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利用化学共沉淀法制备出NiO掺杂SnO2复合粉体,用X射线衍射仪(XRD),透射电镜(TEM),扫描电镜(SEM)对样品的组成、粒径、形貌进行了表征,并对样品的气敏性能进行了测试,结果表明:该复合粉体对甲醛的灵敏度较好,并在工作温度为95℃时对乙醇有较好的选择性.  相似文献   

按25部分因子试验设计安排实验,以光催化降解甲基橙(MO)溶液脱色率DC(%)为目标值,考察掺锰量VMnNO3、熟化温度T1、熟化时间t1、煅烧温度T2和煅烧时间t2对制备的Mn掺杂纳米ZnO光催化性能的影响,经分析确定影响产品光催化性能的主要因素为VMnNO3、T1和T2。以此3因素按32全因子试验设计进行实验并分析试验结果,获得Mn掺杂纳米ZnO光催化剂的优化制备条件为VMnNO3=0.5mL、T1=70℃、t1=15min、T2=600℃和t2=2.5h。0.05g优化制备产品在紫外光照射下光催化降解100mL10mg/L的MO溶液30min的DC实验平均值为95.58,与Minitab软件对产品的优化预测值95.75的相对误差仅为-0.18%;在可见光下降解MO溶液120min的DC实验平均值为65.11。XRD和SEM对优化产品的表征表明,其主要由粒径分布在(20~30)nm的不规则的颗粒状纳米ZnO组成。由紫外-可见分光光度计测定并计算得出优化产品的带隙能Eg约为3.25eV,较同等条件下制得的纳米ZnO带隙能Eg(3.36eV)低0.11eV。  相似文献   

以Fe2O3和ZnO为原料,直接混合烧结制得7种不同烧结温度和原料配比的Fe2O3/ZnO复合氧化物元件,并对其进行气敏性能测试,结果发现:不同烧结温度和原料配比的Fe2O3/ZnO复合氧化物元件对不同的气体有不同的气敏性,烧结温度为800℃,Fe2O3∶ZnO摩尔比为0.5∶1的气敏元件对硫化氢具有较好的气敏综合性能.  相似文献   

该文利用光催化氧化技术建立了一种测定地表水等低污染水体COD值的新方法.纳米ZnO/TiO2复合膜与单纯的纳米TiO2膜相比,提高了系统的电荷分离效率,扩展了其光谱响应范围,从而表现出更好的光催化效率.纳米ZnO/TiO2复合膜-Mn(Ⅶ)共存体系光催化降解水体中的有机物,COD值在0.3~10.0mg/L浓度范围内与信号成线性关系,检测限为0.1 mg/L.将该方法用于实际水样的检测,测定结果与COD标准分析法有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

以沉淀反应时间(A)、Zn/Sn反应剂量摩尔比(B)、沉淀剂与总金属离子溶液(ZnSO_4溶液和SnCl_4溶液)的体积比(C)、熟化时间(D)、煅烧时间(E)、煅烧温度(F)6个因素作为影响制备复合催化剂ZnO-SnO_2的主要因素,采用拟因素法正交试验设计按正交试验设计表L_(16)(2~(15))安排纳米ZnO-SnO_2的制备实验。获得纳米ZnO-SnO_2复合催化剂的优化制备条件为:A=8min、B=85:15、C=2:1、D=6 min、E=1h、F=700℃。将优化制备产品用于光催化降解10mg/L的甲基橙溶液30 min,3次实验结果溶液脱色率DC平均值为99.05%,与按效应计算的估计值97.78%的相对误差仅为1.27%。通过XRD谱图分析优化制备产品的组成和粒径,确定该复合催化剂的主要成分是ZnO和SnO_2,另有少量的Zn_2SnO_4;粒径主要分布在15-35纳米之间。根据紫外-可见分光光度计的测定结果,计算获得优化制备产品的带隙能(Eg)为3.30 eV,比纳米ZnO的带隙能低0.07 eV。  相似文献   

根据原始网格对细分极限曲面的影响分析,提出了基于laplacian坐标修正的3~(1/2)插值网格细分方法。通过插值出面片中心点的laplacian坐标,来对动态生成的中心点进行修正,达到保持原始网格细节的目的。在非封闭网格的边界面片细分方面,指出了原始3~(1/2)细分法的不足,提出了一种新的边界统一细分模式,它可以很好地控制边界面片的增长,而且具有稳定性和易于操作性。实验结果表明,该方法不仅能够让原始网格的细节在极限曲面上得到表达,而且可以得到一个连续光滑的曲面网格。  相似文献   

医学三维图像(如CT、MRI等)和二维图像(如X光)的配准技术已经被广泛应用于临床诊断和手术规划中. 医学图像配准的实质为使用优化算法寻找某种空间变换, 使两张图像在空间以及结构上对齐. 配准过程中往往由于优化算法寻优精度不高、易陷入局部极值的问题导致配准质量低. 针对此问题, 提出一种改进的平衡优化器算法(improved equilibrium optimizer based on Logistic-Tent chaos map and Levy flight, LTEO), 首先针对种群初始化容易分布不均匀, 且随机性太高的问题, 引入Logistic-Tent混沌映射对种群进行初始化, 提高种群多样性, 使它们尽可能地分布于搜索空间内; 对迭代函数进行更新, 使得优化算法更注重全局范围的搜索, 提高算法收敛速度并利于找到全局最优解; 引入Levy飞行策略对停滞粒子进行扰动, 防止算法陷入局部极值. 最后将改进的平衡优化器算法用于2D/3D医学图像配准任务, 并对配准过程中数据的频繁传输进行优化, 降低配准耗时. 通过基准函数测试和临床配准实验对算法进行验证, 改进后的平衡优化器可有效提高寻优精度和稳定性, 并提高医学图像配准的质量.  相似文献   


The precise control over the drug delivery involved in several vital applications including healthcare is required for achieving a therapeutic effect. For such precise control/manipulation of the drugs, micropumps are used. These micropumps are basically of two types viz. check valve-based and valveless micropumps. The valveless micropumps are preferable due to the congestion-free operation of diffuser/nozzle valves. In this paper, design optimization of a valveless piezo-electric actuation based micropump is carried out using COMSOL Multiphysics 5.0 by coupling two Multiphysics interface modules namely fluid–structure interaction and piezoelectric physics modules. Using simulation studies, the influence of pump design parameters including diffuser angle, diffuser length, neck width, chamber depth, chamber diameter and diaphragm thickness on net flow rate is studied. An optimal set of design parameters for the proposed micropump is identified. Further, the influence of actuation frequency on the flow rate is analysed. It is found that the proposed micropump is capable to deliver a net flow rate of 20 µl/min and a maximum back pressure attainable is 200 Pa.


SnO2纳米棒一维纳米材料气敏特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在NaCl KCl熔盐介质中,在610~760℃焙烧利用室温固相反应合成的SnO2纳米棒前驱物,成功制备了SnO2纳米棒.利用TEM、XRD和XPS对SnO2纳米棒形貌、成分进行了表征和分析,SnO2纳米棒直径为10~60 nm,长度从几百个纳米到十几个微米.以SnO2纳米棒为原料,分别制备了厚膜气敏元件,考察了其气敏特性.在工作温度为300℃左右时,660℃焙烧制备的SnO2纳米棒元件对乙醇具有较高的灵敏度、好的选择性和响应恢复特性.  相似文献   

In this study, we introduce the design methodology of an optimized fuzzy controller with the aid of particle swarm optimization (PSO) for ball and beam system.The ball and beam system is a well-known control engineering experimental setup which consists of servo motor, beam and ball. This system exhibits a number of interesting and challenging properties when being considered from the control perspective. The ball and beam system determines the position of ball through the control of a servo motor. The displacement change of the position of ball leads to the change of the angle of the beam which determines the position angle of a servo motor.The fixed membership function design of type-1 based fuzzy logic controller (FLC) leads to the difficulty of rule-based control design when representing linguistic nature of knowledge. In type-2 FLC as the expanded type of type-1 FL, we can effectively improve the control characteristic by using the footprint of uncertainty (FOU) of the membership functions. Type-2 FLC exhibits some robustness when compared with type-1 FLC.Through computer simulation as well as real-world experiment, we apply optimized type-2 fuzzy cascade controllers based on PSO to ball and beam system. To evaluate performance of each controller, we consider controller characteristic parameters such as maximum overshoot, delay time, rise time, settling time, and a steady-state error. In the sequel, the optimized fuzzy cascade controller is realized and also experimented with through running two detailed comparative studies including type-1/type-2 fuzzy controller and genetic algorithms/particle swarm optimization.  相似文献   

The layout and design of the integrated kitchen can affect the efficiency of people's cooking work greatly. An excellent integrated kitchen design requires each kitchen cabinet module to meet certain constraints and reach the highest work efficiency in a certain space. In this article, we proposed an improved particle swarm intelligence algorithm (IPSO, for short) method by initializing the population chaos, dynamically improving the inertia weight and adjusting the acceleration factor, and applied in the kitchen design and optimization. This method combines the mathematical intelligent algorithm with the integrated kitchen design for the first time, and further selects the optimal design scheme from the preliminary schemes according to the fitness curve of the kitchen mathematical model, which provides the theoretical basis for the refined design of kitchen products. The method can also be used in home design, interior design, and other related areas.  相似文献   

统一建模语言(unified modeling language,UML)是面向对象软件开发方法的重要技术.决策支持系统中的模型库管理对于整体决策支持系统来说尤其重要,在分布式环境下,如何实现模型库中模型的查询、修改、增加和删除对于整体系统的性能起到决定作用,使用UML的动态建模技术,设计并实现了基于C/S模式下的DSS模型库管理系统的模型访问,并描述了通过UML来进行动态建模的详细过程.  相似文献   

在研究大黄酚分子印迹聚合物制备过程中,为选择合适的功能单体,首先采用 PM3 量化计算方法,得出大黄酚与 4-乙烯吡啶、甲基丙烯酸之间的结合能分别为-768.91 kJ/mol 和-14.78 kJ/mol,表明4-乙烯吡啶与大黄酚的作用力更强,是较好的功能单体;又采用紫外预组装的实验方法优化选择功能单体,得出与上述一致的结论;同时实验确定大黄酚与4-乙烯吡啶最佳反应比为1:4.因此,以此单体和反应比去合成大黄酚印迹(MIP)和非印迹聚合物(NMIP),采用平衡吸附实验表征 MIP 的吸附性能和选择性,并推测其作用机理.结果表明:MIP 对大黄酚及结构相似物的分配系数均大于 NMIP;MIP 对大黄酚的结合容量大大高于 NMIP,对大黄酚的分配系数大于其结构类似物;由此说明:合成的 MIP 具有一定的印迹效果,4-乙烯吡啶与大黄酚(及其类似物)的作用可能产生于羟基蒽醌骨架上.研究表明:实验结果和量化计算具有一致性,量化计算方法对分子印迹聚合物合成时功能单体的选择具有很好的指导作用.  相似文献   

This article describes computational modeling and two corresponding experimental investigations of the effects of symmetry, balance and quantity of construction elements on interface aesthetic judgments. In the first experiment, 30 black and white geometric images were developed by systematically varying these three attributes in order to validate computational aesthetic quantification algorithms with subject ratings. The second experiment employed the same image layout as Experiment 1 but with realistic looking web pages as stimuli. The images were rated by 16 subjects in each experiment using the ratio-scale magnitude estimation method against a benchmark image with average balance and symmetry values and a standard number of elements. Subjects also established an ordered list of the images according to their aesthetic appeal using the Balanced-Incomplete-Block (BIB) ranking method.Results from both experiments show that subjects are adept at judging symmetry and balance in both the horizontal and vertical directions and thus the quantification of those attributes is justified. The first experiment establishes a relationship between a higher symmetry value and aesthetic appeal for the basic imagery showing that subjects preferred symmetric over non-symmetric images. The second experiment illustrates that increasing the number of groups in a web page causes a decrease in the aesthetic appeal rating.  相似文献   

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