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文中采用湿周法估算巴音河最小生态需水量。选用巴音河德令哈水文站作为控制断面,用对数函数和幂函数关系对湿周~流量关系进行拟合。通过建立河道断面湿周与流量的关系曲线,依据该曲线确定变化点的位置,估算最小需水量的推荐值。分别用斜率为1法和曲率最大法对巴音河的德令哈断面的最小生态需水量进行定量估算。  相似文献   

蒲河中上游河道最小生态流量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以蒲河中上游河道为研究区域,运用曲率湿周法对河道内2个控制断面的最小生态流量进行了推算,并与采用Tennant法的估算结果进行比较分析.结果表明:运用曲率湿周法推算的2个控制断面的最小生态流量分别为0.227、0.239 m3/s,占多年平均流量的9.83%和10.35%;采用Tennant法估算的河道最小生态流量为0.231 m3/8,占多年平均流量的10%,两种算法结果吻合较好.  相似文献   

河流生态需水量计算的湿周法拐点斜率取值的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行计算生态需水的湿周法在相对湿周相对流量曲线上判定拐点时,常以斜率为1的点为拐点。在应用于标准抛物线形河道断面计算河段的生态需水时发现,在采用该拐点确定生态需水流量时,不同形状断面的需水流量比例都非常接近,没有反映出河段特征的差异。在对其原因分析后建议将拐点的斜率取为多年平均流量与相应湿周长比值的平方根。并以此进行计算,结果表明:河道断面越宽浅生态需水量占多年平均流量的比例越大;河流多年平均流量越大生态需水量所占的比例越小。反映出河流特征的差异,其变化趋势符合对河流生态需水规律的一般性认识。同时在计算  相似文献   

针对贾鲁河实际情况,选取中牟和扶沟水文站作为控制断面,利用斜率法、曲率法和多目标评价法3种改进湿周法计算分析贾鲁河不同频率年河道内生态需水量。结果表明,采用多目标评价法(r=2)计算结果最大,曲率法最小,中牟断面用多目标评价法(r=2)计算生态需水量较为合理,扶沟断面用斜率法计算生态需水量较为合理。  相似文献   

为比较不同湿周法在计算河流生态流量中的适用性,采用幂函数描述无量纲化的湿周~流量关系,利用曲率法、斜率法及多目标评价法中的线性加权和法、理想点法(尺度系数r分别取1,2,∞)、乘除法等7种方法计算河流生态流量。结果表明:曲率法的结果偏小;斜率法、理想点法(r=1)、线性加权和法的结果相同,且位于各方法的中间;另外3种多目标评价方法得到的河流生态流量大于斜率法等的结果,但湿周的增加比例明显小于流量增加比例。在湿周~流量关系符合幂函数关系时,利用斜率法或理想点法(r=1)、线性加权和法确定河流生态流量的方法是适宜的。  相似文献   

用改进湿周法计算河道内最小生态流量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在探讨总结国内外计算河道内最小生态流量(minimum instream ecological flow)方法的基础上,针对汉江流域的实际情况,选用改进湿周法对汉江上游石泉、安康和白河3个水文断面的最小生态流量进行定量估算。与Tennant法相比较,表明采用曲率湿周法计算的汉江上游河道内最小生态流量是比较合理的。计算结果为:石泉、安康、白河3个断面的最小生态流量依次为40,70,100 m3/s,分别占各断面多年平均天然流量的11.23%,11.08%,12.55%。  相似文献   

保障小水电的最小生态流量,可有效解决小水电站运行中的减脱水问题。研究以石窟河梯级小水电站为例,采用Tennant法、Q90法、NGPRP法、频率曲线法和Texas法共5种水文学法和以湿周法为代表的水力学法分别对梯级小水电应下泄的最小生态流量进行计算,分析对比发现,Texas法和Tennant法相较其他水文学法更为适合该地区的最小生态流量计算。在满足95%保证率的情况下,选取Texas法和Tennant法两种方法的内包线得到长潭水库应下泄的最小生态流量过程。在河道比降较大且梯级小水电开发中最小生态流量计算,水文学法相较于湿周法更为合适。  相似文献   

各类计算生态需水量的方法多需要长序列实测的水文或生境资料,无法直接适用于资料短缺的河流。在实测资料短缺的平原河流通顺河武汉段上布置10个典型断面,利用人为设定的多级试算流量来替代长序列实测流量,利用MIKE11软件模拟推求河道典型断面水力参数(河宽、水深、流速和湿周等)随流量的变化关系;在此基础上,依据平原河流滩槽明显的特点,选用水力学法中基于水力参数与流量间相关关系的湿周法和生态水力学法分别计算研究河段的生态需水量。计算结果表明,通顺河武汉段的河道基本形态得以维持和生物基本栖息地得以保障时的生态需水量应为26 m3/s。所提出的计算方案能较好地推求资料短缺地区平原河流的生态需水量,也可为类似河流的生态需水计算提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

采用改进的湿周法按斜率为1对不同宽深比、不同坡度以及不同流量规模下河段的生态需水量进行了计算对比,河道断面采用抛物线形标准断面,发现得出的各断面生态需水流量比例都非常接近,河段特征差异对计算结果影响很小,这与湿周法作为水力学方法的定位不符,斜率恒取为1不合理。本文建议斜率取为多年平均流量与相应湿周长比值的平方根。采用修正的斜率确定出的生态需水量能充分反映河流特征的差异,其变化趋势符合一般的生态需水规律。在生态需水量下,断面水力参数除湿周率外均能达到R2CROSS法提出的水力参数标准,计算结果较为合理。  相似文献   

为探讨湿周法在山区中小河流的适用性,以济南市西南部创新谷为例,基于湿周法中的斜率法,计算研究区河流干支流的生态流量,研究分析斜率法的适用性,并探讨在计算过程中典型断面的选取依据。经计算确定,北大沙河干流、大彦河干流、皇姑井村河干流和小刘河的生态流量依次为4.9、3.7、3.9、2.1 m3/s。建议在利用湿周法进行山区中小河流生态流量的计算时,在结合当地水文资料的基础上,选择宽深比相对较小、横断面为抛物线形的河道断面作为典型断面。  相似文献   

Minimum environmental flows in rivers provide a certain level of protection for the aquatic environment. The relationship between wetted perimeter and discharge can be used to define the minimum environmental flows by the slope method (SM), or curvature method (CM), especially for cases with poor understanding of the aquatic ecosystem. SM and CM derived inconsistent values of minimum environmental flows. It was not clear which method better defined minimum environmental flow. Moreover, the computation and optimization procedures are both time consuming and error‐prone, especially for complicated wetted perimeter–discharge relationships. In this study, flow regulation for rivers was regarded as a multiple criteria decision‐making problem, with the objectives of minimum river discharge and maximum wetted perimeter. Ideal point methods (IPMs) with the scaling coefficient r = 1 (IPM1) and r = 2 (IPM2) were used to solve this model to determine optimal environmental flows. IPM was simple in computation, especially when the wetted perimeter–discharge relationship was given as scattered data pairs. Meanwhile, it was applicable to a wider range of wetted perimeter–discharge relationship than SM and CM. Environmental flows estimated by IMP1 are the same as that by SM. The analytical results for environmental flows using SM, CM, IPM1 and IPM2 were compared for wetted perimeter–discharge relationship expressed as power or logarithmic function. It showed that CM is not a good method to define environmental flows. SM with unity slope and IMP1 were recommended. CM, SM and IPM were examined for the determination of environmental flows in a river in North Xinjiang, China. Environmental flows for different transects of the studying river reach were estimated to be 21% of the mean annual flow by SM or IPM1, which provided the satisfactory wetted perimeter, water depth and average velocity for aquatic organisms. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以湿周与流量关系为基础,建立了基于多目标评价方法的河道最小生态需水量估算模型,以湿周最大和河道流量最小作为栖息地保护和水资源开发利用的目标,采用理想点法求解,以增江下游麒麟咀站为例计算河道最小生态需水量,并将该模型的计算结果与斜率法和曲率法的计算结果进行了比较分析。结果表明:增江下游河道最小生态需水量阈值范围为20.8~26.3 m3/s,相应的平均流速范围为0.42~0.44 m/s;模型计算结果比传统的湿周法适用性更强,且能较好体现生态用水和经济用水的均衡发展。  相似文献   

湿周法是河流生态环境需水量的确定方法之一。文章针对其应用中对多组实测数据确定临界点困难的实际情况,对该法进行了改进。提出了湿周法确定临界点理论公式,并利用实测数据对选定的西南岔河流域的三个河段进行生态环境需水量计算。  相似文献   

Analysis of inflections or breakpoints apparent in relationships between measures of wetted perimeter and discharge can be used to assist in the determination of minimum environmental flows for perennial rivers. This paper suggests refinements and provides an example application of the wetted perimeter method for the determination of cease‐to‐pump limits in a perennial, unregulated gravel‐bed river subject to increasing levels of surface water extraction. HEC‐GeoRAS modelling outputs of riffle wetted area are used to illustrate that the magnitude of the discharge selected to represent 100% habitat availability is of crucial importance to the breakpoint method. Because of the dependence of the technique on this assumption, we suggest that it is prudent to use an upper and lower limiting discharge based on an assessment of the degree of flow variability to develop a flow range around the zone of diminishing return in the wetted perimeter to discharge relationship. For rivers exhibiting a low degree of flow variability, the mean and median daily flows are likely to provide appropriate discharges for representation of 100% habitat availability. For perennial rivers with a higher degree of flow variability and considerable differences between the mean and median daily flows we suggest use of the 50th and 80th flow duration percentiles. Wetted perimeter breakpoint results are also influenced by the degree to which areas of non‐riffle habitat are included in the analysis. Inclusion of excessive pool areas can lead to significant reductions in resultant recommendations for cease‐to‐pump limits or minimum environmental flows. Integration of hydraulic model outputs with GIS for wetted perimeter analysis of riffles provides a useful, rapid, field‐based approach that can assist with determination of cease‐to‐pump limits or minimum environmental flows in gravel‐bed rivers. However, care is needed in its application and interpretation as the technique is prone to numerous subjective choices that have a substantial influence on results. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖最小生态需水量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分别运用历史水位资料、湖泊形态分析、生物空间分析以及水质指标等几种方法计算了鄱阳湖的最低水位要求,并通过咨询相关专家对几种方法的计算结果加以综合,得到鄱阳湖最低生态水位.运用水量平衡模型计算鄱阳湖最小生态需水量,本文选取95%作为计算模型各参数的参照频率,该频率体现了枯水年份来水量少、耗水量大的不利情况下维持鄱阳湖...  相似文献   

In small and medium-sized mountainous rivers, there are usually hydropower stations in upper reaches as well as widened and heightened river sections in downstream reaches that are close to settlements. The environmental flow (EF) ensures river connectivity and the survival of aquatic organisms. The Tennant and wetted perimeter methods were used to calculate the minimum EF, and the R2CROSS criteria were used to evaluate the rationality of hydraulic parameters. The result shows that downstream areas with large cross-sections may suffer from shallow water depths, insufficient wetted perimeters, and poor overall connectivity of the water bodies, even under the standard EF discharges. A novel method was proposed to ensure EF and sustain suitable hydraulic conditions. The minimum EF calculated by the Tennant method is adopted as the design flow, and a small trapezoidal trough channel is excavated on the wide riverbed of an artificial river section. The width and depth of the small channel are calculated with Manning's equation. As a study case, this method was applied in the Fenglingang River in Zhejiang Province of China. A trapezoidal groove with a depth of 0.74 m and a bottom width of 0.52 m was excavated in the center of Fenglingang River to sustain EF and maintain river connectivity. This small channel not only prevents the river from cutoff, but also enables the water depth and wetted perimeter to meet the demand of aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

为了保护引水式水电站大坝与厂房之间减水河段的生态环境,需要确定河道最小生态需水量,以反映河道特征的差异.以湖南省一些典型引水式水电站下游减水河段为例,应用改进的湿周法计算了河道最小生态需水量,并通过单变量影响分析,研究河道最小生态需水量的影响因素;以幂函数对最小生态需水量与各单变量的关系进行了拟合分析,得到了合适的最小...  相似文献   

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