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The radiation induced changes taking place in α-phased poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) films exposed to gamma rays were investigated in correlation with the applied doses. Samples were irradiated in vacuum at room temperature by a 1.25 MeV Co60 source with the doses in the range of 0–300 kGy. Optical and chemical properties of the irradiated as well as un-irradiated PVDF films were studied using UV–visible and FTIR techniques. Gamma irradiation was found to induce changes vary depending on the radiation dose.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of post-annealing temperature on blister formation and growth in ion-implanted H in Si 〈1 0 0〉. Ion energy levels of 40 and 100 keV and fluences of 2 × 1016 and 5 × 1016 cm−2 were investigated. Post-annealing treatments were performed using the furnace annealing (FA) method with temperatures ranging from 200 to 600 °C for a duration of 1 h. Raman scattering spectroscopy (RSS), optical microscopy (OM), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) were employed to explore the mechanisms behind the smart cut technique. The results revealed that variations among the transformation of the VH3 (or V2H6) defect complex phase into the Si(1 0 0):H bonding configuration phase (RSS results), the appearance of optically detectable blisters and craters (OM results), the average depth of craters (AFM results), the trapping of hydrogen atoms and gettering of oxygen atoms (SIMS results), and the damaged microstructures (XTEM results) against post-annealing temperature were in close correspondence. It was also found that the optimal post-annealing temperature for blister formation and growth was 550 °C.  相似文献   

The existence of proton halo in some proton-rich nuclei far from stability line was predicted by the relativistic mean-field model and nuclear shell model. Up to date, the proton halos in 8B, 26,27P, as well as possibly in 28P, 23Al have been confirmed ex…  相似文献   

宏观-微观模型预言,在Z=108存在强的质子形变壳,而相应的中子壳位于N=162,预计^270Hs是一“双幻数”形变核。因此,实验上合成^270Hs,进而研究其核结构将很有意义。然而超重核合成截面很低,在pb(10^-12barn)数量级,因而难度大。为了能成功的合成超重核,选择最佳弹靶组合和轰击能量至关重要。本工作将提出合成超重核^270Hs的最佳反应。  相似文献   

This paper describes equilibrium orbit and stability of negative hydrogen ions (H) on a four sector of tight design giving 30 MeV protons. We simulated radial and vertical changes of main magnetic field of Cyclone-30 by multi degree and Fourier functions. Based on measured main magnetic field by IBA (Ion Beam Application), we calculated coefficients of these functions and investigate equilibrium orbit and stability includes Betetatron frequency, radial and vertical motion and etc. Advanced graphical tools of MATLAB give good visualization features to created models. The simulation results are in good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

The interaction of Cr precipitates with a ½〈1 1 1〉 screw dislocation in bcc Fe is studied using molecular static calculations to evaluate the contributions from different strengthening mechanisms. The total interaction energy of the precipitate and the dislocation, the surface energy created due to the precipitate shearing and the shear modulus misfit interaction energy were estimated separately. Based on these data the shear modulus misfit was concluded to be the main mechanism determining the precipitate resisting force for the passage of a ½〈1 1 1〉 screw dislocation.  相似文献   

The fission cross sections of 246Cm, 247Cm, and 248Cm isotopes measured with an SVZ-100 spectrometer, based on neutron moderation in lead, at the Institute of Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences are analyzed. The area of the resolved resonances is calculated, and their neutron and fission widths are determined. The results are compared with existing data and recommended evaluations.  相似文献   

The absolute K-shell ionization cross-sections of S, Ca and Zn by 7–30 keV electron impact have been measured. The targets were prepared by evaporating the compounds ZnS and CaF2 to the thick pure carbon substrates. The effects of multiple scattering of electrons penetrating the target films, electrons reflected from the thick pure carbon substrates and Bremsstrahlung photons produced when incident electrons impacted on the targets are corrected by using Monte Carlo method. The uncertainties of our measured K-shell ionization cross-sections are, respectively, ~13% for S, ~15% for Ca and ~12% for Zn. The experimental results were compared with some theoretical results and available experimental data from the literature. The experimental data for S K-shell ionization cross-sections by 7–30 keV electron impact are given here for the first time.  相似文献   

Thesimulationspecimensofthebreederreactor'scontrolrodareputintothethermalconvectionsodiumloop,andtheoutofpiletestsforB4C/Na/S.S.systemchemicalcompati-bilityareperformedat550℃,theeffectsofthetestperiodandoxygencontentinsodiumonthecompatibilitycharactersar…  相似文献   

Creep-to-rupture experiments were performed on 9%-Cr ferritic–martensitic steel P92 in the CRISLA facility. The specimens of P92 were examined at 650 °C and static tensile stress between 75 and 325 MPa in both stagnant lead with 10?6 mass% dissolved oxygen and air. The steel showed an insignificant difference in time-to-rupture, tR, and ductile fracture in both environments at >100 MPa, corresponding to tR < 3,442 h. At 75 MPa in Pb (tR = 13,090 h), the steel, however, featured purely brittle fracture pointing to liquid metal embrittlement. Structural changes in the steel and surface oxidation in the different environments were studied using metallographic techniques. The Laves phase that forms during thermal aging at 650 °C was found along prior austenite grain boundaries and martensite laths already after relatively short testing time, along with chromium carbides that are already present in the as-received condition of the steel.  相似文献   

No. Meetings Topics Speakers 1 Program of the 5th workshop between China and Korea on radioactive waste management and nuclear fuel recycle, 2004.9, Xi’an, China Development of a pedestrian special nuclear material mother ZHANG Wenliang 2 International…  相似文献   

I《High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics》,VOI.25,2001(l)Systematics oflsomenc cross section ratio forneutron-Inducedreactlons HUANG Xiao-long(2)Investigation ofProPertles ofexotlc nuclei In relatlvlstlc hartree-fock theory No.4,p,309. ***N印0  相似文献   

No. Meetings Topics Speakers 1 Fist International Conference on Recent Advances of Bifurcation Theory and Application, 2005.7.8-12, Jinhua Bifurcation, Intermittency, and Dynamical Synchroniza- tion in Complex Networks FANG Jin-qing 2 Strategic Planning…  相似文献   

1 Foreign Med. Sci:Sec Radiat. Med. Nucl. Med., Vol.29, 2005 1) The current status of 18F-FLT as a proliferation tracer, No.5, p.227. WANG Ming-fang(Nanfang PET Center, Nanfang Hospital, south Medical University) , LUO Zhi-fu 2 Chin. J. Med. Imaging Tec…  相似文献   

1 Proceedings of An experimental study of Chen Yuzhou, NUKETH-10 frictional pressure drop in tubes Yang Chunsheng, with single phase flow Zou Ling  相似文献   

1 《Science and Technology in China》, 2004 1) Progress in nuclear power-fast breeder reactor, p.30. XIAO Xunze2 《Modern Scientific Instruments》 1) Determination of multi-elements in biological sample by technology of microwave digestion, No.5, p.37. …  相似文献   

1.《HighEnergyPhysicsandNuclearPhysics》,Vol.24,2000(1)InfluenceoftheK-mesonsabsorptiontotheirproductionintheheavy-ioncollisions,No.1,p.49.LiQingfeng,LiZhuxiaetal(2)MicrocanonicalensembleanalysisofALADINcaloriccurve,No.1,p.60.ChenFence(FujianEducationInst…  相似文献   

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