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Relevant scientific literature has demonstrated that in spaces of smaller scale than the national, the availability of scientific knowledge is also relevant for generating spillover effects that benefit the industrial sector. The proliferation of such literature consistently stressing the importance of physical proximity for the two-way flow of knowledge and for the development and fostering of innovation, together with the high degree of self-government of the Spanish regions (which have the competence to develop their own R&D policies), all suggest that the relationships between the scientific community and the industrial sector may be closer and more productive in the regions where the scientific potential is more relevant, in comparison with other regions. The basic objective of this article is to test for the possible differential effects of a favourable scientific environment on science-technology relationships, and more specifically, to determine if the considerable regional resources directed towards scientific research in local universities are being translated into economic results for industry, by way of better utilisation of scientific knowledge to enable companies to generate more and better innovations in processes and products. The methodology that we employ relates the scientific citations in patent documents - as a basic indicator of these science-technology flows- with various indicators of resources and results of academic research that reflect the scientific research environment. With caution, and recognising the limitations inherent in the NPC (non patent citation) methodology, different econometric specifications permit the conclusion to be drawn that companies of those regions with a more favourable scientific environment make greater use of scientific knowledge. Received: September 2003/Accepted: October 2004 The authors are members of Eco-21 Research Project. Centra Foundation (Junta de Andalucía). We are grateful for the useful comments on an earlier draft of this paper that were provided by three anonymous referees. This research has been granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology (SEC 2001–3030).  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to analyse the local determinants of innovation in a small European metropolitan region. First, we examine the extent to which geographic space is a determinant of innovation for five intra‐regional units. Second, we investigate whether innovation is dependent on accessibility to the mean centre. In both cases we examine innovation propensity and innovation output using microdata from the Community Innovation Survey carried out in Luxembourg. The paper provides evidence of a link between the effects on innovation at the intra‐regional level of firms' profiles and agglomeration externalities.  相似文献   

There is a large consensus that higher education institutions exert notable effects on their regional environment. So far, however, much of the related evidence is based on case studies. Few findings are available on a more generalizable level. To bridge this gap, our study uses spatial panel‐data models to identify the impacts of higher education institution (HEI) activities on GDP per capita and unemployment in Germany. Beyond demand‐side effects, we seek to identify the, arguably more important, indirect long‐term effects of knowledge generation. Accounting for regional spillovers, we find that on average HEI contributed €8,300 to regional GDP per capita in the period 2000 to 2011. Furthermore, we find that they help to significantly reduce unemployment rates in the long run.  相似文献   

Using the introduction of tuition fees at German public universities as an exogenous shock, this paper investigates its causal impact on the enrolment and migration decision of high‐school graduates. Specifically, we conduct a quasi‐experimental analysis by exploiting the spatial and temporal variation in tuition fee regimes as a result of a Federal Constitutional Court decision. Our empirical results show that the introduction of tuition fees had a particular impact on student migration. We observe three effects: first, male students show a stronger migration response compared to female students. Second, changes in migration behaviour are sensitive to geographical distance. Finally, comparing different types of higher education institutions, we find that the migration effect is larger for universities compared to technical colleges and colleges of arts or music.  相似文献   

This empirical study explores financial links between indigenous and non‐indigenous economic systems in a remote river catchment in Northern Australia (the Mitchell). It finds evidence of a profound and asymmetric ‘disconnect’ between these economies: an exogenous increase in indigenous incomes raises the incomes of non‐indigenous people, but the reverse is not true. Evidently, those seeking to improve the incomes of indigenous people in Northern Australia cannot simply seek to (i) increase payments to indigenous people, or (ii) expand the non‐indigenous sector hoping that some benefits will ‘trickle down’. Instead, structural change is required.  相似文献   

Both high and low indoor relative humidity (RH) directly impact Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), an important school health concern. Prior school studies reported a high prevalence of mold, roaches, and water damage; however, few examined associations between modifiable classroom factors and RH, a quantitative indicator of dampness. We recorded RH longitudinally in 134 North Carolina classrooms (n = 9066 classroom‐days) to quantify the relationships between modifiable classroom factors and average daily RH below, within, or above levels recommended to improve school IAQ (30–50% or 30–60% RH). The odds of having high RH (>60%) were 5.8 [95% Confidence Interval (CI): 2.9, 11.3] times higher in classrooms with annual compared to quarterly heating, ventilating, and air‐conditioning (HVAC) system maintenance and 2.5 (95% CI: 1.5, 4.2) times higher in classrooms with HVAC economizers compared to those without economizers. Classrooms with direct‐expansion split systems compared to chilled water systems had 2.7 (95% CI: 1.7, 4.4) times higher odds of low RH (<30%). When unoccupied, classrooms with thermostat setbacks had 3.7 (95% CI: 1.7, 8.3) times the odds of high RH (>60%) of those without setbacks. This research suggests actionable decision points for school design and maintenance to prevent high or low classroom RH.  相似文献   

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