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针对目前在水利水电工程中开挖扰动区的岩体力学参数取值问题,将岩体的声波速度与岩体质量指数Q、岩体分类指数RMR及地质强度指标GSI联系起来,并将声波速度引入到广义Hoek-Brown强度准则中,建立了由岩体声波速度及岩块单轴抗压强度预测开挖扰动区岩体的变形及强度参数的方法.利用三峡工程永久船闸边坡开挖扰动区的检测参数,结果表明,基于Hoek-Brown准则由声波速度及岩块强度预测的岩体变形模量与实测结果基本吻合,本方法可预测开挖扰动区的岩体力学参数.  相似文献   

为探索采用气体渗透率k值评判地层漏失特性的可行性,对某岩石断面侧壁8组25个钻孔开展了原位气体渗透率检测与钻孔压水试验。对钻孔压水实验结果与气体渗透率检测结果开展了对比研究。结果表明,钻孔中透水率q<5Lu,对应气检渗透率k一般在10-14 m2量级或更低;钻孔中透水率q在8~35Lu,对应气检渗透率k在10-13 m2或10-12 m2量级。  相似文献   

坝基岩体质量分级指标包括岩石质量指标(RQD,Q)、纵波波速(V)以及透水率(ω)等。他们相互之间存在一定关系,并随深度(h)的变化而变化。以青海玛沁地区玛尔挡水电站河床坝基6个钻孔的实测数据为基础,对上述指标随深度的变化规律及相互关系进行研究。结果表明:同一深度的岩石质量指标差异较大,但整体上随深度的增加呈线性带状增大,上、下限的线性关系分别为Q=0.488h+67.886与Q=0.309h+2.319;透水率与深度具有较好的相关性,随深度增大,透水率呈幂函数曲线下降趋势,即ω=1 329.192h-1.599;岩石质量指标、透水率和深度的拟合度较高;随着岩石质量指标的增加,纵波波速整体上呈线性带状增大的趋势,上、下限的线性关系分别为V=40.493Q+3 612.9和V=32.458Q+1 822.6,而透水率的几何平均值呈下降趋势,与岩石质量指标的算术平均值具有很好的相关性,即ω=6.378-3.708×10-7Q3.832。  相似文献   

地下油库库址岩体稳定性是保证国家能源安全的有效措施之一。本文介绍了声波测试技术在广东省某地下油库选址勘查中的应用效果,通过钻孔声波测井和室内岩性测试,计算了库址岩体声波速度和岩体动力学参数、评价了岩体稳定性、分析了库址全区纵波速度场分布特征,对库址岩体安全性进行了分析,为石油储备库的建设提供依据。  相似文献   

用声波速度预测岩石单轴抗压强度的试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
声波速度是一项较好反映地层岩石综合物理性质的声学指标,被广泛应用于石油勘探开发工程的各个专业技术领域。在扼要叙述室内测定岩石声波速度、单轴抗压强度试验方法的基础上,重点介绍了利用回归分析方法, 波速度一抗压强度相关关系、地面声波速度与井下测井声波速度相关关系的数据分析处理过程和获取的定性定量结论。在综合分析研究的基础上,介绍了以方便现场工程应用为目的所建立的利用测井声波速度预测岩石单同抗压强度的数  相似文献   

利用声波速度预测地层岩石硬度的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
声波速度测井浊利用岩石的声学性质研究钻井地质剖面和工程质量等问题的一种测井方法。这一方法因有不受泥浆矿化度影响、适用条件较广的优点,所获取的资料真实可靠、数据量大且代表性强。在扼要叙述室内测定岩石声波速度、硬度试验方法的基础上,重点介绍了利用回归分析方法,研究声波速度与岩石硬度相关关系、地面声波速度与井下测井声波速度相关关系的数据分析处理过程,给出了获取的定量结论,介绍了以方便现场工程应用为目的所  相似文献   

岩石中声波衰减特性的理论与实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从岩石试件在单轴压应力作用下的声波衰减现象出发,运用损耗介质的本构方程及粒子应力场理论,结合对含有裂隙岩石的有效弹性刚度系数的能量分折,建立了岩石介质中声波衰减特性与单轴压应力间的理论函数关系,即对较均质、致密的岩石,声波衰减系数比可近似地表示成应力的二次多项式关系。同时,声波衰减系数还与岩石的孔隙率、裂隙谱、弹性模量和泊松比等有关。最后,由实验数据证明本文所建立的声波在岩石中的衰减特性理论是合理的。  相似文献   

岩体力学是与工程紧密相连的一门学科,它的发展将会推动工程建设的不断深入.本文首先简要介绍了岩体力学的发展情况,然后从学科知识应用于实际的工程的步骤(先建立模型,然后用实验获得相应的数据,最后,借助数值方法得出模型的解答),阐述了当前的进展并付以工程实例和新的理论.最后,对今后的发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

岩体断续节理受压剪荷载的弹塑性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
运用弹塑性断裂力学的裂纹线场分析方法,将描述岩体材料破坏特性的摩尔-库仑准则,列入求解岩体内节理断裂问题的基本方程中,对节理裂隙在压剪荷载下进行求解,利出了节理线附近的弹塑性区应务场。通过弹塑性场在其边界上的匹配条件,得出了节理线上塑性区长度与压剪荷载的关系,以及节理扩展破坏准则。  相似文献   

岩体力学是与工程紧密相连的一门学科,它的发展将会推动工程建设的不断深入.本文首先简要介绍了岩体力学的发展情况,然后从学科知识应用于实际的工程的步骤(先建立模型,然后用实验获得相应的数据,最后,借助数值方法得出模型的解答),阐述了当前的进展并付以工程实例和新的理论.最后,对今后的发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

超高压水射流破岩过程中的应力波效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取200,220和260MPa射流压力和3种岩样,实验研究非淹没条件下破岩效果的宏观规律.针对岩石在超高压水射流作用下的破碎特性,建立球面应力波在岩石介质中传播的波动方程.运用拉格朗日方法描述岩石质点的位移场和速度场.利用Matlab对波动方程进行计算求解,分析超高压水射流冲击下岩石破裂时序演化过程,建立岩石宏观断裂规律与微观破坏机制间的联系.研究表明:超高压水射流作用下岩石的破坏主要表现为拉伸破坏;岩石受力在应力波效应下呈现两种状态,即先拉伸后压缩应力状态与压缩应力状态;理论计算分析与实验结果基本吻合,表明利用该方法分析超高压水射流破岩机理是可行的.  相似文献   

The principle of sonic wave measurement was introduced, and cumulative damage effects of underground engineering rock mass under blasting load were studied by in situ test, using RSM-SY5 intelligent sonic wave apparatus. The blasting test was carried out for ten times at some tunnels of Changba Lead-Zinc Mine. The damage depth of surrounding rock caused by old blasting excavation (0.8-1.2 m) was confirmed. The relation between the cumulative damage degree and blast times was obtained. The results show that the sonic velocity decreases gradually with increasing blast times, hut the damage degree (D) increases. The damage cumulative law is non-linear. The damage degree caused by blast decreases with increasing distance, and damage effects become indistinct. The blasting damage of rock mass is anisotropic. The damage degree of rock mass within charging range is maximal. And the more the charge is, the more severe the damage degree of rock mass is. The test results provide references for researches of mechanical parameters of rock mass and dynamic stability analysis of underground chambers.  相似文献   

声表面波(SAW)波动方程的求解是SAW传播特性分析的理论依据,也是材料切型优化的基础.在具体求解时需要采用不断反复迭代的数值算法,计算工作量非常庞大,因此加快求解速度对于提高计算效率显得格外重要.基于边界条件系数行列式值法求解SAW波动方程,通过对影响求解速度的各因素的理论分析,提出了利用相应的波动模式、材料的连续性和对称性等特点来缩短粗搜区间;通过合理选取初始步长、动态调整搜索步长等策略来加快求解速度.求解实践证明这些措施是有效的.为SAW传播特性的准确快速的分析提供参考.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relationship between bar diameter and loading rate of the split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB) setup under the failure of rock specimen and realize the medium strain rate loading of specimen, new SHPB setups with different elastic bar's diameters of 22, 36, 50 and 75 mm were constructed. The tests were carried out on these setups at different loading rates, and the specimens had the same diameter of elastic bars and same ratio of length to diameter. The test results show that the larger the elastic bar's diameter is, the less the loading rate is needed to cause specimen failure, they show good power relationship, and that under the same strain rate loading, specimens are broken more seriously with larger diameter SHPB setup than with smaller one.  相似文献   

In view of the effect of fissure water in fractured rock mass on the strength of rock mass in engineering projects,we prepared specimens of cement mortar to simulate saturated rock mass with continuous fractures of different slope angles.By exerting static and dynamic loads on the specimens,the mechanical characteristics of rock mass with fissure water under these loads can be analyzed.Our experimental results indicate that the static compressive strength of saturated fractured rock mass is related to the slope angle.The lowest compressive strength of fractured rock mass occurs when the slope angle is 45°,while the highest strength occurs when the specimen has no fractures.Fissure water can weaken the strength of rock mass.The softening coefficient does not vary with the slope angle and type of load.The hydrodynamic pressure of fractured rock mass gradually increases with an increase in dynamic load.For a 0° slope angle,the hydrodynamic pressure reaches its highest level.When the slope angle is 90°,the hydrodynamic pressure is the lowest.  相似文献   

To develop an equation between discrete degree of speed and traffic accident on freeway in China and give reasonable suggestions of speed management, the relation model was established between speed standard deviation and accident rate per 100,000,000 vehicle kilometers by regression analysis. The model shows that the more discrete is the speed distribution, the higher is the accident rate, which provides theoretical gist for speed limit on freeway. It is suggested that speed limit should be set according to 85th percentile speed obtained by the relationship between 85th percentile speed and RCCs (curvature change rate of single circular curve), and different speed limits should be set for cars and trucks. Through analyzing spot speed data of eight freeways in China, regression models were established between 85th percentile speed and RCCs and 15th percentile speed and RCCs Reasonable speed limit suggestion values are put forward through these models.  相似文献   

基于PLC的变频调速恒压供水系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘大铭  沈晖 《宁夏工程技术》2006,5(3):251-253,257
为了提高大范围变负荷恒压供水系统的控制精度和可靠性,提出了采用多台水泵分级控制,轮流变频启动的控制策略,并结合大范围变负荷供水系统的特点对常规PID控制算法作了一些相应的改进;同时,分析了变频器的输出及切换问题,给出了具体的切换方法和控制电路.该系统取代了高塔或水泵直接加压供水方式,提高了供水质量,节能效果明显.  相似文献   

高速弹体水平入水产生冲击波特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高速弹体入水产生的冲击波对弹体的水下运行与毁伤性能有着至关重要的作用.为得到高速弹体入水产生的冲击波及其传播特性,利用一级轻气炮高速发射平头和球形两种不同弹体水平入水,通过以不同方式分布于水下的压力传感器测量因此而形成冲击波峰值压力衰减特性.实验结果表明:初始冲击波峰值压力随着距离和角度以不同的方式衰减;在波的传播方向上,其满足指数衰减的形式,压力介于距离的倒数与距离平方的倒数之间的曲线之间.在球形波阵面上则以正弦曲线的形式衰减,这种沿距离和角度衰减的冲击波峰值不受弹体的初始速度的影响.  相似文献   

It’s a universal engineering problem to seal micro-cracks of low-permeability argillaceous rock mass by grouting in the fields of civil engineering and mining. This paper achieved the grouting sealing of low- permeability artificial rocks with the permeability of 0.1–40 mD by adopting silica sol imbibition grouting. The variation characteristics of particle size, viscosity, and contact angle of silica sol during solidification and the pore size distribution of low-permeability artificial rocks were measured, and spontaneous imbibition tests of the artificial rocks were carried out. Finally, combined with the imbibition theory, percolation theory, and fracture medium grouting principle, the silica sol imbibition mechanism of low-permeability rocks and soil was discussed. The results show that: (1) Silica sol can be injected into artificial rocks with the minimum permeability of 0.1 mD through spontaneous imbibition; (2) The particle size increase of silica sol leads to decreased wettability, affinity, and injectability in grouting materials; and (3) In the range of 0.1–40 mD, the grout absorption first increases and then decreases with increased permeability. The number of large pores and fractures in the rock mass is related to injectability, and the number of small and medium pores is related to the internal driving force of imbibition. This study provides a theoretical basis for silica sol grouting sealing of low-permeability argillaceous rocks and is, therefore, an important reference for application.  相似文献   

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