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A high-performance JPEG steganography should be secure enough to resist modern steganalysis. In this paper, we propose a high-performance JPEG steganographic method. The proposed method adopts the complementary embedding strategy to avoid the detections of several statistical attacks. To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, several statistical attacks are simulated and used to detect the stego-images created by the proposed method. Several famous JPEG steganographic algorithms are also simulated for comparisons with the proposed method. Experimental results show that the proposed steganographic method has superior performance both in capacity and security, and is practical for the application of secret communication. 相似文献
Xing Li Tao Zhang Yan Zhang Wenxiang Li Kaida Li 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2014,68(3):1051-1068
This paper proposes a novel universal steganalyzer for additive noise steganography in JPEG decompressed images. On the basis of the influence of the message embedding on the statistical distributions of alternating current (ac) discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients, we first develop a new steganalytic feature which is defined as the ratio between different ranges of the normalized ac coefficients histogram. Then a powerful blind detector is constructed with the proposed one-dimensional (1-D) feature. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed steganalyzer outperforms the existing state-of-the-art schemes significantly and even can detect the additive noise steganography effectively at a very low embedding rate. In addition, our method using a 1-D feature is not only practical and real-time, but also can provide a better control of the false positive rate and the false negative rate by adjusting the detection threshold. Moreover, the proposed feature can also be used to identify JPEG compression besides steganalysis, which indicates that our method has a great promise in practical applications. 相似文献
This paper presents a modified QIM-JPEG2000 steganography which improves the previous JPEG2000 steganography using quantization index modulation (QIM). Since after-embedding changes on file size and PSNR by the modified QIM-JPEG2000 are smaller than those by the previous QIM-JPEG2000, the modified QIM-JPEG2000 should be more secure than the previous QIM-JPEG2000. 相似文献
分块自适应JPEG图像数据隐藏算法* 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为提高隐秘JPEG图像视觉质量与隐藏容量,在修改JPEG缺省量化表的前提下,针对JPEG图像提出一种自适应数据隐藏算法。该算法首先根据图像分块视觉特性确定用于数据隐藏的图像分块,然后应用LSB替换方法修改DCT域量化后AC系数以嵌入秘密数据。实验结果表明,该算法在保证较好透明性的同时,显著提高了JPEG图像隐藏容量,与其他同类算法相比,隐藏容量提高约21%。该方案可为互联网环境图像实时通信提供安全保障手段。 相似文献
提出了一种针对JPEG图像的通用隐写分析系统。首先对实验图像提取其在小波域的细节部分和近似部分系数的特征函数矩和实验图像的第一层小波分解后的对角子带D1再次进行分解所得到的细节部分和近似部分系数的特征函数矩作特征的有效性分析,通过对有效特征的选择和提取,得到一组训练集合,最后采用基于L-M算法的BP神经网络来进行分类。实验结果表明,这是一种有效的、高精度的盲检测方法,能够准确识别出JPEG图像是否含有隐密信息。 相似文献
JPEG images are widely used in a large range of applications. The properties of JPEG compression can be used for detection of forgery in digital images. The forgery in JPEG images requires the image to be resaved thereby, re-compression of image. Therefore, the traces of recompression can be identified in order to detect manipulation. In this paper, a method to detect forgery in JPEG image is presented and an algorithm is designed to classify the image blocks as forged or non-forged based on a particular feature present in multi-compressed JPEG images. The method performs better than the previous methods which use the probability based approach for detecting forgery in JPEG images. 相似文献
提出了一种基于DCT系数统计特性的JPEG图像定量隐写分析算法。该算法在对JPEG图像DCT系数的统计模型进行研究的基础上,提取了能够反映嵌入容量变化规律的特征参数[α]。以特征参数[α]为基础,提出了基于流形学习的特征提取算法,通过LIB-SVM分类器进行训练,估计隐写对DCT系数的更改比率。实验结果表明,与传统的定量分析算法相比,提出的算法具有更高的估计准确率和稳定性。 相似文献
改进的遗传模糊聚类算法对医学图像的分割 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用遗传算法全局随机搜索的特点,可以解决模糊C均值聚类(FCM)算法在医学图像分割中容易陷入局部最优解的问题,但确定遗传算法的初始搜索范围时,需要借助于人的经验。为此,用收敛速度快的硬聚类算法得到的聚类中心作为参考,上下浮动划出一个较小的数据范围,作为遗传算法的初始搜索空间。该方法在避免FCM算法陷入局部最优化的同时,也加速了遗传算法的收敛过程。实验表明,该方法相对于标准的遗传模糊算法,效果要好得多。 相似文献
Marcos I. Quintana Riccardo Poli Ela Claridge 《Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines》2006,7(1):81-102
This paper presents a Genetic Programming (GP) approach to the design of Mathematical Morphology (MM) algorithms for binary
images. The algorithms are constructed using logic operators and the basic MM operators, i.e. erosion and dilation, with a
variety of structuring elements. GP is used to evolve MM algorithms that convert a binary image into another containing just
a particular feature of interest. In the study we have tested three fitness functions, training sets with different numbers
of elements, training images of different sizes, and 7 different features in two different kinds of applications. The results
obtained show that it is possible to evolve good MM algorithms using GP. 相似文献
In this paper, we analyze steganography as one of the branches in the application of secret and secure communication. Starting with an overview of steganographic methods and techniques of concealing information in various data formats, we then introduce a new system of information transfer within Microsoft Word documents via JPEG images previously processed with a steganographic tool StegApp 1.1.0, developed by the authors. This steganographic tool is based on the transformation of the JPEG image with a domain transformation technique with parameters obtained by the discrete cosine transform. In order to check the level of protection and performance of the StegApp 1.1.0 tool, it is qualitatively compared to the commercial SteganPEG tool, which works and encodes data in JPEG images in a similar way. 相似文献
Pramanik Sabyasachi Singh R. P. Ghosh Ramkrishna 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(25-26):17463-17482
Multimedia Tools and Applications - The Internet is used for exchanging information. Sometimes it is required to transmit confidential data over the internet. Here the authors use image... 相似文献
针对24位BM P彩色图像RQP算法,提出一种改进的LSB隐写算法。在隐秘过程中将载体图像的像素按颜色值分为若干集合,将每个集合的所有像素作为统一整体进行信息隐藏。其核心思想是通过减小隐秘图像中单一颜色数和相邻颜色对数的相对变化,实现对RQ P隐写分析算法的抵抗能力。实验选取120幅24位BM P彩色图片作为载体进行信息隐藏,分析结果表明,该算法在保证一定隐藏容量的基础上,对RQ P隐写分析有较强的抵抗能力和视觉隐藏效果。 相似文献
基于视觉感知机理的大容量彩色图像盲隐写算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对现有彩色图像隐写算法大多将灰度图像的算法直接用于彩色通道,未能运用彩色视觉感知机理的问题,提出一种YUV空间上的、基于视觉感知机理的大容量彩色图像盲隐写算法。主要方法是在Y分量上通过标准差来分析载体图像的局部复杂性,利用视觉感知机理将信息分成两部分隐写于Y和V分量中,灵活性较差的U分量则作为隐写信息的通道指示器,无需大的改变。大量实验结果表明,所提算法与其他方法相比在嵌入大容量信息后依然能够保持很好的不可感知性,而且可以抵抗直方图对比和RS隐写分析方法,因而所提算法是合理、简洁、有效的。 相似文献
In this study, a novel quantum steganography algorithm based on LSBq for multi-wavelength quantum images is proposed. In this study, both the text and the binary image messages are embedded into the cover image. The results of simulations and analysis show that our algorithm satisfies the requirements of steganography algorithms. Also, we used modulo method and Hilbert scrambling method for the security of the hidden message. It is seen that an unauthorized person obtains meaningless information when attempting to extract a embedded information through known methods. The results show that the algorithm is robust against attack when several attacks are applied on the stego-image. Finally, we compare our proposed algorithm with the related works. The results of simulation show that the our proposed algorithm has many advantages according to the related algorithms. 相似文献
多智能体遗传二维Otsu法SAR图像变化检测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出一种基于多智能体遗传二维最大类间方差法的合成孔径雷达图像变化检测方法。采用阈值分割的思想,利用对数比值法构造差异影像;通过多智能体遗算法寻找变化和非变化类之间距离测度函数最大的全局阈值,得到变化检测结果。实验结果表明,与遗传算法、免疫克隆选择算法、多智能体遗传一维最大类间方差法、二维最大类间方差法相比,该算法可以快速、准确地得到变化检测结果。 相似文献
基于统计特征的JPEG图像通用隐写分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析了嵌入信息前后原始图像与隐密图像之间统计特征的差异,根据隐密图像,采用裁剪、重压缩的方法,得到图像F2来代替原始图像,利用15个向量函数提取出特征进行实验,并运用支持向量机(SVM)对待测图像分类,得到了较好的效果. 相似文献
提出了一种针对JPEG图像隐写的盲检测改进方法。直接把JPEG图像的DCT系数分解到小波域,计算出各个子带小波系数的一系列高阶统计特征。对得到小波高阶统计特征进行校准,以使统计特征能更好地反映信息嵌入以后的变化。校准后的统计特征作为图像最后的特征。应用基于核技巧的支持向量机SVM作为分类器,判断图像是否含有隐藏信息。针对两种典型的JPEG类嵌入方法Outguess和JP Hide & Seek进行了实验,结果表明该方法有效地实现了信息隐藏的盲检测分析。 相似文献
Song Xiaofeng Liu Fenlin Zhang Zhengui Yang Chunfang Luo Xiangyang Chen Liju 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(24):26391-26419
Multimedia Tools and Applications - To improve the detection accuracy for content-adaptive JPEG steganography, which often constrains the embedding changes to complex texture regions, a new... 相似文献