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丁瑞金 《消防技术与产品信息》2001,(3):49-53
在第一部分中我们已经知道“间接”和“复合”法被极大地误解并广泛地滥用。80年代 ,由于灭火控制的失败和发生的烧伤事故使许多消防部队开始醒悟 ,而放弃在内部灭火时使用雾流对付内部火灾。有的又重新使用已在消防局橱柜里放置多年的充实射流喷嘴 ,还有的则要求消防队员在内部火灾攻击中只使用直流射流。一、现代火灾环境现时的火场环境与 50年代相比更为不利 ,且更具不可预见性。原因之一就是塑料的广泛使用。塑料作为石化产品 (碳氢化合物 )的衍生物极易燃烧并伴有大量毒性黑烟产生。以下产品都可能含有部分塑料或全部是塑料制成 :家具… 相似文献
中国是陶瓷大国,但在日常生活中,从餐具到卫浴设备,用的多数为国外品牌。如果中国的陶瓷烟灰缸是250元一箱,那么国外企业生产的可能就是250元一个。为什么中国的产品一旦拿到国际上去竞争价格的差距就如此之大?为什么中国的产品一旦到了国外就被称为“便宜产品”?其实,外国人都知道中国的产品并不比本国的产品质量差,但是,他们在意识里常带有一些偏见。 相似文献
今年六月是我国建筑界的权威学术刊物<建筑学报>创刊五十周年,除了学术研讨、庆祝会等纪念活动外,<建筑学报>编辑部还推出了两套十分值得保存的纪念珍品:一是装在一个精装硬函里的<建筑学报五十年精选>两卷本;一是装在精致封套里<建筑学报五十年典藏DVD>光盘版两张.前者以编年的体例收录了50年来<建筑学报>的重要文章、设计作品和重要活动,后者收录了50年来424期<建筑学报>的全部内容及各种索引.虽然二者不是同一家出版社的产品,但同时采用了看去十分庄重的土黄色做封套,其互相补充的丰富内容,截然不同的阅读方式,精美的装帧等必然成为记录我国建筑历程和发展轨迹的重要文献. 相似文献
Theo A. Boer 《The International journal of environmental studies》2018,75(2):239-250
Worldwide the Netherlands has the broadest experience with organizing voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide. Roughly, three phases may be distinguished: in 1968–1985 euthanasia was vividly debated but, as it was illegal, it was at best tolerated. Since 1985, beginning with a verdict of the Supreme Court, euthanasia became officially tolerated and gradually legalized in 2002, after which the numbers stabilized until 2006. The onset of the third phase was in 2007. Since that year, the numbers tripled, new pathologies were accepted as a reason for euthanasia, the number of people with a long life expectancy increased, and mobile euthanizing teams were established that provide euthanasia without a prior doctor-patient relationship. These developments were made possible by a combination of cultural developments, the absence of restrictive legal norms, and a far reaching mandate of the Review Committees. 相似文献
有一次在美国,一位好心的华裔司机一路给我介绍美国的风土人情。当了解到我来自中国时,他笑了笑说:“如果老外问及你的国籍,就说你是亚洲人。”我还没有反应过来,他接着又补充了一句:“如果对方一定要了解你的国籍,你就说是日本人或者是韩国人。”终于,他发现了我的不快,赶紧跟我解释:“老美比较认同亚洲的日本人和韩国人……” 相似文献
Grimsrud DT 《Indoor air》2011,21(3):179-181
This paper recounts the first 10 years of the Indoor Air journal from the perspective of the founding editor. It represents personal recollections of the journal's founding and initial publication. It describes some of the amazing changes that have occurred since the decade of the 1990s when it was first published. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: It is useful to reflect back periodically to earlier times when the Indoor Air journal was just beginning to understand the conditions that led to its founding. Wise people have contributed much to create this outstanding journal. Their contributions should not be forgotten. 相似文献
Tim Marshall 《International Planning Studies》1996,1(3):357-367
A number of changes over the past decade have transformed the context and hence the prospects for effective regional planning in Western Europe. These include the changes in economic dynamics, the shifts in political ideologies, the emergence of initiatives at EU level, the growing strength of regionalism and sub‐state nationalisms. Probably most important has been the spread of neo‐liberalism; here most emphasis is placed on this dimension. These changes have generated a variety of new forms of regional planning, ranging in strength, functions and significance. The trajectories of change have differed considerably from one country to another, but there have been shifts in practice in several EU states. In particular the relationship to other levels and kinds of planning or state action has been changing—to economic strategies and policies, to urban and local planning processes and to planning of transport and energy infrastructure. The analysis concentrates on the relationship between regional planning and spatial political and economic change, as the latter has been variously theorized recently. 相似文献
Papers in Regional Science - 相似文献
西方区域规划发展变迁及对我国的启示 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
区域规划是公共政策的重要组成部分,是政府干预和协调地区关系的重要手段之一.随着全球化和区域一体化发展的日趋深入,区域规划步入了一个全面复兴的时代,并受到世界各国的普遍重视.我国的区域规划应以解决当前和可预见的区域重大问题为突破口,深入研究规划实施所依赖的各种路径,重视规划实施政策的制定,不仅关注经济发展,还应强调社会公平公正,以提高城市的竞争力,促进区域的协调发展. 相似文献
目的探讨50岁以上男性骨密度(BMD)的变化特征及骨质疏松检出率。方法回顾性分析解放军总医院年度查体50岁以上男性的一般资料及用双能X线吸收法测定的BMD,根据年龄和WHO骨质疏松症诊断标准将受试者分组,比较组间BMD特点、不同测量部位骨质疏松及低骨量检出率。结果全髋及股骨颈BMD随增龄而逐渐降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);线性相关分析显示全髋及股骨颈BMD与年龄呈负相关(r=-0.36,r=-0.30;P<0.05),腰椎BMD与年龄呈正相关(r=0.14,P<0.05)。该人群骨质疏松总检出率为10.08%,低骨量检出率为43.21%;骨质疏松及低骨量检出率均随增龄而增加(P<0.01);股骨颈部位骨质疏松及低骨量检出率与总检出率的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。单侧股骨颈部位骨质疏松、低骨量检出率低于股骨颈部位总检出率。70岁以上者骨质疏松及低骨量检出率显著高于70岁以下者(14.88%比1.99%;47.75%比35.56%,P<0.01)。结论 50岁以上男性全髋及股骨颈BMD随增龄而下降。骨质疏松及低骨量检出率随增龄而增加。股骨颈部位骨质疏松及低骨量检出率与总检出率接近,测量双侧股骨颈BMD有助于提高骨质疏松检出率。 相似文献
Construction management and construction economics are internationally recognized research fields which enjoy support from a strong and growing community of researchers, scholars and practitioners. Specialist academic and professional journals which serve the fields are relatively new. One of the prime journalsConstruction Management and Economics, celebrated ten years of continuous publication in 1992. In the ten years since its inceptionConstruction Management and Economicshas grown and has become more international. Whilst it has sharpened its focus on project-level production-oriented issues it has reflected the varied activities and interests of those involved with construction management and economics research and scholarship. Analysis of the pattern of publications in the journal and of their citations suggests a strengthening of the academic base of papers although there is little evidence that this is achieved by approaches to research that are clearly driven by, or contribute to, theory. In addition, patterns of citations suggest that studies are becoming increasingly inward-looking. Whilst there has been remarkable stability in the general characteristics of papers there have been significant changes in the identities of frequent authors and of key contributing institutions. A new generation of contributors has emerged. The paper documents these developments in the journal. In addition, through the design of a meta-classification model, it makes tentative proposals of dimensions by which research in the discipline can be defined and described. 相似文献
在当今激烈的市场竞争中,品牌体现着一个企业的素质、信誉和形象,也体现着一个民族的素质和一个国家的形象。 相似文献