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魏香婷  李欢  刘海琴  肖雷 《山东化工》2021,(13):251-252
多环芳烃(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,PAHs)是一种稠环状的有机污染物,对环境的危害十分严重,还会对人体产生潜在的危害如致癌和致突变作用.这些危险是源于多环芳烃很难在自然条件下被降解,同时由于多环芳烃具有较强的吸附性,所以不易溶于水,而易与土壤共存.而微生物降解修复技术是目前去除...  相似文献   

鲁麒  魏香婷  姚菁华  肖雷 《现代化工》2021,(6):46-50,54
对降解多环芳烃的共培养微生物的种类及构成、共培养降解多环芳烃过程中微生物间的相互作用、影响共培养降解多环芳烃的因素、共培养体系的构建以及共培养降解多环芳烃的应用进行了综述,并对共培养体系修复多环芳烃污染中存在的问题进行了总结和思考.  相似文献   

土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)污染已成为一个严重的环境问题。因此,有必要开展低成本、高效的微生物修复技术研究。本文从土壤中PAHs的环境污染特征出发,结合近年来利用微生物修复技术去除土壤中PAHs的研究进展,剖析该技术工程应用存在的挑战及其解决策略。并对微生物与PAHs之间的作用机制进行介绍,指出细菌降解PAHs主要通过双加氧酶的作用,真菌降解PAHs利用的是单加氧酶,而藻类降解低环PAHs主要采用单加氧酶系统进行代谢,降解高环PAHs则主要采用双加氧酶系统进行代谢。最后提出了未来PAHs污染土壤修复技术的主要研究方向,包括建立高效降解菌筛选体系、构建混合菌群及基因工程菌、加强作用过程及代谢组学研究等方面,以期为我国土壤修复技术的产业化发展和大规模应用提供指导。  相似文献   

土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)污染已成为一个严重的环境问题。因此,有必要开展低成本、高效的微生物修复技术研究。本文从土壤中PAHs的环境污染特征出发,结合近年来利用微生物修复技术去除土壤中PAHs的研究进展,剖析该技术工程应用存在的挑战及其解决策略。并对微生物与PAHs之间的作用机制进行介绍,指出细菌降解PAHs主要通过双加氧酶的作用,真菌降解PAHs利用的是单加氧酶,而藻类降解低环PAHs主要采用单加氧酶系统进行代谢,降解高环PAHs则主要采用双加氧酶系统进行代谢。最后提出了未来PAHs污染土壤修复技术的主要研究方向,包括建立高效降解菌筛选体系、构建混合菌群及基因工程菌、加强作用过程及代谢组学研究等方面,以期为我国土壤修复技术的产业化发展和大规模应用提供指导。  相似文献   

多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)是环境中普遍存在的具有代表性的一类重要持久性有机污染物,具"三致性"、难降解性,在土壤环境中不断积累,严重危害着土壤的生产和生态功能、农产品质量和人类健康。修复土壤多环芳烃污染已成为研究的焦点。生物修复技术因具有成本低、无二次污染、可大面积应用等独特优点而越来越受到人们的重视,是目前最具潜力的土壤修复技术之一。  相似文献   

本文研究了焦作市博爱土壤剖面多环芳烃(PAHs)含量的分布特征。发现在美国EPA优先控制的16种PAHs中,检测出8种,PAHs主要分布在0—40cm土层中,PAHs总含量与土壤深度的增加无明显相关性。  相似文献   

综述了土壤PAHs的预处理和测定分析方法。预处理方法主要介绍了索氏提取、超声波萃取、超临界流体萃取、加速溶剂萃取和协同萃取等。检测方法具体介绍了高效液相色谱法(HPLC)法、恒能量同步荧光法(CESF)、气相色谱-质谱(GC/MS)法等。重点分析比较了提取和纯化过程,为今后研究土壤中的多环芳烃提供一定的技术参考。  相似文献   

土壤中多环芳烃毒性大、难降解,对其含量进行准确分析在指导风险评估和制定土壤修复方案方面起着重大作用.从方法原理、优缺点方面对近年来土壤中多环芳烃预处理和仪器检测方法的研究现状进行综述,将检测方法进行比较,根据测试需求选择合适的分析方法.展望发展趋势可以看出,研究便捷高效的预处理方法、对衍生物同步检测和开发在线监测技术是未来土壤中多环芳烃检测技术研究的重要方向.  相似文献   

讨论了不同因素对过硫酸钠降解土壤中多环芳烃的影响,并对其中的过硫酸钠的加入量、活化剂种类及加入量、放置反应时的温度条件进行优化.  相似文献   

土壤中多环芳烃的预处理及含量分析方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涂悦鸿  刘细祥 《广东化工》2010,37(11):258-259,261
概述了国内外土壤样品中多环芳烃(PAHs)的预处理及含量分析方法的研究现状,其中提取方法包括索氏提取、超声提取、微波提取(MAE)、加速溶剂萃取(ASE)、超临界流体萃取(SFE)及其协同提取方法等。测定方法有高效液相色谱(HPLC)法、气相色谱-质谱联用(GC/MS)法和恒能量同步荧光(CESF)法等。对各种提取和分析方法进行了比较并对土壤样品中多环芳烃前处理和分析检测技术的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

在人为活动和自然活动的影响下,海洋中多环芳烃(PAHs)的污染急剧加重,引起了广泛的关注。在简要介绍PAHs的特点、来源、分布以及海洋中PAHs污染的基础上,论述了海洋中PAHs微生物降解的最新研究进展,阐述了PAHs生物降解的途径和机制,归纳了微生物修复技术在海洋PAHs污染治理方面的应用以及红树林在去除PAHs中所发挥的作用,最后对海洋中PAHs的生物降解与修复技术发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The distribution, composition, and source of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Luan River, China, were investigated in this study. The compositional profiles of PAHs in the three mediums represented different characteristics. In different land-use areas, compositional profiles of PAHs in water were familiar, while that in sediment and bank soil presented differences. The spatial distribution of PAHs indicated that the most polluted sites all gathered in the middle and lower reaches of the region, which was different from other rivers in China. The PAH data of bank soil were used for source identification. Both diagnostic ratios of selected PAHs and principal component analysis (PCA) with multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis were studied, suggesting mixed source of PAHs in the Luan River Basin.  相似文献   

李莉 《广东化工》2011,38(3):143-145
文章用改进索氏提取器与自动索氏提取器提取土壤中加标多环芳烃(菲、蒽、屈),采用高效液相色谱法对提取液进行分离测定,并选择了流动相最佳比例。结果表明,采用改进索氏提取器,二氯甲烷作提取剂,氧化铝柱层析法纯化,并用HPLC—UVD测定可得到很好的效果。三种多环芳烃的平均加标回收率在78.7%~111%之间,且重现性较好。  相似文献   

多环芳烃研究进展   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
针对多环芳烃的来源、分布、危害、物理化学性质、分析方法、处理方法等进行了回顾和综述,介绍了用微波技术降解多环芳烃的最新方法和进展。  相似文献   

Gamma irradiation effects on seven carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated. 0, 1, 5, 10, and 15 kGy of gamma irradiation doses were used in wheat grain treatments. PAHs were extracted and their concentrations at each doses were determined using HPLC equipped with fluorescence analysis. Results demonstrate a reverse relationship between PAHs concentrations and gamma irradiation doses. PAHs concentrations decreased when the gamma irradiation dose increased. The total of PAHs concentration decreased by 35% at 1 kGy while the reduction exceeded 70% for doses higher than 5 kGy. PAHs reduction in irradiated grain samples versus irradiation dose was linear/exponential depending on the structure of PAHs compounds. Results could be of great importance when gamma irradiation is used for the elimination of PAHs from wheat grains.  相似文献   

以黑腐酸为原料,进行烷基化反应和磺甲基化反应,得到改性黑腐酸MHA12、MHA16和MHA18。用IR测定了改性物的结构,通过测定不同浓度下改性黑腐酸溶液的表面张力得到改性黑腐酸的临界胶团浓度CMC,并测定了MHA12、MHA16、MHA18对PAHs污染土壤中萘、菲、荧蒽、芘的洗脱效率。结果表明:黑腐酸经过改性后引入了烷基基团和磺甲基基团,具有较好的水溶性和表面活性,MHA12、MHA16、MHA18的临界胶团浓度分别为3.12 g/L、2.78 g/L、2.70 g/L。当MHA溶液浓度超过临界胶团浓度时,MHA12、MHA16和MHA18对萘、菲、荧蒽、芘都具有良好的洗脱能力,可用于多环芳烃污染土壤的修复。  相似文献   

The concentrations of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the total suspended particulate (TSP) were measured simultaneously between January 30, 2015 and February 11, 2016 at urban, suburb, and rural sites at Alexandria City, Egypt, using pesticide samplers. Samples were extracted and analyzed using chromatography–mass spectrometric (GC–MS). There was a significant difference in concentrations between the three sites, and between particle- and vapor-phases. Mean total PAH concentrations were 502.48, 322.57, and 417.23 ng m?3 for the urban, the rural, and the suburban sites in particulate-phase and were 723.49, 402.26, and 543.15 for the same sites in vapor-phase, respectively. At the three sites, the most abundant compounds determined were Benzo[k]fluoranthene (BkF), followed by Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and Indeno [1,2,3-cd] pyrene (IcdP). These high molecular weight compounds are carcinogenic and known to originate mainly from vehicular emissions. The diagnostic ratios indicated PAHs in urban and suburban sites were predominantly from gasoline and diesel engines, while that in rural site was from biomass burning. Characterization of the emission sources was further substantiated by significant correlation between individual PAH species.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered as undesirable molecules in smoke. It is important to know the smoke composition applied to meat-based products. PAH extracts of the smoke from five tropical woods were fractionated, analyzed then compared to that of beechwood, a European wood commonly used in the smoking industry of meat-based products. The identification and quantification of the aromatic molecules was carried out with gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC/MS).  相似文献   


The assessment of toxic effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Haplic chernozems soil was developed by using spring barley (Hordeum sativum distichum) bioaccumulation tendencies. Spring barley was used to estimate the negative effect of chernozemic soil contamination with benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), one the most carcinogenic and mutagenic PAHs compounds. The bioaccumulation tendencies were studied in soil spiking with BaP. Spiked doses were close to technogenic pressure level in studied area, 0–800 µg/kg of BaP. Condition and doses of BaP during 4 years of model experiment influenced morphometric characteristics of spring barley and rates of BaP uptake by plants. Exposure to the growth characteristics containing at least 20 µg/kg BaP promoted absorbing BaP by plants root system as well as increased roots length. Tendencies of phytotoxicity parameters inhibition were observed for all morphometric characteristics of spring barley as energy of germination, length of vegetation part, plant weight and ear height. Quantifiable levels of BaP uptake by spring barley roots exceeded vegetative part more than 2.5 times in all polluted variants. The constant of BaP semi-degradation in artificially polluted Haplic chernozems for 48 months of model experiment T50 reached 1.2–3.4 years. Thus, the BaP uptake by spring barley from chernozem soil contributes to the bioindication responses during environmental monitoring to assess the impact of BaP pollution.  相似文献   

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