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An experimental and computational investigation of a lab-scale burner, which can operate in both flame and MILD combustion conditions and is fed with methane and a methane/hydrogen mixture (hydrogen content of 60% by vol.), is carried out. The modelling results indicate the need of a proper turbulence/chemistry interaction treatment and rather detailed kinetic mechanisms to capture MILD combustion features, especially in presence of hydrogen. Despite these difficulties, Computational Fluid Dynamics results to be very useful, as for instance it allows evaluating the internal recirculation degree in the burner, a parameter which is otherwise difficult to be determined. Moreover the model helps interpreting experimental evidences: for instance the modelling results indicate that in presence of hydrogen the NNH and N2O intermediate routes are the dominant formation pathways for the MILD combustion conditions investigated.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of formation and destruction of NO in MILD combustion of CH4/H2 fuels blends are investigated both experimentally and numerically. Experiments are carried out at a lab-scale furnace with the mass fraction of hydrogen in fuel ranging from 0% to 15%; furnace temperature, extracted heat and exhaust NOx emissions are measured. Detailed chemical kinetics calculations utilizing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and well-stirred reactor (WSR) are performed to better analyze and isolate the different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Distributed combustion provides significant performance improvement of gas turbine combustors. Key features of distributed combustion includes uniform thermal field in the entire combustion chamber, thus avoiding hot-spot regions that promote NOx emissions (from thermal NOx) and significantly improved pattern factor. Rapid mixing between the injected fuel and hot oxidizer has been carefully explored for spontaneous ignition of the mixture to achieve distributed combustion reactions. Distributed reactions can be achieved in premixed, partially premixed or non-premixed modes of combustor operation with sufficient entrainment of hot and active species present in the flame and their rapid turbulent mixing with the reactants. Distributed combustion with swirl is investigated here for our quest to explore the beneficial aspects of such flows on clean combustion in simulated gas turbine combustion conditions. The goal is to develop high intensity combustor with ultra low emissions of NO and CO, and much improved pattern factor. Experimental results are reported from a cylindrical geometry combustor with different modes of fuel injection and gas exit stream location in the combustor. In all the configurations, air was injected tangentially to impart swirl to the flow inside the combustor. Ultra-low NOx emissions were found for both the premixed and non-premixed combustion modes for the geometries investigated here. Swirling flow configuration, wherein the product gas exits axially resulted in characteristics closest to premixed combustion mode. Change in fuel injection location resulted in changing the combustion characteristics from traditional diffusion mode to distributed combustion regime. Results showed very low levels of NO (∼3 PPM) and CO (∼70 PPM) emissions even at rather high equivalence ratio of 0.7 at a high heat release intensity of 36 MW/m3-atm with non-premixed mode of combustion. Results are also reported on lean stability limit and OH* chemiluminescence under both premixed and non-premixed conditions for determining the extent of distribution combustion conditions.  相似文献   

To understand the combustion performance of using hydrogen/methane blended fuels for a micro gas turbine that was originally designed as a natural gas fueled engine, the combustion characteristics of a can combustor has been modeled and the effects of hydrogen addition were investigated. The simulations were performed with three-dimensional compressible k-ε turbulent flow model and presumed probability density function for chemical reaction. The combustion and emission characteristics with a variable volumetric fraction of hydrogen from 0% to 90% were studied. As hydrogen is substituted for methane at a fixed fuel injection velocity, the flame temperatures become higher, but lower fuel flow rate and heat input at higher hydrogen substitution percentages cause a power shortage. To apply the blended fuels at a constant fuel flow rate, the flame temperatures are increased with increasing hydrogen percentages. This will benefit the performance of gas turbine, but the cooling and the NOx emissions are the primary concerns. While fixing a certain heat input to the engine with blended fuels, wider but shorter flames at higher hydrogen percentages are found, but the substantial increase of CO emission indicates a decrease in combustion efficiency. Further modifications including fuel injection and cooling strategies are needed for the micro gas turbine engine with hydrogen/methane blended fuel as an alternative.  相似文献   

Colorless distributed combustion (CDC) has been shown to provide significant improvement in gas turbine combustor performance. Colorless distributed combustion with swirl is investigated here to develop ultra-low emissions of NO and CO, and significantly improved pattern factor. Experimental investigations have been performed using a cylindrical geometry combustor with swirling air injection and axial hot gas exit stream from the combustor. Air was injected tangentially to impart swirl to the flow inside the combustor. The results obtained from the combustor have demonstrated very low levels of NO (∼3 PPM) and CO (∼70 PPM) emissions at an equivalence ratio of 0.7 and a high heat release intensity of 36 MW/m3-atm under non-premixed combustion. To further simulate gas turbine operating conditions, inlet air to the combustor was preheated to 600 K temperature and the combustor operated at 2 atm pressure. Results showed very low levels of CO (∼10 PPM) but the NO increased somewhat to ∼10 PPM at an equivalence ratio of 0.5 and heat release intensity of 22.5 MW/m3-atm under non-premixed combustion conditions. For premixed combustion, the combustor demonstrated low levels of both NO (5 PPM) and CO (8 PPM) at an equivalence ratio of 0.6 and a heat release intensity of 27 MW/m3-atm. Results are reported at different equivalence ratios on the emission of NO and CO, lean stability limit and OH* chemiluminescence. These results suggest that further performance improvement can be achieved with improved fuel mixture preparation prior to the ignition of fuel at higher operational pressures using swirling combustor design for our quest to develop ultra low emission high intensity combustor for gas turbine application.  相似文献   

The threat posed by climate change and the striving for security of energy supply are issues high on the political agenda these days. Governments are putting strategic plans in motion to decrease primary energy use, take carbon out of fuels and facilitate modal shifts.  相似文献   

Diesel engines are indispensable in daily life. However, the limited supply of petroleum fuels and the stringent regulations on such fuels are forcing researchers to study the use of hydrogen as a fuel. In this study, a diesel engine is operated using hydrogen–diesel dual fuel, where hydrogen is introduced into the intake manifold using an LPG-CNG injector and pilot diesel is injected using diesel injectors. The energy contents of the total fuel, 0%, 16%, 36% and 46% hydrogen (the 0% hydrogen energy fraction represents neat diesel fuel), were tested at 1300 rpm of constant engine speed and 5.1 kW of constant indicated power. According to test results, the indicated thermal efficiency of the engine decreases and the isfc increases with an increasing hydrogen energy fraction. Additionally, indicated specific CO, CO2 and smoke emissions decrease with an increasing percentage of hydrogen fuel. However, indicated specific NOx emissions do not change at the 16% hydrogen energy fraction, in other words, with an increase in the hydrogen amount (36% and 46% hydrogen energy fraction of total fuel), a dramatic increase (58.8% and 159.7%, respectively) is observed. Additionally, the peak in-cylinder pressure and the peak heat release rate values increase with the increasing hydrogen rate.  相似文献   

Influence of biodiesel on engine combustion and emission characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the influence of biodiesel on the engine combustion characteristics. The considered fuel is neat biodiesel from rapeseed oil. The considered engine is a bus diesel engine with injection M system. The engine characteristics are obtained by experiments and numerical simulation. The results obtained with biodiesel are compared to those obtained with mineral diesel under various operating regimes. In this way, the influences of biodiesel usage on the injection pressure, injection timing, ignition delay, in-cylinder gas pressure and temperature, heat release rate, exhaust gas temperatures, harmful emissions, specific fuel consumption, and on engine power are analyzed. Furthermore, the relationships among fuel properties, injection and combustion characteristics, harmful emissions, and other engine performance are determined. Special attention is given to possible explanations of higher NOx emission in spite of lower in-cylinder gas temperature.  相似文献   

The ever increasing cost of hydrocarbon fuels and more stringent emission standards may resolve challenges in producing hydrogen and using it as an alternative fuel in industries. Internal combustion engines are well-established technology and hydrogen fuel in such engines is considered as an attractive choice in exploiting clean, efficient and renewable hydrogen energy.  相似文献   

Hydrogen assisted diesel combustion was investigated on a DDC/VM Motori 2.5L, 4-cylinder, turbocharged, common rail, direct injection light-duty diesel engine, with a focus on exhaust emissions. Hydrogen was substituted for diesel fuel on an energy basis of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 15% by aspiration of hydrogen into the engine's intake air. Four speed and load conditions were investigated (1800 rpm at 25% and 75% of maximum output and 3600 rpm at 25% and 75% of maximum output). A significant retarding of injection timing by the engine's electronic control unit (ECU) was observed during the increased aspiration of hydrogen. The retarding of injection timing resulted in significant NOX emission reductions, however, the same emission reductions were achieved without aspirated hydrogen by manually retarding the injection timing. Subsequently, hydrogen assisted diesel combustion was examined, with the pilot and main injection timings locked, to study the effects caused directly by hydrogen addition. Hydrogen assisted diesel combustion resulted in a modest increase of NOX emissions and a shift in NO/NO2 ratio in which NO emissions decreased and NO2 emissions increased, with NO2 becoming the dominant NOX component in some combustion modes. Computational fluid dynamics analysis (CFD) of the hydrogen assisted diesel combustion process captured this trend and reproduced the experimentally observed trends of hydrogen's effect on the composition of NOX for some operating conditions. A model that explicitly accounts for turbulence–chemistry interactions using a transported probability density function (PDF) method was better able to reproduce the experimental trends, compared to a model that ignores the influence of turbulent fluctuations on mean chemical production rates, although the importance of the fluctuations is not as strong as has been reported in some other recent modeling studies. The CFD results confirm that temperature changes alone are not sufficient to explain the observed reduction in NO and increase in NO2 with increasing H2. The CFD results are consistent with the hypothesis that in-cylinder HO2 levels increase with increasing hydrogen, and that the increase in HO2 enhances the conversion of NO to NO2. Increased aspiration of hydrogen resulted in PM, and HC emissions which were combustion mode dependent. Predominantly, CO and CO2 decreased with the increase of hydrogen. The aspiration of hydrogen into the engine modestly decreased fuel economy due to reduced volumetric efficiency from the displacement of air in the cylinder by hydrogen.  相似文献   

Two compact premixed LPG burners based on submerged and surface combustion modes in porous medium (abbreviated as MSB and SSB respectively) are developed and their combustion and emission characteristics are compared to those of the CB (conventional burner). The preheating and reaction zones of MSB are made from porcelain form and Alumina spheres of 30 mm size, respectively, and the corresponding zones in SSB are made from Alumina (Al2O3) foams of pore densities 26 ppcm and 8 ppcm. NOx emission is reduced by 76% and 75% by the use of MSB and SSB, respectively, compared with the CB, with acceptable CO and SO2 emissions. For a thermal load of 0.62 kW, the thermal efficiencies of CB, MSB and SSB are estimated to be 47%, 59% and 71%, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new technology for a tangential firing pulverized coal boiler, high efficiency and low NOx combustion technology with multiple air-staged and a large-angle counter flow fuel-rich jet (ACCT for short) is proposed. To verify the characteristics of this technology, experiments of two combustion technologies, ACCT and CFS-1 (Concentric Firing System-1), are carried out under a cold model of a 1025 t/h tangential firing boiler with a PDA (particle dynamics anemometer). The distributions of velocity, particle concentration, particle diameters and the particle volume flux of primary air and secondary air are obtained. The results show that the fuel-rich primary air of ACCT can go deeper into the furnace and mix with the main flow better, which means that the counter flow of fuel-rich jets in ACCT can realize stable combustion, low NOx emission and slagging prevention.  相似文献   

It has become inevitable to search for alternative fuels due to current worldwide energy crisis. In this paper combustion characteristics of vacuum residue (VR) is investigated numerically against experimental data in typical operating conditions of a furnace. Heat release reaction is modeled as sequential steps of devolatilization, simplified gas phase reaction and char oxidation as for pulverized coal. Thermal and fuel NO are predicted by the conditional moment closure (CMC) method for estimation of elementary reaction rates. It turns out that Sauter mean diameter (SMD) of VR droplets is a crucial parameter for better combustion efficiency and lower NO. Reasonable agreement is achieved for spatial distributions of major species, temperature and NO for all test cases with different fuel and steam flow rates.  相似文献   

The experimental study described in this paper is to investigated the control of thermal nitrogen oxides emissions from a 2.28 MW gas-fired test furnace.Tests,including changing axial or radial air flow rate.adding cooling water,and adding staged air,were performed to characterize and opimize the fuel-rich burning zone and the fuel-lean burnout zone independently.Detailed measurements of O2,CO2,CO,NOand NOx were made at the fuel-rich burning zone and furnace exit.The influence of forming CO,NO and NOx was examined.Results indicated that adding staged air in the fuel-rich burning zone(75cm from burner)will reduce the maximum NO and NOx emissions.Adding cooling water in a right position may further lower the NO and NOx emissions.In addition,the least formation of thermal nitrogen oxides in the first stage fuel-rich burning zone will occur at the stoichiometric ratio‘s inverse value ,(φ1)^-1,0.65 to 0.7.  相似文献   

Hydrogen remains an attractive alternative fuel to petroleum and a number of investigators claim that adding hydrogen to the air intake manifold of a diesel engine will reduce criteria emissions and diesel fuel consumption. Such claims are appealing when trying to simultaneously reduce petroleum consumption, greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants. The goal of this research was to measure the change in criteria emissions (CO, NOx, and PM2.5) and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), using standard test methods for a wide range of hydrogen addition rates. A two-stroke Detroit Diesel Corporation 12V-71TI marine diesel engine was mounted on an engine dynamometer and tested at three out of the four loads specified in the ISO 8178-4 E3 emission test cycle and at idle. The engine operated on CARB ultra-low sulfur #2 diesel with hydrogen added at flow rates of 0, 22 and 220 SLPM.  相似文献   

This study investigates the characteristics of fuel NOx formation resulting from the combustion of producer gas derived from biomass gasification using different feedstocks. Common industrial burners are optimized for using natural gas or coal-derived syngas. With the increasing demand in using biomass for power generation, it is important to develop burners that can mitigate fuel NOx emissions due to the combustion of ammonia, which is the major nitrogen-containing species in biomass-derived gas. In this study, the combustion process inside the burner is modeled using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with detailed chemistry. A reduced mechanism (36 species and 198 reactions) is developed from GRI 3.0 in order to reduce the computation time. Combustion simulations are performed for producer gas arising from different feedstocks such as wood gas, wood + 13% DDGS (dried distiller grain soluble) gas and wood + 40% DDGS gas and also at different air equivalence ratios ranging from 1.2 to 2.5. The predicted NOx emissions are compared with the experimental data and good levels of agreement are obtained. It is found out that NOx is very sensitive to the ammonia content in the producer gas. Results show that although NO–NO2 interchanges are the most prominent reactions involving NO, the major NO producing reactions are the oxidation of NH and N at slightly fuel rich conditions and high temperature. Further analysis of results is conducted to determine the conditions favorable for NOx reduction. The results indicate that NOx can be reduced by designing combustion conditions which have fuel rich zones in most of the regions. The results of this study can be used to design low NOx burners for combustion of gas mixtures derived from gasification of biomass. One suggestion to reduce NOx is to produce a diverging flame using a bluff body in the flame region such that NO generated upstream will pass through the fuel rich flame and be reduced.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of hydrogen/reformate gas addition on flame temperature and NO formation in strained methane/air diffusion flames by numerical simulation. The results reveal that flame temperature changes due to the combined effects of adiabatic temperature, fuel Lewis number and radiation heat loss, when hydrogen/reformate gas is added to the fuel of a methane/air diffusion flame. The effect of Lewis number causes the flame temperature to increase much faster than the corresponding adiabatic equilibrium temperature when hydrogen is added, and results in a qualitatively different variation from the adiabatic equilibrium temperature as reformate gas is added. At some conditions, the addition of hydrogen results in a super-adiabatic flame temperature. The addition of hydrogen/reformate gas causes NO formation to change because of the variations in flame temperature, structure and NO formation mechanism, and the effect becomes more significant with increasing strain rate. The addition of a small amount of hydrogen or reformate gas has little effect on NO formation at low strain rates, and results in an increase in NO formation at moderate or high strain rates. However, the addition of a large amount of hydrogen increases NO formation at all strain rates, except near pure hydrogen condition. Conversely, the addition of a large amount of reformate gas results in a reduction in NO formation.  相似文献   

In situ FT-IR absorption spectroscopy was used with a laboratory-scale reactor and thermogravimetric analysis to describe the release of nitrogen-containing compounds from a fixed bed of fibreboard residues. Such in situ detection of NH3 requires knowledge of the absorption coefficients at high temperatures. These coefficients were obtained from calibrations using a laboratory-scale reactor at temperatures up to 800 °C, as well as from calculations using a database. On the basis of laboratory experiments, the rates of release of N species, of the major C species (CO, CO2, and CH4), and of H2O have been derived. It is concluded that the release of nitrogen from the fuel can be modelled if such parameters as the superficial velocity and the flow rate of oxygen are known. This method allows profiles of the nitrogenous species to be generated and used as input data for CFD calculations based on thermodynamic combustion models for a fixed bed on a grate.  相似文献   

Power plants in China have to burn blended coal instead of one specific coal for a variety of reasons. So it is of great necessity to investigate the combustion of blended coals. Using a test rig with a capacity of 640 MJ/h with an absolute milling system and flue gas online analysis system, characteristics such as burnout, slag, and pollution of some blended coals were investigated. The ratio of coke and slag as a method of distinguishing coal slagging characteristic was introduced. The results show that the blending of coal has some effect on NO x but there is no obvious rule. SO x emission can be reduced by blending low sulfur coal. Translated from Proceedings of the CSEE, 2005, 25(18): 97–103 [译自: 中国电机工程学报]  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen addition in methane–air premixed flames has been examined from a swirl-stabilized combustor under unconfined flame conditions. Different swirlers have been examined to investigate the effect of swirl intensity on enriching methane–air flame with hydrogen in a laboratory-scale premixed combustor operated at 5.81 kW. The hydrogen-enriched methane fuel and air were mixed in a pre-mixer and introduced into the burner having swirlers of different swirl vane angles that provided different swirl strengths. The combustion characteristics of hydrogen-enriched methane–air flames at fixed thermal load but different swirl strengths were examined using particle image velocimetry (PIV), OH chemiluminescence, gas analyzers, and micro-thermocouple diagnostics to provide information on flow field, combustion generated OH radical and gas species concentration, and temperature distribution, respectively. The results show that higher combustibility of hydrogen assists to promote faster chemical reaction, raises temperature in the reaction zone and reduces the recirculation flow in the reaction zone. The upstream of flame region is more dependent on the swirl strength than the effect of hydrogen addition to methane fuel. At lower swirl strength condition the NO concentration in the reaction zone reduces with increase in hydrogen content in the fuel mixture. Higher combustibility of hydrogen accelerates the flow to reduce the residence time of hot product gases in the high temperature reaction zone. At higher swirl strength the NO concentration increases with increase in hydrogen content in the fuel mixture. The effect of dynamic expansion of the gases with hydrogen addition appears to be more dominant to reduce the recirculation of relatively cooler gases into the reaction zone. NO concentration also increases with decrease in the swirl strength.  相似文献   

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