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A new way to assess the performance of refrigeration system models is presented in this paper, based on the estimation of cycle parameters, such as the evaporation temperature which will determine the validity of the method. This paper is the first of a series which will also study the influence of the heat transfer coefficient models on the estimation of the refrigeration cycle parameters. It focuses on fin and tube evaporators and includes the dehumidification process of humid air. The flow through the heat exchanger is considered to be steady and the refrigerant flow inside the tubes is considered one-dimensional. The evaporator model is discretised in cells where 1D mass, momentum and energy conservation equations are solved by using an iterative procedure called SEWTLE. This procedure is based on decoupling the calculation of the fluid flows from each other assuming that the tube temperature field is known at each fluid iteration. Special attention is paid to the correlations utilised for the evaluation of heat transfer coefficients as well as the friction factor on the air and on the refrigerant side. A comparison between calculated values and measured results is made on the basis of the evaporation temperature. The experimental results used in this work correspond to an air-to-water heat pump and have been obtained by using R-22 and R-290 as refrigerants.  相似文献   

An experimental study for air-side thermal-hydraulic performance of brazed aluminum heat exchangers under dehumidifying conditions has been performed. For 30 samples of louvered fin heat exchangers with different geometrical parameters, the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics for wet surface were evaluated. The test was conducted for air-side Reynolds number in the range of 80–300 and tube-side water flow rate of 320 kg/h. The dry- and wet-bulb temperatures of the inlet air for heat exchangers were 27 and 19 °C, respectively and the inlet water temperature was 6 °C. The air-side thermal performance data for cooling and dehumidifying conditions were analyzed using effectiveness-NTU method for cross-flow heat exchanger with both fluids unmixed. The test results are reported, compared with those for the dry surface heat exchangers, in terms of sensible j factor and friction factor f, as functions of Reynolds number based on louver pitch. The correlations for j and f factors are developed within rms errors of ±16.9 and ±13.6%, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper studies refrigeration cycles in which plate heat exchangers are used as either evaporators or condensers. The performance of the cycle is studied by means of a method introduced in previous papers which consists of assessing the goodness of a calculation method by looking at representative variables such as the evaporation or the condensation temperature depending on the case evaluated. This procedure is also used to compare several heat transfer coefficients in the refrigerant side. As in previous works the models of all the cycle components are considered together with the heat exchanger models in such a way that the system of equations they provide is solved by means of a Newton–Raphson algorithm. Calculated and measured values of the evaporation and the condensation temperatures are also compared. The experimental results correspond to the same air-to-water heat pump studied in other papers and they have been obtained by using refrigerants R-22 and R-290.  相似文献   

This is the second paper of a series that assesses the performance of a refrigeration system model by means of cycle parameters. In this case, the condensation temperature is the parameter to study and it is focused on fin and tube condensers. It also studies the influence of the heat transfer models on the estimation of this refrigeration cycle parameter and different correlations for the heat transfer coefficients have been implemented in order to characterise the heat transfer in the heat exchangers. The flow inside the heat exchangers is considered one-dimensional as in previous works. In the cycle definition, other submodels for all the cycle component have been taken into account to complete the system of equations that characterises the behaviour of the refrigeration cycle. This global system is solved by means of a Newton–Raphson algorithm and a known technique called SEWTLE is used to model the heat exchangers. Some experimental results are employed to compare the condensation temperatures provided by the numerical procedure and to evaluate the performance of each heat transfer coefficient. These experimental results correspond to an air-to-water heat pump and are obtained by using R-22 and R-290 as refrigerants.  相似文献   

The thermal-hydraulic performance under conditions of an initial frost growth on the air-side surface, and for subsequent ‘refrosting’ after a defrost period is experimentally studied for folded-louvered-fin, microchannel heat exchangers. In total, five heat exchangers are considered; the thermal performances during one frost-growth cycle for four different fin geometries are compared in terms of overall heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop, and j and f factors; the defrost and refrost characteristics of two heat exchangers are compared to explore geometry effects. Typically, the performance under refrosting conditions becomes periodic and repeatable after the third or fourth refrosting cycle. The allowable frost growth period (before a defrost is required), the defrost requirement, and the thermal-hydraulic performance depend on heat exchanger geometry for the specimens used in this study.  相似文献   

A simulation and design tool to improve effectiveness and efficiency in design, and analysis of air to refrigerant heat exchangers, CoilDesigner, is introduced. A network viewpoint was adopted to establish the general-purpose solver and allow for analysis of arbitrary tube circuitry and mal-distribution of fluid flow inside the tube circuits. A segment-by-segment approach within each tube was implemented, to account for two-dimensional non-uniformity of air distribution across the heat exchanger, and heterogeneous refrigerant flow patterns through a tube. Coupled heat exchangers with multiple fluids inside different subsets of tubes can be modeled and analyzed simultaneously. A further sub-dividing-segment model was developed in order to address the significant change of properties and heat transfer coefficients in the single-phase and two-phase regime when a segment experiences flow regime change. Object-oriented programming techniques were applied in developing the program to facilitate a modular, highly flexible and customizable design platform and in building a graphic user-friendly interface. A wide variety of working fluids and correlations of heat transfer and pressure drop are available at the user's choice. The model prediction with CoilDesigner was verified against experimentally determined data collected from a number of sources.  相似文献   

In order to establish a reliable procedure for estimation of air pressure drop, experiments on plate finned tube heat exchangers have been conducted, as well as the research on the open literature. The procedure of Kays and London was tested against the experimental data and significant level of uncertainty was found. Using own experimental data, as well as previously published data of Kays and London, new correlation for estimation of air pressure drop has been established. Statistical parameters of new correlation enable the conclusion that it can be used for wide range of Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   

This study presents an empirical correlation describing the airside performance of herringbone wavy fin pattern. A total of 61 samples containing approximately 570 data points are used in the regression analysis. The proposed heat transfer correlation can describe 91% of the test data within ±15% with a mean deviation of 6.98% while the proposed friction correlation can describe 85% of the database within ±15% with a mean deviation of 8.82%.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of condensate retention on a louver-fin-and-tube air cooling coil, which is commonly used in air conditioning (A/C) systems. Compared to previously related work focusing on the influence of condensate retention on the heat and mass transfer between air and a cooling coil, the present study emphasizes the impacts of operating parameters on condensate retention on a cooling coil. A new method to describe the steady-state condensation has been suggested and a new mathematical model to represent the force balance of retained condensate developed. The mass of condensate retained has been measured experimentally under various operating conditions of a direct expansion (DX) air cooling and dehumidification system. The influences of air dry-bulb temperature, moisture content and Reynolds Number on condensate retention are discussed. The model developed relates the mass of condensate retained to condensing rate, and is successful in predicting the trends of condensate retention under normal operating conditions for air cooling applications.  相似文献   

Airside heat and mass transfer and fluid flow characteristics of a wavy-finned-tube direct expansion air coil under cooling and dehumidifying condition have been experimentally investigated. Experiments were carried out to study the effects of operating conditions such as: air temperature, air relative humidity, air face velocity, and evaporator pressure on the airside performance (cooling capacity, dehumidification capacity, pressure drop, and heat transfer coefficient) of the coil. Charts for coil wet conditions, partially wet or totally wet, were conducted to identify the coil wet conditions in terms of the operating conditions. Two techniques, enthalpy potential method and equivalent dry-bulb temperature method, were used to analyze the data and to deduce correlations for Colburn factors for the different coil wet conditions. Comparison between the correlations predictions of the two techniques was presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents the heat and mass transfer characteristics of the humid airflow in frosting conditions. A flat plate of aluminum with cooling modules at the central region was used for the simulation of flat surface part of the fin of the heat exchanger. The local surface temperature of the plate and the local thickness and total mass of the frost on the plate were measured to analyze the heat and mass transfer characteristics. In order to analyze the frosting characteristics, an analysis algorithm was developed, which can provide the local air temperature, the frost surface temperature, the sensible and the latent heat flux distributions at the test plate. Also, by integrating the local heat flux distribution, the average heat flux characteristics were analyzed. The present experiment and analysis found that the characteristic of the upstream airflow was very different from that of the downstream airflow.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to provide experimental data that can be used in the optimal design of flat plate finned-tube heat exchangers with large fin pitch. In this study, 22 heat exchangers were tested with a variation of fin pitch, number of tube row, and tube alignment. The air-side heat transfer coefficient decreased with a reduction of the fin pitch and an increase of the number of tube row. The reduction in the heat transfer coefficient of the four-row heat exchanger coil was approximately 10% as the fin pitch decreased from 15.0 to 7.5 mm over the Reynolds number range of 500–900 that was calculated based on the tube diameter. For all fin pitches, the heat transfer coefficient decreased as the number of tube row increased from 1 to 4. The staggered tube alignment improved heat transfer performance more than 10% compared to the inline tube alignment. A heat transfer correlation was developed from the measured data for flat plate finned-tubes with large fin pitch. The correlation yielded good predictions of the measured data with mean deviations of 3.8 and 6.2% for the inline and staggered tube alignment, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper is the second paper out of two which present the development of a dynamic model for single-effect LiBr/water absorption chillers. The first part describes the model in detail with respect to the heat and mass balances as well as the dynamic terms. This second part presents a more detailed investigation of the model performance, including performance analysis, sensitivity checks and a comparison to experimental data. General model functionality is demonstrated.A sensitivity analysis gives results which agree very well to fundamental expectations: it shows that an increase in both external and internal thermal mass results in a slower response to the step change but also in smaller heat flow oscillations during the transient period. Also, the thermal mass has been found to influence the heat flow transients more significantly if allocated internally. The time shift in the solution cycle has been found to influence both the time to reach steady-state and the transients and oscillations of the heat flow. A smaller time shift leads to significantly faster response.A comparison with experimental data shows that the dynamic agreement between experiment and simulation is very good with dynamic temperature deviations between 10 and 25 s. The total time to achieve a new steady-state in hot water temperature after a 10 K input temperature step amounts to approximately 15 min. Compared to this, the present dynamic deviations are in the magnitude of approximately 1–3%.  相似文献   

The airside heat transfer and friction characteristics of 14 enhanced fin-and-tube heat exchangers with hydrophilic coating under wet conditions are experimented. The effects of number of tube rows, fin pitch and inlet relative humidity on airside performance are analyzed. The test results show that the influences of the fin pitch and the number of tube rows on the friction characteristic under wet conditions are similar to that under dry surface owing to the existence of the hydrophilic coating. The Colburn j factors decrease as the fin pitch and the number of tube rows increase. For wavy fin, the Colburn j factors increase with the increase of the inlet relative humidity, but for interrupted fin, the Colburn j factors are relatively insensitive to the change of the inlet relative humidity. The friction characteristic is independent of the inlet relative humidity. Based on the test results, heat transfer and friction correlations, in terms of the Colburn j factor and Fanning f factor, are proposed to describe the airside performance of the enhanced fin geometry with hydrophilic coating under wet conditions. For wavy fin, the correlation of the Colburn j factor gives a mean deviation of 7.6%, while the correlation of Fanning f factor shows a mean deviation of 9.1%. For interrupted fin, the correlation of the Colburn j factor gives a mean deviation of 9.7%, while the correlation of Fanning f factor shows a mean deviation of 7.3%.  相似文献   

General models for the design of the heat exchangers (absorber, generator, condenser and evaporator) of a prototype of an air-cooled absorption chiller of 2 kW for air-conditioning using the pair H2O–LiBr have been developed. An absorption machine of such characteristics has been constructed to be used as a test facility for validating the results obtained from the mathematical models developed. The discrepancies considering the heat exchanged between numerical results and experimental data are under 15% in most cases for all these components except the condenser, where the discrepancies are higher. The conclusions reported will lead to: (i) future improvements of the mathematical simulation models and (ii) improvements in the experimental infrastructure.  相似文献   

The effect of different type of condensers on the performance of R410A residential air-conditioning systems was investigated in this study. Two R410A residential air-conditioning systems, one with a microchannel condenser and the other with a round-tube condenser, were examined experimentally, while the other components of the two systems were identical except the condensers. Two condensers had almost same package volumes. The two systems were operated in separate environmental chambers and their performance was measured in ARI A, B, and C conditions. Both the COP and cooling capacity of the system with the microchannel condenser were higher than those for the round-tube condenser in all test conditions. The refrigerant charge amount and the refrigerant pressure drop were measured; the results showed a reduction of charge and pressure drop in the microchannel condenser. A numerical model for the microchannel condenser was developed and its results were compared with the experiments. The model simulated the condenser with consideration given to the non-uniform air distribution at the face of the condenser and refrigerant distribution in the headers. The results showed that the effect of the air and refrigerant distribution was not a significant parameter in predicting the capacity of the microchannel condenser experimentally examined in this study. Temperature contours, generated from the measured air exit temperatures, showed the refrigerant distribution in the microchannel condenser indirectly. The temperature contours developed from the model results showed a relatively good agreement with the contours for measured air exit temperatures of the microchannel condenser.  相似文献   

An experimental study on the behavior of water hold-up by condensation on various shapes of fin-and-tube heat exchangers with different surface hydrophilicity, i.e. dynamic contact angle of surface, was conducted. Condensation experiments were conducted, and the amount of water hold-up was measured. Condensation flow patterns on fins with different surface hydrophilicity were visualized. Results showed that the water hold-up of a heat exchanger could be reduced by the enhancement of the surface hydrophilicity and the design of a heat exchanger with a lower number of fins and fins with slant ends.  相似文献   

In this paper, we applied an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model for prediction of the heat transfer rate of the wire-on-tube type heat exchanger. Limited experimental data was used for training and testing ANFIS configuration with the help of hybrid learning algorithm consisting of backpropagation and least-squares estimation. The predicted values are found to be in good agreement with the actual values from the experiments with mean relative error less than 2.55%. Also, we compared the proposed ANFIS model to an ANN approach. Results show that the ANFIS model has more accuracy in comparison to ANN approach. Therefore, we can use ANFIS model to predict the performances of thermal systems in engineering applications, such as modeling heat exchangers for heat transfer analysis.  相似文献   

The present paper discusses the results of an extensive investigation about the performance of various fin configurations, carried out in the Luve Contardo experimental facilities and aimed to enhance the heat transfer capabilities of air-cooled condensers and liquid coolers. Test results here discussed are relative to 15 coil prototypes, having the same tube and fin geometry (25×21.65 mm staggered 5/8” tube banks, 2 mm fin spacing) but different fin surface geometry, from flat to wavy to louvered to “winglet”. Different rates of heat transfer and pressure loss enhancement were obtained, also depending on the quality of the pressing process. General approaches to evaluate the “goodness” of one fin design with respect to another one provided questionable results: pressure loss influence on the air flow cannot be properly evaluated unless the actual fan head curve and the coil dimensions (front area and rows number) are stipulated. The performance of air-cooled condensers was therefore predicted and compared, for various fin design and for coil arrangements of practical interest. The type of fin adopted strongly influences the heat exchanger performance and louvered fins generally provide the best results.  相似文献   

For providing good performance of dehumidifier and regenerator with certain dimensions, a new type of internally cooled/heated dehumidifier/regenerator based on the plate–fin heat exchanger (PFHE) was designed. To investigate the behavior of the new equipment, an experimental setup was established in an environment chamber with regulable temperature and humidity air. By the internally cooled dehumidification testing, effects of the cooling water temperature, the air flow rate and the desiccant temperature on the dehumidification performance and the cooling efficiency were presented. The behavior of internally cooled dehumidification process was compared with that of the adiabatic dehumidification process. The results suggested that the cooling efficiency decreased with the increasing of the cooling water temperature and desiccant with low temperature could bring more mass transfer coefficients. There is an optimal air flow rate to achieve the maximum absolute humidity decrease of the air. By the internally heated regeneration testing, effects of the air flow rate and the desiccant inlet temperature on the regeneration performance and air outlet parameters were discussed and also compared with those of the adiabatic regeneration process. It was concluded that the regeneration efficiency of internally heated regeneration was more than that of the adiabatic regeneration, and the internally heated regenerator could offer better thermal performance.  相似文献   

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