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Depth resolution of time-of-flight ERDA using a 4He beam (He TOF-ERDA) has been studied. The measurement system consists of a time detector of the ion transmission type and a silicon surface-barrier detector. Depth resolution was measured using samples of carbon layers on silicon wafers and 4He beams with energies between 3.5 and 10.1 MeV. The depth resolution of 6.0 ± 1.6 nm (FWHM) was obtained with a 3.5 MeV 4He incident beam. The measured depth resolution agreed with that evaluated by a calculation. Comparison with other methods such as heavy ion (HI) TOF-ERDA, resonant elastic scattering and nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) was performed. Depth resolution obtained by He TOF-ERDA is superior to that by NRA or resonant elastic scattering, and comparable to that by HI TOF-ERDA.  相似文献   

首先简要回顾了重离子束治癌在我国的兴起与发展的情况.随后着重介绍了重离子束治癌装置及部分关键技术:总体布局方案、束流引出模式、束流配送系统、束流旋转机架、辐照门控系统、PET成像等.  相似文献   

The formation energies of various defect configurations of He and H atoms in W were estimated based on the density functional theory. A special consideration was given to the coexistence of the He and H atoms at the presence of the vacancy and vacancy cluster in W. A single He atom favors a substitutional site, while a H atom spontaneously incorporates at an interstitial site with the negative formation energy. When He and H are present close to each other, they form an interstitial pair, occupying relaxed tetrahedral sites. When He, H and a vacancy coexist within a unit cell of W, however, He occupies the vacancy site then the Hesub-Htet pair is predicted to be the lowest energy configuration. At the presence of a nearby vacancy cluster, He atoms occupy the vacant space while H atoms move slightly toward W.  相似文献   

Deuterium retention in two types of polycrystalline tungsten (PCW) was studied as a function of incident ion fluence, ion energy, and specimen temperature. (i) D retention at 300 K, as a function of D+ fluence, demonstrated a trend to saturation in both the Rembar hot-rolled thin foil and Plansee tungsten plate. At 500 K, new D retention results for the Plansee PCW showed an increasing trend with increasing incident D+ fluence without any indication of saturation, in agreement with previous results for Rembar PCW [A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, M. Poon, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, J. Nucl. Mater. 258-263 (1998) 889-895]. Even when the incident D+ fluence was increased to 8 × 1025 D+/m2, which is in the fluence range of plasma devices, there was still no sign of saturation. (ii) The temperature dependence results for the Plansee PCW show a decreasing trend in D retention as the temperature is increased from 300 to 500 K. These results differ from previous studies of Rembar PCW [A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, M. Poon, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, J. Nucl. Mater. 258-263 (1998) 889-895], but are similar to those seen for single crystal tungsten [M. Poon, A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis, R.G. Macaulay-Newcombe, J. Nucl. Mater. 313-316 (2003) 199]; an explanation for the different behaviour is suggested. (iii) Varying the D+ energy from 100 to 500 eV/D+ plays a minor role in the amount of D retained, suggesting that D retention in W depends more on the W structure, incident ion fluence and specimen temperature, rather than on the incident ion energy when the energy is below the threshold for damage formation (∼960 eV for D on W).  相似文献   

Vacancy-type defects induced by the co-implantation of He and H ions in China low activation martensitic (CLAM) steel at room temperature were investigated by variable-energy position beam Doppler broadening spectra (DBS). The co-implantation occurred in two patterns. In one pattern, He ions were implanted before H ions; the other pattern was of the opposite sequence. Both He- and H-vacancy complexes were formed for pre-implanted He and H at different fluences. He–H-vacancy complexes were formed for pre-implanted He, which caused the S parameter of the pre-implanted He to be smaller than that of H at the lowest fluence. The defect density increased with increased fluence for the two implanted patterns, and the difference between the S parameters of pre-implanted H and He decreased with increased fluence. Nanovoids containing a few He atoms were the dominating defects at high implanted fluences for the two kinds of implantation.  相似文献   

China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel was irradiated at room temperature with different doses of He+ and H+ ion beams. TEM indicated that the microstructure of unirradiated CLAM steel consisted of laths, grain boundaries, dislocations and carbides. Electron diffraction patterns revealed that the microstructure of carbides at grain boundaries was primarily dominated by M23C6 carbide. Vacancy clusters were induced into the matrix after irradiation. TEM-EDX of carbides and matrices of unirradiated and post-irradiated samples were performed to investigate the composition of carbides and the effect of irradiation on the composition of carbides. Carbides from unirradiated and irradiated specimens at grain boundaries were found to be enriched with Cr. For irradiated specimens, concentrations of Cr increased as the irradiation dose was increased. Cr enrichment could lead to precipitation of additional phase.  相似文献   

头发是人体内重金属元素的排泄器官之一,头发中的重金属元素含量是体内重金属含量的一种反映。由于头发收集、运输、保存和处理较为方便,被检测对象也乐于接受,因此,国内外有关头发分析的报道很多。 随着工业的发展和文明建设的需要,对环境污染引起的疾病日益重视。职业病是环境医学的一个重要方面,而重金属元素的危害又是职业病的一个主要因素。众所周知,人体对各  相似文献   

Korea has developed a Helium Cooled Ceramic Reflector (HCCR) Test Blanket Module (TBM) testing in ITER, which was considered one of the fusion DEMO-relevant blankets in Korea. The design and performance analysis of the TBM body have been carried out considering the uniqueness of the KO TBM and design requirements by the IO and KO design concept: (1) KO TBM has 4 sub-modules considering a post irradiation test (PIE) and its delivery. (2) A first wall (FW) design was changed into a 15 × 11 rectangular shape and its performance was confirmed by thermal-hydraulic and thermo-mechanical analyses using commercial ANSYS code. The results showed that the revised design model satisfied 1.5Sm and 3Sm of the allowable stress (Sm) in the RCC-MR code at the maximum stress region of the components for mechanical and thermo-mechanical analyses, respectively. (3) Considering the tritium breeding and cooling, a breeding zone (BZ) design was investigated. Three Li and Be layers, and one graphite layer, were proposed by the iteration, and the appropriate temperature distribution was obtained. The design for other components such as a side wall (SW) and back manifold (BM) is on-going considering 9 MPa of channel pressure and its functions of flow distribution as a manifold.  相似文献   

A method for Cu and S profiling in patina layers was developed by applying a combination of nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS). The copper profiling was performed by using the 1327 keV γ-ray deexciting the third excited state to the ground state of 63Cu produced by the reaction 63Cu(p,pγ)63Cu. For the determination of sulphur the 2230 keV γ-ray was used deexciting the first excited state to the ground state of 32S formed through the reaction 32S(p,pγ)32S, which exhibits three sharp resonances at projectile energies 3.094, 3.195 and 3.379 MeV. The relevant cross-sections were measured in the energy range between 3.0 and 3.7 MeV in steps of 20 keV at 125° to the incident proton beam direction. The technique was tested using artificially produced and natural copper patina layers. Supporting information on the depth distribution of the constituent elements of the patina samples was obtained by p-RBS (Ep: 1.5 MeV, θ: 160°).  相似文献   

分析女性乳腺癌及宫颈癌患者外周血在接受不同剂量碳离子束与X射线辐射前后淋巴细胞亚群数值的变化。抽取5例宫颈癌、5例女性乳腺癌患者的外周静脉血,经照射后(设未接受辐射组、1、2 GyE碳离子束组、及1、2 Gy的X射线组)进行淋巴细胞亚群检测。采用独立样本t检验,分别对两组离体血样本进行CD3~+、CD8~+、CD4~+、NK细胞、B细胞、CD4~+/CD8~+两两组间对比,分析数值变化情况。结果显示:两组离体血在接受不同射线、不同剂量照射后,淋巴细胞亚群检测结果差异无显著性的意义(p0.05);接受高线性传能密度(Linear energy transfer,LET)碳离子照射时,乳腺癌组中CD4~+值随剂量增加而升高,宫颈癌组数值则表现出相反的趋势;接受6 MV-X射线照射时,宫颈癌组中NK细胞数值随剂量增加而下降,而乳腺癌组则相反;接受碳离子束照射时,两病种受到1 GyE照射后NK细胞数值均较未照射组数值升高,2 GyE则均较未照射组数值下降。结果提示:女性生殖系统最常见两种恶性肿瘤离体外周血对高LET碳离子和低LET的6 MV-X射线照射表现出了不同的免疫应答反应。  相似文献   

Improved radiation hydrodynamics 1-D simulations were performed with the BUCKY code using new models for the plasma-wall interface and for ion source term transport. The new models were used to investigate the thermal response and ion implantation in a tungsten armor shell at a radius of 10.5 m with a thickness of 1 mm, which correspond to the nominal parameters for the high average power laser (HAPL) reactor target chamber. The simulations were performed using a chamber buffer gas of xenon at pressures of 8 μTorr and 8 mTorr. Two direct-drive target explosions were simulated: a 343 MJ empty foam target and a 365 MJ Pd-Au coated target. The simulations were run to 12.5 μs to ensure that all of the simulated ions were stopped in the tungsten armor. Surface temperature peaks due to X-rays, debris ions and kinetic ions were found for both the empty foam and the Pd-Au coated targets. Ion implantation results from the BUCKY simulations were compared to SRIM simulations of the same ion spectra to assess the validity of using BUCKY to estimate ion stopping in the tungsten armor. Parametric calculations were performed to ascertain the effect of buffer gas pressure on surface temperature rise in the tungsten armor.  相似文献   

用质子激发X荧光分析和扫描电子显微镜与切片技术相结合对能量为 2 0 0keV的钒离子注入花生后的浓度 -深度分布进行了测定 ,注入剂量为 9× 10 16/cm2 。结果显示 ,钒离子注入花生后的浓度 -深度分布与离子注入金属、半导体中的分布有明显的差异 :离子的射程歧离很大 ,少数离子的射程延伸到很深的区域。这种分布特征可能与植物种子具有疏松的结构有关。  相似文献   

A nondestructive instrumental neutron activation analysis with high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry of long-lived radionuclides was developed and used for measurement of trace element contents in samples of bone to determine health and diseases. Using this method, the silver(Ag), cobalt(Co), chromium(Cr), iron(Fe), mercury(Hg), rubidium(Rb), antimony(Sb), selenium(Se), and zinc(Zn) mass fractions were estimated in bone samples from 27 patients with intact bone(12 females and 15 males, aged from 16 to 49 years) who had died from various non-bone-related causes, mainly unexpected traumas,and from 5 patients with chondroma(2 females and 3males, 15–42 years old), obtained from open biopsies or after operation. The reliability of the differences in the results between intact bone and bone affected by chondroma was evaluated by a parametric Student's t test and a nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test. It was found that in the bone affected by chondroma, the mean mass fractions of Co, Cr, Fe, Se, Sb, and Zn were significantly higher than in normal bone tissues. In the neoplastic bone, many correlations between trace elements found in the control group were no longer evident. This work revealed that there is asignificant disturbance of the trace element metabolism in bone affected by chondroma.  相似文献   

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