low SOC than with relatively greater SOC concentration. In situations where the availability of organic resources for recycling is limited, their application may be preferred in soils with low SOC concentration. The results show that an increase in C sequestration will result in enhanced wheat productivity but the increase will depend on the amount of fertilizer applied and the existing fertility level of the soil.  相似文献   

Soil fertility replenishment is a critical factor that many farmers in the tropical American hillsides have to cope with to increase food crop production. The effect of three planted fallow systems (Calliandra houstoniana-CAL, Indigofera zollingeriana-IND, Tithonia diversifolia-TTH) and a crop rotation (maize/beans-ROT) on soil nitrogen mineralization, organic matter and phosphorus fractions was compared to the usual practice of allowing natural regeneration of native vegetation or natural fallow management (NAT). Studies were conducted on severely degraded Colombian volcanic-ash soils, 28 months after fallow establishment, at two on-farm experimental sites (BM1 and BM2) in the Cauca Department. Tithonia diversifolia had a significantly higher contribution to exchangeable Ca, K and Mg as well as B and Zn; the order of soil nutrient contribution was TTH > CAL > IND > NAT > ROT. On the other hand, lND had significantly higher soil NO3–N at both experimental farms as compared to all the other fallow system treatments. For the readily available P fraction, CAL and ROT had significantly higher H2O–Po and resin-Pi, respectively, in the 0–5 cm soil layer; whereas TTH showed significantly higher values for both H2O–Po and resin-Pi in the 5–10 cm soil layer. Significant effects were observed on the weights of the soil organic matter fractions which decreased in the order LL (Ludox light) > LM (Ludox intermediate) > LH (Ludox heavy). Indigofera zollingeriana showed greater C, N and P in the soil organic matter fractions than all the other fallow treatments, with NAT having the lowest values. It is concluded that planted fallows can restore soil fertility more rapidly than natural fallows.  相似文献   

Next to drought, poor soil fertility is the single biggest cause of hunger in Africa. ICRISAT-Zimbabwe has been working for the past 10 years to encourage small-scale farmers to increase inorganic fertiliser use as the first step towards Africa’s own Green Revolution. The program of work is founded on promoting small quantities of inorganic nitrogen (N) fertiliser (micro-dosing) in drought-prone cropping regions. Results from initial on-farm trials showed that smallholder farmers could increase their yields by 30–100% through application of micro doses, as little as 10 kg Nitrogen ha−1. The question remained whether these results could be replicated across much larger numbers of farmers. Wide scale testing of the micro-dosing (17 kg Nitrogen ha−1) concept was initiated in 2003/2004, across multiple locations in southern Zimbabwe through relief and recovery programs. Each year more than 160,000 low resourced households received at least 25 kg of nitrogen fertiliser and a simple flyer in the vernacular explaining how to apply the fertiliser to a cereal crop. This distribution was accompanied by a series of simple paired plot demonstration with or without fertiliser, hosted by farmers selected by the community, where trainings were carried out and detailed labour and crop records were kept. Over a 3 year period more than 2,000 paired-plot trials were established and quality data collected from more than 1,200. In addition, experimentation to derive N response curves of maize (Zea mays L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.) in these environments under farmer management was conducted. The results consistently showed that micro-dosing (17 kg Nitrogen ha−1) with nitrogen fertiliser can increase grain yields by 30–50% across a broad spectrum of soil, farmer management and seasonal climate conditions. In order for a household to make a profit, farmers needed to obtain between 4 and 7 kg of grain for every kg of N applied depending on season. In fact farmers commonly obtained 15–45 kg of grain per kg of N input. The result provides strong evidence that lack of N, rather than lack of rainfall, is the primary constraint to cereal crop yields and that micro-dosing has the potential for broad-scale impact on improving food security in these drought prone regions.  相似文献   

The impacts of grassland restoration on amounts, forms and distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) were examined in paired cultivated and restored grassland catenae of the Missouri Coteau region in south-central Saskatchewan, Canada. Total SOC (0–15 cm depth) and light fraction organic carbon (LFOC) (0–7.5 cm) contents were determined in paired catenae in upland areas, and in the surface (0–15 cm) and at depth (>15 cm) in the wetland fringe areas. Mass of SOC was higher in the restored grassland catenae than in the cultivated equivalents. In both the cultivated and restored grassland catenae at the three sites, footslope positions consistently had a higher mass of SOC. However, the shoulder positions showed the greatest response in soil C sequestration to grass seed-down, with a 1.4–2.9 Mg ha−1 year−1 SOC increase apparent over an approximately eight-year period. The mass of LFOC and the proportion of SOC comprised of LFOC was also higher in the restored grassland, reflective of higher recent C inputs. Rates of C sequestration in the Missouri Coteau based on SOC differences in the paired comparisons were estimated to be 0.3–2.9 Mg C ha−1 year−1, depending upon site and slope position. In the wetland fringe region of the landscape, the three sites also had higher surface or subsurface SOC in the grassland restoration. In general, SOC changes at depth (below 15 cm) in the restored grasslands appeared to be less consistent than changes in SOC in the surface 0–15 cm soil. In conclusion, the findings suggest that a switch to permanent cover on these soils will significantly increase C sequestered in the soil.  相似文献   

Low soil fertility is a fundamental constraint to crop production in western Kenya. Although researchers have developed many soil fertility-improving technologies, the adoption of these technologies is low due to inadequate awareness of the technologies, poor access to requisite resources and unsuitability of the technologies to the farmers’ conditions. On-farm experiments were conducted during the 2002/2003 long rain cropping seasons in two village clusters in Vihiga and Kakamega Districts in order to: (1) introduce farmers to selected soil fertility-improving options and elicit farmers’ evaluation of the options; (2) assess the economics of the selected soil fertility management options under standard farming conditions; (3) compare the farmers’ evaluations with the results of an economic assessment. Five treatments were suggested to the farmers and through consensus, they ultimately chose to test three: (1) 5 tons ha−1 FYM (Farm Yard Manure); (2) 60 kg P ha−1 plus 60 kg N ha−1 (chemical fertilizers); (3) 2.5 tons ha−1 FYM plus 30 kg P ha−1 (chemical fertilizers). These were assessed concurrently with farmers’ accepted practice, using maize as a test crop. Farmers were involved in the routine management, monitoring and evaluation of the experiments, and field days were held to introduce more farmers to the technologies. The results of this investigation show that the application of 30 kg P plus 2.5 tons FYM ha−1 gave economically viable returns that remained viable even under a projected decline in maize yield and an increase in the price of fertilizers. This treatment was also the most preferred option of the farmers. The results of this study should be used for validation of the promising options and planning of future experiments.  相似文献   

In Eastern and Southern Africa, the shifting from the no-external input agriculture (shifting cultivation through slash and burn) to intensified agricultural systems has resulted in widespread agro-ecosystems with high soil organic carbon and nutrient depletion. This is quite evident in farming systems with reduced fallow period or those that practice continuous cropping without or with little inputs. Long-term experiments indicate that losses of up to 0.69 t carbon ha−1 yr−1 in the soil surface layers are common. Such losses are commonly reported by farmers engaged in participatory community-based research development projects. This calls for judicious strategies for recapitalization or replacement of these depletions. Such strategies include direct SOC replenishment through addition of organic materials, notably manures, wastes, residues and plant litter; biomass transfer; incorporation of improved fallows in the farming systems. Indirect contribution to SOM replenishment or recapitalization may be achieved through inorganic fertilizations and amendments; legume integration in the production system; and combined inorganic and organic inputs. Research is required to identify inputs that help meet both nutrients availability while contributing to SOC build up at the same time. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In southern Africa, soil nutrient reserves are being depleted because of continued nutrient mining without adequate replenishment. The consequent downward spiral of soil fertility has led to a corresponding decline in crop yields, food insecurity, food aid and environmental degradation. The central issue for improving agricultural productivity in southern Africa is how to build up and maintain soil fertility despite the low incomes of smallholder farmers and the increasing land and labour constraints they face. Under this review five main options namely: inorganic fertilizers, grain legumes, animal manures, integrated nutrient management and agroforestry options appropriate to smallholder farmers are presented. Issues addressed in the use of inorganic fertilizers are reduction in fertilizer costs, timely availability and use efficiency. Legumes can be used to diversify farm system productivity but this requires P and lime application to support better legume growth and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) as well as development of markets for various legume products. Manure availability and quality are central issues in increasing smallholder farm productivity and increasing its efficiency through proper handling and application methods. Integrated nutrient management of soil fertility by combined application of both inputs will increase use efficiency of inputs and reduce costs and increase profitability; but the challenge is often how to raise adequate amounts of either inorganic or organic inputs. Issues such as quality of inputs, nutrient balancing, labour to collect and transport organic inputs and their management need to be optimized. These are the challenges of adoption as are the scaling up of these options to millions of small-scale farmers.  相似文献   

The origin of organic matter was studied in the soils of a parkland of karité (Vitallaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn) and néré (Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth.), which is extensively cultivated without the use of fertilisers. In such systems, fertility (physical, chemical and biological) gradients around trees have been attributed by some authors to a priori differences in fertility, allowing for better tree establishment on richer sites. In reverse, other workers believed that these gradients are due to the contribution of trees to the formation of soil organic matter through litter and decay of roots. Measurements of the variations in the 13C isotopic composition allowed for a distinction between tree (C3) derived C and crop and grass (C4) derived C in the total soil organic C content. The organic carbon contents of the soils were recorded under the two species at two soil depths and at five distances going from tree trunk to the open area and their C isotopic signatures were analysed. The results showed that soil carbon contents under karité (6.43 ± 0.45 g kg−1) and néré (5.65 ± 0.27 g kg−1) were significantly higher (p<0.01) than in the open area (4.09 ± 0.26 g kg−1). The δ13C of soil C was significantly higher (p<0.001) in the open area (−17.5 ± 0.3‰) compared with the values obtained on average with depth and distance from tree under karité (−20.2 ± 0.4‰) and néré (−20.1 ± 0.4‰). The C4-derived soil C was approximately constant, and the differences in total soil C were fully explained by the C3 (tree) contributions to soil carbon of 4.01 ± 0.71, 3.02 ± 0.53, 1.53 ± 0.10 g kg−1, respectively under karité, néré and in the open area. These results show that trees in parklands have a directly positive contribution to soil carbon content, justifying the need to encourage the maintenance of trees in these systems in semi-arid environments where the carbon content of soil appears to be the first limiting factor for crop growth.  相似文献   

Farm nitrogen flows of four farmer field schools in Kenya   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Re-use of nutrients within farming systems contributes to sustainable food production in nutrient limited production systems. Re-use is established when nutrients pass through several farm compartments before they leave the farm via marketable products. In this paper re-use of nitrogen is examined as an indicator for sustainable soil fertility management. Re-use (RU, kg farm−1) was defined as the amount of nitrogen that was translocated within one farm divided by the sum of transitions between farm compartments within a farm. In 2002, a total of 101 farms belonging to 4 farmer field schools in Kenya were analysed using the NUTMON (now known as MonQI) toolbox. The farms were distributed over 4 farmer field schools located in two agro-ecological zones. RU was positively related to the net farm income and to crop yields. However, data were scattered and often local farm conditions veiled the relation between nitrogen management strategies and farm performances. The results of this paper demonstrate that different agro-ecological zones with diverse production constraints have developed different in-farm nitrogen management strategies that are best adapted to the local conditions, but may have different environmental impacts. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation (N2) by leguminous crops is a relatively low-cost alternative to N fertilizers for smallholder farmers in Africa. Nitrogen fixation in pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Markos) as affected by phosphorus (P) fertilization (0, 30 kg P ha−1) and inoculation (uninoculated and inoculated) in the semiarid conditions of Northern Ethiopia was studied using the 15N isotope dilution method and locally adapted barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Bureguda) as reference crop. The effect of pea fixed nitrogen (N2) on yield of the subsequent wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.) was also assessed. Phosphorus and inoculation significantly influenced nodulation at the late flowering stage and also significantly increased P and N concentrations in shoots, and P concentration in roots, while P and N concentrations in nodules were not affected. Biomass, pods m−2 and grain yield responded positively to P and inoculation, while seeds pod−1 and seed weights were not significantly affected by these treatments. Phosphorus and inoculation enhanced the percentage of N derived from the atmosphere in the whole plant ranging from 53 to 70%, corresponding to the total amount of N2 fixed varying from 55 to 141 kg N ha−1. Soil N balance after pea ranged from − 9.2 to 19.3 kg N ha−1 relative to following barley, where barley extracted N on the average of 6.9 and 62.0 kg N ha−1 derived from fertilizer and soil, respectively. Beneficial effects of pea fixed N2 on yield of the following cereal crop were obtained, increasing the average grain and N yields of this crop by 1.06 Mg ha−1 and 33 kg ha−1, respectively, relative to the barley–wheat monocrop rotation. It can be concluded that pea can be grown as an alternative crop to fallow, benefiting farmers economically and increasing the soil fertility.  相似文献   

Nutrient export through sediment is, often, not given due attention in improving the fertility of soils. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) (replicated three times) was conducted to assess the effect of sediment, collected from a microdam, on the yield of a local wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum) grown on a Luvisol and a Vertisol during cropping season of 2003 and 2004 in Tigray, Ethiopia. In the first season, the treatments consisted of applying 34.3 Mg sediment ha−1 (T1), 0.1 Mg urea ha−1 (T2), 4 Mg manure ha−1 (T3) and a control plot (T4). The experiment was repeated in the 2004 cropping season using the same indicator crop but without the use of T1 and T3 inputs to evaluate the residual effect of these treatments on crop productivity. Plant height, plant density, spike length, straw and grain yield were compared among the treatments. After harvest, surface soil (0–25 cm) samples were taken and analyzed for total Nitrogen (Ntot), available Phosphorous (P), Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and porosity to examine treatments effect on these soil properties. Higher CEC, exchangeable bases, SOC, Ntot, available P and micronutrients except Cu characterized sediment compared to the two soils used. Application of sediment increased the average grain and straw yield of wheat by 72% and 12%, respectively, in the Luvisol, and by 38% and 23%, respectively, in the Vertisol relative to the control. However, the application of sediment didn’t change the physicochemical properties of the Vertisol, but in the Luvisol CEC and available P were increased significantly. Like manure, sediment provided marginal rate of return above the minimum acceptable value (100%) by farmers, demonstrating the potential of these resources to improve degraded soils and boost farmers’ income.  相似文献   

The release of mineral-N in soil from plant residues is regulated by their ‘quality’ or chemical composition. Legume materials used by farmers in southern Africa are often in the form of litter with N concentration <2%. We investigated the decomposition of Sesbania sesban and Acacia angustissima litter in the field using litterbags, and N mineralization of a range of legume materials using a leaching tube incubation method in the laboratory. The mass loss of the litter could be described using a modified exponential decay model: Y = (Y 0Q)ekt + Q. The relative decomposition constants for Sesbania and Acacia litter were 0.053 and 0.039 d−1, respectively. The % N mineralized from fresh Sesbania prunings was 55% compared with only 27% for the Sesbania litter after 120 days of incubation under leaching conditions. During the same period, fresh prunings of Acacia released only 12% of the added N while Acacia litter released 9%. Despite the large differences in N concentration between Acacia prunings and its litter, the total mineralized N was similar, as mineralization from prunings was depressed by the highly active polyphenols. While N supply may be poor, these slow decomposing litter materials are potentially useful for maintaining soil organic matter in smallholder farms. In two field experiments with contrasting soil texture, Sesbania, Acacia and Cajanus produced large amounts of biomass (>5 Mg ha−1) and improved N cycling significantly (>150 kg N ha−1) on the clay loam soil, but adapted poorly on the sandier soil. There was a rapid N accumulation in the topsoil at the beginning of the rains in plots where large amounts of Sesbania or Acacia biomass had been incorporated. Despite the wide differences in resource quality between these two, there was virtually no difference in N availability in the field as this was, among other factors, confounded by the quantity of N added. A substantial amount of the nitrate was leached to greater than 0.4 m depth within a three-week period. Also, the incidence of pests in the first season, and drought in the second season resulted in poor nitrogen use efficiency. Our measurements of gaseous N losses in the field confirmed that N2O emissions were <0.5 kg N ha−1. As we had measurements of all major N flows, we were able to construct overall N budgets for the improved fallow – maize rotation systems. These budgets indicated that, in a normal rainfall season with no major pest problems, reducing nitrate leaching would be the single largest challenge to increased N recovery of added organic N in the light textured soils.  相似文献   

Agriculture is a main contributor of diffuse emissions of N and P to the environment. For N the main loss pathways are NH3-volatilization, leaching to ground and surface water and N2(O) emissions. Currently, imposing restraints on farm inputs are used as policy tool to decrease N and P leaching to ground water and to surface water, and the same measure is suggested to combat emissions of N2O. The response, however, to these measures largely depends on the soil type. In this study nutrient flows of three dairy farms in The Netherlands with comparable intensity on sand, peat and clay soils were monitored for at least 2 years. The first aim was to provide quantitative data on current nutrient loss pathways. The second aim was to explore the responses in partitioning of the nutrient loss pathways when farm inputs were altered. Mean denitrification rates ranged from 103 kg N ha−1 year−1 for the sandy soil to 170 kg N ha−1 year−1 for the peat soil and leaching to surface water was about 73 kg N ha−1 year−1 for the sandy soil, 15 kg N ha−1 year−1 for the clay soil and 38 kg N ha−1 year−1 for the peat soil. For P, leaching to surface water ranged from 2 kg P ha−1 year−1 for the sandy site to 5 kg P ha−1 year−1 for the peat site. The sandy soil was most responsive to changes in N surpluses on leaching to surface water, followed by the peat soil and least responsive was the clay soil. For P, a similar sequence was found. This article demonstrates that similar reductions of N and P inputs result in different responses in N and P loss pathways for different soil types. These differences should be taken into account when evaluating measures to improve environmental performance of (dairy) farms.  相似文献   

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