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Marbach R  Heise HM 《Applied optics》1995,34(4):610-621
An optimized accessory for measuring the diffuse reflectance spectra of human skin tissue in the near-infrared spectral range is presented. The device includes an on-axis ellipsoidal collecting mirror with efficient illumination optics for small sampling areas of bulky body specimens. The optical design is supported by the results of a Monte Carlo simulation study of the reflectance characteristics of skin tissue. Because the results evolved from efforts to measure blood glucose noninvasively, the main emphasis is placed on the long-wavelength near-infrared range where sufficient penetration depth for radiation into tissue is still available. The accessory is applied for in vivo diffuse reflectance measurements.  相似文献   

Palladium (Pd) thin films have been deposited by electron beam evaporation, and exposed to increasing hydrogen pressures. Transmittance spectra in the range of visible light have been measured to obtain from them, by means of a spectral projected gradient method, the wavelength dependence of the dielectric function. The decreasing metallic character of Pd with hydrogen absorption is displayed. This effect is more pronounced when Pd is deposited on metallic substrates, and there is a correlation with an increase in the effective polarization of the core electrons determining the optical dielectric constant value. Another optimization approach is devised to separate the contribution of the free carriers and of the interband transitions to the optical conductivity and to the dielectric function. Very good agreement is found between the optimized parameters characterizing the free carrier contribution and the corresponding values reported in the literature and obtained by independent experimental methods.  相似文献   

A technique is described for routinely measuring reflectance of small area nontranslucent samples over the 410-700-nm wavelength range. The new sampling area has a 4.57 nm diam, which is 9.9 times smaller than the sampling area used for conventional measurements with the Cary 17D spectrophotometer. The accuracy and precision uncertainties of the measured reflectances are +/-0.0066 and +/-0.0032, respectively, with respect to the two master standards at the National Bureau of Standards. These values are not significantly different than the corresponding uncertainties obtained using the original sampling area: +/-0.0059 and +/-0.0029, respectively  相似文献   

The optical properties of an isotropic optically active medium at oblique incidence have been investigated. It was found that the amount of transmitted light converted from p polarization to s polarization and vice versa, through an isotropic optically active medium, is independent of the state of incident polarization. Though the optical rotation through the optically active medium is same for p and s polarization at normal incidence, it becomes different at oblique incidences.  相似文献   

We describe a method for determining the reduced scattering and absorption coefficients of turbid biological media from the spatially resolved diffuse reflectance. A Sugeno Fuzzy Inference System in conjunction with data preprocessing techniques is employed to perform multivariate calibration and prediction on reflectance data generated by Monte Carlo simulations. The preprocessing consists of either a principal component analysis or a new, extended curve-fitting procedure originating from diffusion theory. Prediction tests on reflectance data with absorption coefficients between 0.04 and 0.06 mm(-1) and reduced scattering coefficients between 0.45 and 0.99 mm(-1) show the root-mean-square error of this method to be 0.25% for both coefficients. With reference to practical applications, we also describe how the prediction accuracy is affected by using relative instead of absolute reflectance data, by imposing measurement noise on the reflectance data, and by changing the number and the position of detectors.  相似文献   

Diffuse and specular reflectance from rough surfaces   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We present a reflection model for isotropic rough surfaces that have both specular and diffuse components. The surface is assumed to have a normal distribution of heights. Parameters of the model are the surface roughness given by the rms slope, the albedo, and the balance between diffuse and specular reflection. The effect of roughness on diffuse reflection is taken into account, instead of our modeling this component as a constant Lambertian term. The model includes geometrical effects such as masking and shadowing. The model is compared with experimental data obtained from goniophotometric measurements on samples of tiles and bricks. The model fits well to samples with very different reflection properties. Measurements of the sample profiles performed with a laser profilometer to determine the rms slope show that the assumed surface model is realistic. The model could therefore be used in machine vision and computer graphics to approximate reflection characteristics of surfaces. It could also be used to predict the texture of surfaces as a function of illumination and viewing angles.  相似文献   

Absolute reflectance measurements are valuable to the optics industry for development of new materials and optical coatings. Yet, absolute reflectance measurements are notoriously difficult to make. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of extracting the absolute reflectance from a relative reflectance measurement using a reference material with known refractive index.  相似文献   

Curiel F  Vargas WE  Barrera RG 《Applied optics》2002,41(28):5969-5978
A spectral-projected gradient method and an extension of the Kubelka-Munk theory are applied to obtain the relevant parameters of the theory from measured diffuse reflectance spectra of pigmented samples illuminated with visible diffuse radiation. The initial estimate of the spectral dependence of the parameters, required by a recursive spectral-projected gradient method, was obtained by use of direct measurements and up-to-date theoretical estimates. We then tested the consistency of the Kubelka-Munk theory by repeating the procedure with samples of different thicknesses.  相似文献   

The constitutive relations used by Sah and Gowri Krishna [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 18, 1388 (2001)] are inconsistent with energy and reciprocity requirements.  相似文献   

《Thin solid films》1987,155(2):217-225
The surface roughness of GaAs originating during thermal oxidation at a temperature of 450 °C was studied using multiple-angle-of-incidence ellipsometry at 632.8 nm and reflectometry on samples after the dissolution of the oxide film. The rough surface is represented by an effective layer with optical constants determined in the Bruggeman effective medium approximation. Experimental data were used to determine the thickness of the effective layer and the volume fraction of voids. The properties of the natural oxide film on the surface of the samples are also discussed.  相似文献   

Noncontact, frequency-domain measurements of diffusely reflected light are used to quantify optical properties of two-layer tissuelike turbid media. The irradiating source is a sinusoidal intensity-modulated plane wave, with modulation frequencies ranging from 10 to 1500 MHz. Frequency-dependent phase and amplitude of diffusely reflected photon density waves are simultaneously fitted to a diffusion-based two-layer model to quantify absorption (mu(a)) and reduced scattering (mu(s)') parameters of each layer as well as the upper-layer thickness (l). Study results indicate that the optical properties of two-layer media can be determined with a percent accuracy of the order of +/-9% and +/-5% for mu(a) and mu(s)', respectively. The accuracy of upper-layer thickness (l) estimation is as good as +/-6% when optical properties of upper and lower layers are known. Optical property and layer thickness prediction accuracy degrade significantly when more than three free parameters are extracted from data fits. Problems with convergence are encountered when all five free parameters (mu(a) and mu(s)' of upper and lower layers and thickness l) must be deduced.  相似文献   

The optical reflectance and transmittance of an ideal thin film are calculated in a well-known way. As far as a non-ideal thin film is concerned - i.e., a slightly inhomogeneous thin film bounded by rough, unparallel interfaces - three categories of spectral coefficients can be defined, i.e.: specular reflectance and direct transmittance (light intensity flux along the optical axis), hemispherical reflectance and transmittance (light intensity flux integrated over the solid half angle π), and diffuse reflectance and transmittance (light intensity flux scattered around the optical axis) coefficients. In this paper a model recently introduced for the specular and direct coefficients is generalized to calculate also the hemispherical and diffuse coefficients of a non-ideal film.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to develop a novel nondestructive, simple, and quick method to evaluate the friction, twist, and gloss of human hair based on near-infrared diffuse reflectance (NIR-DR) spectroscopy and chemometrics. NIR-DR spectra were measured for human hair, which was collected from eleven Japanese women (age 5-44 years), by use of an optical fiber probe. Partial least squares (PLS) regression has been applied to the NIR-DR spectra of human hair after mean centering (MC), standard normal variate (SNV), and first derivative (1d) or second derivative (2d) analysis to develop calibration models that predict the friction, twist, and gloss of human hair. We identified the most suitable wavenumber region for the evaluation of each physical property. Correlation coefficients and standard errors of calibration of the PLS calibration models for the friction, twist, and gloss of hair were calculated to be 0.96 and 0.023, 0.81 and 3.27, and 0.90 and 0.36, respectively. Thus, the calibration models have high accuracy.  相似文献   

Estimation of the remote-sensing reflectance from above-surface measurements   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Mobley CD 《Applied optics》1999,38(36):7442-7455
The remote-sensing reflectance R(rs) is not directly measurable, and various methodologies have been employed in its estimation. I review the radiative transfer foundations of several commonly used methods for estimating R(rs), and errors associated with estimating R(rs) by removal of surface-reflected sky radiance are evaluated using the Hydrolight radiative transfer numerical model. The dependence of the sea surface reflectance factor rho, which is not an inherent optical property of the surface, on sky conditions, wind speed, solar zenith angle, and viewing geometry is examined. If rho is not estimated accurately, significant errors can occur in the estimated R(rs) for near-zenith Sun positions and for high wind speeds, both of which can give considerable Sun glitter effects. The numerical simulations suggest that a viewing direction of 40 deg from the nadir and 135 deg from the Sun is a reasonable compromise among conflicting requirements. For this viewing direction, a value of rho approximately 0.028 is acceptable only for wind speeds less than 5 m s(-1). For higher wind speeds, curves are presented for the determination of rho as a function of solar zenith angle and wind speed. If the sky is overcast, a value of rho approximately 0.028 is used at all wind speeds.  相似文献   

SiOC films made by the inductive coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition were analyzed by the photo luminance spectra and reflectance. Chemical shift obtained by PL spectra was observed and the reflectance was decreased at sample with low refractive index. The refractive index was in inverse proportion to the thickness of SiOC film. Lowering the reflectance caused to decrease the energy band gap and polarization, so increased an absorbance of the light. Low polarization of SiOC film was induced from the recombination and dissociation of alkyl sites by neighboring high electro negative oxygen. The electron affinity related to the energy band gap at surfaces increased at sample with low polarization, and finally, the reflectance decreased according to the reduction of polarity.  相似文献   

We present experimental measurements of light backscattered from double-scale randomly rough surfaces (oceanlike surfaces) with different statistical parameters illuminated at small and large angles of incidence. The surfaces are composed of a small-scale roughness superimposed on a slowly (large-scale) varying surface. The large-scale surfaces are diamond-machined periodic surfaces made on aluminum substrates and have either a sinusoidal or a Stokes wave profile. The small-scale roughness is added with lithographic techniques, and the surfaces are then gold coated. For a linearly polarized incident beam, it is found that the backscattered light is strongly depolarized mainly at small angles of incidence and strong shadowing effects are present for large angles of incidence (θ(inc) > 60°).  相似文献   

Liu Q  Ramanujam N 《Applied optics》2006,45(19):4776-4790
A method for estimating the optical properties of two-layered media (such as squamous epithelial tissue) over a range of wavelengths in the ultraviolet-visible spectrum is proposed and tested with Monte Carlo modeling. The method first used a fiber-optic probe with angled illumination and the collection fibers placed at a small separation (or=1000 microm) was used to detect diffuse reflectance preferentially from the bottom layer. A second Monte Carlo-based inverse model for a two-layered medium was applied to estimate the bottom layer optical properties, as well as the top layer thickness, given that the top layer optical properties have been estimated. The results of Monte Carlo validation show that this method works well for an epithelial tissue model with a top layer thickness ranging from 200 to 500 microm. For most thicknesses within this range, the absorption coefficients were estimated to within 15% of the true values, the reduced scattering coefficients were estimated to within 20% and the top layer thicknesses were estimated to within 20%. The application of a variance reduction technique to the Monte Carlo modeling proved to be effective in improving the accuracy with which the optical properties are estimated.  相似文献   

The physical properties of stratospheric aerosols can be retrieved from optical measurements involving extinction, radiance, polarization, and counting. We present here the results of measurements from the balloonborne instruments AMON, SALOMON, and RADIBAL, and from the French Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique and the University of Wyoming balloonborne particle counters. A cross comparison of the measurements was made for observations of background aerosols conducted during the polar winters of February 1997 and January-February 2000 for various altitudes from 13 to 19 km. On the one band, the effective radius and the total amount of background aerosols derived from the various sets of data are similar and are in agreement with pre-Pinatubo values. On the other hand, strong discrepancies occur in the shapes of the bimodal size distributions obtained from analysis of the raw measurement of the various instruments. It seems then that the log-normal assumption cannot fully reproduce the size distribution of background aerosols. The effect ofthe presence of particular aerosols on the measurements is discussed, and a new strategy for observations is proposed.  相似文献   

Lu R  Koenderink JJ  Kappers AM 《Applied optics》2000,39(31):5785-5795
To study the optical properties of materials, one needs a complete set of the angular distribution functions of surface scattering from the materials. Here we present a convenient method for collecting a large set of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) samples in the hemispherical scattering space. Material samples are wrapped around a right-circular cylinder and irradiated by a parallel light source, and the scattered radiance is collected by a digital camera. We tilted the cylinder around its center to collect the BRDF samples outside the plane of incidence. This method can be used with materials that have isotropic and anisotropic scattering properties. We demonstrate this method in a detailed investigation of shot fabrics. The warps and the fillings of shot fabrics are dyed different colors so that the fabric appears to change color at different viewing angles. These color-changing characteristics are found to be related to the physical and geometrical structure of shot fabric. Our study reveals that the color-changing property of shot fabrics is due mainly to an occlusion effect.  相似文献   

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