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机构置换设计方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以现代设计对于设计创新的关注度越来越高为启示,通过对3个机构置换设计案例的分析研究,提出了机构置换设计方法的概念,进一步总结出机构置换设计方法使用时需要注意的4个设计原则。在此基础上,运用机构置换设计方法进行了产品实例设计,进一步验证了机构置换设计方法对于探求产品新使用方式的可行性。  相似文献   

在我国科学技术不断进步和发展下,机械行业也取得了非常大的发展。不过在发展的同时,需解决的问题也变的越来越多样化,对机构构型的求也越来越高。为了更好的解决生产过程中遇到的问题,就需不断的对机械机构构型的设计方法进行改进,从而促进机械行业的发展,提高机械构型的性能,提升机械产品的工作效率,节省能耗。基于此对机械结构构型的设计方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

为了使摇臂机构的参数和偏转角的函数关系能按照编写的程序进行计算机辅助设计,将空间摇臂机构简化为平面机构,研究其解析设计方法,并对摇臂机构的转化误差和转角偏差进行了计算和分析。计算实例表明,机构简化误差不超过允许值,为摇臂机构的优化设计打下了基础。  相似文献   

空间对接机构非线性参数辨识方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用系统的输入、输出数据识别空间对接机构的非线性参数惯量矩阵、阻尼矩阵和刚度系数矩阵.首先采用前向差分格式和信号采样的零阶保持器假设,用物理参数描述的非线性系统运动的二阶非线性常微分方程组离散为差分方程组,即与之对应的NARMAX参数模型.采用前向正交算法估计NARMAX参数后,经代数运算即可得到对接机构的物理参数.用上述方法建立的NARMAX模型,不仅使参数物理意义明确,而且可避免高阶NARMAX参数模型极其大量的非线性项.6自由度Stewart平台型对接机构仿真算例验证了方法的可行性.  相似文献   

为了减小偏流角对空间光学相机成像质量的影响,分析了偏流角对空间光学相机成像质量的影响,对偏流角产生的原因及其像移补偿原理进行了研究。根据某空间光学相机的特点,采用在相机上设计调偏流机构的方法进行偏流角的补偿。通过几种常用的调偏流机构的比较,确定了采用双向丝杆螺母驱动的调偏流方案实现焦平面偏流角的调整。对调偏流机构进行了有限元分析,分析结果表明调偏流机构具有较高的刚度和动态强度。对调偏流机构进行了振动试验,并在试验前后进行调偏流机构精度的闭环检测,检测结果表明调偏流机构精度优于1′,调偏流机构偏流角调整范围为+5°~-5°,满足设计要求,实现了高精度的偏流角补偿。该调偏流机构具有强度高、刚度高、结构紧凑、稳定性好等优点。  相似文献   

空间太阳望远镜成像镜调焦机构设计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 根据空间太阳望远镜成像调焦的要求,设计了一成像镜调焦机构。给出了设计的基本原理及设计方法,即步进电机驱动滚珠丝杠,丝杠通过连接杆和转向关节带动内筒,并根据设计加工制作了实物缩尺模型,进行了误差分析,最后给出了机构在锁定状态,16g重力加速度作用下的力学分析。  相似文献   

丁耀 《包装世界》2002,(5):74-75
一、引言包装造型设计与空间有着不可分割的联系。首先,包装容器具有一定的形态,它占据着一定的空间。其次,包装造型设计的过程从某种意义上说就是划分、重组空间和营造空间氛围的过程。因此,把空间理论引入包装造型设计并加以限定、发展,必能更好地指导包装设计实践。尽管许多包装设计从业人员已经意识到包装与空间的必然联系,但此类  相似文献   

注塑产品侧向成型单元特征的多样性带来了注塑模抽芯机构设计的复杂性和空间布局的难度。根据注塑模抽芯机构的原理相似性和可重构设计思想,提出注塑模抽芯机构的可重构设计方法。在分析抽芯机构运动规律的基础上,建立抽芯机构的功能模型,提出可重构的功能元模型和结构元模型;基于侧向成型方法知识库、抽芯机构可重构功能元和结构元模型库,建立注塑模抽芯机构的重构设计算法。注塑模抽芯机构可重构设计方法基于抽芯机构的可重构功能元和结构元族模型,实现了注塑模抽芯机构的设计资源重用,从设方法的角度有效地解决了注塑模抽芯机构设计的知识管理问题;基于侧向成型方法知识库及侧向成型单元特征-抽芯单元映射算法实现了侧向型芯的集成抽芯,避免了抽芯机构的冗余;基于空间布局约束的功能元-结构元映射方法实现了抽芯机构的快速设计。通过工程实例验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

在物理实验的教学过程中,设计性物理实验具有许多优良的教育功能,特别是能加强学生的创新意识和工程实践能力.文章简要介绍了设计性物理实验的一些特点,并在此基础上提出了一些设计性实验的设计方法.  相似文献   

A generalized optimization problem in which design space is also a design to be found is defined and a numerical implementation method is proposed. In conventional optimization, only a portion of structural parameters is designated as design variables while the remaining set of other parameters related to the design space are often taken for granted. A design space is specified by the number of design variables, and the layout or configuration. To solve this type of design space problems, a simple initial design space is selected and gradually improved while the usual design variables are being optimized. To make the design space evolve into a better one, one may increase the number of design variables, but, in this transition, there are discontinuities in the objective and constraint functions. Accordingly, the sensitivity analysis methods based on continuity will not apply to this discontinuous stage. To overcome the difficulties, a numerical continuation scheme is proposed based on a new concept of a pivot phase design space. Two new categories of structural optimization problems are formulated and concrete examples shown. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with design of articulated mechanism using a truss‐based ground‐structure representation. The proposed method can accommodate extremely large displacement by considering geometric non‐linearity. In addition, it can also control the mechanical degrees of freedom (DOF) of the resultant mechanism by using a DOF equation based on Maxwell's rule. The optimization is based on a relaxed formulation of an original integer problem and also involves developments directed at handling the redundancy inherent in the ground‐structure representation. One planar test example is selected as the basis for the developments so as to compare the proposed method with other alternative approaches including a graph‐theoretical enumeration approach which guarantees the identification of the globally optimal solution. Also, an inverter problem is treated where a continuation method is required in order to direct the optimization algorithm towards an integer solution. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于某型鱼雷自航发射的内弹道数学模型,选择自航管的总长度作为优化目标。讨论了约束函数的取值,确定了优化问题的数学表达,采用惩罚函数法进行寻优计算,针对约束函数具有不可微和非线性的特点。采用模式搜索算法进行了无约束优化的求解,给出了优化结果并进行了比较。  相似文献   

蒸发式冷凝器的现有设计计算方法都比较繁琐,需要多次的查表和迭代。本文通过对现有计算方法的改进,提出一种简单快捷的设计计算方法———改进型温降法;在相同的设计参数下,通过实例与曲线相交法进行比较,传热面积计算误差在5%以内,满足工程要求。  相似文献   

A molecular orbital approach to alloy design has recently made great progress. This is applicable not only to structural alloys, but also to functional alloys. In this paper we have focussed on two materials as examples: high Cr ferritic steels and hydrogen storage alloys.  相似文献   

Gear design is a complex process. When new materials and manufacturing processes are introduced, traditional empirical knowledge is unavailable and considerable effort is required to find starting design concepts. This forces gear designers to go beyond the traditional standards-based design methods. The method presented here, the concept exploration method, is based on the compromise decision support problem and is demonstrated for gear design which requires the simultaneous exploration of geometry, material and manufacturing spaces to exploit synergies. The results obtained are in agreement with existing knowledge. To further develop design guidelines, ternary contour plots of goal achievement are created to show the interdependence among various design goals. These ternary charts help gear designers to visualize and understand the complexity and compromises involved and help them to make trade-offs among individual goals.  相似文献   

包装设计成品综合评价方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
湛少锋 《包装工程》2000,21(1):10-12,13
提供了综合评价包装设计成品的一种数学方法 ,并用实例分析  相似文献   

Metamodel-based global optimization methods have been extensively studied for their great potential in solving expensive problems. In this work, a design space management strategy is proposed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of metamodel-based optimization methods. In this strategy, the whole design space is divided into two parts: the important region constructed using several expensive points and the other region. Combined with a previously developed hybrid metamodel strategy, a hybrid metamodel-based design space management method (HMDSM) is developed. In this method, three representative metamodels are used simultaneously in the search of the global optimum in both the important region and the other region. In the search process, the important region is iteratively reduced and the global optimum is soon captured. Tests using a series of benchmark mathematical functions and a practical expensive problem demonstrate the excellent performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

随着用户对产品的功能、质量、成本、个性化以及环境友好性等方面的需求日益提升,制造企业必须更加即时、高效地响应不断变化的市场需求.可适应设计作为一种新型的设计范式,可通过设计过程的综合优化来满足产品生命周期内用户、制造企业和社会的需求,以提升经济效益和环境效益等.为了提高产品设计的可适应性,需对可适应性进行量化的科学表达...  相似文献   

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