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采用质量分数30%磷酸三丁酯-煤油-醋酸-水物系,对一种新型萃取用组合式规整填料的传质性能进行了测定,考察了连续相流速和分散相流速对其传质效率的影响。实验结果表明:在相同的二相流速下,组合式规整填料的表观传质单元高度比16 mm鲍尔环平均低约54%。固定连续相流速,随着分散相流速的增加,填料的表观传质单元高度降低,传质效率提高;固定分散相流速,随着连续相流速的增加,填料的表观传质单元高度增大,传质效率降低。  相似文献   

新型网架规整填料的传质性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对一种新型网架规整填料用于萃取时的传质效率进行了实验研究。在Φ50mm的填料萃取塔中,选用煤油–苯甲酸–水和30%TBP(煤油)–乙酸–水两种不同界面张力的物系,测定了该填料和Φ10mm的鲍尔环填料在不同操作条件下的表观传质单元高度。扣去影响因素,网架填料的表观传质单元高度至少会比鲍尔环填料低25%,而网架填料的堆积密度仅为鲍尔环的38%。同时对影响传质的因素进行了分析,并针对该填料的特点,提出了优化设计原则。  相似文献   

规整填料在高压精馏条件下的传质性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Performance of Mellapak 250Y and 350Y corrugated structured packing in distillation applications at pressures ranging from 0.3 to 2.0MPa is analysed by using HTU-NTU method.These data are obtained in distillation column with 0.15m diameter operated with n-butane/n-pentane system at total reflux.In considering the axial backmixing effects.the height of an overall gas phase transfer unit,HTUOG,is divided into two parts.One part represents the height of an overall gas phase transfer unit,without backmixing, designated as HUTOG,and the other part,designated as the height of a backmixing unit(HBUO),accounts for the backmixing effects.The HTUOG is evaluated from the measured concentration profile of n-butane in liquid phase.The HBUO obtained experimentally is correlated in terms of the properties of the materials being separated and the equivalent diameter of the structured packing.Our result shows that HBUO varies from 0.12 to 0.34m as pressure increases from 1.0 to 1.9MPa.It indicates that the overall efficiency of the structured packing decreas gradually at high pressure,as a result of the vapor backmixing.  相似文献   

为了获得可靠的设计依据,实验在不同回流比条件下,用环己烷-庚烷和庚烷-甲苯2种二元测试物系对CDG1700Y和CDG2500Y型金属丝网规整填料的流体力学性能和传质性能进行了考察。实验结果表明,这2种填料的压降随着液体流量的增大而增大,单位填料层高度的HETP变化趋势则相反;CDG1700Y和CDG2500Y型填料具有较高的理论板数,且CDG1700Y型填料具有较大的操作弹性。在SRP(II)模型的基础上,获得了实验室条件下传质单元高度的经验关联式,其计算值与实验结果吻合较好,可以为化学交换法分离硼同位素的工业化提供理论指导。  相似文献   

本文概述了SW型网孔波纹填料特点,进行了流体力学与传质性能试验,得出了传质准数关联式。与其它波纹填料的对比表明,SW型网孔波纹填料的技术和经济综合性能优良,具有广泛应用的前景。  相似文献   

刘乃鸿  卢励生 《化学工程》1993,21(3):5-8,12
本文概述了SW型网孔波纹填料特点,进行了流体力学与传质性能试验,得出了传质准数关联式。与其它波纹填料的对比表明,SW型网孔波纹填料的技术和经济综合性能优良,具有广泛应用的前景。  相似文献   

规整填料和散堆填料传质性能比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄洁  曾斌  张学  张军保  王辉 《化学工程》2000,28(3):13-16
通过对苯 -甲苯精馏传质系数的计算 ,比较了规整填料 ( 2 5 0 Y)和散堆填料 ( 5 0 #鲍尔环 )的传质性能。结果表明 ,规整填料的传质性能优于散堆填料。这一优势主要得益于前者的比表面积远大于后者。若以传质系数 k L、k G来比较 ,新型散堆填料要强于规整填料。如何提高规整填料单位面积的传质强度是新型规整填料发展的重要方向  相似文献   

蜂窝(FG)型规整填料萃取塔的性能研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
朱慎林  陈德宏 《化学工程》1993,21(1):15-21,40
本文对新开发的蜂窝(FG)型规整填料萃取塔的流体力学和传质性能进行了系统的实验研究。结果表明,这种新型填料萃取塔的通量(比负荷)大,传质效率较高,已成功地应用于汽油脱硫醇的萃取过程中。  相似文献   

对一种新开发的导向格栅规整填料萃取塔的水力学特性和传质性能进行了系统的实验研究。结果表明,新型导向格栅填料萃取塔的通量比传统萃取塔有了大幅度的提高,当流速比LR(分散相:连续相)为1:5时,液泛通量达到150 m3·m-2·h-1。该填料萃取塔同时具有较好的传质性能,在石油炼制溶剂脱沥青、煤化工废水萃取脱酚等工业过程有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为了研究新型多孔碳化硅规整填料的分离性能,文中对碳化硅规整填料进行了流体力学实验和传质实验。为了进一步提高碳化硅规整填料的传质性能,实验用硅酸钠溶液对碳化硅规整填料进行了表面改性处理,提高了填料表面的润湿性。实验结果表明:碳化硅规整填料具有较低的压降,较小的持液量,其理论板数可达到5块板以上,说明碳化硅规整填料是一种新型高效规整填料。同时获得了该填料的填料压降、泛点气速、持液量等流体力学性能数据,及填料层压降和液泛气速的关联式。  相似文献   

为了开发高效的新型规整填料,文中设计一种全新结构的规整填料(DP-1填料),利用3D打印技术制作,并用空气-水、环己烷-正庚烷物系分别进行了流体力学实验和传质实验。实验结果表明:DP-1填料的压降和持液量都随气相F因子的增大而增大,泛点气速随喷淋密度的增加而减小,每m理论板数可达8块。根据实验现象及结果可知,与传统规整填料相比,DP-1填料的操作弹性小,传质性能较为优良,其中主通道的颈缩区域尺寸、径向开孔尺寸以及通道壁厚尺寸为影响DP-1填料性能的主要结构因素。研究结果表明3D打印技术为新型规整填料的研究和工业化开辟了新的思路。  相似文献   

S型规整填料的流体力学与传质性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对4种不同比表面积S型金属丝网波纹填料进行冷模实验,研究分析了S型填料的流体力学和传质性能,并把其性能与同比表面积的金属丝网波纹填料进行了对比。研究表明,S型填料具有较小的塔压降,当F =1.2 (m/s)·(kg/m3)0.5时,S800的干塔压降比CY800降低了40.02%;当F =1.2 (m/s)·(kg/m3)0.5L=25.46 m3/(m2·h)时,S800的湿塔压降较CY800降低了78.18%。S型与CY型填料相比具有较大的液泛气速,S800的液泛气速较CY800增加了22.22%以上;另外,S型填料具有较高的传质效率,S800型填料的理论级数每米最高可达到20块/m,当L=25.46 m3/(m2·h),F≤1.5 (m/s)·(kg/m3)0.5时,S800的理论级数较CY800提高了12.33%以上,传质效率较传统填料有很大程度的提高。S型填料的流体力学和传质性能均较好,能同时满足高通量、低压降、高效率等生产要求,有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Reflective fiber optic sensors are used to measure the thickness of a liquid film on geometrically complex surfaces inside a distillation column with a structured packing and countercurrent flow of gas and liquid. Distributions of the liquid-film thickness as a function of flow-rate parameters for an elementary region (cell) of a geometrically repeated pattern in a structured packing consisted of Koch 1Y corrugated plates and for the column cross section are presented. It is shown that the flow conditions characterized by the detachment of liquid films from the plate by air flow (until the complete column “flooding”) is accompanied by a sharp increase in the pressure drop in the column. Inside the cell, the liquid forms menisci in the zone of plate contact points. The countercurrent air flow reduces the fluctuations of the film thickness by 1.5 to 2 times on the edge and side downslopes of the corrugation.  相似文献   

A new structured packing using carbon fibres, called Sepcarb® 4D, is presented. This packing has several attractive properties, such as high voidage (ε=94%) and high effective area (a=420 m2 m?3). These properties are advantageous for packing used as a gas–liquid contactor for separation units. To determine the internal characteristics of this packing, we performed several experiments using a 150-mm-internal-diameter column. Firstly, hydrodynamics experiments were conducted using an air–water counter current flow to determine the pressure drop (for both dry and wet packing) and flooding point. Secondly, the mass transfer efficiency was determined in terms of HETP (height equivalent to theoretical plate) by total reflux experiments with an n-heptane/cyclohexane mixture at atmospheric pressure. Hydrodynamic performance and mass transfer efficiency were compared with those of packings generally used in distillation and absorption.  相似文献   

在总结国内外冷却塔淋水填料性能测试装置的基础上,搭建了一套填料性能测试试验系统。该系统与上海理工大学HVAC人工环境系统的空气处理系统等有机结合,是HVAC综合实验室系统的一部分。通过试验,利用最小二乘法拟合出了淋水填料的性能公式,并研究了配水均匀性对冷却温差的影响。研究得到的性能规律对该种淋水填料在实际塔中的应用具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The hydraulic characteristics including dry pressure drops, liquid holdups, flooding data, effective interfacial areas, and wet pressure drops of a modern structured packing (Sulzer BX) were studied using the air-water system. As a result, a predictive equation for the wet pressure drops of this structured packing at below the flooding point was derived for the design of the distillation column. The equation was tested with the experimental data obtained from the practical vacuum distillations. It was suggested that the equation is useful for the vacuum distillation under the flooding point, but the deviation is increased above the flooding point.  相似文献   

In this work mass transfer phenomenon of liquid–liquid extraction process with structured packing was modeled. The model was validated by means of fluid-dynamic and mass transfer tests, for mass transfer from the continuous to the disperse phase with n-butanol/succinic acid/water system. The effect on hold-up and outlet concentration profiles of each phase were evaluated when the incoming flow of the disperse phase was disturbed between 10 and 30%. Surface velocity of each phase and hold-up were considered in the model as functions of time. The continuous phase dispersion phenomenon was also taken into account. Deviation percentage average of 8% between the experimental data and the simulation results of the disperse phase composition in steady state were obtained. For the dynamic model the inclusion of the dispersion effect of the disperse phase and more experimental tests are recommended.  相似文献   

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