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In this paper, entropy generation in hydrogen-enriched ultra-lean counter-flow methane–air non-premixed combustion confined by planar opposing jets is investigated for the first time. The effects of the effective equivalence ratio and the volume percentage of hydrogen in fuel blends on entropy generation are studied by numerically evaluating the entropy generation equation. The lattice Boltzmann model proposed in our previous work, instead of traditional numerical methods, is used to solve the governing equations for combustion process. Through the present study, five interesting features of this kind of combustion, which are quite different from that reported in previous literature on entropy generation analysis for hydrogen-enriched methane–air combustion, are revealed. The total entropy generation number can be approximated as a linear increasing function of the volume percentage of hydrogen in fuel mixture and the effective equivalence ratio for all the cases under the present study.  相似文献   

Experimental and numerical studies of hydrogen–air premixed combustion in a converging–diverging micro tube with inner diameters of the inlet, throat, and outlet of 2, 1, and 2 mm, respectively, have been performed to study the combustion and flame characteristics. The influences of the equivalence ratio (Φ) and inlet velocity (vin) are investigated. The experiments reveal that the vin range for stable combustion—between 3.4 and 41.4 m/s—was significantly expanded, particularly when Φ = 1.4. This effect can primarily be attributed to the converging–diverging structure. As Φ increased, both the wall and the flame temperatures exhibited an increasing–decreasing trend; the largest heat loss ratio occurred at Φ = 1.0. The ignition position initially moved upstream and then moved downstream. The flame thickness increased and then decreased, reaching its peak value at Φ = 1.2. The flame length decreased monotonously. As vin increased, the wall temperature increased, the flame temperature decreased, and the flame moved downstream to grow thicker and longer.  相似文献   

The unstretched laminar burning velocities and Markstein numbers of spherically propagating hydrogen–methane–air flames were studied at a mixture pressure of 0.10 MPa and a mixture temperature of 350 K. The fraction of hydrogen in the binary fuel was varied from 0 to 1.0 at equivalence ratios of 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2. The unstretched laminar burning velocity increased non-linearly with hydrogen fraction for all the equivalence ratios. The Markstein number varied non-monotonically at equivalence ratios of 0.8 and 1.0 and increased monotonically at equivalence ratio of 1.2 with increasing hydrogen fraction. Analytical evaluation of the Markstein number suggested that the trends could be due to the effective Lewis number, which varied non-monotonically with hydrogen fraction at equivalence ratios of 0.8 and 1.0 and increased monotonically at 1.2. The propensity of flame instability varied non-monotonically with hydrogen fraction at equivalence ratios of 0.8 and 1.0.  相似文献   

In the present work, the laminar premixed acetylene–hydrogen–air and ethanol–hydrogen–air flames were investigated numerically. Laminar flame speeds, the adiabatic flame temperatures were obtained utilizing CHEMKIN PREMIX and EQUI codes, respectively. Sensitivity analysis was performed and flame structure was analyzed. The results show that for acetylene–hydrogen–air flames, combustion is promoted by H and O radicals. The highest flame speed (247 cm/s) was obtained in mixture with 95% H2–5% C2H2 at λ = 1.0. The region between 0.95 < XH2 < 1.0 was referred to as the acetylene-accelerating hydrogen combustion since the flame speed increases with increase the acetylene fraction in the mixture. Further increase in the acetylene fraction decreases the H radicals in the flame front. In ethanol–hydrogen–air mixtures, the mixture reactivity is determined by H, OH and O radicals. For XH2 < 0.6, the flame speed in this regime increases linearly with increasing the hydrogen fraction. For XH2 > 0.8, the hydrogen chemistry control the combustion and ethanol addition inhibits the reactivity and reduces linearly the laminar flame speed. For 0.6 < XH2 < 0.8, the laminar flame speed increases exponentially with the increase of hydrogen fraction.  相似文献   

The premixed combustion of a lean hydrogen–air mixture is analyzed in this study to examine various properties and flame stabilization. A two-dimensional (2D) analysis of a microscale combustor is performed with various shapes of bluff bodies (e.g., circular and triangular). Nine bluff bodies are placed at the entrance of the microscale combustor and solved with 2D governing equations. The analysis is performed with the three velocities of 10, 20, and 30 m/s, but the equivalence ratio is fixed in all cases. The various characteristics of the microscale combustor are studied such as the temperature of the wall, difference in peak temperature, the mean velocity at the outlet, and temperature of the exhaust gases. Flame stabilization depends on various factors such as bluff body shape and size, and the velocity of the fuel–air mixture at the inlet and recirculation zone. In comparison to all bluff body cases, we observe that the wall blade bluff body is the most efficient (low exhaust gas temperature, large recirculation zone, low mean velocity at the outlet of the microcombustor, and high wall temperature) compared with all eight other bluff body cases. Combustion efficiency is directly proportional to the wall temperature, meaning that the microcombustor with wall blade bluff bodies is more efficient with a stabilized flame. The simulation results are compared with published data on an L/D ratio of 15.  相似文献   

Laser-induced spark ignition of lean hydrogen–air mixtures was experimentally investigated using nanosecond pulses generated by Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (wavelength 1064 nm) at initial pressure of 3 MPa and temperature 323 K in a constant volume combustion chamber. Laser ignition has several advantages over conventional ignition systems especially in internal combustion engines, hence it is necessary to characterise the combustion phenomena from start of plasma formation to end of combustion. In the present experimental investigation, the formation of laser plasma by spontaneous emission technique and subsequently developing flame kernel was measured. Initially, the plasma propagates towards the incoming laser. This backward moving plasma (towards the focusing lens) grows much faster than the forward moving plasma (along the direction of laser). A piezoelectric pressure transducer was used to measure the pressure rise in the combustion chamber. Hydrogen–air mixtures were also ignited using a spark plug under identical experimental conditions and results are compared with the laser ignition ones.  相似文献   

Experimental and numerical studies on laminar burning velocities of hydrogen–air mixtures were performed at standard pressure and room temperature varying the equivalence ratio from 0.8 to 3.0. The flames were generated using a contoured slot-type nozzle burner (4 mm × 10 mm). Measurements of laminar burning velocity were conducted using particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) combined with Schlieren photography. This technique provides the information of instantaneous local burning velocities in the whole region of the flame front, and laminar burning velocities were determined using the mean value of local burning velocities in the region of non-stretch. Additionally, average laminar burning velocities were determined using the angle method and compared with the data obtained with the PTV method. Numerical calculations were also conducted using detailed reaction mechanisms and transport properties.  相似文献   

The present study is focused on the analysis of non-premixed combustion in high-velocity (supersonic) flows. The computations make use of a large eddy simulation (LES) model, which has been recently introduced to address combustion in high Reynolds number turbulent flows featuring moderate Damköhler values. We expect that the corresponding closure is able to account for the specificities encountered in high Mach number turbulent reactive flows featuring chemical reaction time scales with the same order of magnitude as flow time scales. The model takes finite-rate chemistry and micro-mixing effects into account within the framework of the partially stirred reactor (PaSR) concept, it is hereafter denoted by U-PaSR (unsteady partially stirred reactor). (i) In a first step of the present investigation, the capabilities of the U-PaSR closure hence proposed are evaluated through a detailed comparison performed between numerical results and the data obtained from an experimental study devoted to non-premixed combustion in supersonic co-flowing jets of hydrogen and vitiated air. The simulated test case corresponds to a well-documented experimental database that includes Raman scattering and laser-induced pre-dissociative fluorescence measurements. The comparisons performed between computational results and experimental data establish that the physical processes are well-described by the performed simulation. (ii) In a second step of this study, the flame structure and associated stabilization zone are analysed in the light of numerical simulation results. The post-processing to the computational results indeed confirms the importance of self-ignition processes, as well as the relevance of diagnostic tools recently introduced by Boivin et al. [1,2]. Considering the stabilization zone, it also emphasizes the essential importance of the pressure dynamics associated with the discharge of compressible coflowing jets into the atmosphere – an importance that was not so clearly evidenced from previous numerical simulations conducted on the same experimental benchmark.  相似文献   

By utilizing a newly designed constant volume combustion bomb (CVCB), turbulent flame combustion phenomena are investigated using hydrogen–air mixture under the initial pressures of 1 bar, 2 bar and 3 bar, including flame acceleration, turbulent flame propagation and flame–shock interaction with pressure oscillations. The results show that the process of flame acceleration through perforated plate can be characterized by three stages: laminar flame, jet flame and turbulent flame. Fast turbulent flame can generate a visible shock wave ahead of the flame front, which is reflected from the end wall of combustion chamber. Subsequently, the velocity of reflected shock wave declines gradually since it is affected by the compression wave formed by flame acceleration. In return, the propagation velocity of turbulent flame front is also influenced. The intense interaction between flame front and reflected shock can be captured by high-speed schlieren photography clearly under different initial pressures. The results show that the propagation velocity of turbulent flame rises with the increase of initial pressure, while the forward shock velocities show no apparent difference. On the other hand, the reflected shock wave decays faster under higher initial pressure conditions due to the faster flame propagation. Moreover, the influence of initial pressure on pressure oscillations is also analyzed comprehensively according to the experimental results.  相似文献   

An approach to improve premixed hydrogen/air combustion in micro combustor is numerically studied in this paper. The micro–combustor with slits on both sides of the bluff body shows better combustion efficiency and uniformity of temperature distribution. The effects of the controllable flow ratio (γ) and the angle of bluff body (θ) on combustion characteristics are investigated by using a two–dimensional model with the H2/O2 reaction mechanism. The results show that the increase of controllable flow ratio and angle of bluff body can improve combustion efficiency and decrease velocity extinction limit. However, at higher θ, increasing γ do not play an important role in improving combustion efficiency. In addition, at higher inlet velocity, combustion efficiency do not increase dramatically with the increase of θ. Moreover, at high inlet velocity, a special phenomenon of temperature ‘waist’ is observed in the micro–combustor with slits on both sides of the bluff body, which has a huge impact on combustion characteristics. Therefore, controllable flow ratio and angle of bluff body should be reasonably chosen to improve combustion characteristics.  相似文献   

The scalar mixing time scale, a key quantity in many turbulent combustion models, is investigated for reactive scalars in premixed combustion. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of three-dimensional, turbulent Bunsen flames with reduced methane–air chemistry have been analyzed in the thin reaction zones regime. Previous conclusions from single step chemistry DNS studies are confirmed regarding the role of dilatation and turbulence–chemistry interactions on the progress variable dissipation rate. Compared to the progress variable, the mixing rates of intermediate species is found to be several times greater. The variation of species mixing rates are explained with reference to the structure of one-dimensional premixed laminar flames. According to this analysis, mixing rates are governed by the strong gradients which are imposed by flamelet structures at high Damköhler numbers. This suggests a modeling approach to estimate the mixing rate of individual species which can be applied, for example, in transported probability density function simulations. Flame–turbulence interactions which modify the flamelet based representation are analyzed.  相似文献   

The combustion stability limits and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions of burner-stabilized premixed flames of ammonia (NH3)-substituted hydrogen (H2)–air mixtures at normal temperature and pressure are studied to evaluate the potential of partial NH3 substitution to improve the safety of H2 use. The effects of NH3 substitution, nitrogen (N2) coflow and mixture injection velocity on the stability limits and NOx emissions of NH3–H2–air flames are experimentally determined. Results show a reduction of stability limits with NH3 substitution and coflow, supporting the potential of NH3 as a carbon-free, green additive in H2–air flames and indicating a different tendency from that for no coflow condition. The NOx emission index is almost constant even with enhanced NH3 substitution, though the absolute value of NOx emissions increases in general. At fuel-rich conditions, the NOx emission index decreases with increasing mixture injection velocity and the existence of coflow. The thermal deNOx process in the post-flame region is involved in reducing NOx emissions for the fuel-rich flames.  相似文献   

Lewis number represents the thermo-diffusive effects on laminar flames. That of hydrogen–air mixture varies extensively with the equivalence ratio due to the high molecular diffusivity of hydrogen. In this study, the influences of pressure and thermo-diffusive effects on spherically propagating premixed hydrogen–air turbulent flames were studied using a constant volume fan-stirred combustion vessel. It was noted that the ratio of the turbulent to unstretched laminar burning velocity increased with decreasing equivalence ratio and increasing mixture pressure. Turbulent burning velocity was dominated by three factors: (1) purely hydrodynamic factor, turbulence Reynolds number, (2) relative turbulence intensity to reaction speed, the ratio of turbulence intensity to unstretched laminar burning velocity, and (3) sensitivity of the flame to the stretch due to the thermo-diffusive effects, Lewis and Markstein numbers. A turbulent burning velocity correlation in terms of Reynolds and Lewis numbers is presented.  相似文献   

Nowadays, hydrogen is being utilized massively in industries as a clean fuel. Displacing of hydrogen due to unique chemical and physical properties has adversely affect on pipeline network, hence increases the potential risk of explosion. This study was carried out to determine the flame propagation of hydrogen/air and hydrogen–methane/air mixtures in pipeline. A 90° pipeline with L/D ratio of 40 was used. Pure hydrogen/air mixture with equivalence ratio, φ = 0.13, 0.17, 0.2, 0.24, 0.27 and 0.30 were used in this work. Different composition of hydrogen–methane–air mixtures were tested in this study i.e. 3%H2 + 97CH4, 4%H2 + 96CH4, 6%H2 + 94CH4 and 8%H2 + 92CH4. All mixtures were operated at ambient condition. The results show that bending is the critical part of pipeline and higher concentration of hydrogen can affect on maximum overpressure, flame speed and temperature rise of both pure hydrogen/air and methane-hydrogen/air mixtures.  相似文献   

Experiments are performed on continuous detonation combustion of ternary hydrogen–liquid propane–air mixture in a large-scale annular combustor 406 mm in outer diameter with an annular gap of 25 mm. Liquid propane is fed into the combustor at the time when sustained continuous-detonation combustion of hydrogen–air mixture is attained therein. Mass flow rates of hydrogen, propane and air in the experiments ranged from 0.1 to 0.5 kg/s (hydrogen), 0.1 to 0.5 kg/s (propane), and 5 to 12 kg/s (air). Continuous-detonation combustion of liquid propane in air is obtained for the first time due to addition of hydrogen rather than due to enrichment of air with oxygen. Combustor operation with a single continuously rotating detonation wave (DW) for about 0.1 s has been obtained when the flow rates of propane and air remained constant while the flow rate of hydrogen was rapidly decreasing.  相似文献   

The geometric alignment of turbulent strain-rate structures with premixed flames greatly influences the results of the turbulence–flame interaction. Here, the statistics and dynamics of this alignment are experimentally investigated in turbulent premixed Bunsen flames using high-repetition-rate stereoscopic particle image velocimetry. In all cases, the statistics showed that the most extensive principal strain-rate associated with the turbulence preferentially aligned such that it was more perpendicular than parallel to the flame surface normal direction. The mean turbulence–flame alignment differed between the flames, with the stronger flames (higher laminar flame speed) exhibiting stronger preferential alignment. Furthermore, the preferential alignment was greatest on the reactant side of the mean flame brush. To understand these differences, individual structures of fluid-dynamic strain-rate were tracked through time in a Lagrangian manner (i.e., by following the fluid elements). It was found that the flame surface affected the orientation of the turbulence structures, with the majority of structures rotating as they approached the flame such that their most extensive principal strain-rate was perpendicular to the flame normal. The maximum change in turbulent structure orientation was found to decrease with the strength of the structure, increase with the strength of the flame, and exhibit similar trends when the structure strength and flame strength were represented by a Karlovitz number. The mean change in orientation decreased from the unburnt to burnt side of the flame brush and appears to be influenced by the overall flame shape.  相似文献   

The stoichiometric methane–hydrogen–air freely propagated laminar premixed flames at normal temperature and pressure were calculated by using PREMIX code of CHEMKIN II program with GRI-Mech 3.0 mechanism. The mole fraction profiles and the rate of production of the dominant reactions contributing to the major species and some selected intermediate species in the flames of methane–hydrogen–air were obtained. The rate of production analysis was conducted and the effect of hydrogen addition on the reactions of methane–air mixtures combustion was analyzed by the dominant elementary reactions for specific species. The results showed that the mole fractions of major species CH4, CO and CO2 were decreased while their normalized values were increased as hydrogen is added. The rate of production of the dominant reactions contributing to CH4, CO and CO2 shows a remarkable increase as hydrogen is added. The role of H2 in the flame will change from an intermediate species to a reactant when hydrogen fraction in the blends exceeds 20%. The enhancement of combustion with hydrogen addition can be ascribed to the significant increase of H, O and OH in the flame as hydrogen is presented. The decrease of the mole fractions of CH2O and CH3CHO with hydrogen addition suggests a potential in the reduction of aldehydes emissions of methane combustion as hydrogen is added. The methane oxidation reaction pathways will move toward the lower carbon reaction pathways when hydrogen is available and this has the potential in reducing the soot formation. Chemical kinetics effect of hydrogen addition has a little influence on NO formation for methane combustion with hydrogen addition.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out in a constant volume combustion chamber (CVCC) to investigate flame kernel development and flame speed of hydrogen–air mixtures having different fuel–air ratios. A Q-switched Nd: YAG laser with 1064 nm wavelength and pulse duration of 6–9 ns was used for ignition by generating laser induced plasma inside the CVCC. In this study, laser induced ignition of hydrogen–air mixtures was investigated using different initial chamber filling pressures (P = 2.5 bar–10 bar) at different initial temperatures (373 K–523 K). A variable optical setup with converging lenses having different focal lengths (f = 100–250 mm) were used to position the plasma at various locations inside the CVCC. A high speed camera recorded the flame kernel development and a piezoelectric pressure transducer recorded the pressure–time history for all the experiments. The main objective of this study was to determine the dependence of combustion properties of laser ignited hydrogen–air mixtures on lasers, optical configurations and initial conditions prevailing in the CVCC.  相似文献   

An experimental and numerical study on laminar burning characteristics of the premixed methane–hydrogen–air flames was conducted at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The unstretched laminar burning velocity and the Markstein length were obtained over a wide range of equivalence ratios and hydrogen fractions. Moreover, for further understanding of the effect of hydrogen addition on the laminar burning velocity, the sensitivity analysis and flame structure were performed. The results show that the unstretched laminar burning velocity is increased, and the peak value of the unstretched laminar burning velocity shifts to the richer mixture side with the increase of hydrogen fraction. Three regimes are identified depending on the hydrogen fraction in the fuel blend. They are: the methane-dominated combustion regime where hydrogen fraction is less than 60%; the transition regime where hydrogen fraction is between 60% and 80%; and the methane-inhibited hydrogen combustion regime where hydrogen fraction is larger than 80%. In both the methane-dominated combustion regime and the methane-inhibited hydrogen combustion regime, the laminar burning velocity increases linearly with the increase of hydrogen fraction. However, in the transition regime, the laminar burning velocity increases exponentially with the increase of hydrogen fraction in the fuel blends. The Markstein length is increased with the increase of equivalence ratio and is decreased with the increase of hydrogen fraction. Enhancement of chemical reaction with hydrogen addition is regarded as the increase of H, O and OH radical mole fractions in the flame. Strong correlation is found between the burning velocity and the maximum radical concentrations of H and OH in the reaction zone of the premixed flames.  相似文献   

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