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The influence of thermal treatment under different environments of PtRuMo/C catalyst has been investigated for CO and methanol electrooxidation in a half cell and in a DMFC single cell. The PtRuMo/C catalysts were synthesized following two step procedure while the thermal treatments consisted of heating at 300 °C in H2 or He atmosphere for 1 h. Structural characteristics of the electrocatalysts have been studied employing a wide range of instrumental methods, including physicochemical techniques like X-ray diffraction, TEM, TPR, XPS, and electrochemical techniques like single cell studies and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy adapted to the electrochemical system for in situ studies. These electrocatalysts exhibited good dispersion and small particle size, which increased upon increasing thermal treatment. Moreover, thermal treatment, mainly under H2 is responsible for the decrease of the lattice parameter and the increase of the spill over effect to Mo sites. These effects were also accompanied by increasing the proportion of the more reduced Ru species in this catalyst. The electrochemical characterization revealed that although all ternary catalysts were more active towards CO and methanol oxidation than the binary catalyst, the catalyst treated with H2 improves its performance by ca. 15% higher with respect to the ternary catalysts treated either in He treatment or with no treatment. The enhancement in activity is associated with a change in the reaction path, which promotes the direct oxidation of CHO species to CO2 without the production of the CO poisoning species. The synergistic effect of the three metals seems to be improved and the Mo–Pt and Mo–Ru interaction strengthened.  相似文献   

This paper was presented to determine the methanol crossover and efficiency of a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) under various operating conditions such as cell temperature, methanol concentration, methanol flow rate, cathode flow rate, and cathode backpressure. The methanol crossover measurements were performed by measuring crossover current density at an open circuit using humidified nitrogen instead of air at the cathode and applied voltage with a power supply. The membrane electrode assembly (MEA) with an active area of 5 cm2 was composed of a Nafion 117 membrane, a Pt–Ru (4 mg/cm2) anode catalyst, and a Pt (4 mg/cm2) cathode catalyst. It was shown that methanol crossover increased by increasing cell temperature, methanol concentration, methanol flow rate, cathode flow rate and decreasing cathode backpressure. Also, it was revealed that the efficiency of the DMFC was closely related with methanol crossover, and significantly improved as the cell temperature and cathode backpressure increased and methanol concentration decreased.  相似文献   

A significant advantage of direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) is the high specific energy of the liquid fuel, making it particularly suitable for portable and mobile applications. Nevertheless, conventional DMFCs have to be operated with excessively diluted methanol solutions to limit methanol crossover and the detrimental consequences. Operation with diluted methanol solutions significantly reduces the specific energy of the power pack and thereby prevents it from competing with advanced batteries. In view of this fact, there exists a need to improve conventional DMFC system designs, including membrane electrode assemblies and the subsystems for supplying/removing reactants/products, so that both the cell performance and the specific energy can be simultaneously maximized. This article provides a comprehensive review of past efforts on the optimization of DMFC systems that operate with concentrated methanol. Based on the discussion of the key issues associated with transport of the reactants/products, the strategies to manage the supply/removal of the reactants/products in DMFC operating with highly concentrated methanol are identified. With these strategies, the possible approaches to achieving the goal of concentrated fuel operation are then proposed. Past efforts in the management of the reactants/products for implementing each of the approaches are also summarized and reviewed.  相似文献   

A systematic method for modeling direct methanol fuel cells, with a focus on the anode side of the system, is advanced for the purpose of quantifying the methanol crossover phenomenon and predicting the concentration of methanol in the anode catalyst layer of a direct methanol fuel cell. The model accounts for fundamental mass transfer phenomena at steady state, including convective transport in the anode flow channel, as well as diffusion and electro-osmotic drag transport across the polymer electrolyte membrane. Experimental measurements of methanol crossover current density are used to identify five modeling parameters according to a systematic parameter estimation methodology. A validation study shows that the model matches the experimental data well, and the usefulness of the model is illustrated through the analysis of effects such as the choice fuel flow rate in the anode flow channel and the presence of carbon-dioxide bubbles.  相似文献   

Reducing methanol crossover from the anode to cathode in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) is critical for attaining high cell performance and fuel utilization, particularly when highly concentrated methanol fuel is fed into DMFCs. In this study, we present a novel design of anode diffusion media (DM) wherein spatial variation of hydrophobicity along the through-plane direction is realized by special polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coating procedure. According to the capillary transport theory for porous media, the anode DM design can significantly affect both methanol and water transport processes in DMFCs. To examine its influence, three different membrane-electrode assemblies are fabricated and tested for various methanol feed concentrations. Polarization curves show that cell performance at high methanol feed concentration conditions is greatly improved with the anode DM design with increasing hydrophobicity toward the anode catalyst layer. In addition, we investigate the influence of the wettability of the anode microporous layer (MPL) on cell performance and show that for DMFC operation at high methanol feed concentration, the hydrophilic anode MPL fabricated with an ionomer binder is more beneficial than conventional hydrophobic MPLs fabricated with PTFE. This paper highlights that controlling wetting characteristics of the anode DM and MPL is of paramount importance for mitigating methanol crossover in DMFCs.  相似文献   

A transient, two-dimensional two-phase mass transport model is applied to investigate the cell dynamic operating behaviors of a liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). The influences of various processes on the cell dynamics in response to sudden change of cell current density, methanol feed concentration, oxygen feed concentration, and the transient gas-slug blocking in the anode channel are studied. The results reveal that in response to the sudden drop of cell current density and methanol concentration, the cell voltage exhibits overshooting behavior as a result of the interaction between cathode and anode overpotentials with different time responses. The dominant factor causing the long response of cell voltages is the methanol rebalance in the membrane electrode assembly, which usually takes tens of seconds because of the sluggish methanol transport process. Also, it is indicated that in response to temporary blocking of anode diffusion layer surface with gas slug, the cell can still operate normally for a while because the anode diffusion layer serves as the fuel reservoir. It takes over a minute for the cell to break down in this case studied, implying that the cell output can be maintained stable if the gas bubbles or slugs in the anode channel can be removed quickly. However, too long residence time of gas slug in the channel definitely degrades the cell performance.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a chromatography-based method for determining the water concentration in the anode catalyst layer (CL) of a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). By this method, the effect of the water concentration in the anode CL on the product distribution of the methanol oxidation reaction (MOR), the anode potential, and the cell internal resistance is experimentally investigated in a DMFC operating with neat methanol. Interestingly, it is found that the main product of the anode MOR is still carbon dioxide even when the water concentration in the anode CL is extremely low. The experimental data also show that an increase in the water concentration in the anode CL decreases the internal resistance, the production of by-products (methyl formate and methylal), and the anode potential. As the mole ratio of water to methanol increases beyond a critical value, however, both the internal resistance and the anode potential tend to be stabilized at the points under diluted methanol operating conditions.  相似文献   

This research focuses on modeling the relationships between operating parameters and performance measures for a single stack direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). Four operating parameters, including temperature, methanol concentration, and methanol and air flow rates, are considered in this work. Performance of the DMFC is described by the relationship between current density and voltage. The open circuit voltage and voltage drop in the closed circuit due to resistance, activation, and concentration polarization are influenced by the operating parameters. To consider both modeling accuracy and simplicity, a semi-empirical model is developed in this work by integrating theoretical and approximation models. Experiments were designed and conducted to collect the required data and to obtain the coefficients in the semi-empirical model. The error analysis indicates that our semi-empirical model is effective for predicating the DMFC's performance. The influence of the four operating parameters on the DMFC's performance is also analyzed based on this semi-empirical model. Possible applications of the semi-empirical model in the optimal control of fuel cell systems are also discussed.  相似文献   

Despite serious methanol crossover issues in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs), the use of high-concentration methanol fuel is highly demanded to improve the energy density of passive fuel DMFC systems for portable applications. In this paper, the effects of a hydrophobic anode micro-porous layer (MPL) and cathode air humidification are experimentally studied as a function of the methanol-feed concentration. It is found in polarization tests that the anode MPL dramatically influences cell performance, positively under high-concentration methanol-feed but negatively under low-concentration methanol-feed, which indicates that methanol transport in the anode is considerably altered by the presence of the anode MPL. In addition, the experimental data show that cathode air humidification has a beneficial effect on cell performance due to the enhanced backflow of water from the cathode to the anode and the subsequent dilution of the methanol concentration in the anode catalyst layer. Using an advanced membrane electrode assembly (MEA) with the anode MPL and cathode air humidification, we report that the maximum power density of 78 mW/cm2 is achieved at a methanol-feed concentration of 8 M and cell operating temperature of 60 °C. This paper illustrates that the anode MPL and cathode air humidification are key factors to successfully operate a DMFC with high-concentration methanol fuel.  相似文献   

A kinetic model for the anode of the direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is presented. The model is based on the generally accepted dual site mechanism of methanol oxidation, in aqueous solution, on well characterized Pt–Ru catalyst and it can predict the performance of the electrode as a function of cell temperature, anode potential and methanol concentration. In addition the model also generates data regarding the surface coverage of significant adsorbates involved in methanol oxidation on the dual site catalyst.  相似文献   

Various silica particles were adopted as catalyst supports, and silica-supported PtRu catalysts were evaluated as catalysts for the anode of direct methanol fuel cells at methanol concentrations of 1–10 M through single cell tests. Compared to a carbon black supported Pt–Ru catalysts, the silica-supported Pt–Ru catalysts exhibited higher performance in MEA, especially with high concentration over 3 M, and the maximum power density reached to 90 mW cm−2 and 60 mW cm−2 with 5 M and 10 M, respectively, which were 1.5 and 3 times higher than the reference carbon black supported catalysts. It was found that the silica particles as a catalyst support have a significant effect on reduction of methanol crossover and control of fuel feeding. Such a high performance in the operation with high concentrations was confirmed in the long-term durability test.  相似文献   

For the past decade, extensive mathematical modelling has been conducted on the design and optimization of liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). Detailed modelling of DMFC operations reveals that a two-phase flow phenomenon at the anode and under-rib convection due to the pressure difference between the adjacent channels both contribute significantly to mass-transfer in a DMFC and its output performance. In practice, comprehensive simulations based on the finite volume technique for two-phase flow require a high level of numerical complexity in computation. This study presents a complexity-reduced mathematical model that is developed to cover both phenomena for a realistic, but fast, in computation for the prediction and analysis of a DMFC prototype design. The simulation results are validated against experimental data with good agreement. Analysis of the DMFC mass-transfer is made to investigate methanol distribution at anode and its crossover through the proton-exchange membrane. From a comparison of the influence of two-phase flow and under-rib mass-transfer on DMFC performance, the significance of gas-phase methanol transport is established. Simulation results suggest that both the optimization of the flow-field structure and the fuel cell operating parameters (flow rate, methanol concentration and operating temperature) are important factors for competitive DMFC performance output.  相似文献   

This study systematically investigates the effects of structural aspects on the performance of a passive air-breathing direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). Three factors are selected in this study: (1) two different open ratios of the current collector; (2) two different assembly methods of the diffusion layer; and (3) three membrane types with different thicknesses. The interrelations and interactions among these factors have been taken into account. The results demonstrate that these structural factors combine to significantly affect the cell performance of DMFCs. The higher open ratio not only provides a larger area for mass transfer passage and facilitates removal of the products, but also promotes higher methanol crossover. The hot-pressed diffusion layer (DL) can mitigate methanol permeation while the non-bonded variant is able to enhance product removal. The increase of membrane thickness helps obtain a lower methanol crossover rate and higher methanol utilisation efficiency, but also depresses cell performance under certain conditions. In this research, the maximum power density of 10.7 mW cm−2 is obtained by selecting the current collector with a lower open ratio, the non-bonded DL, and the Nafion 117 membrane. The effect of methanol concentration on the performance of DMFCs is also explored.  相似文献   

This paper is presented to investigate operational characteristics of a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) stack with regard to fuel and energy efficiency, including its performance and stability under various operating conditions. Fuel efficiency of the DMFC stack is strongly dependent on fuel concentration, working temperature, current density, and anode channel configuration in the bipolar plates and noticeably increases due to the reduced methanol crossover through the membrane, as the current density increases and the methanol concentration, anode channel depth, and temperature decreases. It is, however, revealed that the energy efficiency of the DMFC stack is not always improved with increased fuel efficiency, since the reduced methanol crossover does not always indicate an increase in the power of the DMFC stack. Further, a lower methanol concentration and temperature sacrifice the power and operational stability of the stack with the large difference of cell voltages, even though the stack shows more than 90% of fuel efficiency in this operating condition. The energy efficiency is therefore a more important characteristic to find optimal operating conditions in the DMFC stack than fuel efficiency based on the methanol utilization and crossover, since it considers both fuel efficiency and cell electrical power. These efforts may contribute to commercialization of the highly efficient DMFC system, through reduction of the loss of energy and fuel.  相似文献   

AuNi nanoparticles supported on the activated carbon (AuNi/C) are synthesized by the impregnation method in the ethyleneglycol system using NH2NH2·H2O as a reducing agent. The alloying of Au and Ni and the removal of unalloyed Ni in the AuNi/C composition are achieved by heat and acid treatments in sequence. Research results reveal that the average size and alloying degree of the AuNi nanoparticles in the AuNi/C catalyst increase with the enhancement of the annealing temperature. However, the Ni content of the AuNi/C catalyst firstly goes up and then down with the rising of heat treatment temperature due to the AuNi system phase-separates. Moreover, the electrocatalytic activity normalized by the electrochemically active surface area of each AuNi/C catalyst is far better than that of the Au/C catalyst, because of the bifunctional mechanism and the electrocatalytic activity of the NiOOH. In particular, the AuNi/C catalyst annealed at 400 °C exhibits the most excellent activity, due to its small AuNi particles and proper alloying degree. Furthermore, its mass-specific electrochemical activity is higher than that of the Au/C catalyst, although the mean diameter of the AuNi nanoparticles in this catalyst is larger than that of the Au nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Improving cell performance is the most demanded task in direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) research, although this fuel cell has several intrinsic features like high energy density, moderate operating temperature and environmentally friendly operation. The catalyst layer (CL) is the site of electrochemical reactions directly affecting the cell performance. Accordingly, the structure and preparation of the CL are crucial in optimizing performance. In this study, a novel gradient catalyst layer (G-CL) for the anode of DMFC is developed and better performance is obtained compared with that of single catalyst layer (S-CL) anode. A G-CL anode is composed of an outer CL of covalent organic framework (COF) materials-mixed catalyst near the microporous layer (MPL) and a conventional inner CL near the membrane side. Different loading of Pt catalyst in the two layers. Therefore, in the G-CL structure, there existed a catalyst concentration gradient and porosity gradient. Anode electrodes are characterized morphologically and electrochemically and the performance of individual cells containing such G-CL designs is measured. The results indicate that incorporation of the appropriate amount of COF materials enables the outer CL not only to have a larger electrochemical surface area (ECSA) and expose more catalytic active sites but also holds a strong proton transfer ability to improve the methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) performance. Due to the presence of the inner layer of the CL formed the methanol gradient oxidation process. With the same platinum-ruthenium (Pt–Ru) catalyst loading, the 5 wt.% COF G-CL anode structure exhibited lower methanol crossover and higher power density (nearly 11% increment) compared with that of the S-CL anode with high methanol concentration (8 M) at 60 °C, showing the promising potential in further applications.  相似文献   

A number of issues need to be resolved before DMFC can be commercially viable such as the methanol crossover and water crossover which must be minimised in portable DMFCs.  相似文献   

A novel anode catalyst layer (CL) has been prepared by ultrasonic‐spray process which combines directly spraying method and catalyst‐coated membrane switchover method, and heated‐stereoscopic process has been used to enhance bond force between CLs and proton exchange membrane in this paper. The scanning electron microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectra and polarization curves show that: the anode outer CL with pores and meshwork structure has increased the electrochemical active surface area and retained the transfer of protons and electrons, and the anode inner CL with compact structure has prevented methanol crossover. And the gradient catalysis for methanol electrochemical catalytic oxidation reaction has been achieved. The open circuit voltage has reached 0.697 V, and the performance has increased from 116.8 mW cm?2 of traditional membrane electrode assembly (MEA) to 202.6 mWcm?2 of novel MEA at 80°C. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sulfonated polyimides (SPIs) derived from 1,4,5,8-naphthalene tetracarboxylic dianhydride, 4,4′-bis(4-aminophenoxy) biphenyl-3,3′-disulfonic acid and hydrophobic aromatic diamines showed the much lower methanol permeability and the lower proton conductivity than Nafion 112. The performance and the water and methanol crossover for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) with the SPI membranes were investigated in comparison with Nafion membranes. The methanol and water fluxes increased significantly with increasing load current density for Nafion membranes but not for the SPI membranes, indicating that they were controlled by both the electro-osmotic drag and the molecular diffusion for the former but by only the molecular diffusion for the latter. These resulted in the much better DMFC performance for the SPIs than Nafion membranes especially at high methanol feed concentrations. The Faraday's efficiency and overall DMFC efficiency at 60 °C and 200 mA cm−2 for SPI membrane with IEC of 1.51 meq g−1 were 75% and 21%, respectively, at 5 wt.% methanol feed concentration, and 36% and 9.5%, respectively, at 20 wt.% methanol concentration. They were about two times and three times higher at 5 wt.% and 20 wt.% methanol concentrations, respectively, than those for Nafion 112. The short-term durability test for 300 h at 60 °C revealed no deterioration in the DMFC performance. The SPI membranes have high potential for DMFC applications at mediate temperatures (40–80 °C).  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation concerning the effects of operating conditions on the performance of a passive direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). A self-developed porous metal fiber sintered plate (PMFSP) is used as the methanol barrier between the fuel reservoir and current collector at the anode in order to alleviate the effect of methanol crossover. The effectiveness of using this method is validated. A series of operating conditions such as operating orientation, methanol concentration, ambient temperature, forced air convection and dynamic load are evaluated. Results show that the use of a PMFSP promotes a higher cell performance during vertical operation than horizontal orientation. The effect of methanol concentration depends on the PMFSP porosity. A relatively lower porosity is favorable for high-concentration operation. The cell performance gets improved when increasing the ambient temperature and adopting forced air supply at the cathode. Compared with the traditional structure, the use of a PMFSP makes the fuel cell insensitive to the change of blowing intensity. In addition, the dynamic characteristics of the PMFSP-based passive DMFC are also reported.  相似文献   

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